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Entertainment & Media

Internet Impacts on the American Politics

Introduction The contribution of the internet in the US government debates preludes its role in American politics. American campaigns and debates on elections have found an important playfield on the internet. In 1994, Senator Diane first highlighted the role of the internet on politics. In 1998, Jesse Ventura deployed the...

Entertainment & Media

The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – the Touring Years

The documentary film The Beatles: Eight Days a Week – the Touring Years hit the box offices on 15 September in the United Kingdom, home to the famous band members. The director of the film is Ron Howard, a filmmaker and an actor from the USA. The film focuses on...


Genetically Modified Crop Technology Implications

Introduction Global events such as overpopulation, climate change, and a shortage of food resources have led to the use of biotechnology in agriculture to produce genetically modified crops. Genetic modifications allow plants to withstand any potential environmental and farms can produce higher amounts of harvested crop yields. However, the introduction...


Engineering OleT Enzyme to Improve Biofuel Yield

Introduction Global energy demand is reported to increase significantly over the last one year. The Global Energy and CO2 Status Report that was released in March 2018 indicated that energy requirements all over the world increased by a margin of 2.1% in 2017, which was more than double the requirements...


Qualitative Research: Data Collection, Analysis, and Management

Qualitative research is one of the techniques used to gather and analyze data. It can be applied both in the scientific field and regarding business (e.g., market research can be performed using a qualitative approach). It can be useful when trying to gain a general understanding of an issue. Corbin...


Benefits of Stem Cell Research and Use

Three types of stem cell research classified according to the source of the stem cells: adult stem cells, fetal stem cells and embryonic stem cells Does the end justify the means? This is the question that reigns at the mention of stem cell research. With human beings being faced with...


Business Research Methods

The two types of discourse Discourse is a tool to convey the meaning of what a person wants to say. There are two major types of discourse such as exposition and argument (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). Exposition comprises statements that describe events or concepts and does not provide any explanations....


Data Analysis and Practical Application

Summary Data analysis can be carried out with the aid of statistical software like SPSS or SAS in computer. Effective data analysis can be achieved by feeding proper information into the computer. It is good to choose the correct data technique for relevance and comprehensiveness if research work. Research analysis...


Water Resources in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction Current water sources in the territory of the UAE (United Arab Emirates) can be divided into two major categories (conventional and non-conventional). Conventional water sources imply natural methods of collecting rain and groundwater. Non-conventional resources are usually made by humans and are based on filtering or the appropriate treatment...


Environmental Security: Global Warming and Pollution

Introduction Although climate changes, natural or caused by human activities, occur relatively slowly, they cover huge regions and therefore can be a serious problem for humanity. Significant changes are fraught with a shift in climatic zones, which may force people to rebuild their economic activities completely or partially. The issue...


Dubai Coast: Environmental Sampling and Analysis

Importance of sampling and analysis during environmental research Sampling can be regarded as the systematic selection of part or some elements within a given population for study. In sampling, a small part of the whole data is selected and used for the study. Sampling is very important in the environmental...


The Major Contributors to Water Pollution

Introduction Water pollution is a severe issue in the world because of the severe implications that it cause to living organisms and their impact on the ecosystem. Pollutants are substances that are in a place where they should not be, and they usually contribute to problems when consumed by living...


The Australian Government and Carbon Dioxide Emission

Introduction Energy can be defined as the capability to work. Energy comes in different forms such as light, motion, heat, electricity, among others. Energy can be stored, amplified or converted for use in different ways. The energy sources can be split down into two different categories (i.e. renewable and non...


Renewable Energy Sources in the US

Energy engineering is a field of study that deals with energy minimization. This article mainly talks about how the United States has switched to renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal to combat global warming and problems associated with fuel fossils. Being a person who majors in...


School-Family-Community Partnership Policies

Student Achievement Parental involvement within the educational system is generally considered a positive phenomenon from teachers’ perspectives. While parents tend to develop a positive attitude toward the specified idea as well, their initial reaction tends to include reluctance. There is a difference between discrimination, prejudice, and stereotype. Stereotypes, including both...


Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder on Students and Education

Summary of Disability Autism spectrum disorder is (ASD) is a developmental disability, which appears in the form of social communication deflects. An individual also shows a reparative, stereotypical behavior in activities and interests, which continue in future life. Frequently, people with ASD experience social anxiety, severe irritability, attention-deficit/hyperactivity, and intellectual...


Big Mountain High School’s Leadership Issues

Case Summary The case under consideration provides an outlook on some dilemmas faced by educational institutions regarding making decisions, developing the curriculum, and the roles of staff members in the process of change in an organization. The institution involved in the case is Big Mountain High School (BMHS), the only...


Adult Education, Its Objectives and Approaches

Position on Piaget’s Quote Adult learning focuses on improving the professional practices of learners (Usher & Bryant, 2014). For example, training of employees aims at improving their professional skills. Therefore, adult learning allows professionals to do new things, as suggested by Jean Piaget. Notably, adult learning in professional settings is...

Tech & Engineering

The Influence of Online Games on Children and Adults

Online games are a popular form of entertainment in contemporary society. Adults and children of all ages play online games on their computers, phones, or gaming stations. Apart from entertainment, online gaming can have some other benefits to users, including improved critical thinking and problem solving, increased communication skills, and...

Tech & Engineering

Aviation Customers and Quality Service Delivery

Researchers have acclaimed the airline industry for its constant struggle of cutting expenses, overseeing inconsistent demand, and sustaining quality prerequisites while attempting to improve its services and fulfill the customer’s needs. Consumer satisfaction has been low, and the Customer Satisfaction Index scores the least among 50 different enterprises (Haghighat, 2017)....


“A&P” and “Hills Like White Elephants” Stories Comparison

Introduction The choice of a narrative mode shapes how readers perceive the actions of the main characters. This paper will include an analysis of two short stories, namely Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway and A&P by John Updike. These literary works exemplify different story-telling techniques that enable the...


Women’s Roles and Expectations in the 20th and 21st Centuries

Gender Roles Have Changed Significantly from the 20th to the 21st century Historically, women occupied a subservient position in a male-dominated society. Since the formation of ancient social hierarchies based on force and physical prowess, the patriarchal system formed a set of institutionalized prejudices that were designed to maintain the...


The Concept of Hero Definition

Whether or not a person should be considered to be a hero is a difficult question to answer. One of the principal issues of such categorization is the broad definition of heroism (Gonçalves 11). However, this paper intends to discuss this subject in order to overview various possible explanations of...


Abortion: Supporting and Opposing Arguments

Abortion is basically an act of removing the embryo from womb and terminating a pregnancy (Johnston 2-5). The issue of abortion is not new, it has been in the public domain and subjected to discourse for many years. It is still an emotive issue. This paper mainly discusses the issue...


Sexuality as a Social Issue: Definition and Trends

Importance of Sexuality Human sexuality is a social construct expressed primarily through behaviors, attitudes, experiences, and beliefs that change constantly with time. Sexuality defines one’s personality in terms of sexual behaviors or attitudes. Thus, everyone is a sexual being regardless of his/her sexual orientation. According to Sprecher (1198), sexual orientation...

Tech & Engineering

Interactive Whiteboards in Guided Inquiry-Based Learning

The proposed literature review aims to focus on the use of interactive whiteboards in guided inquiry-based learning in early childhood education. It is reported in the researches on the topic (e.g., Ju-Ling, Chien-Wen & Gwo-Jen, 2010; Spronken-Smith, Walker, Batchelor, O’Steen & Angelo, 2011) that there are different modes of inquiry-based...


Systems Thinking and Mental Models

Systems thinking for the enterprise: new and emerging perspectives Key Points The key points in this article include addressing the term enterprise. The author says that in the context of the paper, it refers to a unit comprising of interdependent resources. These include people, funding, technology, organizations, and processes. However,...


Water Pollution and Associated Health Risks

The deterioration of the environmental situation all over the globe is inseparably linked with the pollution of the atmosphere, soil, and water with agricultural, industrial, and domestic human activities. Since the abstraction of water for drinking purposes is made from underground and open water sources, it becomes evident that all...


