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Politics & Government

The Economic and Political Structure of Stadium Development

Introduction In exemption of the prevailing controversies experienced within the economic and political nature of establishing and developing cities across the globe, the world has dictated the state of construction and development of stadiums through full or large proportion of funds retrieved from the government. Some researchers have criticized this...


Mathematics Course and Students’ Professional Vision

Methodology Introduction The purpose of this research was to examine how the specific course in mathematics could change the students’ visions of their professional competence. In order to examine how experiences in learning the aspects of the mathematics methodology course and in teaching mathematics could affect teachers’ self-efficacy, both quantitative...


Social Research: Ontological and Epistemological Assumptions

Introduction According to Baert (2005), social research refers to a systematised form of investigation. The aim of such an undertaking is to gain knowledge on social problems and phenomena in human society. On the other hand, Bryman (2004) defines this form of research as a scientific undertaking that utilises logical...


Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory

Introduction In his famous book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences’, Howard Gardner came out strongly to analyze human intelligence. To achieve this, Gardner used psychometric testing as the main method of inquiry. He set out to explain that intelligence is not one single entity, but rather there...


The Discipline of Nursing Students

Quantitative Study Statement of the Problem The problem statement is stated clearly, and it is easy to identify. In Sweden, one of the biggest problems in nursing education is passing exams, and this statement is stated unambiguously. This problem is significant in nursing because students are expected to pass certain...


Various Employee Empowerment Techniques and Approaches Effectiveness

Topic Statement The subject of the proposed study is the employee empowerment (EE) and its techniques; the specific topic of the study can be formulated as the reasons for the effectiveness of EE techniques as viewed through the lens of humanistic psychology (HP). This kind of topic was chosen for...


Organizational Behaviour: Personal and Individual Differences

Introduction Employees are not merely performers of job responsibilities; they are also personalities. The subject of personal and individual differences has been extensively explored in organizational studies within recent years, and it has been confirmed that organizational managers should pay attention to such differences in order to achieve a higher...


Pros and Cons of Single Sex Classes in the Middle School

Introduction The debate of same-sex classes has been in the education sector for decades and the reasons for this are not particularly hard to discern. The most important reason is the fact it remains a controversial issue that touches on the sensitive social topic of gender. Available literature and research...


Zaha Hadid Deconstructivism in Interior Design

Introduction This case study looks at the cultural influences that have informed the interior designs of Zaha Hadid from a Deconstructivism perspective. Deconstructivism Deconstructivism emerged in the 1980s as a new form of modern architecture to replace postmodern architecture. Deconstructivism adopted the ‘form follows fantasy’ concept, and in 1988, it...

Politics & Government

In What Ways Did Arab Nationalism Change Over Time?

Introduction Arab nationalism has been one of the most famous and influential movements in the history of the Arab people. The initial goal of this effort was to unify Arabs and create a pure nation with one common Arabic language and Islam as the only approved religion. In the 19th...

Politics & Government

Project Objectives and Outcomes in the Public Sector

Public Sector Projects Public or government projects are implemented to facilitate the achievement of specified societal goals. Effective project governance is required to ensure that the project conforms to the societal values, needs, and interests in the planning and implementation stages. According to Samset et al. (2016), public projects result...


Joanna’s Drinking and Drug Abuse Problems: Case Study

Introduction Joanna Smith (the name of the client is changed) is a 27-year-old White female who suffers from substance abuse and has a drinking problem. Joanna complains of the impossibility to start her day without several low-alcohol drinks or cocktails and without smoking marijuana. The client lives alone in a...


Which Security Policy Is Better: Realistic or Liberal?

Introduction In the contemporary political environment, preserving global peace and security is a critical concern. Civil wars, terrorism, and counterinsurgency require countries to apply effective policies for maintaining international security and preventing further escalation of conflicts. However, the approaches to global peace and security vary significantly between countries. Whereas the...


Using Virtual Reality to Teach the English Language

Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to present the discussion of how it is possible to use technology in teaching languages with reference to the application of virtual reality. This paper is also focused on describing the possible advantages and disadvantages of using technologies in teaching and learning...


