Fanon and Memmi vs. Abufarha on Imperialism

Subject: Literature
Pages: 2
Words: 404
Reading time:
2 min

There can be little doubt as to the fact that both Memmi and Fanon would have enjoyed reading Abufarha’s book – after all, it promotes the idea that indulging in suicidal violence against Israeli authorities is the legitimate way for Palestinians to deal with oppression: “The targeting of civilians in public spaces threatens the entire Israeli civil order and Israel’s sense of normalcy.”

This idea correlates with what both Memmi and Fanon had speculated upon in their own books. Fanon would be especially thrilled to read about Palestinian ‘martyrdom’ due to his pathological obsession with violence: “The starving peasant, outside the class system, is the first among the exploited to discover that only violence pay.” Nevertheless, for the people who push forward the world’s cultural and scientific progress, the ‘theorizations’ on the part of natural-porn-peasants, such as Memmi, Fannon, and Abufarha, appear to be nothing but yet an additional proof as to their mental inadequacy.

Apparently, all three authors had a particularly hard time while grasping the simple fact that the utilization of ‘communal violence’ has no chance of reaching strategic objectives, especially when being confronted by the science-based violence of a modern state. As was being pointed out in Arendt’s book, during the course of Boer Wars, there were many cases of one Englishman, armed with a Maxim machinegun, mowing down thousands and thousands of Zulu warriors, armed with spears.

This is exactly the reason why there is not even a single instance in history of ‘highly spiritual’ but technologically backward natives having succeeded with shaking off the ‘White oppression’ while relying on their primeval viciousness alone. Even the liberation of Algeria from the French colonial rule in 1965 can be explained by the fact that, by that year, France had grown weak from within due to activities of its own ‘progressive’ politicians.

Essentially the same thesis applies when it comes to explaining why Palestinian terrorists are allowed to continue on with carrying out suicidal attacks against Israeli civilians while thinking of it as the proof that they are ‘winning’ – it is not their ‘martyrdom’ that promotes their cause but the pressure of ‘international community.’ If it was not up to this pressure, Israel would have solved the problem of Palestinian terrorism once and for all within a matter of few hours.