Karl Marx’s View on Class Differentiation

Subject: Sociology
Pages: 4
Words: 906
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: College


The unearthing in the existence of classes in modern society by Karl Max is a sense of direction to extricate the exploitation classes from the yoke of bourgeois class. In response to the rejoinder, Karl Marx explored the possibility of

  1. that the existence of classes is only bound up with particular historical forms of struggle in the development of production,
  2. that the class struggle inevitably leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat;
  3. that this dictatorship itself only constitutes the transition to the abolition of all classes and the establishment of a classless society.

Class Contradiction from Marxist Point of View

The bourgeois class is masterminding plan for the correct strategy of the working class in its struggle with capitalism. It could differentiate that private property and the power of capital remain untouchable; to this extent the democratic form of government does not change the essence of the matter. The democratic dispensation with the preservation of capitalist exploitation will always be democracy for the minority, democracy for the propertied. It will prioritize always the exploitation and subjugation of the great mass of the working people.

There is a contradiction between government and working class lead to the path of logical culmination. State machinery is continuing domination of one class over another. It is paradigm of the ruling class having most powerful means of suppression and coercion.

One of the most potential sociological clarifications of social conflict is that of Karl Marx, who pointed out a class struggle between proletariat and bourgeoisie intrinsic to capitalist, industrial society. In outlining this view of social conflict and relating it to the conflict twist. Marx outlined the structure of society in relation to its major classes. There is struggle between them as the engine of change in this structure. It was a conflict view of modem society.

Economic Emancipation by Marxist Guideline

Marxist-Leninist theory has been considered as a law of form and content. The first content is the class nature of law. Each and every law is the law of the ruling class. The social relationship which transcends class society that lead either to superficial categorization of diverse phenomena.. The second content is the determinant significance of production relationships that is implemented by law. The safeguarding of class interests reflects their relationship to the means of production.

The relationship of property plays a vital role in the characterization of a specific legal order. In the communist society, the classes will disappear; there is no economic disparity among the different citizens. The labor becomes the primary want that will be from each according to his abilities. The third content is that the functioning of a legal superstructure demands a coercive apparatus.

The provisions in bourgeois society not only safeguarding the facilitation of exchange, but also supports and consolidate the unequal distribution of property. It will unleash the monopoly of the capitalist in production. The property of bourgeois society is not exhausted by the relationships between commodity owners. These consolidated nexus by exchange and the contractual relationship is the form of this exchange.

Sociologist analytical Viewpoint

The social inequality detonated a condition for the members of a society who have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power. Sociologists Richard T. Schaefer refer that if a system of social inequality is based on a hierarchy of groups, it is a structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in a society.

In the view of Richard T. Schaefer, the society must distribute its members among a variety of social positions. He argue that it is social inequality is necessary so that people will be motivated to fill functionally important positions. However, critics note if inequality is inevitable, the functionalist explanation for differential rewards does not explain the wide disparity between the rich and the poor.

Ultimate Salvation

Marx observed the developments of class conflict, the struggle among different classes were initially confined to individual factories. Eventually, it led to the maturing of capitalism. The growing disparity between life conditions of bourgeoisie and proletariat, and individual struggles become generalized to coalitions across factories. The class-consciousness is increased, common interests and policies are organized, and the struggle for political power is being launched. The classes become political forces. The dispensation of political power is determined by power over production (i.e., capital).

The capital bestows political power, which the bourgeois class uses to legitimatize and safeguard their property and consequent social relations. The intellectual basis of state rule justifying the use of state power and its distribution, are those of the ruling class. The division between classes will widen. The condition of the exploited worker will deteriorate and the social structure collapses. The class struggle is converted into a proletarian revolution. The workers’ triumph will eliminate the basis of class division in property through public ownership of the means of production.. Marx opined that the exploitation of the proletariat will inevitably lead to the destruction of the capitalist system. At the final stage, the proletariat will overthrow the regime of the bourgeoisie and establish exploitation free society.


Pashukanisby, E., (1932), The Marxist Theory of State and Law, 2nd edition, Progressive publisher, Moscow.

Richard T. S. (1990), Sociology Matters, 3rd edition, Lawrence and Wishart, London.

DeLue, S. M. (2002) Political Thinking, Political Theory and Civil Society, Boston: Alllyn and Bacon.

Marx, K. and Engels, F., (1974), The German Ideology, Arthur, C.J. (ed.), Lawrence and Wishart, London.