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Hotel Companies Success: The Example of Lowry Hotel

Introduction It can be stated that the organizational forms and the development strategies of hospitality companies are connected to a number of intriguing, but nevertheless little-studied questions of contemporary theory of strategic management. Nevertheless, it can be stated that there is a growing interest among hospitality industry management toward the...


Ban of Prayer in Public Schools

Introduction The American society respects and promotes human freedom in various spheres. However, looking at it in another way, one can conclude that the excess freedom given to people by our constitution is actually harmful. Our values and morals have arguably greatly diminished in the past century. On the other...


Mental Health Issues of Adolescent

Mental health is a widely accepted term used to describe a level of cognitive or emotional well-being. In other words, it is the balance between various aspects of a person’s life physical, social, emotional, and psychological. Mental health is a complex term that includes several factors. The mental health of...


Music Education: The Descriptive Research Methods

Introduction Research methods in music education are increasingly becoming commonplace. The challenge now facing designers of curricula is to balance the conventional components of the music education curricula recent research methods additions. Such a balancing act need not be done on the basis of speculation, but rather requires the input...


Use of Music in Classrooms of in-Service Teachers

Introduction Pre-service teachers are given a course in ‘fundamental of music’ or ‘music methods’ in teacher training program. It is natural to assume that the perception of these pre-service teachers about the program and different component of this program will have a strong bearing on the time that they will...


Animal Experimentation and Struggle to Abolish It

The testing on animals is conducted for research purposes in pharmaceutical companies, medical colleges, and universities in areas such as behavioral sciences, biology, genetics, drug testing, and biomedical research. Researchers that support the practice argue that almost every achievement in medical science has been the result of using animal testing...

Politics & Government

Is Capital Punishment Fair?

Outline Capital punishment, though abolished in many countries, is still practiced in some others. People have always debated on whether it is right to practice capital punishment or not. There are various flaws in sentencing to kill a convict. Firstly, it does not help in reducing the crime rate. Secondly,...


Illegal Immigration in the United States

This is one of the many sociological problems that the united states is currently facing and it’s of much significance as it touches on many aspects of the life of not only citizens of the united states but also the lives of the immigrants and their families(Hanson,2005). Illegal immigration is...


The Contributions of Business, Unions and Government to Promoting Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance has become an important social issue. Work-life balance can be defined as ‘the relationship between the institutional and cultural times and spaces of work and non-work in societies where income is predominantly generated and distributed through labor markets’ work balance are therefore those that intentionally or otherwise increase...

Tech & Engineering

Quality of Oil Project by the Kurdistan Government

Introduction. Research question Oil is considered to be the most significant product in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Throughout the Saddam Hussein ruling, the Kurdistan Regional Government was deal with just 13% of the incomes achieved from their oil. But transforms in the political outlook have also provided a better...


Studying Music Evolution

Music is an exceptional method of passing information that can alter a person’s emotions, thoughts, and operations. Music involves the mind and sentiments facilitating individual articulation, manifestation, and attitude growth. As a section of tradition, music aids individuals to self-appreciation, mingle with others, and grow their way of life creating...


Research Methodology: Questions and Hypotheses

Introduction This chapter will be organized with the help of the “onion” structure suggested by Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (2009). Many scholars propose structures of performing research (Fower 2013; Ríos & Del Campo 2013; Gray 2017), but the one suggested by Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill (2009) is the most comprehensive...


Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?

Introduction This article is about the experiences of children who grew up with parents who are homosexuals and their struggles to maintain a normal life in spite of their parents’ nonconforming lifestyles. Dawn Stefanowicz talks about her book, Out from Under The Impact of Homosexual Parenting”, which gives her first-person...


Educational Leadership – Past and Present

The history of educational leadership as a system of views begins in the United States since year 1837, when public education was introduced and made available to all social circles (Bogotch, 2004, p.10). One of the prominent politicians and educators, Horace Mann, was amongst the first to assert the necessity...


