Behavioral and Cognitive Learning Theories

Subject: Education
Pages: 2
Words: 414
Reading time:
2 min

The behavioral theory was initiated by Pavlov. He posited that repeat of a similar stimulus over and over gave a negative or positive reinforcement for incorrect or correct action. The subject eventually gets to learn. Some elements of the theory are very useful in modern-day life. These include punishment and reward. Pavlov adduced that when the rat was aught to negotiate a maze to get the food, bits of the maze were learned before proceeding to the next bit. Finally, the whole maze was learned. Following this analogy, clinical skills should be taught by breaking them down into steps. There is a need for revising each step and the whole process. Behaviorists believe that activity, repeat and practice, small steps, and reinforcement aid the learning processes.

The cognitive theory became more sophisticated in the middle of the 20th century. Radio and computers influenced many aspects of people’s lives. Theorists of that era advanced arguments to the effect that people learn by receiving information, processing the information, storing it, and finally retrieving it. This resembled the transmitter radio model. Teachers were charged with the duty of ensuring that every step was optimized. Extraneous noise has to be reduced to make sure that it is the main message that was heard is received. People have to attend for the message to go through. The information is processed by repeating it, using it, and making use of a number of formats. The process enhances the idea of giving information and getting a class or group to work through examples.

Feedback, just like reinforcement in behaviorism, is pivotal in cognitive theory. Information storage for later retrieval is supported by processing, and surface learning entails the storage of lots of information in short-term memory so as to be used in answering examinations or for immediate use. Strategic learning makes the learner ignore the bits of information that he or she feels are less important and focus on the important ones. This type of learning is assessment-driven as people will tend to pay attention to whatever they think is relevant to their lives. Deep learning is embedded in the encouragement one gets to understand the background and the basics of the concept. Whatever is learned should be kept in long-term memory. Surface learning is loathed by many people, while deep learning is deemed as good. Strategic learning is, however, treated as a survival technique. Individual learners do have different styles.