⚖️ Essays on Law - Page 7


US Healthcare Law and Rulemaking System

Introduction The U.S. healthcare industry is highly governed by law. Thus, there are legal principles spelt out in federal and state laws that medical practitioners in the U.S. should observe. When legal issues that pertain to healthcare administration arise, U.S. courts may come in to help with interpretation of the...


Health Law: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care and the Patient Protection Act commonly known as the (PPACA-2010) is a federal statute signed into law in 2010. The design of the statute would be implemented in stages over eight years. The intentions of ACA were in reforming health care systems in United States of America...


Union Management and Organization

Summarize the historical and legal framework which provides the foundations for the American system of labor/management relations The American labor movement has a long history. The US population has had to unite on several occasions to achieve many gains that the current labor force enjoys across the country. The labor...


Strategic Approach of Canadian Human Resource Management

Under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Supreme Court of Canada has made a number of important decisions pertaining to union rights. What impact do these decisions have on management and unions? Following the decisions made by the Supreme Court of Canada, it is highly likely that both the...


Identification, Collection and Preservation of Evidence

Abstract For five types of evidence— drugs, firearms, glass, paint, and tool marks—the processes of identification, collection, and preservation were explained. For each type, it was established how to detect relevant evidence at the crime scene and judge its importance for further investigation. Also, necessary precautions and appropriate procedures for...


American Juvenile Justice System

Youth crime has been increasingly on the rise over the past years. It is caused by numerous factors, ranging from social inequality to the influence of popular media. As young people are integrated into criminal justice, they are faced with harsh realities of consequences for actions which could influence their...


The US Airline Industry’ Labour Relations

Abstract Labor unions play a critical role in the US airline industry given that relatively all the workers are either unionized or covered by collective bargaining agreements. The American Airlines Allied Pilots Association (ALPA) has recently rejected a concessionary contract offered by the management. The association rejected a pay rise...


National Security Policy Issues

How the wars with Native Americans influence the early need for national Security The Native Americans refer to indigenous people who live in North America within the boundaries of the continental United States. Cultural differences between the Native Americans, and immigrant Europeans caused political tension and ethnic violence. These people...


Security Systems and Loss Prevention

Conducting Risk and Vulnerability Assessments Risk management refers to the process of setting up various measures within an enterprise for the purpose of addressing any identified risks and thus, entails plans to avoid, reduce, spread transfer, eliminate, as well as accept risks. However, for effective risk management and vulnerability assessments,...


Liability of US and UAE Directors for Fraud

Introduction After the global financial crisis, there has been a growing need for companies in the US and UAE to develop stringent corporate regulations to ensure transparency and accountability. Many companies have adopted new corporate governance that ensures that directors and management perform their duties according to laid down rules...


Social Security Act as a Criminal Justice Policy

Summary of the Article The article written by Tani (2015) dwells on the issue of administrative constitutionalism. She reviews the history of the Equal Protection Clause and states the key events of the movement. Her research provides the reader with the core steps that have been made on the way...


Model Business Corporation Act

Issue Under the United States Constitution, five main businesses can be legally registered and allowed to operate in the country. The five businesses are sole proprietorship, limited liability company, cooperative, corporation, and partnership (American Bar Association of Corporate Laws 2008). Indeed, each of these businesses has its merits and demerits....


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Its Pros and Cons

Introduction Health care provision is essential for all citizens. The insurance companies and health institutions must adhere to the health care act to provide excellent services to all citizens. The new program has its gains and disadvantages. The Major Positives in the PPACA The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act...


The United Nations Council’s Sanctions on North Korea

Introduction For different countries, the concept of international peace and security implies different meanings. Every country assesses security challenges from its own unique geostrategic and political viewpoints. The United Nations introduced Chapter VII of its Charter to help it to address issues associated with international peace and security. As such,...


Courts of Australia

Victorian Court Hierarchy High Court of Australia The High Court’s duties involve conducting the interpretation and the enforcement of the Australian law, resolving cases of specific federal impact, such as concerns about the statutory competence of laws, and hearing appeals through special leaves from Federal, Regional, and Territory courts. Supreme...


