🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻 Essays on Sociology


World Population Growth and Control

Introduction The world population has grown at a very drastic rate for the last two thousand years. It is estimated that the current population is approximately six and a half billion people. It is projected that by the year 2050, the world population will be approximately nine and a half...


Women in Politics: Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?

Introduction The ideas of feminism turn out to be one of the most burning themes to discuss for a long period. The concept of feminism is widely spread in different circles of our everyday life: many political, cultural, and even economic aspects need to be taken into consideration. Canada is...


Health of Intimate Partner Violence Analysis

The causes for prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence in African American freshmen students are their perceptions as well as community and family background. Introduction Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) arises from aggression towards an intimate partner. As According to Dutton, Donald G. (2006, p.11), personality is a fixed entity, and can...


The Animal Rights Movement

Introduction The Animal Rights Movement has shown few signs of weakening over the years after three decades of activism and management. This has been influenced by public awareness of animal rights policies, increased legal action, and budget building. The movement covers many organizations which advocate for animal rights which take...


Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Its Causes

Drug and alcohol abuse is one of the main problems that affected modern society. This problem becomes a real burden for many families living in low-class environments. Drug and alcohol abuse is not an individual problem but a social one caused by poverty and the inability to find a well-paid...


Ethics of Innovation in Several Human Fields

The humankind society has highly regarded integrity as a precious virtue that needs to be venerated by all people. This veneration does not just end with the human population; it is also extended to other species of the universe. In contemporary society, many people have equated lack of integrity to...


Gender Relationship of Drug Misuse Among Adolescents in Hong Kong

Discussion The study sought to examine the relationship of drug misuse and families in Hong Kong. Since the people who get involved in drug, use or overuse lived with families at some point. The results indicated that adolescents’ tendency to abuse drugs would continue both in the presence of their...


Abortion. Why I Have a Proponent View?

Introduction The problem of abortion is far discussed in the contemporary society. This issue considers men and women as well, because of the global character of the problem for the drive of population. In particular, the society is unofficially divided into opponents and proponents of this feature of life, pro-lifers...


Professional and Business Career of Black MBA Graduates

Base Theory Affirmative action as it stands in the professional and business sphere has generated a wide spectrum of controversy. Antipathetic views have flourished over the years arguing that African American graduates should receive similar treatment and meet the standard criteria for admission into business organizations. The inimical perspective is...


Marx, Durkheim and Weber Theories on Religion

Introduction Marx, Durkheim, and Weber played vital roles in the fields of sociology, theory of economics, and most of all, social critics, each of them had a duty in their writings to recognize key errors inherent in the system of capitalism that had started to take over the modern industrial...


Women and the Pornography Industry

Introduction Pornography became a serious and highly controversial issue/struggle for female community around the world. Studies prove that the term pornography is related to Greek words, porn and graphein. Graphein means to write. Some people did not like to explain pornography in words. Defining pornography is not easy and is...


The Problem of Drug Use and Abuse

Introduction Predictive Questions to be Pursued In general, this paper will explore what will happen to the state of Israel in the near term. More specifically, given the early signals from the Obama administration, this paper delves into How will any kind of rapprochement between the U.S. and Iran affect...


Gender Differences in Communication

The main goal of this paper is to contemplate the issue of gender differences in communication connected with and resulting from poor organizational communication at different levels at companies. The examination of specific scholarly works will allow a deeper understanding of the problem and at least theoretical backgrounds for its...


Dominant Arguments and Disagreements About Abortion

The issue of abortion has a lot of controversies. One being that, if there is conflict between two rights then the most fundamental and important one ought to prevail. The right to life may pose as the most important human right. Scientific indications are that every individual life is unique...


Gender Equality in Islam Analysis

Abstract This paper deals with the equality of genders in Islam. The basic aim of this paper is to show that Islam makes no difference in genders and has given equal priorities to both men and women. To prove the equality of men and women, this paper has used the...


