🧘‍♀️ Essays on Psychology - Page 3


Stage-Based Responsibilities for Group Leaders

Introduction The success of group therapy depends to a notable extent on the group leader. Among other things, the consideration of the different group stages and relevant leadership activities can help a new leader to plan, analyze, and improve their actions (O’Sullivan, Blatch, & Toh, 2014). The goal of this...


Group Leader Characteristics: Diversity Competence

Introduction For successful leadership, a group therapy leader has to take into account the characteristics of the members of their groups. The modern-day society can be described as very diverse (Kidd, 2016), and this diversity gets reflected in therapy groups and their members (Corey, 2016). The sessions recorded by Microtraining...


History of Modern Psychology

Introduction The history of psychology can be traced back to the times of the Ancient Greeks; this is the period when the ancient Greeks studied the mind and behavior of man. Some reports also suggest that it existed in the ancient Egypt. In the early and middle 1800s psychology was...


Stressor, and Culture and Organizational Behaviors

Introduction Stress can be defined as the disturbance of the normal body function; while at its optimum conditions. More precisely, stress refers to the imbalance of homeostasis in the body caused by an intruding stimulus; whose response was not well prepared for. Stress can either be positive referred to as...


Racial, Ethnic, Cultural and Linguistic Issues in Psychology

Introduction In the wake of the 21st century, serious concerns have been raised by researchers who have found that cultural factors are very influential on the outcomes of health processes. The professional practice of psychology is one of the adversely affected professions and as such, the motivation to understand cultural...


Gaming Culture and Addiction: A Research Proposal

The present paper offers a proposal on the under-researched but very significant topic of gaming addiction (Feng, Ramo, Chan, & Bourgeois, 2017; Sigerson, Li, Cheung, & Cheng, 2017; Stockdale & Coyne, 2017). In particular, the paper suggests a study that would review the problem from the cultural perspective by investigating...


16 Personality Factor Test Fifth Edition Analysis

Introduction A fairly simple analogy can be used to describe the human being, an analogy that has been used by many scholars in the study of human behavior. This complex being can be likened to a personal computer. A personal computer has basic features such as the profile of the...


Addressing an Anger Issue with Phenomenological Method

Introduction The concept of reflective practice has increasingly become popular in various professional practices and in the field of education. Its meaning may vary from one discipline to another, but its fundamental principles remain unchanged. According to Moran (2000, p. 56) reflective practice involves giving attention to theories and practical...


How Interpersonal Teacher Student Relation Affects Student’s Achievement

Introduction The types and effects of student-teacher interpersonal relationships, especially in higher learning institutions, have received considerable research in the past years. A lot of Research has focused on the level of interaction in the class, the closeness of teachers to students in and out of classes, parental kind of...


Psychometric Assessments: Performance Dependence

Introduction Academia and the workplace are two prime examples of fairly stimulating and competitive environments. For many, enrolling in tertiary education and entering the workforce is both mentally and emotionally challenging as students and employees experience a fair amount of pressure to succeed. Academic and workplace performance are rather broad...


What is Human-Centred Design?

Introduction The major connection between the invariable nature of human psychology through time and the need to interact with emerging technologies create challenges for the design of any physical object. An increasing need for making an account for psychology and psychopathology of everyday human actions should impose its narrative on...


The Intimate Partner Abuse

One area of study that has attracted the attention of many researchers is behavior, thoughts and feelings/motions of individuals, and the way the environment in which individuals live affects these aspects. The environment could refer to other individuals or media that are in the individual’s vicinity. A social psychologist merges...


Psychological Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Psychological trauma affects the brain and causes irregularities in the nervous system. Psychological Trauma can be caused by accidents, natural disasters such as floods, or hearing about sudden death. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an emotional trauma as a result of an unexpected incident and nothing can be done to...


Behaviorist, Humanistic, and Cognitive Theories Comparison

Various theoretical approaches exist in the framework of contemporary education and learning. Among them are behaviorist, humanistic and cognitive theories. An approach may be outlined as an assumption, which tends to expound on the functionality of a given aspect of human behavior, especially when undertaken during studies. Consequently, a lot...