Media in Education. The Study of Application.

Introduction The study of application of media in education is a complex activity. It entails that each medium shows some specific and unique attributes that are important or of great concern to each day to day classroom learning activity. The purpose of the study of media’s implementation in education is...


Worldview in “Naming the Elephant” by James Sire

Introduction James Sire’s book Naming the Elephant is a serious look at the concept of the worldview. At its most basic form, Sire defines a worldview as a set of presuppositions that exist in relative concert with each other. While we have no real rational reasons for holding to these...


Philosophy Scenario in Music Education

Introduction Art education requires from teachers even more innovative approaches that any other education does. Professionals speak of the whole philosophy of art education that covers existing methods and approaches. Inexperienced teachers might claim that there is no need in such philosophy as knowing how to make art is enough...

Tech & Engineering

Children in Web: Protection and Prevention

Introduction Technology is the improvement made on computers, education, medicine, transportation and other technologies as well as the useful knowledge that enables humans to achieve their purpose more effectively; it is actually the growing capability of humans to achieve their purposes, the great technological transformation must be understood to a...


Correctional Psychology and Rehabilitation

Reintegration of Offenders into Society Programs for crime prevention involve effective measures that help offenders not to repeat the same crime in the future. When imprisoned offenders are released from prison, they face challenges that make them unable to be law-abiding especially the offenders who have lengthy records of committing...


Packaging Industry: Trends and Methods

Abstract Packaging is an integral part of almost all products and the packaging industry is now worth US$ 424 billion and growing. A wide variety of materials are used for packaging including paper, plastic, glass, aluminum and other mixed-materials. Paper and plastic happens to be the most sought after materials...


Queer Young Adults’ Harassment at High School

Introduction In spite of great changes in social relation legislation, sexual harassment of youth adults that are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender in a high school is still an issue of the day. Sexual harassment based on sex differences and sexual orientation is a social problem which affects thousands of young...


Folk Music Definition and Development

Introduction This paper aims to discuss the definition and development of such concepts as folk music. This term was first originated by William Thorns at the beginning of the nineteenth century, and since that time it has always been a subject of brisk discussion among musicologists. It can be interpreted...


Popular Music in the Modern Culture

Introduction Popular music is a part of modern culture which attracts millions of fans around the world. The philosophy of music states that the best music is music that resists heavy consumption, challenging fan’s expectations and habitual modes of musical perception, thereby helping to resist community’s deeply troubling drift toward...


A Development of American Society

Discussion A typical American society is characterized by diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, and language. The diverse and multicultural nature of American society was brought about by immigration throughout the countries’ history. Because of this, it is important to understand that, the social construction of racial and ethnic differences...


The Problem of Sexual Child Abuse

Sexual relations have become very important in the modern world. People pay too much attention to them as the pubescence of youth begins earlier than it was before. Youth can get information about sex everywhere. The problem is not in the issue of youth speaking about sex and the desire...

Tech & Engineering

Types of Network Security

Introduction Network security refers to all provisions and policies established and adopted to protect any network infrastructure and network resources from being accessed by an unauthorized person (s). The Network administrator is charged with the responsibility of establishing a combination of effective measures aimed at securing the network. While computer...


Dealing With Parents: Schools Problem

Introduction Schools are at the best position to offer support to the children in the school through interaction with their parents. The performance of the children in the school is a function of the school as well as home factors. It is very important therefore for the school to establish...


Observation of Early School Child Ages 3-8

Introduction Development in of child since the moment of conception to the adult age is determined by many factors. To attain full adult stage, many changes occurs in a person which are developed at various period of growth. A fully developed person comprises of three or four main components of...

Politics & Government

Government Help in Business Environment Development

Introduction An organization performs an economic activity in order to achieve set targets related to profits, production, and others. For the business to attain these set targets, it requires some kind or resources and the business environment. The environment is what surrounds an individual or organization and its direction cannot...


