Mental health is a widely accepted term used to describe a level of cognitive or emotional well-being. In other words, it is the balance between various aspects of a person’s life physical, social, emotional, and psychological. Mental health is a complex term that includes several factors. The mental health of a person is influenced by social, personal, religious, and financial factors and is an integral part of a person’s life. The mental and behavioral disorder is harmful to a person’s life and people with these problems are frequently subjected to amplified mortality, social isolation, and deprived quality of life. Adolescent mental health problems not only affect the single aspect of their lives but it is wide-ranging and leads them to suicide, smoking g, and drug abuse. ‘Mental health is crucial to the well-being of individuals and countries’ (Donna R. Kemp, 2007)
Mental health is presently one of the largest challenges facing every nation in the world. Mental health problems affect many people at some time in their lives. Through structured diagnostic interviews, face-to-face interviews, and psychological tests, one can find Mental health problems among adolescents. Several demographic features were noticed with a strong association with mental health problems. In present-day society, a general tendency for mental disorders is found to be common amongst young people living with parents, but without employment and income and children from low-income families.
Maintaining good mental health is of utmost importance in a person’s life. In a large number of cases, mental health problems and depressions come out at the time of early adolescence. The adolescent period is considered to be the most complicated and crucial time in every person’s life. Sudden changes of mind and body influence the smooth functioning g of the entire human life. Many factors influence or prevent the process of maintaining mental health. The problem of mental disorders is related to sexual behavior, violent behavior, and other risky behavior. The use of substances like tobacco, and alcohol may prevent the healthy development of the mind. The online article entitled Child and adolescent health and development Published by World Health Organization describes the role of illicit substances in the adolescent period. It comments; “Increasing their awareness of the dangers of substance use, building their competence to resist peer pressure and to manage stress healthily is effective in reducing adolescents’ motivation for substance use.” (Which health problems affect adolescents and what can be done to prevent and respond to them, 2009). The use of intoxicating substances may cause mental disorders and lead people to engage in anti-social activities.
Lack of sexual awareness and sexual harassment is also found to be a notable reason for mental disorders. Eating disorders and problems with nutrition may also lead to unstable mental health. Violent behavior of youth in classrooms, families, and among peer groups continuously may be a manifestation of mental depression. The absence of psychological and social support from family and friends promotes subsidiary problems. The book entitled The Mental Health of Young People in Australia by Sawyer MG et al (2000) gives a clear description of major mental disorders. The Child behavior Checklist (CBCL) scales identify mental health problems in three common and eight specific areas. The three general areas are Internalizing Problem Scale; for example, anxiety or depression. Externalizing Problem Scale: delinquency or aggression comes under this category and finally Total Problems Scale, which includes commonly reported mental health problems. Eight specific areas are 1. Somatic Complaints Scale with chronic physical complaints, 2. expressing Delinquent behavior like breaking or ignoring social rules and regulations, 3. Attention problems, including concentration problems, 4. Aggressive behavior Scale like bullying, teasing, scolding, and fighting, 5. Social Problems, 6. The withdrawn tendency, 7. Anxious or Depression and finally 8. Thought Problems with strange ideas and behavior.
Depressive disorder is a serious phenomenon in Adult psychology. Here the children may look very sad, lack interest in activities, criticize themselves and show a withdrawing nature which leads to more pessimistic view about future. They think that their lives are not worth living and can be seen to be more irritable and aggressive. The child with Conduct Disorder shows the tendencies of anti-social behaviors like aggression, destruction of property, a Behaviorserious violation of rules, bullying and arguing a violation of rules, and fighting tendencies with others. Here the child looks sad and follows a kind of quarrelsome behavior. The aggressive behavior of adolescents is affected by their family’s economic and cultural status. Family stresses lead to a decline in people’s emotional, mental and academic adjustment. Attention-Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is also a common mental disorder among adolescents. Here the children show some inattentive behavior problems such as careless mistakes during the learning process and daily activities.
Reticence is considered an important mental disorder among adult people. Here child is never ready to enter a group or develop relations because he lacks social skills. This leads an adult to some serious psychological problems. The aggressive behavior of a child provokes him to reject their parents, teachers, and friends. Biting is a related behavioral problem with aggression. Biting is more serious than aggression because it hurts or injuries others. Unwillingness to share is another result of child isolation. Generally, adult people show the tendency that they hide something from others. Adult people sometimes hide their negative academic results, personal experiences like stealing, sexual relations and failure of public performances, etc. This leads to him or her being introverted and having behavioral problems.
