Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit & Other Temperature Units


📝 Temperature Units & Formulas

Unit Formula Value
Fahrenheit, °F °F = °C x 9/5 + 32 0 °C = 32 °F
Kelvin, °K °K = °C + 273,15 0 °C = 273,15 °K
Rankine, °R °R = (°C + 273,15) x 9/5 0 °C = 491,67 °R
Réaumur, °Ré °Ré = °C x 0,8 0 °C = 0 °Ré
Newton, °N °N = °C x 0,33 0 °C = 0 °N
Delisle, °De °De = (100 – °C) x 3/2 0 °C = 150 °De
Rømer, °Ro °Ro = °C x 21/40 + 7,5 0 °C = 7,5 °Ro

🔁 Celsius Conversion Examples

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

  • 1°C x 9/5 + 32 = 33,8 °F
  • 10°C x 9/5 + 32 = 50 °F

Convert Celsius to Kelvin

  • 1°C + 273,15 = 274,15 °K
  • 10°C + 273,15 = 283,15 °K

Convert Celsius to Rankine

  • (1°C + 273,15) x 9/5 = 493,47 °R
  • (10°C + 273,15) x 9/5 = 509,67 °R

Convert Celsius to Réaumur

  • 1°C x 0,8 = 0,8 °Ré
  • 10°C x 0,8 = 8 °Ré

Convert Celsius to Newton

  • 1°C x 0,33 = 0,33 °N
  • 10°C x 0,33 = 3,3 °N

Convert Celsius to Delisle

  • (100 – 1°C) x 3/2 = 148,5 °De
  • (100 – 10°C) x 3/2 = 135 °De

Convert Celsius to Rømer

  • 1°C x 21/40 + 7,5 = 8,025 °Ro
  • 10°C x 21/40 + 7,5 = 12,75 °Ro

✅ Celsius to Fahrenheit Converter FAQ

✔️ How to convert °C to °F?

If you need to convert degrees Celsius (°C) to degrees Fahrenheit (°F), you can use the following formula: °F = °C × 9/5 + 32. In other words, if you’ve got a temperature in Celsius, you have to multiply it by 9/5 and then add 32. That is how you’ll be able to get your result in Fahrenheit.

✔️ What is the formula to change °C into K?

In order to convert degrees Celsius to Kelvin, you can use the following formula: K = °C + 273.15. In other words, all you need to do is add 273.15 to your value in degrees Celsius.

✔️ Is 40°C hot or cold?

40 degrees Celsius, which is 104 degrees Fahrenheit, is considered hot. 40°C is above the average human body temperature. If there is 40°C outside, you’ll most probably feel uncomfortable. Even more so if the levels of humidity are high. 40 degrees Celsius is also the temperature for a regular wash in a washing machine.