Fibromyalgia and Posttraumatic Growth in Women

Research Topic The given research aims to investigate the dynamic relationships between fibromyalgia syndrome (FS) symptoms and posttraumatic growth (PTG) in mothers diagnosed with this disorder. FS is often described as a functional syndrome that affects soft tissues and is characterized by chronic, diffused musculoskeletal pain, presence of specific tender...


Childhood Bipolar and the Use of Psychotropic Medications

Abstract/Thesis Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric disease that is severe and often recurrent that affects all behavioral and functional aspects. Regrettably, the correct diagnosis and enough mood stabilizer intervention of bipolar disorder are typically delayed by 8-10 years (Blader, 2006). The onset of adult bipolar disorder has been well studied;...


Foundations of Psychology: Schools of Thoughts

There is no other field that has attracted attention than psychology. Psychology seems to explain almost every aspect of human behaviors. Psychology offers various fascinating explanations for events and experiences in life. In addition, psychologists give explanations to some behaviors that seem obvious such as smiling. The validity of these...


The Relationships Between Emotions, Memory, Attention, and Decision-Making

It is a common idea that emotions and rationality are not compatible; in fact, it is often stated that emotions hinder and prevent rational thought. However, as pointed out by LeBlanc, McConnell, and Monteiro (2014), this perspective is not only incorrect; it is also detrimental because it devalues emotions. Recent...


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Introduction Although regarded as a childhood disorder, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder could also extend into adolescence and adulthood. It is characterized by difficulties in staying focused and paying attention among children, problems with control of behavior and more prominently, hyperactivity (National Institute of Mental Health, 2009, para. 1). The disorder...


Emotional Theory Development in Advertising

Introduction Psychologists define emotions as an experience that is psychologically integrated into the mind of an individual, as a result of the interaction of the external and internal forces biochemically, in most cases we find that an individual’s emotions are associated with the character of the person, since the biochemical...


Linking Human Development to the Human Condition

Themes The theme of “infant growth” surfaces in Kohlberg’s moral development theory because infants are normally under the authority of their parents. Moreover, infant growth is almost synonymously characterized by punishments (for the frequent mistakes infants make because they are not old enough to understand what is right and what...


Psychological Testing of Personality

Introduction Psychological testing examines information given to examiner, who assesses and evaluates information. It is also called psychological assessment since it assess psychology in human being such as mental, emotional, or cognitive (Jackson, 1996 p 12). Psychological assessment gives information inform of answers from the asked questions, answers on a...


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder After a Hurricane

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder also known as PTSD is a psychological and emotional response to a traumatic event. Not everyone who went through a disaster or emergency situation develops PTSD. It is also difficult to diagnose PTSD if health workers and volunteers are not aware of the symptoms. It requires...


The Effects of Childhood Sexual Trauma

Introduction Child abuse has been a major concern for many clinicians. Any form of abuse is devastating and more so for the growing children. When children are neglected, they are exposed to such dangers as physical abuse and sexual abuse. Children as young as five years have been defiled (Child...


Psychological, Anxiety, Mood, and Personality Disorders

Introduction A psychological disorder is a behavioral characteristic with several psychological symptoms that affect various aspects of a person’s life or causing distressing feelings, especially if he or she exhibits the symptoms (Barlow, 2008). Psychological disorders have been classified into several types, depending on their specific characteristics and areas they...


Psychology: Managing Effective Change Process

Introduction The purpose of this research paper will be to develop an action plan that will be used to address an issue that is based on an experience which occurred or is yet to occur during the practice of consultative psychology. Consultative psychology is an area of psychology and psychiatry...


Life Transitions and Past Events Impact on Psychological Well-Being of Incarcerated Women

Incarcerated women are considered by psychologists as the riskiest group of the population because of their predispositions to mental disorders and depressions (Mooney et al., 2008). These disorders are often the results of the events which can be discussed as the causes for women’s imprisonment (Bastick & Townhead, 2008). Thus,...


How Does What We Choose as a Profession Affect How We See Ourselves?

Introduction to Area of Interest Research has established that understanding one’s values is an imperative tool for effective human service practitioners. An individual’s internalized values and beliefs stem from a wide array of issues (Yin, 2009). The question of whether Career and Self Image are interdependent is very paramount to...


