Metaphysical Non-Duality Exemplified in Christianity

Subject: Religion
Pages: 1
Words: 265
Reading time:
< 1 min

The metaphysical language suggests that the infinitive neither wills imagines, acts, nor causes anything. Negative language about a creative action of the infinitive must be understood in the same way as negative language about its being and nature. In Christianity, selflessness is the means by which the infinitive engenders the finite, though the act of self-abandonment implies no essential privation. In other words, the infinitive produces its objects. For example, if the eye were attempting to see itself, it would defeat itself.

The eye sees by giving itself up to what it sees. Non-duality is an expression of no idea. Nonduality being a monism, entirely excludes the values of worship. This is the relationship between man and God and makes the supreme spiritual ideal the total absorption and disappearance of the human person into undifferentiated oneness. The doctrine of nonduality is consistent with worship as an expression of love and relationship. Monism is any reduction of being to mere oneness.

This happens because doctrines of this type would destroy all finite values by denying them any kind of reality. Monism is just repugnant to the metaphysical viewpoint and for a similar reason because it excludes and opposes the possibility of finite multiplicity. The idea of trinity saves Christianity from monistic predicaments. It gives significance even prior to the universe because he always contains both the subject and the object of his own love. This is the relationship of the Father and the Son in the bond of the Holy Spirit of love.