Gay Discrimination in the Workplace

Gay people are those whose sexual orientation is different from what is considered the norm, heterosexuality. According to, they are people who are attracted to other people of the same sex. In some instances, it happens that certain people may be discriminated against in the workplace on the basis...

Politics & Government

Social Changes in America and Civil Rights Movement

The American Civil Rights Movement or the African-American Civil Rights Movement started in the year 1955 and denoted the reformations brought about in the USA, like abolishing discrimination based on race, which was faced by the African Americans and mending the suffering of the people of the Southern States. Most...


How Are Charter Schools Funded?

Introduction In the United States, elementary or secondary schools that are funded by the public are referred to as Charter Schools. The United States Constitution has imposed some of the laws on public schools that have been withdrawn from the charter schools in the country. In exchange, the production of...


The Turning Point of Women in History

Background The women’s struggle to obtain equality has come a long way. Before the 1890s, referred to as the era of the woman, the woman’s place was subdued, to say the very least. Women had to conform to the expectations of traditions and Christian values which required them to be...


Problems Facing New Teachers

Introduction The major problems that face new teachers are the need for information that is practical, the gap existing between what they expect and reality, their relationship with students, relationship with parents, classroom management, financial and time pressures. There are similar problems faced by special and general education teachers although...

Politics & Government

Whether Voting Should Be Allowed in the USA

Introduction Mandatory voting requires electors to vote in elections or attend a polling place on voting day. If an eligible voter does not go out to vote during the elections he/she will be punished. Voting in the United States of America has been voluntary for many years. Some say that...


Lincoln’s Election: Catalyst for Beginning of Civil War

The American civil war, fought between 1861-1865, has gone down in the United States’ history as the nation’s costliest war, in which an estimated 620,000 Americans lost their lives, killed by fellow Americans. It was the most bloody and brutal war ever fought on American soil with thousands of soldiers...


Harry S. Truman’s Biographical Sketch

When Truman was a child he dreamt about another career.  Truman together with the brother wanted to select the activity of the bank employee. From 1906 to 1907 together with the father and the brother he worked at the farm. After his father had died in 1914, Truman incurred the...


Teachers’ Relations with Parents of English Learning Students

Introduction ESL program is a program of teaching students English as a second language (ESL). The students are taught English as a second language also referred to as English as a Foreign Language (EFL). This program is meant to prepare students who are traveling to an English spoken country, students...


Videogame Addiction and Its Impact on Children

Introduction Have you ever cracked a German soldier’s skull open with a trench shovel? Would you like your children to experience that as well? In some video games, you can do it. Risky and violent entertainment is the locomotive of the gaming industry. Games offer a variety of experiences that...

Tech & Engineering

The Influence of Online Games on Children and Adults

Online games are a popular form of entertainment in contemporary society. Adults and children of all ages play online games on their computers, phones, or gaming stations. Apart from entertainment, online gaming can have some other benefits to users, including improved critical thinking and problem solving, increased communication skills, and...


Racial Profiling in the United States

Introduction Racial profiling is a form of profiling in which the study of the behavioral characteristics of a particular subject is determined on the basis of racial and national characteristics. From the point of view of analysis, the essence of the use of such profiling is insignificant, due to the...

Politics & Government

Punishment and Death Penalty in the Western World

Introduction Nowadays, the discussions on punishment and the death penalty frequently occur due to the inability to create one general opinion on the importance of these two concepts and gain control over crimes that happen in the Western world. In this paper, the attention to the positions of such philosophers...

Tech & Engineering

Project and Team Management and Control

Statement of Work and Its Role in Project Management Project management is a complex undertaking that requires dedication and accuracy with regard to the execution and propagation of various components that characterize its essence. In most cases, project managers rationalize ideas and activities in order to ensure and guarantee efficiency...


Emotional Development in Children and Adults

Early childhood is a vital period in the development of every human being. Many researchers in psychology devote their studies to the exploration of the characteristic features of a child’s psychological state and emotional well-being during this period. According to Zen’kovskii (2013), “the general sense and the general features of...


