The Civil Rights Movement: From Outrage to Change

Subject: History
Pages: 3
Words: 594
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: College

The Civil Rights Movement has been significant in the history of America as it not only made the people conscious about their pertinent role in the civilization but more importantly resulted in the exact momentum which favored similar reform movements in the 1960s and 1970s. More significantly, it had an enduring effect on the people of the United States of America. Thus, one finds that “the Civil Rights Movement did not begin or end with the dramatic events of the 1950s and ’60s.

Since our nation’s founding, ordinary citizens have struggled to make America fulfill its promise of equality under the law.” (The History). The Civil Rights Movement had such an enormous impact on the people that many joined the reform movements which turned out to be greatly influential in the history of American Civil Rights Movement.

An overview of the experiences of various categories of people such as women, Hispanics, and the disabled people would confirm the impact of Civil Rights Movement on the social reform movement. Thus, one may find women as engaged in efforts for their liberation, Hispanics for their equality with others, and the people with disabilities for the recognition of their capabilities and strengths. An overview of the experiences of people who belong to these categories would suggest how important the Civil Rights Movement in their actions of reform.

Emerald O’Leary is one of the several women who were inspired by the bravery and courage of the ordinary people of the Civil Rights Movement and she rightly acknowledges it. “Without their collective example of strength and commitment, I would never have become a founding member of the Irish Women’s Liberation Movement in 1969, nor been able to file a constitutional test case against the Jury Services Practices Act, which prohibited women (specifically) and people who did not own property from serving on juries in the Republic of Ireland.” (The Voices: ‘We Had to Join Together and Work for…Human Rights’).

She maintains that the American Civil Rights Movement had an international impact. Guillermo Torres is of Hispanic origin and his experience evidently manifests the sting of discrimination in the United States. The indigenous people of America have always found alienation and discrimination here which have haunted them severely. According to him, Love of our country keeps us going. Stories like these, I think, help to strengthen our collective resolve.” (The Voices: ‘Love of Our Country Keeps Us Going’). Similarly, Patricia Munson represents the people with disabilities and her experience very well tells how social reform movement influenced the lives of people.

The people with disabilities helped each other and came strong in the fight against the injustices. Patricia Munson remarks, “Students like me from that special school came to the public school and helped me to learn and to feel proud about myself. Positive changes in laws and attitudes were made by the blind themselves, for the blind.” (The Voices: ‘Positive Changes Were Made by the Blind, For the Blind’).

An analysis of the experiences of these three people would evidently bring out the significance of Civil Rights Movement in relation to the social reform movements. Their experiences have similarities as well as differences. These experiences are worth in the understanding of the power of Civil Rights Movement in influencing the lives and works of people in person and group. It is the efforts by such individuals alone and in group that reflect the general changes in the society. The experiences mentioned here reflect the changes in American society affected by people who were inspired by the Civil Rights Movement.

Works Cited

The History. Voices of Civil Rights. AARP. 2008. Web.

The Voices: ‘We Had to Join Together and Work for…Human Rights’. Voices of Civil Rights. AARP. 2004. Web.

The Voices: ‘Love of Our Country Keeps Us Going’. Voices of Civil Rights. AARP. 2004. Web.

The Voices: ‘Positive Changes Were Made by the Blind, For the Blind’. Voices of Civil Rights. AARP. 2004. Web.