Education Philosophy
Basically, an education philosophy refers to the central subject or method of imparting education from a holistic perspective (Harmer 2007). This means that an educational philosophy is a dynamic discipline or process of learning since it incorporates aims, concepts, and methods constituting the values and norms of educational practices. As a teacher, educational philosophy means the process of creating a holistic knowledge environment by encouraging inquiry-based learning. In my view, the environment should be intrinsic to the need to motivate the learners to develop probing skills in addressing learning requirements in the form of posing questions for the learners to encourage creativity and full class participation. This view is congruent to the inquiry learning theory which states that the learning environment should be accommodative and dynamic to the needs of different learners (Ertmer & Ottenbreit-Leftwich 2010).
I propose the integration of collaborative learning through the construction of group dynamics for different levels of learning. In order to make the learning environment more accommodative and dynamic to the needs of different learners, in my opinion, there is a need for integration of collaborative learning through the construction of group dynamics for different levels of learning as opined by Darling-Hammond and Sykes (2009). For instance, while teaching an elementary class about the essence of productive behavior, I applied collaborative learning by creating small groups within the class to act on different examples of good and bad behavior. This was followed by a critical review of the learning experience into perspective. From this example, my educational philosophy was applied to solve the puzzle of how to balance invention, solving problems, exploring knowledge, proactive engagement of all learners, and active participation in the classroom environment in line with the inquiry learning theory (Howson 2006). The tenet of my philosophical approach to education is concurrent with the flowchart proposed by Slavin (2006) as summarized below.

As a teacher, I have incorporated the above educational philosophy as a prerequisite for creating a holistic learning environment that appreciates diversity, the dynamics of lesson plan delivery, and self-awareness on the sides of the instructor and learners. Through this approach, it is possible to create a dynamic and holistic learning environment that is accommodative to learners from diverse backgrounds and learning abilities as discussed by Brownell, Bishop, and Sindelar (2008). Besides, my educational philosophy is laden with the ‘good stuff’ for practical learning experience in line with the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) model explained by Darling-Hammond and Sykes (2009).
Developing and Managing Classroom Culture
Since the learning process is systematic and very dynamic, I have to outline a clear lesson objective and sub-objective by aligning the lesson requirements to the classroom environment as part of holistic and inclusive learning. Basically, this approach is necessary to take care of the diversity among learners who might have different needs. For instance, I need to appreciate the difference in the learning rate, ethnicity, performance, home language and social class among the learners to create an accommodative environment that thrives in diversity. In order to achieve this state as an educator, I should be attached to the primary lesson objective and remain flexible to understand the cultural diversity in terms of language and ethnicity of each learner (Slavin 2006). As a result, I will not only be able to integrate inclusive learning methods but also encourage total participation by all learners in developing classroom agreements, rules, and codes of conduct.
I might use simple language, sentences, neutral accents, and slow speech to accommodate slow learners and create interacting learning activities. For instance, during one of the lesson plan delivery in an elementary class, I applied the above concepts by adopting a friendly lesson delivery strategy. The delivery method was organized into a systematic and sensitive approach to ensure that the slow learners and minority students were not left out. Besides, I made sure that each learner was given an equal opportunity to participate within their ability. These strategies were instrumental towards confidence-building in the diverse classroom environment. Specifically, through repeated pronouncing of instructions, I was able to follow up on the progress of each learner since it created an environment of self elegancy, which promoted proactive participation and invention. This is because the learners were encouraged to develop a deep sense of appreciation for the attention given to them (Howson 2006).