Emotion Regulation: Anger

Anger is “an approach-related emotional state” with specific physiological, cognitive, and behavioral elements that “occur in response to unpleasant or undesired events” (Alia-Klein et al., 2018, p. 1). The study of anger is not yet complete; in fact, according to Garfinkel et al. (2015), it has been investigated to a...


Effect of Tourism Industry Innovation on Elderly Care

The purpose of this research paper will be to assess the effect of the tourism industry on elderly care and service quality in management. The research paper will analyze the tourism industry in a global context and how this industry affects the service quality and management of elderly care. The...


Rapid Urbanization in the Developing World Is Increasing

Introduction Urbanization refers to the physical growth of urban centers due to globalization and increased rural-urban migration. Rapid urbanization, therefore, causes remarkable population growth in urban areas. Some of the causes of urbanization include the individual need to find better employment opportunities and social amenities such as schools and housing...


Gaming Culture and Addiction: A Research Proposal

The present paper offers a proposal on the under-researched but very significant topic of gaming addiction (Feng, Ramo, Chan, & Bourgeois, 2017; Sigerson, Li, Cheung, & Cheng, 2017; Stockdale & Coyne, 2017). In particular, the paper suggests a study that would review the problem from the cultural perspective by investigating...


Juvenile Crime in American Schools and the SRO Program

Introduction Violence has persistently pervaded American schools. Such acts not only distort school operations, but have also had the effect of posing a threat to peace loving students and the school fraternity in general (Crews et al, 2007, p11). Juvenile crime acts have often been associated to various causative factors....

Entertainment & Media

Use of Social Media by B2B Firms

Introduction Data accessible to business investors have exploded in recent times and will keep its pattern with enhanced pace (Hair et al. 2013). The expanded data is spilled into information distribution centres from various sources, which are accessible for mining to improve basic leadership. Among various information sources to enhance...


Post-Haiti Evangelism Reflection

Introduction Evangelism is the way of preaching the word of God or the gospel with the aim of convincing or converting individuals.1 An intention to persuade implies that people need more than to receive the gospel. Evangelism does not only teach or persuade people by explaining, elaborating, and answering questions,...


Anthropology: The Culture of the People of River Front

Introduction The aim of the ethnographer was to understand the culture of the people of the River Front. This is because it is a city which is in America but has a lot of people who are not Americans. It is composed of mainly European people who live permanently in...


Gender Bias in Professional Sports

Gender bias in sports has been a tradition that has been passed through generations. It dates back to the times when Olympic Games were inaugurated when women were sidelined from taking part in certain sporting events like races that were more than 200 hundred meters as it was feared they...


What is Human-Centred Design?

Introduction The major connection between the invariable nature of human psychology through time and the need to interact with emerging technologies create challenges for the design of any physical object. An increasing need for making an account for psychology and psychopathology of everyday human actions should impose its narrative on...


Research in Mathematics Education

Rational Number, Ratio, and Proportion The authors of this paper acknowledged the fact that during the mathematical development of children, the greatest obstacle is experienced in learning the rational numbers (Behr, Thomas, Harel, & Lesh, 1992). They also point out that despite various researches having been done to study the...


E-Commerce Among the Elderly Clientele in Taiwan

Abstract Tourism has been the backbone of many economies for along time. However, this sector has been affected by economic slump around the world. Governments have diversified tourism industry from the tradition leisure and traveling to a more sustainable of educational and medical tourism. Taiwan has specialized in providing treatment...

Politics & Government

The Public Diplomacy of Israel

Introduction The world has certainly become a global village requiring the countries and nations residing in it to build up strong relationships that can protect and safeguard their interests; at least for continued existence. Therefore, countries require diplomacy and firm foreign policies to ensure the potential favor of nations at...


Are Human Right Universal

Introduction The demand for better human security and human rights is in higher demand now than ever before and the international community needs to undertake a new paradigm of human security. This is because security has continued to change since the advent of state security in the 17th Century. Today’s...