Union Management and Organization

Summarize the historical and legal framework which provides the foundations for the American system of labor/management relations The American labor movement has a long history. The US population has had to unite on several occasions to achieve many gains that the current labor force enjoys across the country. The labor...


Marriage and Adultery Laws of Emperor Augustus

Introduction Gaius Octavius, popularly known as Emperor Augustus, is considered one of the most important rulers of Rome. He is the individual credited with the founding of the Roman Empire in 27BC after the collapse of the Roman Republic. Augustus was able to overcome the social and political upheaval prevalent...

Tech & Engineering

Partnership Data Exchange and Knowledge Management

Integrating across organizations and heterogeneity of data management The drive to integrate across an industry, or up or down a supply chain, discourages heterogeneity in organizational data management. Heterogeneous data shows diversity and variation and each database in such systems uses different application programs (Bestougeff, Dubois, and Thuraisingham, 2008). The...


The Impact of Flipping Classrooms

Rationale Schools in Saudi Arabia and other parts of the world that are still actively using the traditional teaching models are having difficulty in competing on a global scale. The quality of education is reflected in the performance of the students, and it is apparent that the traditional teaching methods...


Learning the Social Meanings of Gender

Although all people are born with a certain biological gender, our perception of what it means to be a man or a woman is formed by society through the course of our lives. In his essay, Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender, Aaron Devor examines the...


Important Events in the Money History

Introduction The advent and use of money have been a revelation in the world. In fact, the significance of money has outweighed its limitations. The use of money has contributed to the development and globalization of the world. Despite many upheavals, money has transcended to become one of the most...

Politics & Government

The Separation of Foreign Policy Powers

Introduction The question of the relevance of the separation of powers and whether it still serves the public interest of the Americans often reflects a misunderstanding of the policy and its initial purposes. While the separation of powers is often identified with the inefficient government, legislative supremacy is associated with...


Investment into Alternative Energy

Introduction Alternative energy can be defined as that coming from any alternative, non-traditional source, which allows using the term “non-fossil-fuel energy” for it as well (York 2012). Traditional fossil energy has nurtured the fast development of our economy, technology, and society, and the breakthrough of the past century was largely...


The Chinese Juvenile Justice System

Introduction Nowadays, the existence and operation of a juvenile justice system is an inseparable constituent of the state. However, it is a relatively recent legal invention because up to the beginning of the nineteenth century, young criminals were judged under the same system as adults. In the late 1800s, the...

Politics & Government

American Government and Politics Today

Congress Congress refers to the arm of the American government that forms the bicameral legislature that consists of the lower and upper houses that host the representatives and senators respectively. Congress has the legislative powers on all issues about the government, citizens, and international relations (Bardes 12). These powers are...


Interactive Learning Approach: Lesson Observation

Describe the observed teaching situation, including seating arrangement, classroom decor, and any additional criteria necessary to present the learning environment The teaching strategy employed by the teacher was dictated by many factors, including basic requirements of the course material, the personality of the teacher, goals of the course, the size...

Politics & Government

Libya’s State Failure and Regional Security

Introduction Generally speaking, it is interesting how history keeps repeating itself – although not necessarily in the same manner. When there existed a power gap in Syria early in 2010, the terrorist groups took advantage of the situation. They catalyzed it significantly causing a threat not only to the interest...

Tech & Engineering

Technology Impacts on New Generation of Children

Abstract Technology has become part and parcel of life today. Thus, it has a significant influence on the way society lives. An examination of technology trends and the new generation of children indicate that technology is influencing the kids’ life tremendously. However, the divide between developed and developing countries extends...


Early Childhood Classroom Environment Plan

Procedures, Rules with Consequences, and Reward System The suggested plan is developed for children aged 5. Kids of this age group are known to be rather active and curious, so classroom procedures created for them have to be filled with fun and original activities. The basic procedures at preschool lessons...

