Social Networks’ Impact on Society

Subject: Entertainment & Media
Pages: 2
Words: 793
Reading time:
3 min
Study level: College

Annotated Bibliography

Phoon, Andie. “Social Media and Its Stark Influence on Society.” WRIT: Journal of First-Year Writing, vol. 1, no. 1, 2017, pp. 1-6, Web.

This article brings extra value to the topic under discussion. According to the author, social media “has robbed most youths of the ability to flourish in a physical, social interaction” (Phoon 2). Compared to previous generations, this one is the most antisocial, thanks to social networks (Phoon 2). Since the author provides statistics and goes deeper into the topic, information from this article will be very useful.

Twenge, Jean M., et al. “Less In-Person Social Interaction with Peers Among US Adolescents in the 21st Century and Links to Loneliness.” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, vol. 36, no. 6, 2019, pp. 1892-1913, Web.

This article aims at using statistics to compare the dependence of current and previous generations on personal communication and meetings. According to Twenge et al., social networks have partly replaced face-to-face meetings of young people with peers and suppressed their desire to live offline (1894). In the research paper, it will be possible to use the information provided by this article to compare the generations and describe the relationships between modern young people and their social accounts.

Waytz, Adam, and Kurt Gray. “Does Online Technology Make Us More or Less Sociable? A Preliminary Review and Call for Research.” Perspectives on Psychological Science, vol. 13, no. 4, 2018, pp. 473-491, Web.

The purpose of this article is to explore the three ways that social networks and technology, in general, affect people’s sociability. Two of these ways are positive and show that social media can enhance persons’ communication, while the third way impairs sociability (Waytz and Gray 473). The evidence and conclusions provided in this article will be beneficial for the research.

Whaite, Erin O., et al. “Social Media Use, Personality Characteristics, and Social Isolation Among Young Adults in the United States.” Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 124, 2018, pp. 45-50, Web.

The authors dedicate this research to the discussion of the connections between social media use and social isolation. They also try to explore whether personal characteristics have any effect on these relationships (Whaite et al.). This article will add valuable information to the future research paper and allow talking about additional aspects of social networks’ impact on reduced sociability.

Brown, Dalvin. “Remember Vine? These Social Networking Sites Defined the Past Decade.” USA Today, 2019, Web.

This newspaper article aims at exploring the influence of various popular social networking sites on people. The author provides statistics showing the increase of social media users and then notices that technologies promote loneliness. Precisely the provided statistics and some other valuable information will be used for the further research paper.

Gonchar, Michael. “Does Technology Make Us More Alone?” The New York Times, 2016, Web.

The author begins their article with a rather interesting statement: “technology is supposed to make us more connected” (Gonchar). Indeed, the initial purpose was to allow people to communicate more, but as explored by the researcher, technology makes people more isolated and alone. This article is valuable as it provides different person’s perceptions of their addiction to social networks and smartphones in general, so this information will be used in the research.

Vaidhyanathan, Siva. Antisocial Media: How Facebook Disconnects Us and Undermines Democracy. Oxford University Press, 2018.

The focus of this book is to discuss the way Facebook was and is viewed by its creators and users. Apart from explaining how this social networking platform devolved from an innocent site into a powerful force that makes democracy more difficult, Vaidhyanathan also mentions that it disconnects people and increases their loneliness. Using the example of Facebook, the impact of all social networks is considered, and this is why this textbook is useful for the research paper.

Wilson, Sara. “The Era of Antisocial Social Media.” Harvard Business Review, 2020, Web.

The author’s aim is to explore the reasons why social media can now be called antisocial. Wilson identifies three categories of digital campfires, or online spaces for young people, and explains some social media factors that attract the youth. It will be beneficial to use these facts in the paper.

Amatenstein, Sherry. “Not So Social Media: How Social Media Increases Loneliness.” Psycom, 2019, Web.

In this article, the author claims that social networks are not that social anymore. Thanks to the uniqueness of features provided by technologies, it is now possible to spend hours online, making many young people use social media mainly as a substitute for their real communications. Amatenstein explores this phenomenon, provides her patients as an example and draws valuable conclusions. This information from her article will be beneficial and insightful for the following research paper.