Major reasons for mental disorders may vary among different adult people. Homelessness, health problems, social isolation, poor academic achievements, smoking and drug usage, lack of vocational success, and inability to live independently, etc. contribute to behavior problems. In New York, 66% of young people suffered from serious mental problems. (See the figure-1) More than 72% of adolescents have lived with mental disturbances. More than 22% of people with mental disorders come under 18 years of age. This includes 55% of white people, 24% of Black, only 20% of Asian, and 17% of unknown race. The study reports that 24% of adolescent people have attention deficit disorder and 19% of adults suffering from adjustment disorder. 16% of adults reported bipolar and depressive disorder. Adult people with anxiety disorder and psychotic disorder form 8% and 3% each. (2005-2009 statewide comprehensive plan for mental health service services chapter 2, 2005).
After the analysis of the above-mentioned information about mental health problems, one can find that effective approaches are essential for finding and curing mental disorders among adolescents. A large number of parents are unaware of these problems and they demand professional approaches for identifying behavioral problems. 50% of parents in Australia reported that professional services are useful for them. A smaller percentage of parents were not ready to utilize these services. (The Mental Health of Young People in Australia by Sawyer MG et al (2000) The expansion and implementation of strategy for the promotion of mental health and disorder prevention are highly essential for young people. Satisfying the needs of adult people or helping them to improve self-esteem is an important aspect in preventing mental disorders among adults.
In adulthood, people need consideration and respect. Encourage children to self-monitoring and evaluation and support them to notice other’s reactions to their behaviors. Try to identify specific mental health problems among adult people and give proper medicinal solutions. Help them to avoid poor eating and maintain a sound body. Help the child to create effective friendships in schools and make them understand that friends are the best critics. In his book entitled “Young Children’s behavior” Louise Porter says “Friendships not only meet children’s social needs but also feed their self-esteem.” A good relationship between adult people will help the formation of positive mental health. (Porter, 2003, p.48). Positive criticism and praising are helpful for students to maintain good mental health. To consider children’s emotional reactions positively and avoid personal blaming and other harassments are effective suggestions for avoiding mental disorders among adult people.
Through the comments of friends, adults learn about who they are. With the help of effective counseling and rehabilitation programs prevent the use of drugs and alcohol among adult people. The Government should coordinate the works of various organizations and ensure the early diagnosis and curing of behavior problems among adult people. The concentration of the mind or allowing it to move in a controlled manner is a good exercise for keeping mental health. To ensure sufficient sleep and sufficient rest for both body and the mind is another important one. Without scolding and punishments, one can correct the adult people with a psychological approach.
To conclude, Mental Health is a complex term with a wide range. It is problem that affects both adults and children. There are different reasons for the lack of proper mental health, and the lack of the same causes many mental as well as psychological problems in a person. Mental Health is the balancing factor in a person’s life; especially his physical, social, emotional, and psychological aspects are dependent on mental health. From the different viewpoints mentioned above, it is clear that mental health plays a decisive role in a person’s life in assuring the person’s bright future or of his country.
As mental health problems among adult people are an important challenge for many countries, there should be sincere attempts to lessen them. From a very young age itself; children should be given enough training to face any difficult situation of life and their mental and physical health should be assured for the well-being of the nation. Proper sexual education should be given to adults and children to lessen sexual misbehavior. Different studies show that adult people suffer from various mental disorders and behavioral problems. Mental health problems among adult people are an important challenge for many countries. Adult people suffer from various mental disorders and behavioral problems. The percentage of youngsters, who experience behavioral problems is increasing and more than 66% of young people have been suffering from behavioral problems in New York. Through professional approaches, policy-making, and awareness programs nation can reduce mental health problems and promote positive mental health.

Porter, Louise. (2003). Young children’s behavior: Practical approaches for caregivers and teachers. Elsevier Australia. 48. Web.
Which health problems affect adolescents and what can be done to prevent and respond to them: Substance use. (2009). World Health Organization. Web.
2005-2009 statewide comprehensive plan for mental health service services chapter 2: Who is served. (2005). Office of Mental Health. Web.