Issues of “Underserved” Racial and Ethnic Groups of People in Education

The article under consideration is the work by one of the most notable authors in the area of educational studies and social and racial inequality in their context. Bensimon (2005) provides the readers with the detailed and well-documented research paper dedicated to the topic of organizational learning as simultaneously the...


Age Discrimination In America’s Human Resource Offices

Introduction In an organization, age discrimination manifests itself when a person’s age is considered while recruiting, promoting or offering specific job benefits. In America, this discrimination mostly affects aged people who are often singled out in preference of the young recruits. Conversely, there have been several incidences where young workers...


Family Violence – Debunking a Common Myth

Introduction Every time the word ‘violence’ is mentioned, a number of things might come into one’s mind. Some might picture an individual being murdered, some might picture one being beaten up by either an individual or a gang while others might picture a woman being raped or children being sexually...


Frank Zappa: Composer & Social Critic

Introduction Frank Zappa was born in Baltimore on 21st December 1940 to a Sicilian father, Francis Vincent Zappa and a French-Italian mother, Rose Marie Colimore. Both were immigrants in the United States. Tired of poverty, the family had moved to Baltimore from Partinico, a small town West of Perlamo in...


Animal Experimentation and Struggle to Abolish It

The testing on animals is conducted for research purposes in pharmaceutical companies, medical colleges, and universities in areas such as behavioral sciences, biology, genetics, drug testing, and biomedical research. Researchers that support the practice argue that almost every achievement in medical science has been the result of using animal testing...


African American Female Principals’ Challenges

Introduction The Supreme Court of the United Stated made a landmark ruling in 1954, in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. This decision sought to declare school segregation as unconstitutional. This decision was expected to change the racial tint of school facilities over the next four...


Qualitative Social Research Methods

Introduction All that is known and perceived about qualitative research the perceived is wrong (Rossiter). There has been a long-standing debate about the adequacy of research methods in social sciences. Historically there has been a universal bias towards quantitative research and qualitative research has been fraught with criticism for its...


Principles of Utilitarianism

Introduction The basic moral principle of utilitarianism is the principle of utility also termed as the principle of greatest happiness. The principle states that the rightness or wrongness of an action is determined by its utility or usefulness where usefulness in greater sense means how much pleasure or happiness the...


Requirements for a Sustainable Society

Outline The accelerated rate of human development and indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources are forcing dramatic changes on our Planet. This essay examines the various facets of human interactions and their interface with the environment towards achieving a sustainable future. The essay first explains the concept of sustainable development and...


Illegal Immigration in the United States

This is one of the many sociological problems that the united states is currently facing and it’s of much significance as it touches on many aspects of the life of not only citizens of the united states but also the lives of the immigrants and their families(Hanson,2005). Illegal immigration is...


The Contributions of Business, Unions and Government to Promoting Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance has become an important social issue. Work-life balance can be defined as ‘the relationship between the institutional and cultural times and spaces of work and non-work in societies where income is predominantly generated and distributed through labor markets’ work balance are therefore those that intentionally or otherwise increase...


Physicians’ Treatment Decisions: Sociological Theory

Abstract This paper aims to present the social characteristics of the Physicians that evaluate the differences among the treatment decisions they make on the patients who have similar health problems. The physician’s involvement in the patient’s treatment appeared to be chronic as the physician becomes sensitive to different factors such...


Women Empowerment That Can Break the Glass Ceiling

Abstract The effect of glass ceiling on the prospect of American women finds analysis in this paper. Significantly, the reasons for glass ceiling and ways and means of women’s empowerment as well as recommendations for their development and career advancement were discussed. Even the advantages and disadvantages of those recommendations...


Feminism in Post Colonial Period in the Backdrop of Clash of Cultures

Introduction The discussion in the paper is regarding the meaning of Jean Rhys in a post-colonial climate in the light of Spivak’s theory about feminism. The double oppression of race and gender of Creole and third world women are discussed in the light of imperialism and the sexual difference of...


