Convert Cubic Foot to Cubic Meter & Other Volume Units


📝 Volume Units & Formulas

UnitFormulaValue 100 Cubic Feet
Liter, LL = ft³ × 28,316846592100 ft³ = 2831,6846592 L
Gallon (US), galgal = ft³ × 7,480519481100 ft³ = 748,0519481 gal
Pint (US), ptpt = ft³ × 59,8441558100 ft³ = 5984,41558 pt
Cubic meter, m³m³ = ft³ × 0,0283168466100 ft³ = 2,83168466 m³
Cubic inch, in³in³ = ft³ × 1728100 ft³ = 172 800 in³
Imperial Gallon (UK), UK galUK gal = ft³ × 6,228835459100 ft³ = 622,8835459 UK gal
Quart (UK), UK qtUK qt = ft³ × 24,915341836100 ft³ = 2491,5341836 UK qt
Cubic yard, yd³yd³ = ft³ / 27100 ft³ = 3,703703704 yd³
Cubic centimeter, cm³cm³ = ft³ × 28 316,846592100 ft³ = 2 831 684,6592 cm³
Beer Barrel (US), bblbbl = ft³ × 0,24130708100 ft³ = 24,130708 bbl

🔁 Cubic Foot Conversion Examples

Convert cubic foot to liter

  • 1 ft³ × 28,316846592 = 28,316846592 L
  • 10 ft³ × 28,316846592 = 283,16846592 L

Convert cubic foot to gallon (US)

  • 1 ft³ × 7,480519481 = 7,480519481 gal
  • 10 ft³ × 7,480519481 = 74,80519481 gal

Convert cubic foot to pint (US)

  • 1 ft³ × 59,8441558 = 59,8441558 pt
  • 10 ft³ × 59,8441558 = 598,441558 pt

Convert cubic foot to cubic meter

  • 1 ft³ × 0,0283168466 = 0,0283168466 m³
  • 10 ft³ × 0,0283168466 = 0,283168466 m³

Convert cubic foot to cubic inch

  • 1 ft³ × 1728 = 1728 in³
  • 10 ft³ × 1728 = 17 280 in³

Convert cubic foot to imperial gallon (UK)

  • 1 ft³ × 6,228835459 = 6,228835459 UK gal
  • 10 ft³ × 6,228835459 = 62,28835459 UK gal

Convert cubic foot to imperial quart (UK)

  • 1 ft³ × 24,915341836 = 24,915341836 UK qt
  • 10 ft³ × 24,915341836 = 249,15341836 UK qt

Convert cubic foot to cubic yard

  • 1 ft³ / 27 = 0,03703704 yd³
  • 10 ft³ / 27 = 0,3703704 yd³

Convert cubic foot to cubic centimeter

  • 1 ft³ × 28 316,846592 = 28 316,846592 cm³
  • 10 ft³ × 28 316,846592 = 283 168,46592 cm³

Convert cubic foot to beer barrel (US)

  • 1 ft³ × 0,24130708 = 0,24130708 bbl
  • 10 ft³ × 0,24130708 = 2,4130708 bbl

✅ Cubic Foot to Cubic Meter Converter FAQ

✔️How to convert ft³ to m³?

If you need to convert cubic feet to cubic meters, you can use the following formula: m³ = ft³ × 0,0283168466. That is the easiest way to make a ft³ to m³ conversion.

✔️What is the formula to change ft³ to L?

To convert cubic feet to liters, you can use a simple formula: L = ft³ × 28,316846592. For example, 2 cubic feet equals 56,633693184 liters.

✔️How much is 1 cubic foot?

1 cubic foot is 0,0283168466 cubic meters, 28,316846592 liters, and 7,480519481 gallons (US).