The Importance of Communication Skills

Subject: Sociology
Pages: 4
Words: 948
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: College


Communication refers to the process by which information is passed from one entity to the other. This process needs a wide range of skills that include listening, making observations, asking questions, processing, carrying out an analysis, and evaluation. Employing all these processes undergoes development and spreads to all aspects of life. These processes are employed at home, at work, in school among other places. It is through the help of this process of communication that cooperation together with collaboration between or among people comes about.

The purpose of communication

The purpose of getting involved in the process of exchanging information is to fulfill your needs. These needs can be emotional or physical. The main goal of communicating is to effectively give out a message to the one receiving that message. Through this, people who believe in the same cause are linked together to make their relationships strong.

Good communication

Good communication concerns one person communicating the message to another or to others in a clear manner in order for the message to be understood. It also involves getting the information communicated that another person or people are passing across to an individual with minimal distortions possible.

In order to realize good communication, there is supposed to be the involvement of an effort by the one giving out the message and the one that is receiving the message. Successful communication can only be achieved when the sender of the information and one who receives get to understand the same information as an outcome of communication. There should be no misunderstanding of the information on the part of the receiving the information. When there is no good communication, the ideas, as well as thoughts, were given out by the sender may not actually give a reflection of what the sender thinks and this causes a breakdown in communication and creates barriers in the sender’s goals in a professional aspect or a personal one (Mind Tools, 2010).

Differences between verbal and non-verbal communication

According to Johnson (2009), verbal communication is the real words human beings make use of in the course of speaking. On the other hand, non-verbal communication refers to giving out messages from one person to the other or others without the use of words. In this case, messages are given out through such activities as eye contact, voice tone, silences and pauses, expressions on the face, hand gestures, body positioning, and body distances among other activities.

One of the main differences between the two forms of communication is that non-verbal communication is believed to be more reliable in expressing one’s true feelings. This is true especially in the case whereby the non-verbal messages and verbal messages are not consistent with one another. However, there are cases where people might carry out manipulation on non-verbal communication the same way they manipulate verbal communication in order to be relied upon.

Another difference between the two is that non-verbal communication goes on and on unlike the case of verbal communication. There can be starting of talking or writing and then stopping. But on the other hand, people will go on making adjustments on their postures and the expressions on the face (Wood, 2009).

Team/Group Communication

In order to realize effective group communication, the people in the team or group should strive to overcome personal differences and work towards the same goal and this calls for committing time and effort by each and every member of the team. Effective group communication can only be realized in the case where there is frankness, respect, sincerity, and integrity among all the members of the team. Where there is the realization of an effective team or group communication, there is mutual trust and respect that is established and facilitation of acquiring of knowledge (Payne, 2001).

Utilizing Formal Written Communication

Utilizing formal written communication involves spending more time composing a message and then extra time is spent to go over the message in a more careful way. This chance to go over the message is of great benefit that is derived from this kind of communication.

This benefit might not be realized when employing non-formal face to face communication since in this case, one has to come up with ideas and pass them over immediately and in case he or she delivers a wrong message or statement that has not been worded in a proper manner, even if he or she decides to withdraw the statement or message and make corrections, the listener might not fully forget the original message. In the case of written communication, a message that has been wrongly written can be deleted and corrections made before this message is presented.

Under formal written communication, the writer is able to find the transitional words that give an indication of the logic behind the message. There is a following of a logical sequence in formal writing without deviating from the track. A person who writes goes over the message in a more careful manner in order to ensure that the statements that are written can be read in the most convenient way possible. There is well structuring of the sentences and these statements flow together. Using this form of communication, one adheres to the rules of proper grammar, Informal vs. Formal Communication: Conversation Compared to Writing).


From the discussion, it has been seen that communication is quite important and plays a very vital role in ensuring that information is passed from one person to the other or to a group of people. Therefore, it is of great importance for each and every individual to practice effective communication skills in order to realize personal or professional satisfaction that springs out from good communication.

Reference List

Anon. (n.d). Informal vs. Formal Communication: Conversation Compared to Writing. Web.

Johnson, J. K. (2009). Communication – The Difference Between the Verbal and Non-Verbal Messages We Send to Children. Web.

Mind Tools, (2010). Why you need to get your message across. Web.

Payne, B. (2001). Effective group communication. South West Landcare Project, Colac. Web.

Wood, J. T. (2009). Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters. Edition 6, revised. Cengage Learning. Web.