Violence and the Society: Criminal and Delinquent Behavior

Abstract Criminal and delinquent behaviors are undesirable acts that deviate from the generally agreed acts in society. They adversely affect human safety and therefore it is important to study and evaluate the major causes and how to diagnose an individual who is in his/her early stages of committing a crime...


Symbolic Interactionism and Gender

In the modern world of knowledge revolution, there are several theoretical frameworks that address the basic concepts of gender and gender identity. One of the very effective ways of comprehending the concepts of gender and gender inequality is to understand it with the assistance of social learning theories as the...


Reference Group Theory and Conventional Role Concept

An analysis of the life and experience of women in the Victorian age makes it clear that the role of women in the society was very much affected by various factors. It is particular characteristic feature of the age that the women of the upper class were held to high...


Symbolic Interactionism in Victorian Women

Introduction The sociologist Clarke (1997) discovered that every individual one way or the other upholds some kind of creativity or narrow-mindedness in her personality. We never know what a personal belief or what a person expects from the other when it comes to ‘symbolic interaction’ until we discover through interpretation...


Shifting Morality in Race and Education

Introduction Nowadays it is very difficult to find a country, which would be completely homogeneous in its ethical, cultural, religious, and language structure. Speaking about the racial and inter-ethnic relationship and the positions of the national groups, it would be appropriate to pay attention to the United States of America....


Symbolic Interactionism in Everyday Life

Symbolic Interaction Although man is a symbol-using animal, symbols alone cannot be credited for meaningful expression unless they are incorporated with man’s thoughts, gestures, and words. Symbols add meaning to our general expressions and words in a unique manner. What one person utters to another person in the form of...


Non-Verbal Communication: History and Concept

Introduction Non verbal communication refers to a process where people communicate by sending and receiving of messages which lack the word component, and the various means through which messages are communicated through the non verbal channels include gestures or object communication. In addition,, non-verbal elements referred to as paralanguage can...


Black Feminism Movement Analysis

Black feminism is the association of the Black Liberation and women’s liberation movements and has its own ideologies. African American women have created this thought for the sake of the Black women. Theoretical interpretations have been made from the lived experiences of the people involved (Wheeler, 2007, p.15). Gender, class...


Hispanic Women in Education: Analysis of Education and Career Choices

Introduction It is common knowledge that different ethnic groups are affected differently about education and career choices not only in the United States but also the world over. In the United States, the minority groups notably Hispanic Americans and African Americans have gone through immeasurable difficulty in trying to find...


New Immigration Problem in Australia.

Main This study explores conceptual inconsistencies of Australian current immigration policy, as such that is being designed to correspond to the dogma of multiculturalism, rather then to a common sense. In it, we explain reasons why allowing ethnic immigrants to land in Australia cannot be thought of beneficial to the...


Industrial and Post-Industrial Societies

Introduction Compact Oxford English Dictionary suggests the following definitions of society: it is “the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community; a particular community of people living in a country or region, and having shared customs, laws, and organizations” (Compact Oxford English Dictionary). There are...


Domestic Violence in America Issue Analysis

Abstract Domestic violence is widely recognized as a serious social problem that jeopardizes the safety of millions of Americans (Lanier et al, 2003). Research studies estimate that a woman is beaten every seven seconds and 4 die each day. The cycle of violence is perpetrated by parental modeling of violence,...


How Females and Males Are Depicted in Films

Introduction Men and women are assigned different roles in the society, mainly because of their different biological and psychological and emotional makeup. This assigning of different roles between the two sexes is referred as gender roles. Gender roles can be defined as the behaviors and attitudes expected of the male...


Hole in the Wall: Communities of Practice

Abstract Communities of Practice (CoP) are the tools by which dissimilar corporations, subdivisions, separations, and functional spheres can share notions, experiences, and knowledge on a meticulous sphere of interest. If this is a CoP and is corporate-sanctioned, then the sphere of interest would rationally be one that affects to or...


