☯️ Essays on Philosophy - Page 2


Educational Research: Philosophical Approaches

Abstract This article offers a critical review of the philosophical approaches in educational research. In order to bring out the point clearly, the article illustrates the basic research processes and their philosophical basis. It is shown that the limitations posed by one method of inquiry prompted the development of another....


Karl Marx vs Max Weber: Differing Views on Social Class

Introduction Karl Marx and Max Weber had differing views on social class, thus contributing a lot to the field of sociology in several ways. Basically, the most important contribution the two made can be reflected in their unique and separate approaches to the theory of social class that leads to...


‘Altered Representations’ Research Project

Introduction I am grateful for an opportunity to present my thesis proposal on my selected research problem. I believe my properly timed research study will enable me to put into practice my research skills learnt in classroom as well as acquire new ones. It will also add value to the...


Pragmatism and Its Impact on Public Administration

Introduction The philosophy of pragmatism has brought significant changes into the world of science having presented research, knowledge and the truth from a new perspective. These changes can be concisely articulated by the quote from (Miller, 2004), “All pragmatists want to develop knowledge that works” (p.245). Pragmatism has influenced the...


Ideology and Social Movements in China

The state of ideology in China The role of ideology has been taken in different ways in China. It has remained to be a long-lasting problem in the social aspect of revolution. There is diversity in how ideology is approached and this has concealed its fundamental effects. The social structural...


Categorical Imperative and Consequentialism

According to Kant law controls whole nature and everything in nature exist under certain laws. Wise people are supposed to behave according to the rules of the law and its values. This competencey is called will. As the reason is must for the origin of actions from law, will is...


What Is Philosophy?

The Oxford Dictionary defines Philosophy as the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. However, philosophy means much more than this basic definition encompassing a vast body of work and this essay examines the various aspects of what is philosophy. Philosophy deals with the fundamental questions about...


Corporatism History and Causes

Executive Summary Corporatism is redefined to include Functional Corporatism and Ideological Corporatism with a further sub-division into Neo-corporatism, Experimental Corporatism, Ideological Corporatism and Historical Corporatism. This paper attempts to provide a broad definition of Corporatism together with the history and causes for the emergence of corporatist state structure. While detailing...


Articles by Rene Descartes Review

Rene Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist who lived between 1596 and 1650. Often called the father of modern philosophy, Descartes introduced a shift in thinking from the empiricist school of thought in which people believed all knowledge ultimately comes to us through our senses to the rationalist...


“Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview” by Moreland and Craig

Before one can say one truly believes in the existence of God and the reliability of a given religion, one must seriously question where these beliefs come from and how one will interpret their fundamental instructions. While some may be content to simply rely on the basic idea that the...


Epistemology: Philosophy of Knowledge

Introduction Philosophies are schools of thought, brought up by people who wish to go into the depth of things and analyze with their own outlook. They are not influenced by other’s thoughts, but come out with a new and significant expression pertaining to a certain area considered for study. All...


“New Testament Theology” by Howard Marshall.

Introduction There are numerous books presenting as many different theologies regarding the New Testament on the market today. Choosing one can often be confusing. However, one author continues to appear on the shelves with approachable concepts and conversational language making these ideas easily accessible and understandable. With 20 books now...


Constructing a Social System Theory

This essay presents and critiques the social system theories presented in the “Sane Society” by Fromm and the “Ethics for the New Millennium” by the Dalai Lama. Both Fromm (1990, p.3) and Dalai Lama (1999, p. 2) indicate dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in society. Having indicated what is...


Western Philosophy Explained

Introduction The history of contemporary Western philosophy seeks its roots in the works and philosophies presented by Thales (ca. 640-546 B.C.), Anaximander (ca. 610-546 B.C.) and Anaxagoras (488?-428 B.C.) Thales is stated as the founder of naturalistic orientation in logic as well as the first person to introduce mathematics, geometry...


Philosophy of Body and Mind

In the ancient world, people believed that our mind was simply a part of our brain and consciousness, a chance event of evolution. But it has now become evident that our consciousness and awareness are extremely complicated and not simple a part of the brain. Our brain acknowledges our consciousness,...


“The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli

“The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli is a historic work dedicated to Lorenzo de’ Medici, the ruler of Florence. The book consists of 26 chapters with a separate plot development. This work is a primary document which contains a lot of historical information about Italy. It helps to understand the values...