Apart from these strategies, as an educator in a culturally diverse classroom environment, I should implement instruction delivery strategies that encourage optimal learner concentration and engagement at the interactive level. This is achieved by gauging the level of learner attentiveness. This strategy is inclusive of the need for active participation by the learner who is encouraged and motivated to optimally function actively in-class activities without fear of developing inferiority complex problems. For instance, in the elementary classroom, I always instruct, I have made sure that the minority and special needs learners are accorded enough attention to build their self-confidence and integrate their learning ability into the general classroom environment. Besides, I always make sure that there are several practical activities ranging from observable objects to group participation to ensure that the learners remain interested and active during the lesson. For example, I always support my lesson activities with short videos, charts, and practical life examples to ensure that learners not only internalize the idea but also grasp it in the simplest way possible. Besides, I am always observant of the behavior of each learner in order to notice any peculiar conduct before it affects the learning process. Whenever I notice some level of disinterest, however little it is, I always introduce a short humorous story that is related to the lesson topic.
Despite the fact that almost all my lessons attract positive review results, there are some instances of misconduct from a few learners. As a teacher, I should manage students who are not adhering to the classroom agreements through firmly talking to them, giving light punishments, and making them stand before the entire class to apologize. In an instance of conflict in the classroom, I should act as the arbitrator by calling the parties involved and encouraging them to iron out the differences through a guided debate. At the end of the debate, I will call the conflicting learner aside and reprimand them through punishments such as extra home assignments or taking care of a raw egg for an entire week. This is in line with the classroom management model proposed by Crichton, Pegler and White (2012).
Classroom Activity Example
I will use group learning to organize learners into groups of three and request a presentation by each member before the whole class. For instance, in a pronunciation class, I will integrate technology tools such as an audiovisual recorder and alphabetical letters curved on plastic material. As the instructor, I will request each learner to pronounce the word written on the white wall as I record it on the audiovisual device. This will be followed by a group activity where learners will arrange the alphabetical letters to form the word that has been pronounced. I will then present the right pronunciation of the word and let the learners correct their accent mistakes. Each learner will be given enough time to make the presentation as a strategy for eliminating fear and building confidence among the learners. Subsequently, limited space for activating positive self-esteem may result in a lack of confidence and diminished courage to practice inquisitive learning (Brownell, Bishop, & Sindelar 2008). Fortunately, through the proposed activity, I will apply an inclusive participatory approach to inquire from each group and each learner about their presence in the form of simple questions. As a matter of fact, the learner will be given an opportunity to contribute and special attention to gauge progress. Before proceeding to the next concept, I will ensure that the learner is at par with the lesson objective.
Outline of responsibilities and resources
Learning resources
- Digital board
- Whiteboard
- Chalk
- Exercise book
- Pen
- Posters
- Tables
- Paper and pencils
- PowerPoint
- Demonstration handouts
- Video
- Brochure
- Instruction delivery
- Supervision of leanings
- Assigning group work and marking
- Moderating group activities
If I have a student who is experiencing serious learning challenges, despite trying a range of approaches, I will request help from the school counselor to establish the root cause of the problem. I will ask the parents/guardians of a student who constantly ignore the classroom agreements to help with reinforcing discipline in their child.
Reference List
Brownell, M, Bishop, A & Sindelar, P 2008, “NCLB and the demand for highly qualified teachers: Challenges and solutions for rural schools”, Rural Education Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 9-15.
Crichton, S, Pegler, K & White, D 2012, “Personal devices in public settings: Lessons learned from an iPod touch/iPad project”, Electronic Journal of E-Learning, vol. 10. no, 1, pp. 23-31.
Darling-Hammond, L & Sykes, G 2009, “Wanted: A national teacher supply policy for education: The right way to meet the “highly qualified teacher” challenge”, Education Policy Analysis Archive, vol. 11, no. 33, pp. 1-55.
Ertmer, P & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, 2010, “Teacher technology change: How knowledge, confidence, beliefs, and culture intersect”, Journal of Research on Technology in Education, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 255-284.
Harmer, J 2007, The practice of English language teaching, Pearsons Longman, Harlow.
Howson, J 2006, Taking control of your teaching career: a guide for teachers, Routledge, Alabama.
Slavin, R 2006, Educational psychology: Theory and practice, Pearson Education, Boston.