Harassment of Young Adults That Are LGBTQ

The terms lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender are defined by their sexual orientation. Lesbian and gay are the people whose sexual orientations or sexual attractions are towards people of the same sex. The term transgender refers to people whose gender identities are inconsistent with cultural norm in the society. (Suicide...


Domestic Violence: Other Perspective Men Who Are Battered

Abstract Conjugal hostility is evident, especially when a family affiliate, cohort, or ex-spouse endeavors to dominate the other physically and also mentally. Conjugal hostility in most scenarios is associated with aggression flanking spouses’ otherwise spousal maltreatment; this can also represent cohabitants as well as nonconjugal friendly cohorts. Matrimonial hostility occurs...


Marx and Durkheim on Social Feeling of Guilt

Under the private ownership of the economic system, the society categorizes itself into two groups: the properly fewer workers and the property owners. In the display, the workers not only experience disaffection but also suffer impoverishment from the world. This alienation happens because workers transmit the result of their work...


Symbolic Interactionism and Power Inequality

Introduction The status of women in the Victorian era has been one of the major areas of researches and debates in the stream of sociology. The most remarkable reason for this specific interest in the study of women’s status is the fact that the life of women in the Victorian...


Why Young Minorities Engage in Risky Sexual Behavior

Introduction Adolescence is often described as the period in a person’s life where one is no longer a child, yet still not an adult. This period is often seen as exciting, yet also full of confusion, making it a problematic period in one’s life, especially if things are not handled...


Drug Use in America Over the Past 150 Years

Abstract For the last 150 years, the consumption of drugs in America has undergone dramatic changes. The society initially felt no problem in the use of drugs like alcohol because they even had medicinal value attached to them. Other drugs like cocaine and marijuana were also discovered and taken as...


Symbolic Interactionism and Naturalistic Method Review

Symbolic interactionism and naturalistic method achieved particular prominence in the USA and Britain in the 1960s and 1970s. At that time they formed part of the reaction against those kinds of sociology that had become dominant in the 1940s and 1950s. The attack on these orthodoxies involved political, theoretical and...


Disparity in the Number of Minority Healthcare Executives

Introduction Historically, white males have represented the ideal manager in appearance, values, and behaviors, resulting in overt or subtle discrimination in selection, evaluation, and promotion practices in corporate America. Because women and minorities could not meet this ideal, they were often passed over for advancement. The author discusses key areas...


Process of Change: Theories on Change

There are two ways of interpreting what the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said that one can never step on the same river twice. One interpretation is that the river is always changing and when that person steps on it the second time, it is not anymore the same. Another interpretation is...


Modernist and Symbolic Interpretivism in Organizational Perspectives

Modernists believe there exist boundaries that separate organizations and environment while symbolic-interpretivist believe group members use symbols and define how the symbol affects their individualism, rationale and collective processes and outcomes. They also explain process by which these groups and group dynamics apply the symbolic activities. In studies of organizational...


Is Citizenship a Human Right?

In the last decade discussions on international human rights regimes and post-national citizenship have been gaining popularity. The emergence of supranational human rights institutions, such as the UN, UNHCR, European Court of Justice, ILO, and such documents as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international covenants and conventions,...


Social Theory. Symbolic Interactionism

Introduction Symbolic Interaction – while focussing upon the human behaviour is a triangle of meaning, language and thoughts. That indicates that only through interpretation, definition, and meaning attachment it is possible to manipulate symbols, irrespective of an individual being ‘creative’ or ‘narrow-minded’ (Clarke, 1997). Humans build up their personalities in...


Principles of Organizational and Social Systems

Abstract The author’s research objectives in these studies of social systems in KAM III (breadth component) is to gain better understanding of various theories of social development as applied to the importance that should be given to parental involvement in a child’s holistic education. Societal development is necessary in order...


Drugs, Values and Society

Abstract For a long time, the fight against drugs in most parts of the world and especially America has focused so much on the users of drugs but I don’t see drug abusers as the victim. I see the drug abuser’s friends & family as the victims. The financial and...