Sunflower Plant, Its Growth and Biomass in the UAE

Background Knowledge The Middle East region has arid and semi-arid climatic conditions that are characterised by water scarcity and high temperatures that result in high evaporation rates (Dubreuil et al., 2013; Voss et al., 2013; Beaumont, Blake & Wagstaff 2016). Additionally, the loose soils and desert winds contribute to air...


Global Health and Human Security

Introduction Human security has emerged as the opposite of national security. While national security is concerned with resolving issues related to the country’s borders, human security focuses on people’s well-being and is related to human rights (Saladino slide 31). Human security relies on two main concepts: freedom from fear, meaning...


Racial Profiling in the United States

Introduction Racial profiling is a form of profiling in which the study of the behavioral characteristics of a particular subject is determined on the basis of racial and national characteristics. From the point of view of analysis, the essence of the use of such profiling is insignificant, due to the...


Same-Sex Marriage Law: Liberty and Equal Protection

Over the past few decades, the institution of marriage in the United States has undergone considerable transformations. Undoubtedly, one of the most fundamental changes followed the U.S. Supreme Court decision to repeal all states’ bans on same-sex marriage and to legalize it on the whole territory of the United States....


The Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a federal law that was ratified by the United States Congress in 1966 (Pozen, 2005, p.634). Under this law, the federal government agencies (i.e., FBI, CIA, etc.) are legally compelled to provide information to the public on a need basis (Kreimer, 2007, p.1149)....


Governmental Contract: What Makes It Perfect

Contracts Contracts under seal were applied traditionally, and involved the agreement between different parties being signified by a binding seal on the contract document. This ensured that every party in the contract assumed legal responsibility and liability without having to offer any legal detriment. The importance of contracts under seal...


Professional Values in Community Service Work

Introduction Community service work focuses on helping the vulnerable populations and marginalised members of society. Since social workers directly interact with people, their professional values are of great importance to ensure proper practitioner-client relationship. The values underpinning community service work in Australia include social justice, commitment to social inclusion, respect...

Tech & Engineering

Web and Social Media for Student Learning

Introduction The following is a brief analysis of blogs, wikis, and social networking tools. Through the internet, social networking has become one of the most influential and powerful modes of communication in the twenty-first century. With more than two billion people having access to internet and computers and the increase...


Employment Relations in Australia

The decline of union density and membership in Australia indicates diminishing influence of trade unions. The decrease is one of the most remarkable industrial issues that the country is facing. According to Bailey, Price, Esders, and McDonald (2010), less than a half of Australian youth and adults have or are...


Family Involvement Impact on Student Achievement

Abstract Researches carried out in the last three decades has evidenced that parental/family involvement to a great extent contributes in numerous ways to improve students’ achievement about school and learning success. These studies have considerably remained unswerving even though families, as well as learning institutions, have changed over time. It...


English as a Second Language Program Implementation

Plan of Implementing a Program of ESL Learning English as a second language is getting more and more popular nowadays. I am excited to have received an opportunity to be responsible for organizing and implementing a program of ESL teaching in our district. While the immigrant population in our area...


Global Warming and Climate Change Legislation

Executive Summary Human activities have caused the near-surface air temperature of the earth to rise at a higher rate than expected. The human activities have led to this due to the increased release of greenhouse gases. The earth’s warming has been coined as global warming which has been defined as...


Diversity in Online and Face-To-Face Networks

Introduction Chapter 6, “Social Networking,” in Bucher’s (2015) Diversity Consciousness: Opening Our Minds to People, Cultures, and Opportunities presents the discussion of social networking while focusing on the idea of diversity in this context. The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of Chapter 6, discuss associated challenges,...

Entertainment & Media

International Advertisement Regulations

Advertising regulation is a corporate concept that is gaining momentum in the international realm. The diversified forms of marketing that inculcate various forms of advertisements have risen significantly. This aspect has made it a necessity to have a regulatory framework to guide the whole practice. Essentially, advertising means making a...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Communications in Dubai Public Sector

Abstract Social media is increasingly becoming popular as a means of communication, not only among the young population but also among the middle-aged and the aging population. Many companies are currently using social media platforms as a means of advertising their products. However, corporate society is yet to accept social...


