📜 Essays on History


State and Society in Spanish America

Introduction In his book, State and Society in Spanish America during the Age of Revolution, Victor Uribe-Uran, considers the period between 1760 -1850 to be a period of deep-seated transformations. Other authors had different names for the same period. For instance, palmer referred to this period as the Age of...


The Causes of the Cold War

In 1945, the joint forces of the allies managed to defeat the Axis, which resulted in the end of World War II. However, the Soviet Union and the United States had different opinions concerning the world structure, and it led to significant geopolitical tension between the nations. The USSR wanted...


Early Reform Movements and American Civil War

Introduction American history is rich and fascinating. The American civil war is one of the most significant historical events. The reform movement and the industrial revolution are also very important aspects of American history. This paper will look at the early reform movements and the causes of the American civil...


Chapters 11-20 of David Potter’s “Impending Crisis”

Introduction David Potter, in his book, “The Impending Crisis,” analyzed in detail issues, events, and personalities that occurred in American history between 1848 and 1861. The author explored the genesis and impacts of the conflict between the South and the North. Potter argued that although the Northerners and Southerners had...


The Great Depression History

Introduction The Great Depression was a landmark event in the history of the United States that also influenced the flow of the global history. Starting with Black Thursday (October 24, 1929) and the Stock Market Crash, the Great Depression unravelled with such events as the increase of unemployment rates, farmers...


Modern Visions of the American Civil War

The history of any country is a chain of events that aftersound in people’s hearts for quite a long time. The Civil War hit the United States in the middle of the nineteenth century. Although it finished more than one hundred and fifty years ago, it remains quite an interesting...


Toronto Athenaeum Club in Canadian Labor History

Nowadays, Canada belongs to the number of countries having a relatively high quality of life, and it is possible to suppose that this fact clearly relates to the rich history of the Canadian labor market. The given sphere of social life in Canada presents an interesting research subject because the...


Role of Women in the Arabian Gulf

Introduction Today, the progress of the Middle East turns out to be an example for many nations. The region of the Arabian Gulf, including such basin countries as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, and Iraq, represents the world’s biggest offshore oil and gas field.1...


Slavery and Its Legend in North America

Introduction The history of slavery in the United States dates back to the beginning of the 17th century when the shores of Virginia first welcomed a ship full of captive Africans. While the patterns that slavery took in the United States may reminisce of those present in other countries, one...


Marriage and Adultery Laws of Emperor Augustus

Introduction Gaius Octavius, popularly known as Emperor Augustus, is considered one of the most important rulers of Rome. He is the individual credited with the founding of the Roman Empire in 27BC after the collapse of the Roman Republic. Augustus was able to overcome the social and political upheaval prevalent...


Feminist Pro-Porn During Sex Wars in the 1970-80s

Introduction Feminist Sex Wars of the 1970s and 1980s were acrimonious debates about a number of issues relating to sex and the role of women in this context. In the debate that was uniquely feminist in nature, the focus was on various issues about sex and how different members of...


Law and Justice in Ancient Societies

Introduction In the ancient world, law and justice were used to maintain peace and harmony between people living in different societies. These laws were used to judge citizens of territories where ancient empires had acquired authority to administer as the dominant source of government. Ancient laws and justice systems were...


The Rise of the Civil Society in Cambodia

Introduction Civil society organizations in Cambodia started in the 1990s. Various agencies that brought about the civic societies in the country include the UN Transitional Authority (UNTC). What followed was a quick expansion of media outlets such radio, foreign, and opposition newspapers. Since then, the country has been experiencing a...


The Civil War: Causes and Effects

Introduction Many political events characterized the crisis that precipitated the Civil War (1861-1865). In the early 1850s, the Kansas-Nebraska Act was enacted giving the former colony sovereign power to decide on whether to abolish or allow African slavery (Kelly 91). This single event turned Kansas into a battlefield pitting the...


Important Events in the Money History

Introduction The advent and use of money have been a revelation in the world. In fact, the significance of money has outweighed its limitations. The use of money has contributed to the development and globalization of the world. Despite many upheavals, money has transcended to become one of the most...


Chinese Americans’ Issues in the US and California

The primary dilemma of any minority community is and always has been, whether to keep themselves inside the boundaries of the community or to integrate with the majority, which is the major issue of American-Chinese relationships. The two different claims of “belonging” in the 1936 Chinese American essay contests The...


Intelligence Community History in the USA

Introduction The United States Intelligence Community, commonly referred to as IC, refers to a joint association of seventeen distinguished United States administration outfits that operate independently and jointly to carry out intelligence operations. These operations are essential for the performance of overseas affairs and the safeguard of the state-run safety...


The American Revolution

Slave trade was crucial to the colonialists during the colonial times. It supplied slaves that provided manpower to their farms. Despite its essence, African slaves were not many. Majority of the colonial masters had not agreed on enslaving Africans because they related them with the indentured white servants that were...