A Review of Psychological Theories That Underline Sex Education

Introduction Young people are expected to grow up to become reputable individuals. This can change if they fail to take control of their sexuality. The community, parents, and young people are involved in sex education. However the learning institutions have been given the bigger role of sex education since it...


A Professional Practitioner’s Reflective Self-Analysis

It is essential that once in a while, a person stops to evaluate if he or she is on the right track and if he or she is effective in her professional practice, lest all efforts go to waste. According to Osterman (1990), “reflection is the essential part of the...


Grief & Loss and the ADHD Diagnosis

Introduction Hooyman and Kramer (2006) define grief as “the physical, psychological, and social reaction to the loss of something or someone important” (p.16). Research indicates that there are many children today who are experiencing grief due to the loss of their beloved one and this is prevalent mostly amongst military...


Children in Grief Therapy. The Ways of Copping

Introduction Unlike adults, children do not have the life experiences, emotional development or support that adults have when they are faced with grief (Noice, 2004, p. 562). Still, many children are faced with unexpected losses in life such as the death of a close family member or friend. Beem (1999,...


The Thematic Apperception Test: Tool for Measuring Implicit Motives

Introduction Professions in the field of psychology are constantly seeking ways to best assess clients so as to facilitate effective treatment and counseling. Among the instruments used for psychological testing are projective tests. These tests are derived from Sigmund Freud’s conception of projection which is defined as “a psychological mechanism...


Living in a Parallel World: The Concept of Autism

Introduction Research is a vital educational tool. In The Oxford Paperback Dictionary & Thesaurus, research is described as “a systematic investigation or study aimed at establishing facts or principles or to collect information on a particular subject” (Maurice & Sara, 2009, p. 1827). In most cases, research are meant to...


Human Memory System and Process

The human memory system has no equivalent even the most advanced of technologies have not been able to replicate it with success and they are still at it. This compilation seeks to establish the memory process from stimuli to long-term memory. It also outlines the causes of forgetfulness and how...


Returning Service Members With Mental Health Violations

Introduction Mental and emotional issues and challenges, associated with the staying on a frontline are generally regarded in the context of metal deceases and violations. The fact is that, all the possible aspects of emotional challenges on the frontline are aimed at damaging the mental health of the solders, independently...


Psychology: Motivation and Work

Every organization functions when all the faculties are at their best state. There is intense need for motivation of the different levels of the work force. Motivation is more of a psychological than physical. There are therefore, theories made to help motivators come up with the appropriate methods and tools...


Child and Adolescent Development

Introduction United States of America is the only remaining superpower in the world after the fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. It has remained the leading economy in the world despite the recent economic recession. The average living conditions of Americans is well above average and the rate...


Fundamentals of Psychological Testing

Introduction Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental functions. The professionals involved in this field are referred to as psychologists. The term test refers to a form of examination with an objective to determine an outcome. Therefore, a psychological test is a scientific examination of human behavior...


ADHD and Grief & Loss: Types and the Main Reasons

The primary research question was the perceptions and experiences of parents and guardians about the relationship between the experience of the grief and loss in children and the diagnosis of AD/HD in school-aged children of Central Texas taken into account military families where the deployment of one of the parents...


Anna Freud’s Contributions Psychology

Background Anna Freud is the daughter of the respected psychologist, Sigmund Freud and his wife Martha. She was born in Vienna, Austria in 1895. The family dynamics that existed within the Sigmund family made her experience moments of depression at a tender age but she adjusted by creatively devising a...


Love & Commitment – Adult Stage of Life

Abstract Psychology tells us that love is a combination of various emotions, how people behave and ways in which they are motivated to do certain things. Any person in our life can be loved by us, for instance, we love our parents, our friends and our siblings. However, there is...


Theory of Personality by Carl Rogers and Its Application to the Sphere of Academic Counseling

Abstract Academic counseling can be significantly enhanced by introducing effective theoretical approaches and learning techniques. In this respect, Rogers’s theory of personality development is aimed at enhancing skills and promoting a personal outlook on an individual’s epistemic orientation. In addition, the framework underscores the importance of considering the “I” concept...


