Impact of Information Technology on Learning

Subject: Education
Pages: 5
Words: 1142
Reading time:
5 min
Study level: PhD

Impact of Information Technology on Learning, Teaching and Human Resource Management in Educational Sector

The scholars in this study were interested in determining the impact of information technology on learning in an organizational setting. The researchers noted that change is becoming a force that firms can no longer ignore I their normal operations. The emerging technologies keep on bringing new systems and structures that companies are forced to adopt. Every time a firm is faced with a need to embrace change, they are often forced to find ways taking their employees through training. For the employees, learning has become unavoidable as they try to remain relevant in their workplaces. However, the problem that is often encountered under such circumstances is that the time to attend classes in institutions of higher learning cannot be easily fixed.

In many cases, these learning institutions are located miles away from the workplace. Given that these employees have to continue working, it is not easy for the management and employees themselves to come up with an appropriate model that will allow the employees to learn while working. These scholars looked at the emerging technologies in the field of information technology has helped in addressing this problem. The scholars noted that communication has been greatly enhanced through advanced information technology. As such, learners do not have to go to physical classroom to attend classes. Negi, Negi, and Pandey (2011, p. 56) say that “internets support thousands of different kinds of operational and experimental services one of which is online library.” Online learning has been very helpful in enabling employees to attend classes during their free time at home or in the workplace.

The researcher used qualitative methods in this study. The study primarily relied on the existing literatures as the main source of data. The scholars did a great job in identifying relevant sources of information on this topic. They were able to effectively describe the phenomenon of emerging technologies and how it affects learning, especially among those who are already working. The information is presented in an explanatory approach, making it easy to understand the claims made in the document. From their investigation, they established that technology is playing a critical role in enhancing learning among people who are committed in their workplace. It eliminates the need to travel to physical classrooms. As such, the learner can easily plan for the classes and attend them without having to strain. The findings effectively supported the research hypothesis. It affirmed that information technology is very critical for learners who are already in employment. The findings have also addressed the purpose of the study by establishing the importance of information technology in the education sector. The benefits of information technology to learners have been effectively discussed. This particular study supports the foundation for my research topic. It clearly shows that technology is critical among individuals pursuing higher academic achievements at advanced ages. My research topic holds that technology is important in the education sector only if it is used positively. Sometimes people spend a lot of time in the online platforms doing things that are completely irrelevant to academics. This particular article is silent in this aspect of information technology.

Technology-enhanced learning and teaching in higher education: what is ‘enhanced’ and how do we know? A critical literature review

In this paper, the researchers focused on investigating the concept of technology-enhanced learning and teaching in the higher education sector. For a long time, educationists and scholars have tried to explain how technology enhances learning in higher education sector. However, little research has been conducted to look at what the concept of technology enhanced really means and how one can measure this enhancement. Kirkwood and Price (2014, p. 32) say that “since the 1990s there has been considerable growth in the adoption of technology within higher education.”

However, they argue that technology enhanced education goes beyond adoption of technology. It also looks at how stakeholders use the same technology in the right manner to enhance the learning process. This is so because in some cases people fail to use information technology in the right manner to achieve desired success. The purpose of this study was to explain the concept of technology-enhanced teaching and learning in higher education. These scholars argue that technology is very important when it comes to learning in the higher education. However, success can only be achieved if it is used appropriately. The researcher clearly outlined the objective of the study to ensure that there was a clear understanding of the nature of data to be collected. The researcher employed qualitative research method in this investigation. The study relied fully on secondary data. Literatures were reviewed when investigating the concept of technology enhanced learning. The study did not use primary data hence instruments such as questionnaire were not used. The findings were presented systematically, reviewing both supporting and opposing views.

In their findings, the researchers noted that the term technology enhanced learning is often used in misplaced contexts. Many people still do not understand what it really means when one talks about technology enhanced learning. Learning can only be said to be technologically enhanced if all the stakeholders, especially students, teachers, and administrators, understand and use technology to make the learning process efficient and effective. Providing the stakeholders with equipment that enable them to access the internet is not enough. In fact, the scholar says that sometimes access to the internet may become a hindrance to learning. When learners spend most of their time socializing and engaging in activities that do not add value to their academic lives, then technology is seen as an obstacle to academic success. The findings of this study supported the hypotheses set by the scholars. They were able to prove that indeed technology is only useful in the academic arena if it is used properly. The scholars also confirmed that many people still do not understand the concept of technologically advanced learning. From the findings, the scholars were able to address the purpose of the study by explaining the concept of technologically advanced learning. These findings effectively support the foundation of my research topic. It starts by explaining the concept of technology enhanced learning. It then proceeds to explain how institutions can effectively use technology to enhance learning in institutions of higher education. This study will form a strong foundation for the planned research project.

Recruitment Approach

When choosing an appropriate approach of recruiting top-level managers, factors such as level of education, skills, talents, experience, leadership capabilities, and effect on the other employees must be put into consideration (Headworth, 2015). Recruitment from within the organization may be good, but it limits the ability of a firm to have variety of people from which to choose. As such, I will recommend recruitment from outside the organization because of the need to choose multiple leaders.


Headworth, A. (2015). Social media recruitment: How to successfully integrate social media into recruitment strategy. New York, NY: Cengage.

Kirkwood, A., & Price, L. (2014). Technology-enhanced learning and teaching in higher education: what is ‘enhanced’ and how do we know? A critical literature review. Learning, Media and Technology, 39(1) pp. 6–36.

Negi, S., Negi, V., & Pandey, C. (2011). Impact of Information Technology on Learning, Teaching and Human Resource Management in Educational Sector. International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications, 2(4), 66-72.