Embryonic, Adult Stem Cells, and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell

Subject: Sciences
Pages: 3
Words: 587
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: College

Uniqueness of Stem Cells

The importance of the exploration of stem cells is difficult to overestimate because this study contributed greatly to the further development of biology in terms of analysis of use and potential benefits of using stem cells for regenerative and other operations. So, the treating of diseases can benefit from the potential use of results of scientific research. Stem cells have unique properties such as an ability to be reorganized into other types of cells in the first stages of their life.

In this respect, it is necessary to take into account this property for researches and methods of treating various diseases on different stages using substituting stem cells with infected or defective cells. As reported by Nippert, stem cells can be divided preserving the potential ability to keep the properties of a parent cell or to obtain properties typical of other types of cells (14). The unique properties of stem cells are that they differ from other types of cells in the body. Three basic features are typical of all stem cells regardless of their origin; they include the capability for self-division and self-regeneration, the potential to obtain properties of other types of cells as they are unspecialized, and the ability to be transformed into other cell types.

Embryonic and Adult Stem Cells

Embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos; these embryos are developed from fertilized eggs and transmitted to laboratories where researches are conducted to explore the value of these cells and their benefits for treating different diseases. The researchers can choose the processes of in vitro fertilization of eggs to prepare the embryos for research conducted in a laboratory. In this respect, the embryos are not taken from eggs fertilized directly in a human body because of ethical aspect of this issue.

So, it is necessary to differentiate between embryonic stem cells that can be transformed into other types of cells from adult stem cells that can perform the function of stem cells only. Respectively, the organ or tissue can regenerate itself with the help of embryonic stem cells inserted in it about their property to obtain features of the cells of this organ or tissue. Thereby, the principal function of adult stem cells is to maintain and regenerate the tissues that serve as their sources; their use for regeneration and treatment of diseases is under consideration.

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (Ipsc)

As pluripotent stem cells can be introduced only with embryonic stem cells because adult stem cells perform the functions typical of tissues and organs they form, it is necessary to discuss the induced pluripotent stem cells. The threat of being rejected after transplantation by the organism is one of the features common for adult and embryonic stem cells that have been reported by researchers (Warnock 16). However, the nature of induced pluripotent stem cells includes the origin of these cells as they are derived from adult stem cells transformed into those with embryonic stem cells’ potential properties to obtain different functions.

Potential Use of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (Ipscs)

One potential description use of the induced pluripotent stem cell as a therapy for treating a disease or a condition is by testing a new drug. For instance, new medicines can be tested on induced pluripotent stem cells derived from adult stem cells in terms of their safety for a human organism and potential benefits (Nippert 27). Stem cells are potentially useful for researches and can be implemented in practical therapy after a thorough investigation of potential threats and benefits.

Works Cited

Nippert, Irmgard. “The Pros and Cons of Human Therapeutic Cloning.” Journal of Biotechnology, 98 (2002): 53-60. Print.

Warnack, Mary. A Question of Life: The Warnock Report on Human Fertilization and Embryology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1984. Print.