Using the MAYSI-2 Outline to Measure Anxiety and Depression

Introduction Anxiety and depression affect individuals in all strata of society including children and adults, criminals and law-abiding citizens. Psychologists have long searched for a definitive explanation for anxiety and depression, as well as a definitive method of measuring these psychological disorders in offender populations. Spielberger defined anxiety as a...


Free Will and Morality

There are various issues addressed in the paper. Such issues include whether randomness helps in cases of “liberty indifference” only, whether real randomness gets a person the same things as pseudo-randomness, whether it is possible to tell real randomness from pseudo randomness, whether randomness is compatible with being in control...


Group Therapy Orientation

Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy where a small group of individuals is selected and organizes itself to meet a therapist regularly. The main aim of group therapy is to assist each individual in emotional growth and other personal problems. It involves various kinds of groups with a variety...


Foundations of Behavioral Research

Introduction According to Ford-Martin and Frey, Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) refers to a number of various illness and symptoms that health experts have noticed in the US soldiers and their allies who took part in the Persian Gulf War between the years 1990 to 1991 (Ford-Martin and Frey, 2005). Scholars...


Uses of Psychotropic Drugs in the Treatment of Schizophrenia

Since Schizophrenia is a mental condition known to affect the cognitive development of its victims, psychotropic drugs have been used to treat it through their effects on the central nervous system. Sometimes, psychotropic drugs are used to manage the condition by creating a sense of normalcy on patients’ behavior when...


Protective Mechanisms Between Bullying and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Abstract The current, quantitative study, replicates and adapts Nielson, Matthiesen, and Einarsen’s research (2008) which investigated a sense of coherence (SOC) lessening the relationship between exposure to bullying and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Adaptation of the study will include administration of the surveys online and utilizing members of the...


Ethical Issues in Group Counseling

Abstract Various ethical issues are involved in counseling. Although some ethical issues are common to all counseling, some are unique to group counseling. Group counseling makes use of multiple relationships to assist individuals with psychological problems. The paper looks into the ethical issues that are unique to group counseling. These...


Burrhus Frederic Skinner and His Theories

Introduction Born in the small town of Susquehanna Pennsylvania, Burrhus Frederic Skinner became one of the most renowned American psychologists of the twentieth century and his first book titled “The behavior of organisms (1938), proved to be a path breaking treatise on behaviorism (Fuller, 1995). During the next five decades,...


Biopsychology of Stress. Factors Affecting Regulation of Human Response to Stress

By definition, biopsychology stress may be defined as trauma or external condition that disturbs an individual’s psychological or physical well-being. Other authorities have defined stress as a reaction expressed by an individual to harm or threat. A number of stressors have been identified to cause psychological stress. These include; starvation,...


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Overview

The majority of the population in recent times have heard of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) but have not quite been able to define it properly. They have also unfortunately not been properly informed on ways of coping and living with as well as helping those who suffer from the...


The Values of Human in The Positive Psychology

Introduction Prior to the Second World War, psychology was meant to study the problems facing human beings, such as mental illnesses. The development of psychology was aimed at finding the cure for human mental illnesses, improving the lives of all individuals, and promoting the development of high talents (Snyder &...


Psychology. Specific Language Impairment and Dyslexia

Introduction The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) gives specific definition to dyslexia admitting its neurobiological origin “characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and encoding abilities” (Snowling and Hayiou-Thomas, 2006, p. 110). In this respect specific language impairment (SLI) is a disorder affecting expressive and...


The Psychological Effect of 9-11 on Young Adults

“Despite the heightened security, Marissa could not travel weeks after the event, as the thought of being on a plane evoked great fear in her. As she overcame her anxiety of flying on a trip to Florida, she underwent a personal setback when experiencing a panic attack on the plane...


Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Introduction According to (Schachter, 2001), ADHD mostly affects children with an average age of below seven years which results in impairment of those children’s functionalism. It is a developmental disorder that is neurobehavioral whose characteristics include patterns of inattention and impulsiveness which may be accompanied by hyperactivity. Young boys are...


Operant Conditioning Theory

Operant conditioning is the term used to denote the use of stimulus to help modify a certain behavior or response. The major theoretical concepts of operant conditioning are: Positive reinforcement is a concept that is used to denote the occurrence of a behavior in response to a favorable or pleasurable...