Politics & Government

US Military Image After Participation in Wars

Introduction The US military has an impactful history in international affairs owing to its vast experience in the world’s major wars. Importantly, the US military proved its point in influencing international affairs right from the defeat of Spain in 1898, which prepared it to foster world peace, as seen in...


Leadership, Conflict and Communication in Groups

Leadership in groups Even though society consists of groups of people, an important part of the qualities are brought in by each separate individual. This is why leadership in groups is extremely important. There are leaders in religious settings, social and professional. Business and work environments are always in extreme...


Exclusion, Inclusion and Segregation in the US

Racial segregation in the United States is the separation of the white population from other ethnic groups (mainly Afro-Americans and Indians). It occurred by means of a variety of social barriers: separate training and education, the distinction between landing zones in public transport, and others. The American society comprised of...


Women and LGBT Rights Evolution Comparison in the USA

Introduction In the early 20th century, women never had votes. Thus, they never had a political voice. In the same century, police raids in the US targeted gays. Law was clear that gays were not to engage even in uncomplicated activities such as group gatherings. Similar to women, they could...

Family, Life & Experiences

Family Changes in American and African Cultures

Fundamental changes occurring in families worldwide As the basic unit of society, the family is undergoing several changes. Study shows that the family regardless of the unique features in each country and continent is experiencing changes in terms of demography, a social position as well as economic disposition. Regarding demography,...


The Effect of Music on Culture

Introduction The influence of music on individuals and their lives is unquestionable. Many studies confirm that music regardless of its genre, pace or origin affects human experiences in different ways (Ramadani 248). While listening to a song, a person can undergo a change of mood or find the energy to...

Politics & Government

Collective Security: Concept and Problems

Introduction In the contemporary world, the challenge of providing security has been heightened by the increased rate of globalization, technological advancements, and the threat of terrorism (Cabrera 2012, p. 12). Over the years, numerous strategies have been developed as a way of providing security and ensuring peace across the world....

Politics & Government

Two-State Solution to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Introduction The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become one of the most long-term struggles between two nations that started in the middle of the twentieth century. Unfortunately, all efforts aimed at stopping the conflict were overshadowed by the escalating collisions between the opposing sides. The two-state solution has been recognised as one...


Gun Control in the US: Laws and Public Opinion

Introduction Gun control refers to restrictive efforts to control sales, ownership, distribution and use of guns among Americans. Gun control issue has divided the Americas into three groups with proponents, opponents and neutral people. People who support strict and tough measures on guns claim that the laws would restrict access...


Child Abuse Effects and Neglect on Adult Survivors

Abstract Child abuse refers to actions that lead to a child being neglected, physically hurt or emotionally disturbed. Failure to recognize abusive behaviour towards children exposes them to danger. Some of the factors that make adult survivors be violent include mental illnesses, serious financial problems and ignorance, among others. Child...


Renewable Energy Development

Introduction Renewable energy may be described as the energy that comes naturally and cannot be exhausted (Goeppert et al., 2012). Examples include wind energy, solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, waves and rain. This energy may be used in place of the conventional fuels in various ways. They...


Gun Control: Issue, Viewpoints and Possible Solutions

Background and the Context of the US The laws that control civilian gun ownership vary in different countries, and the history of such legislation is most often connected to notorious tragedies that involve weapons. For example, the modern Canadian gun laws are the result of the massacre at the Montreal...


The United States Foreign Policy

The results of the World War II and the termination of the Cold War made the United States of America the world’s superpower. Foreign policy played a crucial role in gaining the stable leading position in the world and establishing the dominance in many areas. Post World War II Presidents...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networks: More Problems Than Solutions

Summary In the past decade, social networks have become prevalent with many people preferring them as the means by which to keep in touch. This has led to the establishment of many social networking sites. The SNSs have brought about significant merits and demerits for the users. To begin with,...