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The Issue of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Executive Summary The following proposal focuses on the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace. It discusses the need for the implementation of recommended changes that provide an opportunity to prevent and overcome this problem. Those companies that do not pay enough attention to the cases of sexual harassment should...


Parent-Teacher Collaboration in Special Education

Abstract According to research literature, innovative technologies have a large potential in enhancing teacher-parent collaboration in special education. Still, there exist barriers for both parents and special education professionals in using these technologies. The current paper is a proposal for a quantitative study that is taking place in Jeddah, Saudi...

Politics & Government

International Relations Theories and Their Variety

Introduction When World War I ended, the primary focus of nations that engaged in the war was to enhance international peace through the establishment of the League of Nations. The principal goal of the organizations was to prevent the emergence of war by enhancing collective security through disarmament and/or settling...


Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism

Introduction In 1943, Leo Kanner described a developmental disorder in his article that sampled a case of eleven children (Corsello 2005; Levy, Ae-Hwa & Melissa, 2006). Since then, this research has inspired many scholars to examine the condition to curb its ever-increasing prevalence among young children. The evidence of this...


Non-Parametric Procedures in Statistics

Non-parametric procedures Reasons for non-parametric tests There are several reasons why non-parametric tests are preferred to parametric tests. First, the non-parametric tests are used when data does not have clear arithmetical understanding. Thus, these tests are most suitable when assessing ordinal data. The second reason is that non-parametric tests are...

Politics & Government

Naked Diplomacy in the Digital Age by Tom Fletcher

Introduction Diplomacy is the foundation of growth and development in any country. In his book, Fletcher (2016) argues that diplomacy helps a country to promote and sell its brand in the global arena. At the same time, countries rely on strong international relations to build allies and friendships in the...

Tech & Engineering

Knowledge Management Systems and Network Design

Introduction The increase in the use of Information Technology systems revolutionized information management, making it a powerful resource that organizations can use to build a sustainable competitive advantage. Information Technology trends in the present-day business contexts entail integrating information technology with the organizational activities, with the main objective of offering...


Philosophy, Curriculum Theory, and Instructional Models

Curriculum Philosophy and Ideology Philosophy is one of the major factors which predetermine the structure, goals, and content of the curriculum. Usually, the philosophy is accepted in a particular school. Often a school supports several philosophies. Such an approach provides a dynamic character of the curriculum. According to Ornstein and...


Philosophical Issue: Should Abortion Be Legal?

Introduction Abortion is the expulsion of a fetus or embryo from a female’s uterus, which leads to the termination of an existing pregnancy. An abortion can be either induced or spontaneous, in which case it is termed as a miscarriage. A miscarriage occurs when there are complications during the pregnancy...


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles as a Security Threat for the UAE

Introduction Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)–powered aerial vehicle carrying no human operators that use aerodynamic forces to fly automatically with remote control–are rapidly gaining popularity with hostile non-state actors (including terrorist groups) and, at present, are widely used in war operations against state militaries as they can carry a lethal payload...


2011 Wimbledon Championships’ Public Relations and Marketing

Introduction In an era where the public is flooded with thousands of promotional materials and messages every day and are becoming more and more enlightened, there is a need for an organization to rethink how they are going to reach their target publics in a way that is more engaging...


Website for an Online Game Development Company

Executive summary The purpose of this report is to detail the findings to the web developer on the key issues to consider while planning for the development of the website. The paper highlights the key objective of the websites, which includes the creation of direct revenue streams for the company...


Tourism in France and Globalization Influences

Tourism in France Persons that visited international attractions as sightseers were referred to as tourists. The global voyage activities had, possibly, been conducted for relaxation, vacations, or business reasons. Attractive global travel sites had developed into a fashionable tourist activity. Therefore, worldwide people’s voyages increased in popularity and impacted most...


Hospitality Management

What are the innovations in the tourism sector? Describe six types of strategic tourism innovations with real industry examples Innovations in the tourism sector refer to the new methods or ideas which help SMEs with new chances on how to operate within a business environment that is competitive (Moutinho 17)....


Wisdom in Old and New Testament

Introduction What is wisdom? Even humble attempts to explore the concept—for example, by asking one’s friends to define it—will reveal quite a variety of interpretations. However, all of them will revolve around understanding the way things are, knowing the way they work, making the right decisions, and advising others what...


Total Quality Management in the UAE Hotel Industry

Introduction Promoting the consistent growth in the environment of a particular market is a challenging yet necessary step to take so that the premise for further development could be created. Herein lies the significance of encouraging companies to accept new and improved quality standards. However, there is also the need...

Politics & Government

How the North American Free Trade Agreement Works?

Executive summary This white paper entails an analysis of NAFTA, which is a well-established trading bloc in North America. The trading bloc is comprised of three countries, which include the US, Mexico, and Canada. The organization was established in 1994. The decision to establish NAFTA was informed by the need...

Entertainment & Media

Organisation of the International Geneva Motor Show

Introduction The purpose of this essay will be to critically assess the effectiveness of public relations and relationship marketing strategies in the successful promotion of an international event. Relationship marketing is a form of marketing that is mostly focused on customer retention and satisfaction. Relationship marketing differs from other forms...


Is Genetic Engineering the Answer to Ending Global Hunger?

Introduction Food is a basic need for all human beings and all governments endeavor to acquire enough food to feed their citizens. As the world population rises, countries have been forced to increase their food production capacities in order to ensure food security. While developed nations have managed to achieve...


The Economics of Corn Production in the US

Introduction Corn, the most widely cultivated crop for animal and human food in the US, is also one of the most important crops that are providing hope in finding alternative sources of energy. Statistics indicate that the crop occupies more than 80 million acres in the US every year, making...


Psychology: “How Children Succeed?” by Paul Tough

Introduction Education is meant to enhance one’s chances of succeeding in life by laying down the foundations based on the acquired skills. However, the experiences gained can be either beneficial or detrimental to school-going children and young adults. In this regard, an analysis of the factors that account for failure...


The Science of Global Warming and Its Effects

Introduction Many environmentalists, scientists and researchers have been concerned about the overall changes of the earth’s climate. Many people believe that the current changes in the global climate are a result of global warming. Specifically, the planet is getting warm at a dramatic rate. Clime change is essentially the long-term...


Chinese Communist Party

Introduction Historians regard 1949 as the most significant year in Modern Chinese history. In this year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was able to defeat the ruling Kuomintang (KMT) and successfully establish the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under Chairman Mao. This victory had resounding repercussions on the lives of...