Psychological Theory Applied to Sexual Offenders

Introduction Adolescent sex offenders (ASOs) have been defined as young people from the age of twelve to eighteen who commit any illegal sexual act as defined by the sex crime statutes of the jurisdiction in which the offense occurred, with a person of any age either through use of force,...


Psychology of Affect: Emotion and Learning of Mathematics-Affect Ppsychology

Abstract Emotions form the composition of both our internal as well as our external environments. Emotions therefore play a role in every experience that we undergo; including the experience of learning. Studying the genesis of and role of emotions is the first foundation in understanding how emotions affect and direct...


Social Psychology. Leadership Styles

Introduction In every organization there is need for leadership. The role of leadership is to provide strategic directions for both the employees and other significant stake holders of a given organization (Harrison et al, 2009). It is important to note that leadership has been considered to be one of the...


Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Community

Abstract This paper is about community development, and how different types of researches may be carried out for the development of communities. The focus is on the qualitative and quantitative methods of conducting research studies, and how qualitative methods prove to be beneficial for improvement of communities. Research and its...


John Watson’s Behaviorism Application in Management

Psychology is no longer a reserve for scholars but has been accepted and applied in various fields. Psychology is especially very important in management. Management psychologists hold that managerial roles could be simplified by proper use of psychology. One of challenging things in management is managing behavior of employees. It...


Family as a System and Systems Theory

Introduction to Systems Theory It is the interdisciplinary reading of the conceptual organization of happenings, regardless of their essence, type, or spatial or sequential scale of subsistence. It scrutinizes both the standards frequent in all composite entities, and the models (typically mathematical) used to illustrate them. In particular, one can...


Neuro-Linguistic Programming as a Process

Introduction NLP was an ideology propagated in the United States in the 1970s, and has largely been popularized as one means through which individuals can develop their self as well as their communication. The term was proposed by Bandler and Grinder (1975a) as a “purported systematic, cybernetic links between a...


Psychology. Adolescent Goals and Gender

Introduction Brief Literature Review Beyond intellectual, physical and psychological development, significant social adaptation marks the progress of pre-adolescent children. At baseline, as toddlers, they are principally adept at one-on-one attachments but already commence the lifelong process of behaving according to the norms set by significant others. From then on, psychosocial...


Language as it Relates to Cognition

Introduction Language is a system of communication that a group of people uses. They use sounds, symbols, and words to express meaning, thought and idea. Each language is unique and has grammar. Language is also oral, systematic, symbolic as well as arbitrary- the fact that the sounds of words typically...


The Developing Discipline and Self-Concept in Early to Mid-Adolescence

Introduction and Statement of the Problem Introduction In America, requiring school uniforms in the elementary grades and high school was originally a legacy of the British educational system. This is a practice maintained to this day in nearly all private and parochial schools (Brunsma, 2004; Sher, 1995). Until the 1980s,...


Play Therapy for Children Ages 3-12

Introduction Over the last century, play therapy has gained popularity in the field of medicine as a healing and therapeutic tool. Such credence resulted from numerous studies and researchers, which each time resulted in positive outcomes. During that period, play therapy was proved to be quite efficient in most of...


Mental Health Issues of Adolescent

Mental health is a widely accepted term used to describe a level of cognitive or emotional well-being. In other words, it is the balance between various aspects of a person’s life physical, social, emotional, and psychological. Mental health is a complex term that includes several factors. The mental health of...


The Role of Resource Officer Within Suburban School Structures

Introduction Violence is believed to be a suburban public school problem and a consequence of poverty and family discord. However, it is argued that stable schools across the country are experiencing violence even though the nature and extent is different from that found in suburban and city schools.Teenage violence within...


Historical Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal psychology is field of study that deals with scientific study of abnormal behaviors and experiences like psychoses, psychoneuroses and mental backwardness among others. It also involves itself with the study of dreams and hypnosis to understand and correct these abnormal behaviors. Down the historical line, abnormal psychology has stirred...


Psychodynamic Personality Theories

Psychology is complicated and contestable science, which may never be studied till the end, as personal behavior reasons and relations between people may not be simply explained. Considering people’s behavior, some characteristic features were gathered in groups and the psychodynamic personality theories were offered. The psychodynamic personality theories are one...