Environmental Issues and Plastic Industries

Introduction There is rapid growth in environmental problems all over the world, which could be attributed to a rapid increase in population growth, putting a lot of strain on the environment as well as natural resources. Several domains contribute to environmental degradation, some of which include; industrial pollution, deforestation, land...

Entertainment & Media

TV Soap Operas and Reasons for Their Popularity

The Reasons for the popularity of TV Soap Operas Television plays a major role in the lives of people in the modern world. Through television, people can obtain news as well as stay entertained. Entertainment is one of the most significant roles of television and various TV stations produce programs...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media: Ethical Issues and Theories

Introduction Social media is an integral medium of communication in contemporary society. With the heightening advent of computer technology and the internet, people can now interact easily through various social networking sites. This revolution has made communication more effective, thus making the use of social media more common in the...

Tech & Engineering

Project Risk Response Strategy

Risk: Cost Risk Response Strategy: Mitigate Mitigation is a risk response involving “lowering its probability or potential impact” (Kendrick, 2015, p. 196). Although mitigating actions cannot eliminate the risk, they can significantly reduce its negative influence. For example, it is possible to reduce the undesirable consequences of cost risks through...


Feminists’ Liberal Rights in the 19th Century

Introduction The first wave feminists and activists of this period define feminism as women who fought for their deprived liberal rights in the society. They believed that everyone should be treated as being free and equal. These first wave feminists also formed the Early Women Movement. They advocated for their...


The Emancipation Proclamation Origin

The Origin of the Emancipation Proclamation and the start of the Civil War The origin of the Emancipation Proclamation was based on the progressive movement in the North (Eddlem 34). It began as a social movement within various local areas, which slowly progressed towards the national level. It attempted to...


Chinese Colonial Administration in Inner Asia

China and Other Colonial Empires China has always been one of the most discussed and investigated countries. Today, the outstanding development of this state gives rise to a new wave of discussions about its imperialistic past and how it impacts its todays growth. In the paper “China and Other Colonial...


State and Society in Spanish America

Introduction In his book, State and Society in Spanish America during the Age of Revolution, Victor Uribe-Uran, considers the period between 1760 -1850 to be a period of deep-seated transformations. Other authors had different names for the same period. For instance, palmer referred to this period as the Age of...


Ignition and Burning Processes of Fuels and Accelerants

The crime of arson thrives on the availability and tenacity of a fire; devoid of a fire or if a fire is not tenacious enough, arson will fail. To solve arson cases, the investigators must understand fundamental and essential facts about fire. Having background knowledge on fire helps crime busters...

Entertainment & Media

Women’s Media Image and Urge for Cosmetic Surgery

The increased access to information through various modern and traditional media platforms has its upsides, but there have emerged many downsides to the constant access to media over the past. One of the downsides includes the pressure on women applied to them by the image that the media has promoted...


Psychology of Personality: Agreeableness

Introduction This paper aims to explore an important aspect of my personality—agreeableness. It will also outline the basis of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory and apply it to analyzing the manifestations of the trait in real life. Discussion It can be said that I am an excessively agreeable person. People who...


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression in Adults

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective tool in the treatment of depression in adults. This therapy considers depression as a consequence of negative thoughts, which primarily reflect violations in the perception and assessment of events. The essence of CBT lies in the thorough study of negative thoughts, the detection...


Personality Traits and Musical Elements Preferences

Participants The participants for this study involved one hundred and forty-five university students, aged between nineteen and twenty-six. The students were randomly selected to listen to music as hypothesized and all the participants agreed to take part in listening to music without any knowledge on the relevance of their participation....


Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory of Development

The ecological theory of development as postulated by Urie Bronfenbrenner holds that several environmental systems are involved in the development of an individual. In this regard, five environmental systems are recognized: Microsystem: this setting includes an individual’s family, neighborhood, school, and peers. In a microsystem context, the individual plays an...


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder’ Analysis

Introduction Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a serious health condition that occurs after a petrifying event (Warner et al. 828). Some of the common symptoms associated with PTSD include nightmares, anxieties, and flashbacks associated with the traumatic event (Levin et al. 149). Individuals experiencing various traumatic thoughts or events...