Library Financial Management: Qualitative Research

Opening Statement Uncertain economic conditions have forced many organizations to experience budget cuts. The private sector has led this trend by downsizing their operations and adapting to the harsh business environment (DeAlmeida, 1997). Although the public sector experiences the same economic challenges, it has been slow to do the same...


Ontology and Constructionist Ontology

The ontology may have various explanations and definitions (Bhattacherjee 2012). Social science researchers could explain ontology as a branch of metaphysics that aims at identifying the things that exist in this world. It is the philosophical assumption that helps to comprehend how people see the world, accept changes, and live...


Principals’ Leadership Practices and Characteristics as Predictors of Bullying

Abstract The aim of the study is to determine whether principals’ leadership practices and characteristics influence bullying in schools. Bullying in schools has resulted to injuries and deaths on students and has always remained a matter of concern for school principals, teachers and parents besides other people. Principals however have...


Critical Action Learning: Workplace-Based Case

Introduction The present paper is devoted to the critical action learning (CAL) that was carried out to resolve a workplace-based issue related to the development of organizational ethics in a multinational organization. It provides the background to the case, problematizing process description, a literature review on the issue, the definition...


Ethics for Successful Entrepreneurship

Introduction When creating a dissertation, candidates conduct doctoral research, which allows them to make a contribution to the field. This paper tends to prove that it is significant for the success of the work to be prepared according to the ethical principles. It includes the information that reveals how to...


Health Effects of Particulate Matter

The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that particulate matter (PM) air pollution is one of the main causes of mortality. Professionals argue that it causes approximately 800,000 premature deaths annually (Jahn et al.). Such critical statistics attracted the attention of numerous prominent researchers, motivating them to study the way air...


Saudi Females and Education

Literature Review Acquiring education has become more of a basic need than just a stage that one has to pass through while growing. The value of education can never be overemphasized as it literary affects all the faculties of life. To bring out this fact, the definition of education needs...


Critical Examination Of Previous Studies

Introduction The essay is a critical examination of two published journals. The main aim of this critique is to allow me to learn from them and to try as much as possible to analyze the concepts and theories brought forth and link the same with my Ph.D. thesis titled “the...


Technology Education in England

An Overview of England’s Education System Education in England is under the control of the Department of Education. However, the Department of Business, Innovation, and Skills have a partial influence on the education system of the country (Wu and Short, 1996). These bodies are responsible for coming up with rules,...


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder After a Hurricane

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder also known as PTSD is a psychological and emotional response to a traumatic event. Not everyone who went through a disaster or emergency situation develops PTSD. It is also difficult to diagnose PTSD if health workers and volunteers are not aware of the symptoms. It requires...


Blended Assessments in Efl: Blended Language Learning

Introduction The advent of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) has revolutionized the way things are performed in contemporary society in all aspects of life. Nonetheless, education which is one of the core aspects of human life has been transformed by development taking place in this field. According to Gruba et al...


Vocabulary Problem: Common Teaching Practices

Introduction Writing and speaking are the primary basis of the human language and as such are utilized daily to convey thoughts and ideas between two or more people. Yet what must be understood is that while students are capable of communicating ideas it cannot be stated that all of them...


Psychology: Managing Effective Change Process

Introduction The purpose of this research paper will be to develop an action plan that will be used to address an issue that is based on an experience which occurred or is yet to occur during the practice of consultative psychology. Consultative psychology is an area of psychology and psychiatry...


Problem-Based Learning Method Definition

Introduction In the current society dominated by innovations as a result of massive development of technology, problem-based learning approach has become one of the most popular instructional methods due to its effectiveness. The core effectiveness of the problem-based learning technique is the tendency of learners to work collectively to solve...

Tech & Engineering

Mobile Education: a Literature Review

Introduction Information and communications technology (ICT) has recently emerged and continues to provide learning processes and outcomes with numerous benefits, especially in higher education. Most literature suggests that the use of mobile phones has grown remarkably fast with most learners having mobile phones that can facilitate the them-learning process (Bottentuit,...


