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Racial Discrimination and Prejudice in the US

Introduction The problem of unequal treatment of people is one of the most urgent problems. In particular, this aspect concerns prejudice and discrimination against members of the black population. A significant contribution to the development of this kind of relationship is the long history of slavery, which has left a...


Emily in Zombie Love by Earl T. Roske

Introduction The play Zombie Love, written by Earl T. Roske, illustrates the love of two people from different worlds. Emily is a young girl who is in love with a zombie named Walter. The plot of the play is a perfect representation of the modern world and its unfairness. Due...


Environmental Concerns Regarding Water Pollution

Introduction In today’s contemporary world, environmental changes caused by pollution and human activity affect everyone globally. Climate change is the result of industrialization, technological advancement, increased world population, and the demand for mass production. As its effects become more prominent, more people take notice of the problem and seek to...


Rise in Sea Level and Climatic Change

Scientists expect that the climatic change will continue to pose related impacts if nothing changes about human activities and natural causes that affect the process. For instance, temperatures will continue to increase in the future. Carbon dioxide emissions absorb heat and re-emit it, causing extra heating on earth. However, if...


History of Alexander the Great

Introduction Western civilization, also known as the occidental culture, emerged when most of the greatest men philosophers of the world were based on prosperity and stability. Thus, a lot of them tended to focus on finance and politics (Worthington and Ferguson 59). The prominent historians and philosophers who came to...


Reconstruction: Radical Republicans

The era known as Reconstruction represented a chaotic period in the United States history. Abraham Lincoln has drastically reconsidered the attitudes around slavery and emancipation, starting the debate around Reconstruction. In the following years, his approach was contrasted with the actions of Radical Republicans, who advocated for a more forceful...

Entertainment & Media

Advertising and Consumer Autonomy

Introduction Advertising is the backbone of the business industry because it provides critical information about products and services to potential consumers in a timely and cost-effective way. However, there have been heated arguments on the role of advertising and its morality in human society since some organizations take advantage of...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media and Mental Health

Introduction The preservation of the well-being of the young population plays a vital role since the future development of society depends on it. However, there are more and more negative factors that cause concern. One of these aspects is social networks, often used by young adults and teens. Phenomena such...


Social Problems Driving Mass Incarceration in the U.S.

The United States is the world leader in the number of prisoners. The country’s prison population, which has grown to millions, is seen as a unique social phenomenon, and is referred to as a policy of mass incarceration. The term spread in America back in the early 1970s, when the...


Comparative Approach to “What Makes Democracy”

Introduction The comparative approach to study of politics and government takes on a systematic study and comparison of diverse political systems. Rather than focusing on a particular object of study, comparative politics focuses the inquiry on the method, asking the deeper ‘why’ questions. This allows for a greater comprehension not...


Gender Stratification Factors and Change

Introduction Gender stratification refers to the dissimilarities between males and females concerning privilege, supremacy, and affluence. In most societies, gender is usually a communally organized principle, representing the unequal division between women and men. An excellent example of gender stratification is the number of females is always fewer than the...


Setting in O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Introduction Human beings have an undeniable capacity for compassion and evil. The diabolical relationship and existence of the two are demonstrated by Flannery O’Connor in ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find.’ The story focuses on a grandmother living with her son’s nuclear family and their eventual demise at the...


Gas-Powered Vehicles vs. Electric-Powered Vehicles

Introduction Many drivers are having difficulty loading up as petroleum prices rise to new highs, but electric vehicle owners appear pleased with their purchases. One of the most significant problems to grasp and consider in today’s world is the debate between gas and electric automobiles (Asadi et al., 2021). There...


Comparative Study on Islam, Christianity, and Judaism

Introduction The three religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are commonly known as Abraham’s religions because of their various similarities in several dimensions. The increased development in historical research has led to more vigorous works as researchers find to unveil and gain a deep understanding of different religions (Ferrari, 2019). Sometimes...


Selecting Research Methodology

The criterion The description of methods The definitions of methods of collecting data in sociology Questionnairesare a method of collecting social information about the object under study through direct or indirect communication between the sociologist and the interviewee by recording the respondent’s answers to questions posed by the sociologist. Interviewsare...

Tech & Engineering

A Nonstationary Mathematical Model for Acceleration Time Series

Introduction Both time and frequency domains are utilized to generate acceleration time series from stochastic models. Extensive reviews of acceleration time series process models in the frequency and times domain have been presented by[1], [2], and [3]. A number of papers in the literature have reported ARMA models. ARMA models...


Social Intelligence: Main Theories

Introduction Social intelligence is the ability of a person to understand and contextualize their emotions and the emotions of others. The effective use of emotions and emotional states to direct and assist people in performing better in their daily lives and work. Understanding people and their behavior can aid communication,...


Civil Rights: King’s Letter to the Birmingham Jail

In his Letter to the Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. aimed to answer the criticism of his actions from his fellow clergymen. King was troubled by the white moderates because he believed that their actions only impeded the establishment of equality and progress (King, 1963). According to King, law...


Poverty and Families in the United States

Introduction The concept of the deserving and undeserving poor has been around for centuries, and it continues to be a controversial topic in the United States today. Some believe that poverty results from personal failings and that the government should not be responsible for alleviating it. On the other hand,...


