How Language Shifted from Tool to Subject in Philosophy

Subject: Philosophy
Pages: 3
Words: 588
Reading time:
2 min

Language is a very important aspect of human life. Language forms the essential part of understanding the world in which man lives. Language creates important relations between what is in the environment that forms experiences and an understanding of the experiences that forms knowledge in human beings. After identifying and going through experiences in life, language comes in as a vital tool for providing descriptions and even relationships, which help to discover much in the world through philosophy as an essential science of humankind. Initially, in philosophy, language was a very important tool as brought about by the very significant names in the history of philosophy. First of all, it was used for the purposes of stating the facts on the table before creating an argument.

Then it was also used to provide justification of the type of argument that has been brought about by statement of the facts. But nowadays, language seems to have changed in the sense that it has become a subject in philosophy because of a number of reasons. Austin treats language both in terms of a method in philosophy and as a subject in philosophy. He brings out how topics such as perceptions and truth influence philosophy. Russell has brought out the importance of language for analysis in philosophy.

Wittgenstein was also noted to have focused on the analysis part of the language. This has indicated a clear shift in the study of philosophical language as a subject rather than as a tool. The issue of logic in Wittgenstein s arguments has also indicated the shift from language as a tool to a subject that is supposed to bring about rationality in philosophical analysis. Language in philosophy can be used as a methodology in a number of important ways to bring about logical discussions in philosophy language is essential. Issues that concern morality and ethics in philosophy need language to provide a guideline.

Detecting things like fallacies in philosophical matters, a clear mastery of language can be utilized as a method of preventing the effect of such arguments that create distortion of important information. Philosophical language can make someone stick to the main points of an argument and prevent focusing on sideshows that can create deviation from the main point in an argument. Good knowledge of the language in philosophy brings about clarity of purpose and therefore helps to enhance objectivity in an argument. Without a good knowledge of the language, one cannot understand if an argument is objective or not. It becomes difficult to differentiate between valid arguments and irrelevancy when one does not understand philosophical language.

The study of philosophical language has been of great importance to me personally because of what I have managed to achieve. Right now, I can stage a logical argument and defend it well using the important language skills that I have acquired in philosophy. From the study of philosophy, I can easily detect and dismiss arguments that are irrelevant or fallacious because of the language I have been able to acquire. To me, this is a valuable asset I have acquired in life, and it will be very helpful in my future careers and general life when it comes to important decision-making processes. I will apply the knowledge and use the appropriate language to argue out my point of view. This will always bring me out as a unique being from other people.