Water Pollution in China

China is on the verge of experiencing water crisis. Bao et al. argue, “The country’s per capita water supply is significantly lower than the global average, but its demand for water is astronomical” (103). In China, agriculture and industry require a lot of water and contribute to water pollution. For...


Learning Disabilities, Communication Disorders and Giftedness

Abstract This paper addresses the issues of learning disabilities, communication disorders, and giftedness among children. Definitions, characteristics, and causes of these phenomena are exposed; the educational needs of kids in question are discussed; and, finally, the problem of dual diagnosis and its prevalence among these children is considered. The study...

Tech & Engineering

Denver International Airport’s Baggage-Handling System

Summarize the problems BAE encountered in implementing the baggage-handling system for the Denver International Airport. Implementing the baggage-handling system for the Denver International Airport BAE faced a number of issues. First of all, there was an error concerning time management. The baggage-handling system had to be installed within very strict...

Tech & Engineering

Malicious Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities

One could argue that doing this the other way around – starting with vulnerabilities – would make better sense. Which seems best to you? Explain, and illustrate your reasoning with an example. Many works of literature focusing on risk mitigation and management in information security have been produced (Bertino, 2015)....


Biological, Cognitive, Socioemotional Development

Introduction Psychology is a profession that explains scientific changes that occur in human beings during their development stages. Some people claim that a person’s personality is inherited while others claim that the environment in which a person lives determines his/her personality. As believed by most scientists, psychological and characteristic behaviors...

Tech & Engineering

Technology in Distributed Project Management Teams

Thesis Statement The rising popularity of distributed teams in project management has generated a need for technological advancement and led to creation of many devices, programs, and applications that allow people to work together regardless of their location. Current themes and issues in virtual teams’ scholarly research include the development...

Entertainment & Media

Are Social Media and Networking Good for Society?

Introduction Social media or social networks include online platforms used by people to share posts, pictures, and other material. Social media platforms are highly popular among people of different age groups and occupations. For instance, Twitter is widely used by government officials to improve online presence and image, whereas Tumblr...

Politics & Government

The Major Foreign Policy Challenge of the USA

The United States of America is one of the world states with a multi-vector policy and an extensive network of international interactions. Being a key player in the global politics of states, it faces many challenges and problems as other countries require its reaction and comments on resolving any issues....

Politics & Government

Information Technology and E-Government

E- Activism; electronic methods are deployed for raising funds, mobilizing volunteers, disseminating information and going after activities of interest groups that seek to influence public policy. Community Computing movement, the Berkeley’s Community Memory experiment, the Santa Monica Public Electronic Network and the Environmental, anti- globalization activism, are examples. E- Campaigning;...

Politics & Government

Capital Punishment: Global Issues and Prospects

Introduction The death penalty or capital punishment is the planned or premeditated elimination of the life of a human by governmental consent due to a criminal engagement of the legally convicted individual. Heated debates arise from protesters and supporters of capital punishment based on moral grounds. Critics argue that it...

Politics & Government

Opposing Views of the Death Penalty

Introduction The death penalty is the act of executing someone as discipline for particular wrongdoing after a lawful trial (Gius 200). The death penalty exacted in the discipline has been a fervent issue in the US. Those who support the death penalty believe it is just and moral because it...

Politics & Government

International Financial Institutions

The International Monetary Fund The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a financial institution with a mandate to reduce the effects of poverty and bad economic policies in impoverished countries. The IMF is in this way concerned with the issues of nations and global fiscal framework. Its exercises are aimed at...

Tech & Engineering

Cloud Computing and Virtualization

Introduction Cloud computing and virtualization are an abstraction of computer resources. These authors note that the aim of virtual computing is to “improve resource utilization by providing unified integrated operating platform for users and applications based on aggregation of heterogeneous and autonomous resources” (Shengmei et al., 2011, pp. 174-179). Most...


Data Collection Plan in Research

Work on the study of a particular issue requires compliance with a specific method of collecting and evaluating the received information. One of the most common ways of interpreting data is a mixed method that involves the use of both quantitative and qualitative data by the authors. A special place...


