🧘‍♀️ Essays on Psychology - Page 5


Time Management Skills

Introduction Time management is one of the most important elements that one should focus on his or her quest to achieve personal and career development goals. Various factors highlight the need to manage time effectively. According to De Janasz et al. (2006), individuals face varying demand for time in order...


Stereotypical Experiences and Discriminatory Behavior

My Stereotyping Experience One of the things that make human life intriguing and to some extent captivating is the diversity and variation exhibited by people as a result of their differing cultures, jobs, personalities, and physical appearance. However, there exists great misinformation and at times, we tend to overgeneralize and...


Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism

Introduction In 1943, Leo Kanner described a developmental disorder in his article that sampled a case of eleven children (Corsello 2005; Levy, Ae-Hwa & Melissa, 2006). Since then, this research has inspired many scholars to examine the condition to curb its ever-increasing prevalence among young children. The evidence of this...


Mental Illness in Children and Its Effects on Parents

Abstract The prevalence of mental illnesses among children in the United States has been increasing over the decades (Song, Mailick, & Greenberg, 2014). A fifth of the adolescents in the United States are affected by these conditions. Notably, the most common illnesses reported include anxiety and substance use disorders. While...


Behavior Change in Learning Processes

Introduction Learning is an uninterrupted process that is influenced by changing behavior throughout the life of an individual. In 1938, BF Skinner suggested that the primary changers of behavior included the environment, reinforcement, and punishment. This essay provides an overview of various theories that lead to a change in behavior...


Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Child Development Theories

Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories are considered valuable contributions to developmental research. Piaget’s approach is grounded in the context of the learning experience, particularly, the assimilation and accommodation principles (Crain, 2014). Assimilation presupposes taking new experience into thought without forming a new concept, and accommodation involves creating a new idea. Meanwhile,...


Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems?

Introduction Since the 1999 merciless shooting of students in Colorado High School by their fellow students, a lot of questions have arisen on the effect of violent video games on people’s overall behavior. This is because, as per investigations, the two used to play numerous violent games such as Wolfenstein...


Psychological Testing, Its Ethical and Legal Issues

Ethical issues associated with psychological testing A major ethical issue which is associated with psychological testing is the use of informed consent. To obtain a voluntary consent to an assessment is a very crucial component of psychological testing. The client is entitled to get information concerning the purpose of testing,...


Psychology’s Diverse Nature

Introduction Psychology encompasses the study of human mental processes, behaviors, and emotions. It can substantially contribute to understanding of human relationships and actions. The study of human behaviors, experiences, and mental processes occur in diverse socio-cultural contexts making psychology a diverse field of study. Its theories and principles are applicable...


Therapeutic Alliance Importance and Implications

Man has been faced with both physical and psychological challenges that have necessitated the provision of appropriate care. Various therapeutic measures, therefore, have been developed to address these medical challenges. Psychotherapeutic intervention is one of the most developed and has helped in taking care of mental or emotional problems. It...


Family and Individual Therapy Modalities

Abstract Modalities are agents of factors that have an impact on a patient. These modalities are employed by therapists in directing the perspectives of their clients or patients. The choice of therapy is dictated by the type of client and the particular issues affecting the client. A single modality approach...


Autism: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments

Introduction Autism refers to a psychiatric disorder characterized by an individual having abnormal absorption with their inner self and lacking interest in relating with others. The syndrome is common among children and it is often marked by communication disorders, short attention spans, as well as the inability to treat others...


Understanding Learning: Theories’ Impacts

Introduction A theory is a belief, policy, or principle that guide and form the basis of an action. Learning is the acquisition and retention of experiences that lead to permanent change or modification of behavior due to interaction with the environment. Learning occurs as a result of some changes that...


Divorce Influence on Childrens’ Mental Health

Abstract The essay examines the impact of divorce on children because they are the major victims of divorce. Preschool children, school-age children, and adolescents are the most affected by divorce because they are highly dependent on their parents for care, protection, and support. Divorce is a painful experience, and therefore,...


Job Stress and Counterproductive Work Behavior

Counterproductive work behavior Every company has goals and behavioral practices that are unique to it. Employees are therefore required to live up to the expectations and character requirements of the organization. Counterproductive work behavior, also known as CWB, refers to behaviors that contravene an organization’s policies. Employees can exhibit behaviors...


Psychological Child Development Theories

The value of child development theories as they relate to child development in children ages 4 to 5 Psychosocial development theory is necessary for child development during the age of 4 to 5 years because it describes how children acquire a certain personality based on the resolution of psychosocial crises....


