The United Nations has a number of programs aimed at protecting the environment and mitigating the effects of climate change. One example is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which seeks to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. As the consultant for United Nations climate and environment projects, I would propose to United Nations some of two perilous issues affecting the world’s population for solutions. These two dangerous environmental threats are the use of fossil fuels as an energy source and insufficient educational opportunities in developing countries such as Burundi and Kenya.
Fossil fuels are finite resources that take millions of years to form. They are created when organic matter (plant and animal material) is buried under the earth and subjected to heat and pressure (Haines et al., 5). This process, called carbonization, turns the organic material into coal, oil, or natural gas. Fossil fuels provide a high-density energy source that can be used to generate electricity or power vehicles. However, their use similarly produces pollutants such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2), which contribute to climate change and air pollution (Bakhsh et al., 3). In addition, extracting and burning fossil fuels causes environmental damage such as land erosion and water contamination.
Inadequate educational opportunities in developing countries are a major contributor to environmental degradation. A lack of education leads to ignorance about the importance of environmental protection and the consequences of environmental destruction. It likewise limits people’s ability to take action to improve the environment. Education is a key factor to create citizens’ awareness; it aids people in understanding their connection to the environment, developing an appreciation for nature, and learning ways to protect it (Bakhsh et al., 12). Well-educated citizens are more likely to demand better environmental policies from their governments and make choices that minimize their impact on the planet.
There is a number of ways that people can apply to ensure environmental conservation. One simple way is to avoid using fossil fuels as much as possible. Switching over to renewable energy sources, like solar and wind power, is one important step that humans can take to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and help preserve the environment. Conversely, education is critical for reducing the negative impacts of climate change and promoting environmental conservation. In developing nations, there is often a lack of awareness about the importance of these issues. Environmental education can assist in raising awareness and encourage people to take action to protect their local environment. Education programs that focus on experiential learning have been shown to be particularly effective in engaging people and promoting long-term behavioral change. Adoption of renewable energy sources and embracing environmental education opportunities are some of the key ways of protecting the global environment.
Factors Making the Two Issues Serious Risks to the Global Environment
There are three primary factors that make the use of fossil fuels a serious risk to the global environment. First, the burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which accelerates climate change. Second, the extraction and processing of fossil fuels can release harmful toxins into the air, water, and soil (Bakhsh et al., 3). Third, fossil fuels are exhaustible resources, so when they are burned, they contribute to global resource scarcity.
Greenhouse gases are a serious risk to the global environment for a few key reasons. They trap heat from the earth’s surface, which causes the planet to warm up. This warming effect accelerates the earth’s natural greenhouse effect, which causes more heat to be trapped and leads to even more global warming. As the earth warms, it triggers other complex processes (such as melting glaciers and ice caps) that contribute even more to global warming. The most dangerous sides of global warming are the potential loss of animal species, habitat destruction, and disruptions to agricultural activities (Bakhsh et al., 13). Global warming can cause animals’ death due to heat stress, it can destroy their habitats, and it can as well disrupt their food supplies. This could lead to the extinction of many animal species. In addition, global warming can result in extensive damage to natural ecosystems, it can lead to the loss of coastal lands, and can additionally reduce crop yields. All of this could have a devastating impact on human populations worldwide.
The release of harmful toxins from fossil fuels into the air, water, and soil have a number of negative impacts on the global environment. Fossil fuels contain harmful toxins such as mercury, lead, and arsenic that can be released into the air when they are burned. These toxins can cause a variety of health problems in people and animals and can furthermore damage ecosystems. Likewise, pollutants released, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, into the atmosphere lead to numerous side effects (Bakhsh et al., 10). These airborne toxins contribute to a range of environmental problems, including acid rain, climate change, and respiratory illnesses. Conversely, fossil fuels have a significant environmental impact because of the way they are extracted and used. For example, extracting coal, oil, or gas can pollute air and water resources. Burning these fuels additionally releases greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. All fossil fuels are finite resources, meaning that at some point, they will deplete.
Insufficient educational opportunities in developing countries regarding the environment similarly affect the global environment in different ways. There are a number of factors that make low environment conservation education programs in developing countries a serious risk to the global environment. First, developing countries are typically home to large populations of people who rely heavily on natural resources for their livelihoods. This dependency makes them much more vulnerable to the impacts of environmental degradation, such as droughts, floods, and soil erosion (Pierrehumbert, 220). Second, governments in developing countries often lack the financial and technical capacity to effectively address environmental problems. And third, many development projects underway in these countries fail to take into account the need to protect the environment. As a result, they can often cause significant harm to local ecosystems. In general, these factors create a perfect storm that threatens the global environment.
Humans’ Contribution to Earth’s Environment Threats
Humans have heavily contributed to global warming in several ways. Human activities are the dominant cause of climate change on earth. This is because emissions from human-related activities, such as deforestation, manufacturing, and transportation, are adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere at an unprecedented rate (Bakhsh et al., 7). Deforestation is one of the main contributors to climate change. Trees play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and helping to regulate the temperature of the planet. When trees are cut down, this valuable carbon storage is lost, and greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.
Similarly, there are a few ways in which manufacturing and transportation can lead to global warming. First, the burning of fossil fuels to power factories and vehicles emits greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun’s rays, causing the earth’s average temperature to rise (Bakhsh et al., 6). Additionally, manufacturing processes can release harmful pollutants into the air, including particulate matter and ozone-depleting chemicals. Finally, deforestation for raw materials and land development associated with manufacturing activity can reduce the planet’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide, further exacerbating climate change.