Queer Young Adults’ Harassment at High School

Introduction In spite of great changes in social relation legislation, sexual harassment of youth adults that are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender in a high school is still an issue of the day. Sexual harassment based on sex differences and sexual orientation is a social problem which affects thousands of young...


Child Maltreatment in African Immigrant Families in LA

Introduction Coping with changes that keep taking place at a rapid pace, in practically all walks of life, seems to be the challenge faced by people of all ages. This is more sharply felt in a country like the United States, where people of varied ethnic origins try to co-exist...


Disabled Women Sexuality and Reproductive Health

Introduction Women have continued to fight for their gender rights and freedoms because oppressive patriarchal systems in society have sidelined them (Aisen 1997). Human rights apply to all human beings including men, women and children. However, women have been marginalized in virtually every aspect of society. The struggle for sexual...


Drugs: Hallucinogens, Stimulants, and Narcotics

Abstract Drug abuse refers to the use of a drug for the purpose not intended for or overdose of the prescribed drugs. Drug abusers use psychological stimulants, hallucinogens, and narcotics to both enhance work performance and increase the feeling of well-being. However, the effects are accompanied by several side effects...


Drugs, Values, and Society

Executive summary Illicit drug trafficking and abuse have been a debilitating problem not only for the United States but for many countries the world over. While a specific reason or a set of reasons cannot be set forth to cause drug addiction, since a plethora of factors, direct or indirect,...


Student Affairs and LGBT Community

When one thinks about the various social stigmas attached to the acceptance of individuals who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT), one would discover that the prevalent notions are based on stereotypes. It is quite common for people to say that gay individuals are frivolous and lack the dependability...


Pornography Ought to Be Censored

Introduction Pornography refers to the graphic presentation of images for exciting sexual feelings and romantic desires on its audience (Spector 2006). It is expressed through video cassettes, movies, films, magazines, books, and television. Pornographic scenes are also acted live in public theatres in an industry that is worth billions of...


The Plight of Seekers of Greener Pastures

Due to its consistent demand for domestic workers, Canada has opened its doors to foreign migrant workers from all over the world, specifically the Philippines, which supply a steady number of Filipino domestic workers. Based on the research literature, such workers are not given ideal working conditions, but bear such...


Adolescent Substance Use: Etiology

Abstract This paper will review the trends in illegal substance use in the student population of Oregon and more specifically the 6th and 8th grade student population of Lake County Oregon, a frontier population during the years of 1998 through 2000. Historically, Lake County has a perceived alcohol abuse history...


Substance Abuse and Dependence

Introduction Substance abuse is one of the main problems that affected modern societies. The number of existing and designable potent psychoactive drugs runs to more than a thousand, and the effects at a chemical and cellular level are incomprehensibly complex for all but the specialist neuro-psycho-pharmacologist. Fortunately, for most practical...


Harassment of Young Adults That Are LGBT in High School

1. What federal, state, and local legislation or policies have been enacted or created to address or change the problem of harassment of young adults that are LGBT in high school? An all-inclusive approach towards eradicating harassment-related events involves designing and publicizing strong, documented policies. While developing guidelines the noteworthy...


Corporal Punishment: History and Modernity

Introduction Corporal punishment is the term used to refer to a form of penalty for disapproving behavior through which a child is subjected to physical pain in the body. This form of punishment is intentional and varies to include methods such as the use of various objects, spanking, shaking, hitting,...


Ethnic Groups and Discrimination

Introduction Ethnically, I belong to the Arab Muslim ethnic group from Southeast Asia. My group immigrated to the USA a long time ago and became a part of society. There is a large Muslim community in the country which supports newcomers and old generations of immigrants. Despite great democratic changes...


A Development of American Society

Discussion A typical American society is characterized by diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, and language. The diverse and multicultural nature of American society was brought about by immigration throughout the countries’ history. Because of this, it is important to understand that, the social construction of racial and ethnic differences...