Effect of Rap and Hip Hop on Women Juvenile Delinquents

Literature Review This chapter provides a review of the literature dedicated to the study of delinquent behavior among female juveniles. The influence of hip hop on deviational conduct of teenage girls has yet to be thoroughly examined there are many books and scholarly articles that can immensely contribute to understanding...


Career Development Plan and Counseling

Career development planning and counseling connected with this issue are rather helpful o people whose lives are complicated by various health and psychological problems, stresses, and depressions. Being confused about the variety of life problems, these people might need guidance as to where to direct their working energy and potential....


The Impact of Divorce on Women

Introduction This research was undertaken to evaluate women’s experiences with stress during the divorce process. As Polomeno (2007) has noted, “Divorce is considered as one of life’s most potent stressors,” (p. 18). Indeed divorce has been shown to immensely contribute to traumatic experiences for both of the spouses, and especially...


Personal Development: Career Management

Introduction For quite a long time, the study of guidance has always been majored on adolescents with adult materials being very rare. In fact, some writers put it that psychology textbooks give an impression that age 21 is the zenith of human development. This has made the study remain based...


Hypnotic Responsiveness Definition

Hypnosis Many people tend to associate hypnosis with a man who waves around a clock subjecting the patient to slavery to the master (hypnotizer). However, modern hypnosis is anything but. Subjects are lured into a trance like state. This sub-conscious state drives the patient being hypnotized towards a point of...


Literature Review of Theories of Motivation

Introduction Motivation is the greatest problem in the employment setup and learning environment in the world today. it has been branded as the most difficult single problem faced by managers and teachers as they manage the organization and teach in the classroom respectively. In a learning environment, the benefits of...


Depression: Stages of Dealing With Depression

The state of depression is very spread nowadays. Stresses are a part of our everyday life, and people with a weakened nervous system or specific perception of life can have them developed into serious problems. Depression is a disorder that needs very careful treatment. I suggest such stages to be...


Developmental Learning Theory and Types of Learning

Theories of human development have been studied by people for many years. There are a lot of approaches to this problem. Different scholars take different issues as the basis for their studies. There is no common approach to this problem. The development of humanity is one of the most difficult...


Psychological Assessment of Ms. Sandra

Interpretation and Impressions General Level of Intellectual Functioning Ms. Sandra’s intellectual level with reference to verbal conceptual and oral skills is at an average level. But this is acceptable and probably can be considered to have bright normal intelligence. Her symptoms could not indicate totally indicate problems to interact with...


Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?

Introduction This article is about the experiences of children who grew up with parents who are homosexuals and their struggles to maintain a normal life in spite of their parents’ nonconforming lifestyles. Dawn Stefanowicz talks about her book, Out from Under The Impact of Homosexual Parenting”, which gives her first-person...


Research and Design Methods Analysis

Abstract The field of research sees many methods and systems being used. Important among many various research methodologies are the concepts of co-relational and experimental types of research. Each type of research uses different concepts and practices. Co-relational research is used to determine the extent to which multiple variables forms...


Psychologists Involved in International Policy

Essay The domain of psychology has witnessed a resurgence of concern and interest in political psychology in the previous fifteen years, leading to the institution of international psychology with primary adherence to politics. (Stevens and Gielen 2007). This discipline of psychology is comparatively new, but is of escalating importance. The...


Psychology of Women. Breaking Emotional Bad Habits

It is in human nature to strive for happiness. At least once in one’s life, a person wonders about how happy he or she is. Though the category of happiness is a rather subjective one, different people are very much alike in their desire to feel happy. The book ‘When...


To Be in Love Is a Sexual Instinct

Introduction A neophyte on romantic love would often ask “Why me?” as if on the initial stage, he already becomes a victim of a mystical occurrence. More questions that seem to be very personal and exclusive follow as the intensity of attachment strengthens. Love is one of the more prevailing...


Role of Interpersonal Communication

Introduction and Objectives The MSc dissertation is a substantial piece of original research. The length of the dissertation should be 22,000 words. The objectives of the dissertation: Enabled students to apply the knowledge and experience gained in the taught component of their MSc Programme to a topic or dissertation within...


