Convert Degree to Radian & Other Angle Units


📝 Angle Units & Formulas

UnitFormulaValue 100 degrees
Radian, radrad = ° × π/180100 ° = 1,74532925199 rad
Gradian, gradgrad = ° × 10/9100 ° = 111,1111111 grad
Minute of time, ′′ = ° × 4100 ° = 400 ′
Second of time, ″″ = ° × 240100 ° = 24 000 ″
Arcminute, arcminarcmin = ° × 60100 ° = 6000 arcmin
Arcsecond, arcsecarcsec = ° × 3600100 ° = 360 000 arcsec
Quadrant, quadquad = ° / 90100 ° = 1,1111111 quad
Revolution, revrev = ° / 360100 ° = 0,2777778 rev
Gon, gongon = ° × 10/9100 ° = 111,1111111 gon
Milliradian, mradmrad = ° × 50π/9100 ° = 1745,32925199 mrad

🔁 Degree Conversion Examples

Convert degree to radian

  • 1 ° × π/180 = 0,0174532925199 rad
  • 10 ° × π/180 = 0,174532925199 rad

Convert degree to gradian

  • 1 ° × 10/9 = 1,111111111 grad
  • 10 ° × 10/9 = 11,11111111 grad

Convert degree to minute of time

  • 1 ° × 4 = 4 ′
  • 10 ° × 4 = 40 ′

Convert degree to second of time

  • 1 ° × 240 = 240 ″
  • 10 ° × 240 = 2400 ″

Convert degree to arcminute

  • 1 ° × 60 = 60 arcmin
  • 10 ° × 60 = 600 arcmin

Convert degree to arcsecond

  • 1 ° × 3600 = 3600 arcsec
  • 10 ° × 3600 = 36 000 arcsec

Convert degree to quadrant

  • 1 ° / 90 = 0,0111111 quad
  • 10 ° / 90 = 0,1111111 quad

Convert degree to revolution

  • 1 ° / 360 = 0,0027777778 rev
  • 10 ° / 360 = 0,027777778 rev

Convert degree to gon

  • 1 ° × 10/9 = 1,111111111 gon
  • 10 ° × 10/9 = 11,11111111 gon

Convert degree to milliradian

  • 1 ° × 50π/9 = 17,4532925199 mrad
  • 10 ° × 50π/9 = 174,532925199 mrad

✅ Degree to Radian Converter FAQ

✔️How to convert ° to rad?

If you need to convert degrees to radians, you can use the following formula: rad = ° × π/180. That is the easiest way to make a ° to rad conversion.

✔️What is the formula to change ° to arcmin?

To convert degrees to arcminutes, you can use a simple formula: arcmin = ° × 60. For example, 2 degrees equals 120 arcminutes.

✔️How much is 1 degree?

1 degree is 0,0174532925199 radians, 60 arcminutes, and 1,111111111 gons.