Child Development and Education

The first chapter of the book explores the child development field, core developmental issues in children, child development theories, developmental periods, and the aspect of turning theory into practice. Human beings are not static. A continuous phase of psychological and physical transformation is experienced from the point of conception until...


Qualitative Method for Research Proposal

The success and validity of any study depend on the choice of the research method. Different research approaches may be used to analyze the results of a study. However, a researcher must select the best research method in order to draw a practical conclusion. This proposal presents and justifies the...


The Causes of the Cold War

In 1945, the joint forces of the allies managed to defeat the Axis, which resulted in the end of World War II. However, the Soviet Union and the United States had different opinions concerning the world structure, and it led to significant geopolitical tension between the nations. The USSR wanted...


Embryonic Stem Cells for Growing Body Parts

Introduction Background Life begins when a single cell develops into tissues, muscles, bones, and organs that give rise to different body parts. Stem cell research promises to be of potential help to people living with body damaging diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, and many others. ESC has the...

Tech & Engineering

How Do Successful Businesses Use ICT?

Technology has become an integral part of the contemporary world, and it supports the daily life of almost every person. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has had a significant impact on the way companies conduct their business. Many enterprises of different scales have taken some of their operations and functions...


Gendered Division of Labour and Its History

Nowadays, equality is one of the significant issues in different spheres, and labour is not an exception. It is generally accepted that all employees should be paid on equal terms, but the actual situation is far from being perfect (Grant, 2016, para. 26). The gendered division of labour is an...


Morality and Code of Ethics for Engineers

Introduction One of the main conditions of modern society’s successful development is its dependence on the moral principles and canons which are worked out and accepted by society to regulate the character of relations within it. Moral principles belong to the field of ethics which influences all the aspects of...


Cosmetic Testing on Animals

Introductory Paragraph The use of laboratory animals is among the most common practices in experimental pharmacology, cosmetics production, and even weapons development. Although this approach to testing is extremely popular nowadays, the appropriateness of animal tests in the cosmetics industry belongs to highly debatable topics capable of polarizing society. Despite...


Child Exploitation, Trafficking and Their Threats

Abstract Child trafficking and exploitation are violations of human rights. This paper reviews the threats to the emotional, physical, and mental well-being of a child as a victim of the vice. Many traffickers are adept at using complex trauma to control victims. They manipulate victims psychologically, coerce them, and even...


Working-Class Male Identity in the Antebellum Period

Introduction In the 19th century, the ways of creating a person’s identity differed greatly from the present ones. Specifically, the male identity of working-class individuals had some peculiarities related to occupation and social status. The aim of the paper is to analyze the ways of establishing a working-class male identity...


Gun Control: Social Contract Broken in the US

Introduction For a society to function effectively and for every member of it to be happy and satisfied, everyone needs to adhere to some rules and norms of behavior. There are many social contracts in the US that have been created to regulate the lives of individuals. However, it is...


Second Language Teacher Development

Introduction The second language can be termed as another language apart from your native language. According to LLAS (2012), learning a second language is highly systematic and variable. It is highly systematic because students who learn the second language go through some steps in attainment of the language; it is...


The Learner Log Book’s Purpose

 Instructions The purpose of the Learner’s Log Book (LLB) is to document the achievements of the learner in a central repository that will be considered as evidence on the effectiveness of the learning process. It is a ‘monitoring tool’ that e-tutors use to report on individual learners’ progress and it...

Politics & Government

Home Depot Foundation and Atlanta Government

Executive Summary The Home Depot Foundation, a registered non-profit public charity, is a major national organization that helps seniors, disabled, and homeless veterans across the country obtain affordable houses, repairs, and disaster-related aid. The charity organization funds, assists, and grants the nonprofits nationwide to help these companies fulfill the veteran-...

Politics & Government

Capital Punishment: A Balanced Examination

Introduction Capital punishment is the death penalty, which is a way of punishing criminals by killing them. The essay explores the pros and cons of having capital punishment in the society. The people of United States are still debating about whether the government keep the capital punishment or stop it....