Research-Worthy Problem Statement Development

Introduction Ideally, a good research project should clearly identify the question to be answered, and set the ways and means through which the researcher will meet the research objectives. Specifically, a good research project answers the ‘who, what, where, when, why and how’ questions. To obtain all the needful answers,...


The Concept of Theory: Main Aspects

Introduction Theory is an important part of study that scholars and students depend on for knowledge. The development of research is dependent on research in every field. Theory is inevitably used in all areas of study and serves many purposes among them solving problems and generating knowledge (Henderikus 2010, p....


How a Superintendent Affects Change?

Introduction Conventional wisdom on the nature and scope of many social systems holds that meaningful change cannot be handed on a silver platter (Schein, 1985). Administrators, managers, and leaders along with their followers need to work intensively to achieve the results by initiating and following through change-inducing interventional measures that...


Substance Abuse Attachment Theory Based Treatment Plan for Teenage Pregnancy

Introduction The purpose of this research is to explore Substance Abuse Attachment Theory Based Treatment Plan for Teenage Pregnancy. This chapter begins with background and context of the research, the attachment theory as a model of intervention, the connection of teenage Pregnancy and Substance Abuse, factors contributing to teenage pregnancy,...


Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Research Methods

Introduction Research is a critical educational tool. Scientific, as well as other disciplinary studies are conducted to expand the existing knowledge base by making new discoveries, expounding on them by highlighting new developments and connections, or correcting them by gathering relevant evidence to counter the already recorded data. Every research...


Hotel Service for Senior Citizen Development in Taiwan

This study gauges the development of hotel services for senior citizens in Taiwan. Senior citizens are described as people aged 65 years or more. According to statistics obtained in the course of this study, senior citizens make up 10.7 percent of Taiwan’s population. Considering that the 2009 estimates indicated that...


Immigration and Racism in Canada

Introduction The internal relationships between Canadians are hard to be estimated as normal. In this respect, the people of Canada are different in their ethnic belonging. The situation proves that it is really inconvenient today to consider some people, as genuine Canadians and the rest, as aliens. The process of...


Theory and Practice: Organization Science

Introduction Theory has been used in the academic field as a source of knowledge. It has also been used in the business world to inform, solve problems and to encourage the success of organizations. The application of theory is largely dependent on the available theories and thus scholars have continually...

Tech & Engineering

Outsourcing and Off-Shoring Information Technology

Introduction The world is currently facing a lot of technological advancements in all fields of expertise. This has resulted in many ICT services being tradable due to the advancements that have been realized in the field of ICT (Carmel and Tija, 2006). Companies are thus outsourcing overseas for these services....


Teaching and Learning of English in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Learning language is a process that occurs when one interacts with other people (Vygotsky, 1978). According to Mattos (2000), second language acquisition is a process in which a learner interacts with people. Vygotsky (1978) reveals that language acquisition occurs through the construction of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)....


ADHD and Grief & Loss: Types and the Main Reasons

The primary research question was the perceptions and experiences of parents and guardians about the relationship between the experience of the grief and loss in children and the diagnosis of AD/HD in school-aged children of Central Texas taken into account military families where the deployment of one of the parents...


Personalized Learning in the UK and Australia

Introduction Personalized learning (PL) runs the gamut of contemporary educational perspectives. In this respect educators and students relate such phenomenon to the needs of contemporary time. Living in the post-industrial society with the information as the most valuable product, people cannot use obsolete methods but the newest ones. The state-of-the-art...


Professional Learning Communities Development Program

Introduction Professional learning community can be conceptualised as the collaboration of various stakeholders in the education sector. These are, among others, learning institution administrators and teaching staff. These are committed to the academic welfare of their institution. It can also be viewed as the collaboration formed by these individuals in...


Love & Commitment – Adult Stage of Life

Abstract Psychology tells us that love is a combination of various emotions, how people behave and ways in which they are motivated to do certain things. Any person in our life can be loved by us, for instance, we love our parents, our friends and our siblings. However, there is...


Theory of Personality by Carl Rogers and Its Application to the Sphere of Academic Counseling

Abstract Academic counseling can be significantly enhanced by introducing effective theoretical approaches and learning techniques. In this respect, Rogers’s theory of personality development is aimed at enhancing skills and promoting a personal outlook on an individual’s epistemic orientation. In addition, the framework underscores the importance of considering the “I” concept...


