Introduction: The First Steps Have Been Made
Washington, DC – Another range of changes have been made concerning the already existing TSC No Fly List. A list of those who are known as people involved into terrorist activities, the given list seems to have become completely inadequate (Abad-Santos, 2012), which means that the security system must be changed to protect the citizens of the United States from terrorists’ actions. The renewed policy of aviation and homeland security is most likely to make the lives of the citizens of the USA safer, since it is aimed at detecting the potential threat faster than the previously used system. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that to current modification of the aviation and homeland security policy prevents the officials from mistaking civil USA citizens for terrorists (Shepard, 2012), which the previous system was blamed for (Frequently asked questions, 2013.).
The Reasons for Change: The Conflict That Has Been Brewing
According to the recently acquired data, the number of misconceptions concerning the identity of the alleged terrorists among the clients of online services has peaked over the past few years. Therefore, it is crucial that only a restricted number of people should have access to the list of the people that are considered a potential danger for the safety of the United States. On the one hand, the policy of allowing only the chosen people to use and fill in the given list leads to even bigger problem, such as personal prejudice. On the other hand, however, a smaller group of people is easier to control; moreover, in a smaller group, only the most trustworthy officials are accepted. Therefore, a sufficient filter for the information that is going to be included into the list is provided, and the veracity of this information is going to rise. Hence, the instances of mistaken identity will be driven to nil.
The Expected Outcomes: Protecting the Homeland from Invasions
If the newly adopted policy is followed closely enough, the following results can be expected:
- by 2014, the possibility of a terrorist action on board a plane will be driven to zero;
- The discrimination based on a “suspicious” look or “dangerous” nationality will be stopped;
- The potential terrorists will be detected more efficiently;
- The leakage of information will be stopped.
As it has been stated above, the no-fly list has been destroyed once and for all as the least effective system for protecting the United States from terrorists. However, it is important to keep in mind that with the destruction of the no-flight list, the leakage of information can possibly occur. In addition, it is crucial that all the data from the no-flight list should be re-evaluated carefully; otherwise, the new system will lack efficiency just as badly as the previous one.
Concerning the Possible Limitations: There Is Much to Overcome
It is yet to be remembered, though, that the new policy also has certain limitations. To start with, it is impossible to get rid of the people factor. No matter how hard one might try, there will always be the risk that a wrong person has been assigned with handling the list of the terrorists (Zetter¸ 2013). Even with the most incorruptible officials composing the list, there will still be the threat of at least a single slip and, therefore, the risk of a mistaken identity.
Another limitation worth bringing up is the issue concerning the civil liberties and the necessity to comply with them. It is important that the inspection of the suspicious passengers can be carried out only in the case their names are in the Black List database; otherwise, the airport security will have to let such public on board. The above-mentioned, however, should be considered not as a limitation, but rather as an opportunity to improve the list and make it complete.
Conclusion: Awaiting for the Results to Come
Judging by the existing evidence, the newly developed policy is bound to help in determining the possible instances of terrorism several times more efficiently and at the same time avoid infringing the rights of Muslims and other people against whom people have developed a number of prejudices (Greenwald, 2012). In the light of the recent terrorist activities in the USA, the improvements in the aviation and homeland security are worth appreciation. Moreover, it is important that with the help of the recently created Black Book, only the highly trusted officials have the access to the information concerning the terrorists and the people who are considered a potential threat to the U.S. state security. Finally, the issue concerning the numerous misunderstandings based on the Muslim origin of the people who were mistaken for terrorists has finally come to an end with the help of the recently adopted policy; as the recently acquired data says, the cases of a mistaken identity have been driven almost to nil over the past several weeks. It can be expected that with the policy of keeping the records in Black Book available only to the highly trusted authorities, the U.S. homeland security and aviation will remain invincible.
Reference List
Abad-Santos, A. (2012). Relax folks, TSA stopped an 18-month-old suspected terrorist. The Atlantic Wire. Web.
Frequently asked questions (2013). Federal Bureau of Investigation: Terrorist Screening Center. Web.
Greenwald, G. (2013) US Muslim placed on no-fly list is unable to see his ailing mother. The Guardian: Glenn Greenwald on security and liberty. Web.
Shepard, W. American Airlines employee was put on no fly list. NBC Miami: Team 6 Investigators. Web.
Zetter, K. Man banned mid-trip by no-fly list gets stranded in Hawaii. Wired. Web.