British East India Company and Its Control over India

Introduction British East India Company was one of the most successful establishments in the history of the Queen’s empire. It was founded on December 31, 1600. It is one of the legacies associated with Queen Elizabeth 1. The aim of the organization was to compete with Dutch East Company for...


Decolonization of British and French West Africa

Introduction and background History records that European interests and contacts with West Africa started as early as the fifteenth century (Johnston 2011, p.98). Okoth (2006, p.210) points out that European contacts with West Africa can be traced back to this period when traders from Portugal started linking with people of...


Women in the Civil Rights Movement

Viewpoint: Women actively participated in the civil rights movement. This participation also shaped the role of future generations of women later on, in America and other parts of the World. Evidence Women sacrificed their lives and fought determinedly, asking for a social revolution. Unfortunately their efforts have been overlooked. Apart...


The USA and Other Countries During the Cold War

Introduction The Cold War was a great event in global history. The opposition of two leading superstates was crucial for that period as almost all countries were involved in the conflict and were affected by the blistering deterioration of relations between the USA and the USSR. The scale of the...


Women’s Lives and Their Experiences

Introduction Women are important individuals in our societies since they contribute in promoting the execution of social and economic activities. Their roles cannot be ignored in any setting since their input in various facets of operation is significant towards performance enhancement. Indeed, any nation that aspires to record exemplary performance...


Best Generals of the Civil War

Introduction The American Civil War lasted for four years but left on its trail devastating destruction of property and life that will later take decades to rebuild. While there are other reasons for the start of the war, the main reason that led the southern states to call for secession...


American Racial Prejudice and Racism

Introduction Racial discrimination has remained a controversial issue throughout the evolution of America’s history. Inequality, prejudice, and racial disparities have developed across a number of areas such as family formation, employment levels, ethnic violence, housing, health, schooling, judicial rulings, and incarceration rates. The United States is a nation of immigrants....


The United States Foreign Policy

The results of the World War II and the termination of the Cold War made the United States of America the world’s superpower. Foreign policy played a crucial role in gaining the stable leading position in the world and establishing the dominance in many areas. Post World War II Presidents...


American Revolution History: the Boston Tea Party

Introduction The Boston Tea Party refers to a political protest organized to oppose the Tea Act that had been ratified in 1773 and that imposed what people referred to as unfair taxes on colonists in Massachusetts (Carp 34). The protest involved Sons of Liberty, an organization that had been founded...


Changes in East Asia after World War II

Introduction The Second World War was the most devastating and extensive war ever carried out by mankind. This war, which took place from 1939 to 1945, involved almost all nations in the world, and it led to the loss of millions of civilian and troop lives. The major outcome of...


Chinese Communist Party

Introduction Historians regard 1949 as the most significant year in Modern Chinese history. In this year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was able to defeat the ruling Kuomintang (KMT) and successfully establish the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under Chairman Mao. This victory had resounding repercussions on the lives of...


Abraham Lincoln’s Leadership During the Civil War

Introduction When Abraham Lincoln ran for the position of the President of the United States (in 1860), the time of his election was one of the most consequential periods in American history. After his election, the Southern states did not agree with the choice of the President, thinking that he...


Women’s Role in the Victorian Society

Introduction The Victorian era refers to a period in Great Britain under the rule of Queen Victoria. This period was between 1837 and 1901. There are endless debates regarding the place of women in this society (Broadview Press 96; Thomas 1-3). These debates not only outline the origin of discussions...


The Cold War and the United States Response

What was the Cold War? How did the United States respond? Among people who lived in the second half of the twentieth century, a word-combination “cold war” is strongly associated with the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union after the Second World War. At that time, the...


English East India Company and the Great Rebellion of 1857

Introduction Civilization mission is one of the major factors used to justify colonization. It involves the spread of western culture to indigenous communities. Its pedigree can be traced to the middle ages in the Christian tradition. At the time, the European colonial powers saw people from other nations as inferior...


Chinese Americans: History and Discrimination

The Chinese have been living in USA since the eighteenth century, though some claim that they have been living there from as early as the seventeenth century. In the middle of the nineteenth century, there was great migration of the Chinese due to abundance of gold in California, while others...


African Studies: Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence

Introduction The historical and current treatment of black women since the years of slavery until today, the devaluation of women in the U.S. society, and the idea that protecting women against violence is the burden of women have created a culture that fosters and accepts domestic violence and intimate partner...


Africans in America – the Growth of Slavery in the 1600s and 1700s

Introduction American slavery involved the ownership of persons who were subjected to work without consent and contracts. The southern side focused on cash crop cultivation as the main economic activity while the northern side agricultural activities were less. In the north, slaves were used in domestic work and skilled crafts...


Discrimination in the United States of America

The United States of America has experienced an impressive change from the discrimination which was common in the country up to the 20th century. Various personalities like Martin Luther King Junior died while fighting discrimination in society. The society was suffering from the chronic disease of social discrimination that was...