Continental Mountain Ranges and Ocean Lifecycle

Subject: Environment
Pages: 2
Words: 341
Reading time:
2 min

Continental mountain ranges formation refers to geological procedures that mark mountain ranges whose understanding has been simplified by plate tectonics. The movement of plate tectonics is responsible for the formation of mountain chains which can occur in different manners. One of the methods is through subduction, which causes the oceanic plate to sink. An example is the Andean Cordillera, which encircles the Pacific Ocean and is known for frequent seismic and volcanic activity. These volcanoes result from the penetration of oceanic plates into the earth mantle under the continental plate. The rocks within the oceanic plate are dissolved in the molten mantle, then upset the chemical composition. The rocks can time climb the surface in magma and then are released by volcanoes.

Collision is another method that is responsible for the formation of continental mountain ranges. This happens when sheer power causes the two plates to join and rub together. The Himalayas, whose territory is now occupied by India, are examples. India continues to penetrate Asia at the rate of 3cm per year. Finally, compression responsible for the formation of mountains such as the Pyrenees is another method of formation. This method is ignited by constraints that make the surface fold, thus forming intercontinental mountains.

The complete ocean life cycle includes evaporation and then transpiration which involves the water loss from plants through leaf pores and then sublimation which is the changing of solid directly to gas and then condensation. Advection, the horizontal transfer of liquid and air, is closed interlinked with precipitation, which involves atmospheric moisture formed in air and falls to the surface. Then there is the surface runoff and melt runoff which involves water movement from melting snow into streams. Finally, infiltration and groundwater flow entails subsurface water flow that contributes to water bodies. This process relates to continental mountain ranges formation because mountains such as the Alps and Himalayas, formed through the collision method, are formed within the ocean due to the folding process of crustal rocks.