Handy Essay Scrambler

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⛏️ Why Should I Use an Essay Scrambler?

Before using our essay scrambler, you may wonder: why would I need it? In reality, such tools have plenty of helpful functions beyond simply finding word replacements for essays.

When you use an essay scrambler, you…

1. Save Time

In today’s fast-paced environment, staying on top of things is of utmost importance. Juggling schoolwork, internships, and friendships isn’t easy – not to mention finding a bit of time for yourself.

Our writing software cannot compose your assignment for you. However, using it can definitely save you plenty of precious time rewriting an essay or research paper on your own.

2. Save Space

Quite often, academic works have a word or page limit. Going over it can severely impact your grade, damaging your overall success.

Using an essay word scrambler allows you to downsize the content by finding more efficient ways of expressing information. That could involve using shorter phrasing, better transition words, etc. In particular, it comes in handy when a deadline is right around the corner and you have already exceeded the word limit.

3. Increase Your Work’s Quality

Our tool uses the latest in AI technologies to suggest improvements to your text. It will also let you double-check your punctuation, grammar, and essay structure.

When our essay scrambler rewrites your sentences, it improves the overall quality of your academic paper.

4. Improve Your Skills

An essay word scrambler isn’t just helpful in cutting corners. Besides, it is a chance to learn something new:

  • See what phrasing works best for you as our tool re-works your paragraphs.
  • Learn how to write better by comparing different ways to construct a sentence or replace a word.
  • Pick up new words and expressions from which your future papers will benefit.

5. Avoid Plagiarism

It is not a secret that most information in students’ works comes from outside sources. All of them should still be properly documented during research. Besides, the writer should add all the resources to a reference list at the end of the paper.

Any source not represented correctly might count as plagiarism, which may lead to severe consequences. To avoid accidentally finding yourself in such a situation, use essay scramblers in your works. It will ensure that your paper consists of original and adequately cited content.

📎 Plagiarism Definition

Out of all the points listed above, avoiding plagiarism is perhaps the most crucial reason to try our essay scrambler. After all, it is a serious academic offense that can lead to suspension or even expulsion.

So, let’s start with its definition.

By taking someone’s work (or its sections) and presenting it as your own without due credit, you violate academic honesty and integrity. This is referred to as plagiarism.

Students develop their thesis, arguments, and analysis to write a credible academic piece based on their research. They also have to incorporate some supporting evidence from existing sources. That’s when students should acknowledge the original creators they’ve considered for their paper.

It’s done in two ways:

  1. By displaying the original quote in the academic paper with proper citation.
  2. By adding its author’s name to the reference list at the end.

In academia, plagiarism can be either unintentional or intentional. In both cases, serious consequences can be imposed depending on the nature of the offense.

  • When plagiarism is intentional, the essay writer deliberately and knowingly committed an act of plagiarism. This could range from copying passages word-for-word to downloading complete works from the Internet. Overall, they present someone’s work as theirs by choice.
  • Unintentional plagiarism occurs when the writer fails to give proper credit. It may appear due to citation errors or the addition of invalid sources in the bibliography. Even when plagiarism is a mistake or an oversight, it can still result in severe penalties.

💯 How to Write without Plagiarizing

If you want to steer clear of plagiarism in your works, be sure to follow these tips:

  • Use proper citations. When conducting your research, document the sources of your information. If you are going to refer to a concept or an idea that is not your own, it has to be clearly indicated in your text. Double-check the citation guidelines approved by your institution. You should ascertain that you adhere to them when editing and compiling a reference list.
  • Refrain from copying. Even when you write a standard essay, try to use your own vocabulary and phrasing. It is a bad idea to duplicate excerpts or phrases directly from the source. Make sure never to copy and paste content – unless you plan to put it in a quote.
  • Incorporate quotation marks. The only time where you can copy content is if you intend to quote the source directly. You should remember to put the excerpt into quotation marks and cite it afterward. Ensure that you are not copying a passage that is too long. The general rule is that if a quote is over four lines, it is better to paraphrase it.
  • Develop your own ideas. It is the surest way to ensure you are not accidentally committing an act of plagiarism. Try to come up with new concepts regarding the topic. Mix them with the ideas from your research so that your observations and conclusions prevail.
  • Don’t copy yourself. What if you have already written on the topic? You may be tempted to repeat your thoughts or sentences from the previous works. Yet, it is also considered cheating. This is referred to as ‘self-plagiarism’ and can also carry penalties if discovered.
  • Use an essay scrambler. If you want to avoid plagiarism, your writing has to differ from the source while preserving the same meaning. You can ensure this using the essay word scramblers or similar online tools. They will provide a list of synonyms you can use in your work. In the end, they will guarantee your text is entirely original.

Thank you for reading our article! Feel free to try our essay scrambler as often as you deem necessary. Also, be sure to send this link to your friends if you think they will benefit from it!

💡 Essay Scrambler – FAQ

💡 Do essay scramblers work?

Definitely! Essay word scramblers are especially great for improving academic papers. These tools use powerful AI to ensure that your writing is of the highest quality. And they don’t care whether you are exploring European history or economics. Scramblers allow you to transform your text and add a little extra flair to it without changing its initial meaning.

💡 Can scrambling my essay help me avoid plagiarism?

Essay scramblers are useful for various reasons, from ensuring the text is clear to making it persuasive. Yet, avoiding plagiarism is the central purpose. These tools can help you do so by allowing you to express your thoughts and ideas originally.

💡 My English isn’t very good. Will I still benefit from an essay word scrambler?

If your English isn’t as developed as you would like, you will most definitely benefit from an online essay scrambler! It can help you discover new words, phrases, and expressions, expanding and improving your vocabulary. You no longer need to refer to a thesaurus in your word search – simply use our free tool!

🏷️ References

  1. The Journal of Integrative Behavioral Science Writing Guide: Paraphrasing – Rhoda Palmer, Morgan Library Research Guides
  2. 8 Unique Advantages of Paraphrasing Tools – Annalie Gracias, ContentBot.AI
  3. Forms of Plagiarism: Paraphrasing – PLATO: Plagiarism Teaching Online
  4. Use Information Correctly: Avoiding Plagiarism – GCF Global
  5. Citation Guides – Stony Brook University Libraries