Using the MAYSI-2 Outline to Measure Anxiety and Depression

Introduction Anxiety and depression affect individuals in all strata of society including children and adults, criminals and law-abiding citizens. Psychologists have long searched for a definitive explanation for anxiety and depression, as well as a definitive method of measuring these psychological disorders in offender populations. Spielberger defined anxiety as a...


Lobbying in the International Cinema Industry

Description of project Lobbying involves an attempt to influence some decisions made by organized groups. The purpose of lobbying is to ensure that checks and balances are attained in advocacy for a particular action or proposal. Within the context of the international cinema industry, lobbying practices have been going on...


T. Merton: Contemplation and Struggle for Peacemaking

Introduction Thomas Merton (1915 -1968) has been a great and permanent teacher of spiritual life. He has opened new boundaries of spiritual life for novel era (Kathleen, Para 2). He has introduced himself to the lost souls of the twentieth century and has tried to understand human being’s existential quandary...

Politics & Government

Regional Integration Impact of the Central African States

Opening statement The purpose of this study is to find out whether the economic integration of the central African states leads to mutual benefit. Regional integration in central Africa is still lagging behind due to political, financial, economic and institutional obstacles. Therefore, the paper aims at establishing the measures to...


Internal Marketing Practices of the International Tourism Hotel for Elderly Service

Abstract The objective of embracing internal marketing practices by hotels is mainly to meet the desires and needs of the hotel guests; in this case, the elderly tourists. This research intends to find out some of the customer-specific internal marketing activities that hotels carry out to improve service provision to...


Influenza for Elderly and Tourism Demand to Asia

Introduction The Avian influenza was first discovered in Asia. In isolated cases among poultry handlers, the Virus was transmitted from the birds to humans. However, researchers and scientists have found out the H5N1 virus has low virulence among humans and therefore downplayed fears that the virus in its current form...


The Sex Tourism Industry in Thailand

Introduction Tourism is a major foreign exchange earner for the kingdom of Thailand. It is estimated that the industry contributed 11 billion euros to the economy of Thailand in 2007. According to the world tourism ranking of the year 2006, Thailand is ranked as the 18th most visited tourism destination...


Psychology. Specific Language Impairment and Dyslexia

Introduction The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) gives specific definition to dyslexia admitting its neurobiological origin “characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and encoding abilities” (Snowling and Hayiou-Thomas, 2006, p. 110). In this respect specific language impairment (SLI) is a disorder affecting expressive and...


The Intellectual Life of Alvin Toffler

Introduction People have been dreaming of looking into the future since times immemorial. Alvin Toffler, an American writer and futurist, made an attempt to predict the future development of mankind after thorough analysis of the recent technological changes and their impact on human consciousness. Toffler would figure in history as...


Ideology and Social Movements in China

The state of ideology in China The role of ideology has been taken in different ways in China. It has remained to be a long-lasting problem in the social aspect of revolution. There is diversity in how ideology is approached and this has concealed its fundamental effects. The social structural...


A Teachers’ Self-identity and Professionalism

Introduction The present assignment is dedicated to the issues of teachers’ self-identity, the shift of their roles in the educational process with the progress coming to all spheres of human lives and interactions. The focus on educational professionalism will be taken from a professional point of view because of the...


Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers

Introduction Language does not exist in a vacuum. Language is used in human society, for purposes of communication, and hence has meaning. Our discussion in the previous two chapters has been based on form and concerned with the analysis and description of linguistic structure, and we have paid relatively little...


Literacy Development and Online Language Learning

Introduction The greatest strength of humans is their ability to learn, though not every person uses this ability. Long ago, learning was the privilege of particular levels of the population only, as well as only several decades ago women did not have a right to get an education. With time,...


Westernization of the Ottoman Empire

Introduction The Ottoman Empire was one of the largest royal domains established by the Turks in South-Eastern Europe. The Ottoman Empire lasted for nearly five centuries within which time it gained immense power and popularity. Under the administration of the sultan, the empire managed to conquer many territories. However, the...