Social Psychology: Group Influence on the Self

Conformity and obedience Conformity and obedience are described as social behaviors that people engage in while undertaking their daily activities. The behavior of people is influenced by the society that they live in. However, obedience and conformity have been subjected to scrutiny by psychologists in order to help them analyze...


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Signs and Symptoms

Introduction The ‘Lot in Life’ chosen for this case is a 6-year-old who has just been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). There is no known cure for this condition. This section covers key issues related to the scenario. Overview ADHD is a brain disorder characterized by a continuing...


Social Psychology in People’s Life

Introduction People may wonder what shape their attitudes or why some individuals emerge as great leaders. On the same note, others may think about prejudice and ways of overcoming it. While these are just few issues, which may drive people to social psychology, there are other fundamental areas, which may...


Jean Piaget – Cognitive Theorist

Introduction Jean Piaget made a significant contribution to education through his theory of cognitive developmental stage. The learner was a critical part of the theory. Piaget noted that cognitive development took place in different stages, but the interaction between biological factors and the environment played a major role in learning...


Middle Childhood and Adolescence Development

Middle childhood and adolescence period comes with a number of changes to teens. This is a transition stage that involves exploration and freedom among teens. It is also a period when teens have to deal with issues of self-consciousness and a search for self-identity. Peer pressure is a significant factor...


Language’s Role in Cognitive Psychology

Introduction Theorists such as Vygotsky and Whorf have tried to explore the effects of language on cognitive psychology. Similarly, they have tried to explore the significance of human thought on language. Consequently, numerous outcomes have been received with ranging views on their interpretation. Notably, most theorists believe that language plays...


Intelligence Theories: Comparison and Critique

 Which theory do you believe is the best for determining intelligence? Why? Intelligence testing is applied to analyze the all-around efficacy of a person’s mental processes, particularly comprehension, reasoning, and the capacity to recall information. There are different tests and theories that are suitable for both youngsters and adults. Even...


Research and Statistics Role in Psychology

Introduction This paper seeks to discuss the role of research and statistics in psychology. It first dwells on important definitions regarding research and provides a detailed explanation of the scientific method. It then seeks to compare and contrast the characteristics of primary and secondary data. The last section brings out...


Cognitive Psychology Definition

Cognitive psychology is branch of psychology that specifically studies the way people think, perceive, learn, remember and solve problems. From the definition, it is important to note that cognitive psychology is a very broad discipline that forms the core of cognitive science (Cacioppo, 2002). Information acquisition, processing and storage are...


Social Psychology Perspective

Psychology is the study of human behavioral changes that are influenced by societal circumstances (Myers, 1999). A human being behaves and reacts in a particular and specific way due to the environment where he or she lives. This paper will discuss two human behaviors that shape our lives. The two...


Counseling Theories and Individual Psychology

Counseling theories often provide psychologists with various uses. These theories are a foundation for the comprehension of that which the profession wishes to do. Secondly, they provide a framework for psychologists to treat and diagnose their patients. Thirdly, counseling theories can help the psychologist to express the changes that therapy...


Child Abuse Effects and Neglect on Adult Survivors

Abstract Child abuse refers to actions that lead to a child being neglected, physically hurt or emotionally disturbed. Failure to recognize abusive behaviour towards children exposes them to danger. Some of the factors that make adult survivors be violent include mental illnesses, serious financial problems and ignorance, among others. Child...


Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality

Introduction The purpose of this project is to analyze the biological and humanistic approaches to personality. Personality reflects elements of relatively enduring traits of individuals (Feist & Feist, 2009). It defines the behaviors of people. Both biological and humanistic approaches can be applied to explain personality. The humanistic approach stresses...


Psychology: “How Children Succeed?” by Paul Tough

Introduction Education is meant to enhance one’s chances of succeeding in life by laying down the foundations based on the acquired skills. However, the experiences gained can be either beneficial or detrimental to school-going children and young adults. In this regard, an analysis of the factors that account for failure...


The Early Abuse’ Impacts on Teenagers Emotional Development

Introduction The topic of the effects of early abuse on emotional development of teenagers has attracted heated debate from those who support and oppose this act. Reflectively, early abuse involves applying physical or psychological pain on a child as a disciplinary action to correct or deter a minor from engaging...


Corporal Punishment and Its Effects on Children

Punishment is discussed by psychologists and educators as one of approaches to discipline children through ceasing or preventing the undesired behaviors or through the use of negative reinforcers. In spite of the fact that different types of punishment are applied in education, corporal punishment is one of the most debatable...