The Impact and Provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Subject: Law
Pages: 4
Words: 981
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: College

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (PPACA) addresses a number of urgent problems facing the nation’s health care scheme, for example lack of admittance to health care related insurance coverage. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act guarantees that every American has access to excellence, reasonable health care, and generates transformation in health care schemes. “The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has determined that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is fully paid for, will provide coverage to more than 94% of Americans while staying under the $900 billion limit that President Obama established, bending the health care cost curve, and reducing the deficit over the next ten years and beyond” (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Detailed Summary, n.d., p. 1).

The law will effect in coverage of health insurance for almost 94% of the American inhabitants, decreasing the uninsured by 31 million citizens, and raising Medicaid staffing by 15 million recipients. The goal of this Act is to see that, each citizen has access to a complete medical plan in the course of service, state operated exchange, or other kinds of legalized program for example TriCare, Medicaid and Medicare. According to the authors:

The main components of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that will affect state governments will not be implemented until 2014, when Medicaid coverage will substantially expand in most states. Federal funds will pay most of the resulting new costs, but there will be modest increases in state Medicaid spending on adults with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level (Holahan & Dorn, 2010, p. 1).

This Act encloses nine titles; all these titles addressing a necessary constituent of reform: that are, Excellence and reasonable health care for every Americans, The role of various public related programs, Improving the superiority and effectiveness of health care system in the nation, Prevention of various types of chronic illnesses and improving public health, Health care labor force, Transparency and honesty of the program, Enhancing access to various modern medical treatments, Community livelihood assistance supports and services and finally the Provisions related to revenue.

And also the elements of the Act will guarantee that every Americans have access to quality, reasonable health care and will produce the transformation in the health care system essential to enclose costs. All these elements major impact positive impact on health care. A sequence of provisos that generate cost-sharing and premium financial supports new the policy is for the health insurance business, and it generates a new marketplace for purchasing health insurance for those who need health care insurance:

The Act strengthens the existing forms of health insurance coverage while building a new, affordable health insurance market for individuals and families who do not have affordable employer coverage or another form of “minimum essential coverage” such as Medicare or Medicaid (Rosenbaum, 2011).

All these ate very important in the healthcare system of America because the Act reinforces the existing types of coverage of health insurance although build a new, reasonable healthcare insurance market for persons and families. The PPACA act presently pending in US senate consists of considerable reforms in the practices of the healthcare insurance business in both small-group marketplaces and individuals. These reforms need insurer to:

  1. provide insurance coverage on a guaranteed problem basis with omissions for pre-existing circumstances,
  2. terminate the practice of altering premiums on the base sex and health position,
  3. limit how much amount of insurance premium differ for the reason that of age and
  4. sell merely insurance plans that meet the latest minimum advantage levels.

One of the major purposes of the Act is to extend the coverage to millions of the US peoples who can’t achieve healthcare insurance today (Holahan, & Dorn, 2012). These are normally populace with preexisting medical problems or these with limited earnings, with then whose employers not providing benefits relating to health:

They may be unable to afford the individual policies sold in their states, or insurers may refuse to cover them because of their history of health problems. Starting in January 2014, the law provides subsidies to help lower-income families buy policies, and it prohibits insurers from excluding applicants with preexisting conditions or charging them higher rates (‘Obamacare’ Insurance Exchanges: Let’s Get Going, 2012).

Various major challenges are faced during the implementation of the Act. So that Suggestions for act is basically modify the policy scenario in which community health is performed. The law making authority will take many years to execute the law, and its complete meaning can merely be conceptualized at this position. But 2014 January this act will reach in the blink of an eye. Certain features of the law consist of the availability of avoidance, or health center financial support present in significant subsidy opportunities.

These types of new opportunities are fundamental to communities all the way through the state, and agencies of the public health responsiveness, and help the local society alliances. Simultaneously, these features of the Act perhaps stand for comparatively familiar practice of public health from a theoretical and practical viewpoint. Exchanges of Health insurance will be expected to execute wide federal standards connected to the access and superiority for qualified plans of health. Demonstrations of Medicaid and Medicare intended for improving health care and health for persons with complex and various chronic circumstances will be executed.

New Challenges for Employers

  • Anticipated mandates on coverage included in employer health plans
  • New reporting and disclosure requirements
  • New subsidies and tax credits
  • New penalties
  • Many of the changes will not become effective for several years” (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), n.d., p. 4).

These challenges are the negative impact of ACA in the healthcare. In sum up, the Act is transformational, and huge accomplishment challenges lie before it. But the various opportunities for advance in policies of public health and their practice are merely unparalleled.

Reference List

Holahan, J. & Dorn, S. (2012). What is the Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) on the States? Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Web.

‘Obamacare’ Insurance Exchanges: Let’s Get Going, (2012). Los Angeles Times. Web.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), (n.d). The Richard Group. Web.

Rosenbaum, S. (2011). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Implications for Public Health Policy and Practice. Public Health Reports. Web.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Detailed Summary, (n.d). Responsible Reform for the Middle Class. Web.