Reading Assessment: Looking Ahead

Subject: Education
Pages: 2
Words: 327
Reading time:
2 min

Classroom assessments present a critical part of ELA instruction at an early age, and their value relates to the opportunity to produce takeaways that would guide differentiated instruction and demonstrate current instructional approaches’ flaws. For instance, alphabet and letter knowledge assessments can provide statistical information regarding the difficulty of recollecting, writing, or recognizing specific letters as perceived by children. This information related to the level of challenge and similar takeaways can then be applied to improve the internal logic of alphabet instruction by making sure that activities require children to proceed from simple to more challenging parts or develop additional activities for struggling students.Next, aside from measuring students’ working knowledge, assessments help teachers to make inferences about motivation by observing learners’ emotional reactions to proposed activities. Therefore, assessments can point to the need for methodological improvements or individualized instruction.

Integrating creative arts into classroom assessments can boost student performance since it improves engagement or the psychological investment that pupils make. As per the Wolf Trap Institute, opportunities for arts-integrated learning can be positive for performance because they activate young learners’ essential desire for active knowledge acquisition through sensory exploration. Also, assessments’ creative components add to student engagement by enabling children to combine learning and self-expression in less stress-inducing contexts, which often results in active exploration and better achievement. If assessments include the teacher-in-role approach or other dramatic elements, children will be encouraged to give the reins to their imagination and distract from the fear of failure, thus demonstrating better performance due to the lack of stress. For instance, based on my practice, reading assessments that involve the elements of dramatic play can encourage better performance by shifting students’ attention from the anticipation of failure to the most effective ways to settle into the assigned roles. Due to the abovementioned reasons, creative arts have tremendous potential when it comes to student evaluation practices.