Tech & Engineering

Aerodynamics: Airfoil Design and Optimization System

Problem statement The design of high-lift machines is one of the most demanding concerns in aerodynamic study. The requirements for the structure of these machines depend entirely on the main disciplines in aeronautical study. These include aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, structures, systems and kinematics. The chief objective of the systems/structures is the...

Entertainment & Media

Television Marketing and Children’s Consumption Behaviours

Introduction On a daily basis, children, as well as adults throughout the United States and other countries, are barraged with advertisements. Advertisements are normally done via billboards, magazines, newspapers, television, and cash machine screens among others. However, television remains the most extensively utilized channel of advertisement chiefly due to the...


Petroleum & International Relationships in 1945-2001

Introduction Petroleum is otherwise referred to as crude oil. It is a naturally occurring flammable and toxic liquid substance with high economic value1. Petroleum processing starts from exploration2 to hauling3. In terms of output, the largest oil products are the gasoline or petrol and fuel oil. It is also important...


Professional and Business Career of Black MBA Graduates

Base Theory Affirmative action as it stands in the professional and business sphere has generated a wide spectrum of controversy. Antipathetic views have flourished over the years arguing that African American graduates should receive similar treatment and meet the standard criteria for admission into business organizations. The inimical perspective is...


Cyber Terrorism Is a Threat to Every Nation

Introduction The current level of improvement in technology, coupled with globalization, has made it possible for people to interact worldwide. The invention of the World Wide Web has made it possible for people to store, access, and share information around the world. This has seen improvements in trade relationships among...


Intercultural Communication and Staff in Tourism

Introduction Globalization has presented a new twist in the tourism sector. Many problems have emerged between tourists and their host communities in many aspects. The problem emanates from the different cultural backgrounds of the hosts and the tourists. According to Richardson (2001), many of these problems occur because researchers in...


“The Hidden Connections” by Fritjof Capra

‘The Hidden Connections’ is a genre produced by Fritjof Capra in which Capra has revised the age-old questions of human existence and its relationship with the external and internal milieu, but with a new perspective. Capra has made a successful attempt in trying to provide an accurate picture of the...


Terrorism a Global Menace Analysis

Introduction The aim of this paper is to study whether the US war on terror is just or unjust; the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade center shook the whole world and had many negative impacts on the society. Mass killing of people took place; people who had very little...


Soft-Path Water Management Study in Abu Dhabi

This paper will focus on describing the methodology implemented in the research to answer the study question of whether ‘soft path’ water management can be analyzed and applied for sustainable water management in Abu Dhabi. It will include an explanation of the selection of participants for the qualitative interviews, the...

Politics & Government

Comparing Leadership Styles of Speaker Newt Gingrich and Nancy Pelosi

Introduction Nancy Pelosi is a Democrat and the current speaker of the United States House of Representatives. After the election of a Democratic majority to the United States House of Representatives in the 110th congress cemented way for Pelosi of California to become the first woman speaker (Dwyre, 269). Newt...


Pablo Picasso: Blue Period

Introduction Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in a place called Malaga in the year 1881. At the age of 15, he already had acquired technical skills in the field of painting and drawing. He had a novel style that constantly underwent advancement all through his artist career in his...

Politics & Government

World Output and International Trade Volume Relationships

Outline Since the end of World War II, there has been rapid economic growth, subsequently leading to increased world trade and output. This was the result of a major increase in the degree of international specialization between states. An increase in specialization would consequently result in an increase in world...


Quantitative Research Methodology

Introduction Creswell (2003) defines quantitative research as a systematic methodology used to measure how a particular number of people feel, think or behave in a certain manner. The methodology uses samples to obtain quantitative data through interviews, questionnaires, or observation. It is the systematic analysis of quantitative properties and aspects...