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Soldier’s Learning Styles

Possible relationships between a soldier’s perceptual style and how they experience post-traumatic stress There are several theories that have endeavored to provide an interaction of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the perceptual style of the victims. To start with, social-cultural influence has been seen to be potentially vital in...


Correctional Psychology and Rehabilitation

Reintegration of Offenders into Society Programs for crime prevention involve effective measures that help offenders not to repeat the same crime in the future. When imprisoned offenders are released from prison, they face challenges that make them unable to be law-abiding especially the offenders who have lengthy records of committing...


Dreamwork Theoretical Orientations and Application

Introduction According to Mary (1994), a dream can be defined as a sequence of images, thoughts and feeling that are hidden in the unconscious part of a human mind and is manifested during sleep. Dreaming dates back to human creation and have been explained by psychologists as a way of...


Juvenile Justice System and Prisons Review

Introduction Vibrant and healthy societies are concerned about reducing the crime rates and also on the rehabilitation of the individuals whose crimes had resulted in incarceration. From time to time many studies have come up with the issue of psychological problems in juvenile prisoners. However, the estimated percentage of these...


Psychology of Women in the Workplace

Society has experienced a revolution in gender-related attitudes, practices, and policies. However approximately one sixth of the Fortune 500 companies of America still have no female officers. Lisa Belkin of the New York Times Magazine reports that less than 2 percent of corporate offices are held by African-American, Asian-American, or...


Treatment Protocol and Patient Education for Heart Disease

Introduction Since patients with heart disease have a higher rate of depression, various psychological assessment measures are indicated. Physiologic, psychosocial, and behavioral factors play a key role in heart disease, and therefore, these have to be tackled with appropriate psychological interventions like education, counseling, and behavioral interventions. This essay reviews...


How People Deal With Being Threatened and Scared

Introduction Everyone dreams of blissful existence. One where peace and calmness prevail and troubles are manageable. In reality, man is barraged with conflicts and problems. Every day, life’s complexities pose challenges to a person’s coping and survival skills. A person comes up with several responses when faced with an adverse...


Prescription Privileges for Psychologists

Introduction “Prescription privileges” is one of the most controversial topics facing modern psychology. With the help of prescription privileges, psychologists will have another chance to take a leadership role in the practice of health care delivery. The mental health care system has undergone huge changes over the past decades. Power...


Growing-up Family Experience and the Interpretive Style in Childhood Social Anxiety

The connection between parents’ experience in upbringing and child’s social anxiety is huge, to say more, this connection is indirect, the higher parents’ experience in the children’s upbringing, the lower child’s social anxiety. The relation may be easily explained, as when parents are with the experience, and this experience is...


Cognitive Abilities of Patients Identification with TBI

The present research showed highly relevant results in the context of studies connected with the identification of cognitive abilities of patients with TBI. The results showed a high correlation of the selected patient treatment form (PTF) and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). The result was astounding – all five chosen...


Cognitive Behavoural Therapy in Councilling Children

The treatment of children who are suffering from stress has been the most difficult medical practitioner. Therefore counseling is the best treatment of psychological stress. Psychological stress arises from frustration conflict and pressure. Frustration arises from one individual failing to accomplish some needs or desires of life. When such kind...


A Drug Addicted Man’s Psychoanalytic Observation

History and Background Willie came from a middle-class home, with the chance and love. According to Willie, his first drug experience was when he was eight years old. At some point in surgical procedure he was given liquid cocaine for the reason that he could not be intubated. He keep...


Parallel Process in Clinical Supervision

Critical Analysis The parallel process is concerned with the psychoanalytic conceptions of transference and countertransference. The process of transference originates when the counselor is responsible to the presentation as well as emotional issues of the therapeutic relationship under the supervisory clinical authority. Countertransference takes place when the supervisory authority responds...


How Sexual Orientation and Cultural Differences May Affect the Client – Therapist Relationship

Abstract The understanding of a possibly destructive relationship between the gay/lesbian and culturally diverse populations in concert with the predominantly heterosexual and majority culture environment is an important part of developing practice knowledge to work with gay/lesbian and diverse clients. If therapists are supposed to work with these clients, then...