The Legalization of Marijuana in the USA

Introduction The legalization of marijuana in the U. S. has become one of the most debated topics in the last few years. Even though numerous studies have proved cannabis to be much safer than alcohol and tobacco, most U.S. states have strict laws with regards to marijuana use, possession, and...


Hawaii’s Opportunity Probation with Enforcement

Introduction Drug use among parolees and probationers is still very likely to happen although hundreds of programs of drug control exist throughout the United States. Nevertheless, many probationers experience drug abuse even when they are aware of the consequences of it. The drug war in Montgomery, AL has continued for...


Gun Control for Decreasing Crime Rate

Abstract Gun control is among the most debated and divisive issues in the modern society. It refers to the activities that are aimed at controlling the number of guns owned by individuals. Some people have argued that increased gun control can effectively address the issue of increased violent crimes and...


Criminal Convictions and Public Attitudes

Criminal Justice Article Review The current paper dwells on the implications inherent in the existing criminal justice system and public opinion regarding numerous categories of convictions. Moreover, the paper aims to identify the core reasons for wrongful convictions and their effect on the community and criminal justice. The current wrongful...


Criminology: Biological Theory of Deviant Behavior

Criminological theories as a separate area of ​​this science differ in many criteria, and one of them is the hereditary nature of delinquency. In this regard, a biological concept has emerged, which, as Cullen, Agnew, and Wilcox (2017) note, represents the idea that deviant behavior and criminal tendency are innate...


Juvenile Crime, Childhood and Justice

Introduction The adultification of juveniles is something that has taken centre stage in the criminal justice system. Many countries and states have implemented new laws aimed at sentencing more children in adult courts (Norozi & Moen 2016). The essay will present four unique stages. The first stage gives an analysis...


The Chinese Juvenile Justice System

Introduction Nowadays, the existence and operation of a juvenile justice system is an inseparable constituent of the state. However, it is a relatively recent legal invention because up to the beginning of the nineteenth century, young criminals were judged under the same system as adults. In the late 1800s, the...


The Fair Work Australia Decision for Minimum Work Hours

Introduction The decision by Fare Work Australia (FWA) to lower the minimum working shift for school students from 3 hours to 1.5 hours has been met with mixed feelings by the students themselves, the retail industry, and the unions. The research paper is an endeavor to explore why employer associations...


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one of the significant health care laws in the history of the United States. The Act has elicited heated debates with proponents and opponents endeavoring to prove or disprove its usefulness in the contemporary evolving health care arena. However, this paper...


Business Organizations Forms

Introduction A form of business organization is the general structure in which a business is constituted. There are three forms of business organizations namely: sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporations. A sole proprietorship is a business form that is run and owned by one individual (Angualia, 2010). The advantages of a...


The Issue of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Executive Summary The following proposal focuses on the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace. It discusses the need for the implementation of recommended changes that provide an opportunity to prevent and overcome this problem. Those companies that do not pay enough attention to the cases of sexual harassment should...


Information Technology Acts

Introduction As technology improves over the years, there is an ever-increasing risk of going against accepted codes of conduct. This is mainly because improvements create loopholes that cannot be foreseen. In this respect, various bodies have responded by setting up acts and laws to deal with the issues that arise....


Forms of Business Organization and Financial Statements

The four key forms of business organization include sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and limited liability company–each having several distinct characteristics predetermining legal, financial, and other issues. Thus, it is highly important to choose an organizational structure thoroughly as each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages that have to be...


Audit Committee from the UAE Perspective

Introduction – Origins of the Audit Committee Nowadays, an increasing number of companies are demonstrating concerns regarding the stability of performance and business operations. The issue has become especially acute because of the global interconnectedness of economic actors worldwide and the recent economic crisis. It means that organizations want to...