Conversely, one way the government of a developing country contributes to global warming is by not sponsoring students to pursue courses related to the environment. This lack of education means that many people in these countries are not aware of the dangers of global warming and how they can aid mitigate it (Haines et al., 6). In addition, many developing countries lack the infrastructure necessary to deal with environmental issues. For example, they may not have laws regulating emissions or disposal of solid waste. This can lead to a lot of pollution and contribute significantly to global warming.
Environmental Threats Mitigation by Global Community
The global community has the capacity to mitigate the environmental threat of global warming in several ways. First, they can encourage carbon emission reduction by conserving energy and using renewable energy sources. They can as well motivate people to plant trees and other plants to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (Pierrehumbert, 217). Improving public transportation and reducing private vehicle usage can be another better way to be used by the global community to reduce global warming effects. The global community can likewise offer scholarships and sponsorships for interested students in pursuing environment-related courses.
There are a number of ways that the global community can work together to mitigate global warming, chief among them being a shift to renewable energy sources. Encouraging people to adopt clean energy technologies can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and avert some of the most devastating consequences of climate change (Pierrehumbert, 220). Other ways that individuals can assist include reducing energy consumption, driving less, composting organic waste, and recycling. Every little bit aids in the fight against global warming, and with concerted effort, the globe can make a real difference for the planet and future generations.
Another way the global community can mitigate global warming is by sponsoring students to study environment-related courses. This will allow for a future generation of leaders who are knowledgeable about climate change and the steps that need to be taken to address it (Haines et al., 4). Additionally, providing financial support for research and development of clean energy technologies is another way to help mitigate the effects of climate change. Increasing public awareness about environmental issues and conserving resources are moreover important methods of mitigating global warming.
Likewise, the global community can reduce global warming through civic education to the public regarding environmental conservation. People need to be made aware of the causes and effects of climate change in order to take action. For example, many people do not know that the meat industry is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and thus they may not make choices that reduce their personal impact (Pierrehumbert, 216). Awareness leads to engagement, which will lead to positive change in the environment. It can start by teaching children at a young age about the importance of environmental responsibility. They are the future leaders, and society needs their assistance in order to create a more sustainable world.

Internal climate migrants are people who have been forced to leave their homes due to the effects of climate change. The response above was based on World Bank’s statement that 38.5 people will be displaced in East Africa by 2050 (Cariou, 2021). This graph shows the number of people who agreed (pessimists) (Graph 2) and those of disagreed (optimists) (graph 1) with the World Bank idea. At least in every nation among the five countries, there was a percentage agreeing with this fact. From the graph, the pessimists were many compared to optimists. Many agreed among the five nations due to increasing global temperatures and human activities leading to carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere.
In conclusion, insufficient education opportunities in third-world countries and the use of fossil fuel sources of energy are the greatest global environmental threats. The burning of fossil fuels is a major contributor to global warming and the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. As concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rise, it traps more heat from the sun, causing the earth to warm. This process is known as the greenhouse effect, and it is responsible for global warming. The increased temperatures caused by global warming can have a number of harmful effects on the environment. For example, they can lead to the melting of glaciers and ice sheets, which will cause sea levels to rise. They can similarly result in more extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes and drought. Additionally, higher temperatures can cause plants to become less productive and can kill off many species of animals.
Human activity is the main contributor to global warming. Some of these human activities leading to global warming include burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and agricultural practices. Agricultural practices like using farming equipment and livestock emit greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change. Humans have been pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere for years, and these gases are trapping heat and causing the earth’s temperature to rise. This is leading to all sorts of problems, including more extreme weather conditions, rising sea levels, and mass extinctions. People need to take steps to reduce emissions and curb global warming. The globe needs to invest in renewable energy sources, switch to sustainable transportation options, and take other measures to reduce its carbon footprint.
Most people are unaware of the many ways in which insufficient education impacts the global environment. One of the most significant ways is through a lack of conservation knowledge. Many people fail to know environmental conservation techniques such as afforestation, which results in further environmental degradation. Climate change, deforestation, air pollution, water shortages, and loss of biodiversity are some of the many issues that have arisen due to insufficient education about the environment and its importance. The protection of the global environment is a task that must be shouldered by the entire global community. There are many ways in which people can work together to achieve this goal, but some of the most important include sponsoring students to study environmental issues and encouraging the use of renewable energy sources. The global community can similarly use civic educators to help protect the global environment by teaching people about the importance of trees. They may explain that trees play a vital role in preventing global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.
Bakhsh, Khuda, Akmal, Tanzila, Ahmad, Tauqeer, & Abbas, Qasir. 2022. Investigating the Nexus among Sulfur Dioxide Emission, Energy Consumption, and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. Web.
Cariou, Lili. 2021. The Internal Climate Migration Crisis: Tens of Millions to be Displaced in East Africa by 2050 – Impakter. Web.
Haines, Andy, Amann, Markus, Borgford-Parnell, Nathan, Leonard, Sunday, Kuylenstierna, Johan, & Shindell, Drew. 2017. Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Mitigation and the Sustainable Development Goals. Web.
Pierrehumbert, Raymond. 2019. There is No Plan B for Dealing with the Climate Crisis. Web.