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Erik Erikson’s Theory of Development

Erik Erikson’s theory presents powerful ideas and concepts that can support the changing needs of many people. The article “Identity Development throughout the Lifetime: An Examination of Eriksonian Theory” by Justin Sokol offers a detailed analysis of Erikson’s theory of development. According to the class materials, identity development is something...


Behavioral Science Theory Applied in Leadership

Executive Summary Behavioral science theory is quite effective in helping us to understand the effectiveness of leadership. This theory stipulates that a leader that posses some character traits and is in a position of displaying consideration is capable of structuring follower’s behavior; therefore, such a leader is considerably effective. This...

Politics & Government

Realism and Neorealism in International Relations

Introduction International politics have changed significantly since the end of the Second World War. After the global upheaval, realism gained much attention from political scientists and scholars. This was after the United States and the Soviet Union began a new journey towards global domination. The next decades ushered in a...


Illustration History in the 20th Century’s America

General Overview of the Period The majority of historical, social, political, and cultural events have been introduced through illustrations. Visual modes of representation, such as magazines, comics, and advertisements, have reflected society in accordance with existing artistic forms and styles. Indeed, illustrators of all times have always strived to interpret...


Value of Phonology

Introduction Larry Hyman, who is the author of the report on the universality of word accent, is a linguistics professor at the University of California, where he specializes in phonology. He has an interest in the languages of the African people. Larry Hyman has carried out several award-winning types of...


Joint Technical Architecture and Systems Integration

Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) simplifies and improves the system’s ability to maintain combined and joint operations in an investment strategy taken as a whole. The JTA is responsible for ensuring the interoperability of all strategic, tactical, and maintenance of systems. It also authorizes guidelines and standards for acquisition and system...


Japanese Manga and Anime

The relationship between Japan and the West in the Historical Development of Manga and Anime – and Comics and Animation The origin of anime does not have specific origins. In the nineteenth century, the anime, viewed as a part of the animation culture emerged. It appeared in the Meiji era,...


The Social Network: Film Analysis

The synopsis of the movie Synopsys – Settings In 2003, Mark Zuckerberg (who back then was a student at Harvard) comes up with the idea of creating a website, where students would be able to rate each other’s photos. To have this idea actualized, Mark hacks into the campus database...

Tech & Engineering

Educational Technology for Students’ Learning

Introduction Technology plays a key role in the growth and development of the economy in the contemporary world. The evolution of technology has contributed to the immense development of communication. The learning environment has also been greatly influenced by the technological revolution whereby different techniques have emerged due to the...


Global Warming: Causes and Consequences

Introduction Global warming is widely considered to be the most important environmental issue affecting the world in the 21st century. There is unanimous agreement among scientists that global warming is happening. Reliable evidence supports the notion that global surface temperatures have increased by about 0.6oC over the past century (Degelman,...

Tech & Engineering

Quality Costs Reduction in Project Management

A brief overview of quality costs in project management Project Quality Management is a critical process in the life cycle of any project. It helps to show that the project is on the right track as planned. The project team should conduct assessments to relate outcomes with requirements. Any project...

Politics & Government

Freedom Significance: Social and Political Aspects

Freedom is a concept that is easily used and misused by several stakeholders, irrespective of the significance it has on our society. The misconceptions that surround the issue of freedom assume different angles, including philosophical and political points of view. The lack of consensus that surrounds the issue of freedom...


Women’s Lives and Their Experiences

Introduction Women are important individuals in our societies since they contribute in promoting the execution of social and economic activities. Their roles cannot be ignored in any setting since their input in various facets of operation is significant towards performance enhancement. Indeed, any nation that aspires to record exemplary performance...


The Role of Intermodal Transport in International Logistics

Introduction The world economy has expanded exponentially in the last few decades because sea transport has led to the remarkable growth of the international business. Sea transport is vital in intercontinental trade because it facilitates the movement of large volumes of goods and services. According to economists, the significance of...


Language Manipulation

The use of words that give different but related meaning to the actual one is regarded as an abuse of language. The meaning derived when language is manipulated can be vague at times, but for people with a common agenda, for instance, opponents to a particular cause, it may not....

Politics & Government

Post-Cold War Conflict

Introduction The Cold War ended, but the problem of the global security environment acquired a new meaning. Moreover, the issue also needed some new approaches to its solving because of great political and economic changes in the world. The end of the Cold War could not be considered as the...