Collective Bargaining and the “Right to Work” Law

Scope of Bargaining Labor unions are important pillars of any democratic society. They play a leading role in collective bargaining to promote the economic welfare of employees and resolve conflicts that may arise between employees and their employers. In democratic societies, all employees have a right to bargain collectively (through...


“Tough on Crime” Approach to Criminal Justice

Introduction According to Goff (2014), the tough on crime approach to criminal justice refers to the use of severe punishment on individuals that commit offenses. The approach emphasizes “punishment as a primary, and often sole, response to crime” (Goff, 2014, p. 15). A majority of people possess beliefs that are...


Gun Control in the US: Laws and Public Opinion

Introduction Gun control refers to restrictive efforts to control sales, ownership, distribution and use of guns among Americans. Gun control issue has divided the Americas into three groups with proponents, opponents and neutral people. People who support strict and tough measures on guns claim that the laws would restrict access...


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Obama Care

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Affordable Care Act or ObamaCare) is a health care law signed by President Barrack Obama in 2010 that marked a major turning point on the delivery of health care services in America (Sipes 18). The law was enacted to improve the accessibility...


HealthCare Law’ Repeal: Analysis and Critique

Synopsis The Health Care Law was signed by president Obama on March 23, 2010. The law is aimed at improving the health care system in the country. If the will function as it was planned, the quality of the medical care will be improved and health care insurance will be...


The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights

The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights can be viewed as the documents that shaped the political, legal, and even economic history of America. Overall, the analysis of these documents can show that the Founding Fathers developed a set of reliable safeguards that could shield the...


The Intelligence Role in Homeland Security Activities

Background on the Role of Intelligence in Homeland Security Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the need for closer cooperation between various institutions of security increased significantly. In particular, there has been a special focus on how information is collected, analyzed, and distributed in the process of protecting the homeland from...


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is one of the recent medical care policies in the United States. PPACA is also popularly referred to as Obamacare. It is one of the most comprehensive health care reforms in the USA. The policy, if enacted fully will see most...


Contracts and Their Essential Elements

A contract is a binding agreement between two parties. The agreement usually lays down the terms and conditions which must be obeyed by both parties. One could be sued if they fail to observe the terms of a particular contract which they are privy to. For a contract to be...


United States Nuclear Security

Introduction The existence of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear energy is the real threat to the United States and other actors in the international system. The US has various options regarding mitigating the nuclear energy problem, including equipping the medical personnel with adequate skills and tools to respond to...


Legal Aspect of Information Technology Usage

Introduction Information technology has become an integral part of modern society because every activity virtually has a component of information technology. The use of information technology has given way to the emergence of legal and ethical issues that govern its use in various aspects of society. Legal and ethical issues...


Formation of Contracts: Offer and Acceptance

An offer is largely a promise that is conditional in nature. However, it is vital to mention that an offer is not mandatory because the participating party on the other side may either accept or reject it. In addition, an offer reveals or shows that the concerned party is willing...


Gun Control: Issue, Viewpoints and Possible Solutions

Background and the Context of the US The laws that control civilian gun ownership vary in different countries, and the history of such legislation is most often connected to notorious tragedies that involve weapons. For example, the modern Canadian gun laws are the result of the massacre at the Montreal...


Police Brutality Debate

Some analysts observe that black Americans have never enjoyed their rights and freedoms in the United States because they have been historically experienced unprecedented police brutally, which takes the form of harassment, unwarranted arrest, incarceration, and convictions that raises their death rates. The brutality is perhaps systematic and intentional on...


Legal Market for Transplant Organs

Introduction Organ transplantation is one of the most groundbreaking medical procedures available today. Through this technology, patients who in the past would have died from diseased organs are given a new lease of life by having healthy organs transplanted into their bodies. Due to the effectiveness of transplantations in restoring...


Human Rights and Its Meanings

Introduction If you go out to the streets and ask different people what it means to have human rights, you are likely to get a wide range of answers. Human rights are defined as “rights that belong to an individual as a consequence of being human” (“Human Rights”). This concept...