History of Conservatism From the 1960’s to the Present Day

Neo-Conservatism is a relatively recent categorization of a political ideology. With its roots forming in the 1960s this type of conservatism has infiltrated the culture and was heavily embraced by the former Bush administration. Commonly thought to be synonymous with the far right-wing of the Republican Party or ultra-conservatism, the...


Communication. Frame of Reference.

The frame of reference can be defined basically as the perception or point of view of an individual that functions as a lens through which he or she may analyze and interpret media/information/message. Life experiences have shown to contribute greatly to the frame of inference. These life experiences according to...


Women in Authoritative Work Roles

In the twentieth century, American society witnessed the rapid development of the feminist movement, and it certainly brought drastic changes in our perception of gender roles. Yet, it has to be admitted that such phenomenon as sexism still exists; to a certain degree, it became less conspicuous, but one cannot...


How Video Games Affect Children

Introduction Violence plays a major role in popular video games and movies. It encourages adolescents to mimic the violence displayed and portrayed on the screen, and it may have played a major part in influencing violence and aggression in teenagers. Research has shown that playing violent video games such as...


Intercultural Communication Breakdown

Introduction Cultural learning is considered to be an important step in the process of personality moral make-up formation; intercultural awareness can become a significant compass in the way to understanding the foreign atmosphere and cultural development and helping to find a common language with the representatives of other nationalities. In...


Sociology: Social Stratification, Social Class, Social Mobility, Social Change

Social stratification refers to the unequal distribution of income, power, and resources among members of the same community or nation so that some individuals or families enjoy better lives due to higher income and standards of living as compared to those who lead lives in poverty and do not have...


First, Second, and Third Waves of Women Movement’s

Feminism is categorized into three waves, that is, first, second, and third waves. The first wave feminist relates to the women’s movement in the 19th century for women’s rights in Europe and America. The second wave of feminism dominated in the 1960s and 1970s. The different types of women’s movements...


Drug Related Crimes: Causes and Effects

Introduction Drug related crimes are criminal activities such as shoplifting, burglary, vehicle crimes and robbery which are committed by the youth due to the influence of alcohol or under the influence of alcohol. Therefore drugs are related to crime in two ways: possession, use and distribution of drugs is a...


The Problem of Sexual Child Abuse

Sexual relations have become very important in the modern world. People pay too much attention to them as the pubescence of youth begins earlier than it was before. Youth can get information about sex everywhere. The problem is not in the issue of youth speaking about sex and the desire...


Women in Early America: Women’s Rights

The “golden age” theory originating in the book by Elizabeth Anthony Dexter, Colonial Women of Affairs asserted that the condition of women in the colonial era was better than it was in the capitalist age (Dexter). According to this line of argument, women were scarce in the pre-industrial era, and...


Immigration Issues in the United States

Introduction to the Problem Global economic inequalities and the growing demand for highly skilled workers and the demographic decline in the industrial democracies have led to wide range of economic opportunities for migrants in the industrially advanced nations. This has opened up the movement of foreign nationals into the United...


“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Covey

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People was written by Stephen Covey which became a well-designed plan for personal development. The seven habits are an amazing group of inspiring standards for all those who seek to live a happy, complete, and meaningful life and are very much relevant in the...


Prescription Drug Abuse

Introduction People usually don’t think that taking prescription medication, which is prescribed by a doctor, can create a drug problem that could affect their lives for years to come. Prescription drug abuse is an ever growing problem in the United States because many people are addicted to prescription drugs without...


The Reparations for Slavery in the United States

Introduction The issues on slavery in the United States began after Virginia was settled by the English and lasted until the establishment of the thirteenth amendment on the constitution of the United States. The African Americans were the ones affected in the free- labor where the white Americans benefited and...


Legalization of Gay Marriage

Introduction Marriage is a very powerful bonding not just because it is covered by law, but also because of the very concept or institution it conveys to people (Kotulski, 2). Not just a mere ceremony, marriage is considered a right that all people including homosexuals should be given. Gay marriage...