Tech & Engineering

Research Studies Analysis about Education

Outline Introduction Thesis: This research paper presents an analysis of two articles from peer-reviewed journals; these are ‘”Learning with Technology: The Impact of Laptop Use on Student Achievement” by James Cengiz Gulek and Hakan Demirtas and “Engaging Students in Multimedia-Mediated Constructivist Learning – Students’ Perceptions” by Mai Neo and Tse-Kian...

Tech & Engineering

An Information System: System Analysis, Design Methods, System Building Blocks

A company has many functional departments (such as Finance, Human Resources, etc.) Explain or describe the process that should be taken to develop an automated information system and or software An information system designing process is a key stage to the implementation of an information system in an organization. The...

Politics & Government

Anti-Money Laundering Service for Belize

Abstract Belize is a small Central American country with a low population, small financial sector, and a banking and financial environment as yet more or less free of significant AML and terrorism financing activities. its framework for anti-money laundering and for combating the financing of terrorism consists of adopting the...


Environmental Conservation. Resource Management

Introduction Many countries in the world are reporting fast fading natural forests and game reserves. This could be attributed to the increasing population of human beings that are encroaching on the forests, cutting down trees to either get land for settlement or get wood for timber and other uses. This...


Domestic Violence: Other Perspective Men Who Are Battered

Abstract Conjugal hostility is evident, especially when a family affiliate, cohort, or ex-spouse endeavors to dominate the other physically and also mentally. Conjugal hostility in most scenarios is associated with aggression flanking spouses’ otherwise spousal maltreatment; this can also represent cohabitants as well as nonconjugal friendly cohorts. Matrimonial hostility occurs...


Juvenile Justice System and Prisons Review

Introduction Vibrant and healthy societies are concerned about reducing the crime rates and also on the rehabilitation of the individuals whose crimes had resulted in incarceration. From time to time many studies have come up with the issue of psychological problems in juvenile prisoners. However, the estimated percentage of these...

Tech & Engineering

Technology Integration Across Curriculum

The term “Technology Integration” the term is commonly used by teachers and professors to describe the efficient usage of technology in student’s daily lives and make students understand the effective use of each technology. Not only do university teachers use these tools in classrooms but the K-12 teachers also try...


American Airlines Group Review

Introduction The airline industry has changed due to advanced technology over the last few decades. Currently, the largest airline is the American Airlines Group. In order for one to fully understand the history of airlines, it is crucial to first understand the history of the aeroplane. The first airplane was...


Symbolic Interactionism and Naturalistic Method Review

Symbolic interactionism and naturalistic method achieved particular prominence in the USA and Britain in the 1960s and 1970s. At that time they formed part of the reaction against those kinds of sociology that had become dominant in the 1940s and 1950s. The attack on these orthodoxies involved political, theoretical and...


Morris Brown College’s Political and Social Challenges

Introduction Morris Brown College is suffered from organizational and leadership crisis. Corruption and leadership crisis has thrown the organization in serious threat. Its financial crisis emerge to be mounting additional $23 million debt, effects are so awful that the cafeteria has been shutting down its usual runs out of food...


Exercise Testing, Anthropometry, Lab Tests, Field Tests

The complex framework and the habitat of human beings have led to the development of various branches in the scientific world. Among these, anthropometry and kinanthropometry have drawn the attention of scientists to better understand sports medicine which in the present context is highlighted keeping in view of exercise physiology...


How Sexual Orientation and Cultural Differences May Affect the Client – Therapist Relationship

Abstract The understanding of a possibly destructive relationship between the gay/lesbian and culturally diverse populations in concert with the predominantly heterosexual and majority culture environment is an important part of developing practice knowledge to work with gay/lesbian and diverse clients. If therapists are supposed to work with these clients, then...


Brief History of Psychology Review

Abstract Cognitive therapy aspire to assist a person to be aware of distortions in thoughts which is causing the person psychological anguish, and also be aware of behavioral patterns that are strengthening it, and be able to correct this. The cognitive therapist will try very hard to comprehend experiences based...


The Reliability of the New Testament

Introduction The reason it is important to question the reliability of the New Testament is because it links itself with history. Throughout the New Testament there are numerous historical references that establish the books as intrinsically linked with world events. Particularly for the unbeliever, before the revealed word can be...