Politics & Government

Democratic and Economic Development in Asian Countries

Democratization in South Korea and Taiwan Taiwan and Korea are among the countries where transition from authoritarianism to democracy occurred through a gradual process. The two countries are claimed to have undergone the process at the same period of time. There are factors that are promoted democracy in the two...


Stress Factors and Effects on Person and Family

Effects of Unmanaged Stress Stress is a common phenomenon, and it is an element of every individual’s vital functions despite his/her gender, age, or social, and cultural backgrounds. Traditionally, psychologists divide stress into positive and negative types. While a small amount of negative stress may provoke the development of protective...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks Importance and Aspects

Introduction Before social media, the sharing of information still existed back then, currently, social media enables connections on digital media to be documented and posted publicly on the internet. Social networks developed in the past were used for academic and profit-making purposes. Technologies have since evolved facilitating user-generated, collaborative, and...

Politics & Government

The Communist Party of China and Its Influences

Introduction There are a lot of different regimes in the modern world which were in the past and which still function in different countries now. Even though modern globalization tends more to the democratization of the whole society, there are different regimes in the world. The history knows such spread...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Strategy for Public Relations

Research Purpose The modern globalized society that is used to move fast and make its everyday operations more efficient cannot exist without the use of social media. Therefore, every business, private or public, every agency, or a non-profit organization has to tailor their strategies to fit the needs of potential...

Entertainment & Media

Positive Effect of Video Games

Introduction The adverse effect of violent video games has been a highly politicized issue. There is a continuing concern that these games may make the players more aggressive in reality. However, little discussion is done over their positive effect. Are all these games really bad for players? It is impossible...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management Risks, Structures, Methods

Critically examine the accountability structures designed into your project plan. In particular, you should refer to the roles and responsibilities of the Project Manager and Project Director The project manager and project director’s major role is to ensure that the overall performance of the project is effectively undertaken; they are...


When Should Children Start School?

Students and their families may use a variety of methods to progress and achieve positive results in their learning. One such example is for children to start school at a younger age. There is an on-going, wide-ranging debate as to the true worth of early education for children and the...


Stereotype Threat: Effects on Education

Introduction The article Stereotype threat: effects on education addresses the existing stereotypes about race and gender. This article is authored by two prolific scholars; Carry Smith, a Mississippi State University Ph.D. candidate, and Li-Chung Hung an assistant professor at the Taiwanese University. The article focuses on the stereotypes surrounding females...


Early Reform Movements and American Civil War

Introduction American history is rich and fascinating. The American civil war is one of the most significant historical events. The reform movement and the industrial revolution are also very important aspects of American history. This paper will look at the early reform movements and the causes of the American civil...


Large-Scale Shift to Organic Farming

Introduction Of the three basic human needs, food is the most vital taking primacy over shelter and clothing. All governments have therefore made it a priority to protect their citizens against hunger and ensure food security. Because of modern advances, there has been a huge population increase combined with lower...


Critical Analysis and Evaluation

Introduction To undertake critical analysis and evaluation, the assessment selected two journal articles from the Electronic Reserve readings representing qualitative study and quantitative study. The first journal article by Baxa (2015) is a qualitative study, whereas the second journal article by Han and Finkelstein (2013) is a quantitative study. Critical...


Chapters 11-20 of David Potter’s “Impending Crisis”

Introduction David Potter, in his book, “The Impending Crisis,” analyzed in detail issues, events, and personalities that occurred in American history between 1848 and 1861. The author explored the genesis and impacts of the conflict between the South and the North. Potter argued that although the Northerners and Southerners had...


The Great Depression History

Introduction The Great Depression was a landmark event in the history of the United States that also influenced the flow of the global history. Starting with Black Thursday (October 24, 1929) and the Stock Market Crash, the Great Depression unravelled with such events as the increase of unemployment rates, farmers...


Social Media’s Effect on Democracy

Introduction Digital media have become a significant element of the majority of people’s lives. Hardly any individual refrains from checking updates on a variety of social platforms many times during the day. Apart from the social component, such networks also present an opportunity to obtain data, become aware of news...