“A Theory of Justice” Book by John Rawls

Introduction A Theory of Justice is one of the most prominent pieces of literature in political and moral philosophy. Through his deliberate attempt, Rawls tries to formulate a specific philosophy of justice that constitutes political compositions prepared for justice and personal liberty. The author’s concern is to express the way...


The Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes

Introduction The American Government today is noted for being one of the most powerful governments in the world and considered a model for third world countries. It is also renowned for being the second largest democracy in the world. The federal government of the United States was not conceived based...


Philosophical Issue: Should Abortion Be Legal?

Introduction Abortion is the expulsion of a fetus or embryo from a female’s uterus, which leads to the termination of an existing pregnancy. An abortion can be either induced or spontaneous, in which case it is termed as a miscarriage. A miscarriage occurs when there are complications during the pregnancy...


The Problem of Evil in Philosophy

Explain the dreaming argument and the evil genius argument in Descartes’ Meditations I and II. The dreaming argument that Descartes discusses in his Mediations is an example of one of his arguments that challenged the reliability of sense perception (Descartes and Moriarty 13). Descartes reasoned that being asleep and dreaming...


Ethics and Law: Descartes’s Rationalism

Relationship between morals, ethics, and laws Jurisprudence is the philosophy considering the relationship between morals, ethics, and laws. In the regulation of public relations, the law interacts with morality and ethics (Wendel, 2014). Every law case requires not only the comprehensive analysis of the situation but also the identification of...


Politics of Location

People can describe themselves using various categories of social identity. Such aspects of social identity define a person’s position in his or her specific community. This fact explains why such aspects of identity will dictate a person’s social power. As well, the social construction of identity has the potential to...


Operant Conditioning in Learning Philosophy

What is operant conditioning? Operant conditioning refers to a type of learning where a person’s conduct is changed through its consequences (Henry, 2010). The conduct may be altered in kind, regularity, or intensity. Operant conditioning is a phrase that was formulated by a person called Skinner. It is concerned with...


Free Will in D’holbach’s Philosophy of Religion

Explain What D’holbach Means A critical review and analysis of his thoughts depicts the sense of a great determinist. According to this thought, most choices inherent to man emanate from situations beyond their control. The basic implication in this assumption is that there are other fundamental determinants. Particularly, this relates...


Religion Philosophy: Aquinas’s and Hume’s Theories

Second Way Aquinas’s argument for the existence of God in “The Second Way” The argument of Aquinas is based on the concept of cause and effect wherein all present and future events, objects, and even people are categorized under the concept of an effect that come about as a result...


Chris McCandless and David Thoreau’s Ideas

Introduction Chris McCandless does not pass as an ordinary person; no, he is a complicated person living a life defined by his principles; not by society. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer tackles McCandless’s life; starting with the discovery of McCandless’s dead body in a bus, Krakauer takes a journey...


Meanings in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

The Parable of the Cave, which is also known as the Allegory of the Cave, is an allegory used by a Greek philosopher Plato in his work, the Republic. In his work, he illustrates our nature in education where he uses fiction and dialogue of his teacher Socrates and his...


The Four Principles of Justice by Michael Sandel

The United States is experiencing a social crisis. The problem is characterized by young students armed with handguns, corporate greed, and families caving in because of financial difficulties. Sandel a legal expert asserted that the American public must reinterpret concepts of liberty, prosperity, equality, and human rights. He said that...


Aristotle and Modern Work Relationships

Introduction In the contemporary world, every person does something to obtain some fruitful outcome. According to Aristotle, the best outcome of any human activity is happiness. Therefore, in the process of working, people ought to employ ethical practices that generate happiness for all the stakeholders involved. Aristotle’s ethical ideas recommend...


Sciences, Nature, and Religion Intertwining

“And Yet It Moves!”: What It Takes to Be a Scientist If one is a genius, the others call him a lunatic – this is one of the saddest life axioms. Like the genii of all times, Galileo Galilei was mistakenly considered a weird man – which, perhaps, saved his...


Themes in Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave”

Introduction Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” is one of the most well-known philosophical passages. In this excerpt from The Republic, the philosopher raises several serious questions and offers their analysis in the form of a dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon (Plato, 1961). Such aspects of people’s lives as ignorance...


Plato’s Allegory of the Cave: Summary and Meaning

Identify and describe the four main parts of Plato’s Cave. Show how each part has relevance to your life. Be very specific about places, dates, and people Plato’s story is an allegory that is still relevant in the modern world. Moreover, it can successfully describe any individual’s life as people face...