Massachusetts Government Act and the Way of Governing

Subject: Law
Pages: 3
Words: 564
Reading time:
2 min

Massachusetts Government Act was the law adopted by the UK Parliament in 1774 went down in history together with other laws that are called “unbearable.” It was adopted on 20 May 1774, acquired full power with July 1, 1774.


Government Act of Massachusetts canceled the election of councilors governor of the colony for alleged inefficiency of elected councilors and transfer the right of their appointment to the King on the subject to the approval of candidates. The number of such advisers consisted from 12 to 36 people. In addition, this law ceased activities of the Colony from August 1, 1774 for the right to appoint sheriffs and judges without consultation with the council. Massachusetts Government Act, similarly to Quebec act, gave the governor of the colony to transfer jurors. The latter also no longer were chosen from among the residents of the colony, they were appointed as sheriffs. Age jury was set to be from 20 to 70 years old. The constitutional acts under consideration differ in form from similar acts of the states of the continental legal family, since the Anglo-Saxon legal system dominates in Britain.

If the style of writing constitutions in a continental legal family can be conditionally called general declarative, then the style of writing the Acts and Laws on the management of dependent countries under consideration can be called casuistic. It is important to remember that the provisions of the acts consolidate in a generalized, universal form the foundations of the social and state system, which are specified in other acts. These legal documents are more reminiscent of court decisions made for a particular case or incident. Thus, the British constructed such parliaments in which one chamber limited and restrained the other, thereby in many cases freeing the British from the need for direct intervention in the legislative process. Thus, the events unfolded according to the idea of rules of the small claims court.

Potential radical freedom-loving decisions of the lower liberal chamber hit the blank wall of conservatism in the upper chamber, which contributed to the stable development of the country, and stable development within the British Empire. With regard to the separation of powers. If we compare the position of the US states under the US Constitution, the powers of which were given above, then the stated thesis about the centralized nature of the federal model becomes obvious. They were not entitled to leave the federation, introduce domestic customs, their own currency, conduct international politics, or have armed forces; in all other respects, the states were given complete freedom with the position of the provinces in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Government Act introduced penalties against police officers, who violated the new order of conducting the trial. Juror was not allowed to have been called back to the sheriff at the same court for re-performance of their duties for three years. Massachusetts Government Act law also defined some of the details of conducting investigative and judicial proceedings. The adoption of the given act and other laws has caused unbearable convocation of the 1st and 2nd Continental Congress. They produced the response in relation to the main country and then went to war for the independence of the colonies. It resulted in the overall increase of tension among all colonies which was one of the contributing factors for the initiation of the War of Independence.