Cross-Cultural Communication Issues

How and in what ways do cultures communicate differently? Cultures communicate differently basing on what is preferred or done in one culture to the others that are not done but preferred to other cultures. culture pluralism comes forth as a result of sticking to the original norms that have coexisted...


Child Sexual Abuse in the United States

Introduction Child sexual abuse is a treacherous epidemic that eats through the layers of American society. In the United States, the number of children who get abused increases every year. Sexual abuse can have serious negative consequences on children. It can disrupt their mental peace and inflict traumas on their...


Substance Abuse and Its Effect on Health

Introduction Drugs are substances that when absorbed in the bloodstream alter or modify the bodily functions. They manifest in the form of loss of control over the mind, which is the most common and most immediate effect upon consumption. There are numerous drugs easily available in the market and can...


Gay Marriage Legality: Discussion

In the United States, married couples receive many legal benefits that couples who live together but are unmarried do not. More and more, gay couples are insisting that they receive the same legal rights that the traditional, heterosexual married couples receive. Gay rights advocates believe that it is inequitable and...


Benefits of Having Only One Child

Having one child is better than two or more People plan on when to have children and how many to have although, some countries have introduced birth control policies to control their population. For example “in china, the government has introduced a one-child policy that restricts urban couples to having...


Abortion Is Immoral and Unethical

Introduction Abortion refers to the termination of a pregnancy resulting in the removal of fetus, and has been legalized in all the fifty states by the Supreme Court of America in 1973, for medical or social reasons (Roe v. Wade, 1973 and Doe v. Bolton, 1973). Whether morally accepted or...


Black Feminism Movement Breakdown

Black Feminism the name suggests, is the movement against discrimination shown on Black women, and it is the voice against sexism and class oppression. Feminism is an age-old act or movement which was started by the White women against the discrimination showed on them by their men and others within...


Women Issues in Saudi Economy

Saudi Arabia follows the apartheid system in its treatment of women. The apartheid system resembles that of South African treatment of nonwhites in many ways. Gender-based apartheid speaks of disproportionateness in trivial and fundamental things such as education, legal rights, unequal rights to property and jobs and restrictions imposed on...


Gender Discrimination for Females in Public and Work Places

Introduction Gender basically refers to the cultural construction of biological differences between women and men in society. These differences bring about the sex division of labor in society. Gender scholars beliefs that division of labor on a sex basis leads to gender inequality in society. This is because women are...


Women’s Human Rights in Asia, India, and in Africa

Introduction Aims and Objectives The aims and objectives of this paper are to explore the available data in secondary sources for investigating general scenarios related to women’s human rights especially in the regions of Asia, India, and Africa. Thesis Statement Women’s human rights including social, cultural, and economic rights, in...


Gender Inequality Issue Analysis

Gender inequality is obvious or hidden disparity in treatment of individuals due to their gender performance. Gender inequality is also referred to as social gender discrimination. Leaving aside the arguments on biological sex factors, the socially defined gender inequality is constructed through social interactions and manifests in numerous dimensions of...


Management in Human Service Organizations

Introduction Social organisations have various types of workers, such as full timers, part-timers and volunteers. As a matter of concern, social workers, who work in an organisation, are expected to act as other employees. They could be relating with an organisation in three ways: As an employee As a union...


Abuse of Prescription Drugs by Medical Practitioners

Introduction What are the significant effects of prescription drug abuse by medical professionals? Medical practitioners’ ease of access and ability to self-subscribe drugs has exposed drug abuse among this category. A survey carried out in the 1990s indicated that the practitioners suffer drug and substance abuse at the same rate...


Exploring Influences on Gender Roles

The professor asks a question in class. What is male? What is female? There were many answers given, however the professor said there were no right or wrong answers. This is because, what one considers or perceives as male or female, is based on the kind of gender role that...


Gay Discrimination in the Workplace

Gay people are those whose sexual orientation is different from what is considered the norm, heterosexuality. According to Avert.com, they are people who are attracted to other people of the same sex. In some instances, it happens that certain people may be discriminated against in the workplace on the basis...