Muslims’ Position in the United States’ Society

Allam, H. (2021). Muslims see disparities in January 6 investigation. The Washington Post. Web. Say investigation reveals disparities in the processing of terrorist cases. For example, Dean Obeidallah, a Muslim comedian and radio broadcaster, refers to the riots at the US Capitol against Al-Qaeda in the United States that carried...


How the Canadian History Shaped Our Identity

Introduction The Canadian identity refers to the many expressions, symbols, characteristics, unique culture, and conditions for being a Canadian. The most associated signs with the Canadian identity include the maple leaf, Canada, and Canadians. Canadian history has had a significant role in shaping the Canadian identity. It can get traced...

Tech & Engineering

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Supply Chains

Introduction New technologies, their development, and application contribute to significant changes in various areas of life, in particular, business. For instance, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, can improve supply chains at various stages. They can perform labor-intensive or routine tasks instead of people, significantly increasing efficiency and...

Tech & Engineering

The Project of the Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House (SOH) is a modern musical arts center on the shores of Sydney Harbour in Sydney, Australia. Despite the beauty and majesty of this structure, the design and construction process took place with a lot of mistakes and misunderstandings within the working teams. The project of the...


Internet Pornography in Public Libraries

The variety of information available on the Internet is tremendous. Some sites are useful for scientific and individual study and leisure, and others contain content that might be considered disturbing, such as pornography. Since the Internet became accessible in educational establishments and public libraries, there has been a dispute regarding...


Immigrant Children in Sports Activities

The case study design is a useful qualitative method for an in-depth exploration of a phenomenon. This paper is an analysis of the article by Marconnot et al. (2019), “Recognition of barriers to physical activity promotion in immigrant children in Spain: A qualitative case study.” The authors employed a case...


Analysis of Sainte‐Foy, France Church

This paper provides a formal analysis of the Church and Reliquary of Sainte‐Foy, France. This examination begins with the artwork that is visible even before you plunge into the church building. The paper also provides a formal analysis of the church itself together with its structural features that convey that...


The Ancient Societies: Perception of Women

Introduction The general idea of women in ancient cultures was the role of a woman as a mother and wife. However, Egyptian women were full members of their society, while Chinese were not perceived as people. Women in the Ancient Mayan society, Paleolithic community and African tribes were given the...


Evaluating Art Exercise – Documentary Collages

In my opinion, the best collage is “A Russian composer’s piano and brilliant mind: Igor Stravinsky.” This collage simultaneously seeks to capture the most significant, memorable, and unique moments associated with the Russian composer and his creations. Mainly, the impact of the painting affects thoughts, mind, feelings, and perceptions, generating...


A Conversation about Islamic Religion

Introduction I chose to have a conversation about Islam because it is one of the most widely practiced religions globally. Comparing it with Christianity can identify similarities and sharp contrasts between the two religions. Islam was invented by Prophet Mohammed, who received divine revelations from God. Mohammed started spreading the...


Global Environment: The Critical Threats

Introduction The United Nations has a number of programs aimed at protecting the environment and mitigating the effects of climate change. One example is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which seeks to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. As the consultant for United Nations climate and...

Entertainment & Media

Media Representation of Female Gender

The media play a critical role in contemporary society for interpretation, mass mobilization concerning various issues, and entertainment. Equally, the media is a crucial actor in gender representation and equality through fair gender portrayal and inclusion. However, the portrayal of women in the media is subverted for financial gains and...


Social Media Campaign to Prevent Child Abuse in Communities

Background Child abuse is one of the most underserved and neglected public health issues in the US because it is hidden from the eyes of the public. Child abuse refers to the exposure of children to physical, emotional, and environmental conditions that derail their development. The most common maltreatment is...


The Little Village Girl with Red Carnation

The painting addressed in this visual analysis paper is the work created by Spanish artist Adolfo Guiard Larrauri The Little Village Girl with Red Carnation, 1903. It is an oil on canvas portrait painted in the style of impressionism. At first sight, the artwork might seem to display an ordinary...


Analysis of Gender Roles Aspects

Background The subject of gender role has significantly transformed in the modern society compared to the traditional perspective. Traditionally, roles and responsibilities were assigned according to gender. Men were given superior role that depicted them to be important members of the society than women who were assigned inferior roles that...


Thematic Analysis of Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweat”

Introduction While “Sweat” by Zora Hurston is a short story, its perspective is broader than that of most books. Hurston examines many issues, including the challenges of marital violence, loneliness and religion, and race, by employing captivating and compelling symbolism. The most prominent element of the novel is the author’s...


The Early Christian Persecution

Introduction The Roman Empire persecuted early Christians for their religious views, and this process continued for several centuries. The pagan government accused Christians of the Roman Empire of promoting the dangerous cult, criminal activity, and treason. In most cases, the officials accused Christians of various offenses to justify violence against...


Were the Early Christians Persecuted?

Introduction Christians experienced great persecution in the first few centuries of the Christian church. Christianity originated with the ministry of Jesus, a Jewish teacher who proclaimed the Kingdom of God to a small people of Jewish people in Judea. It was adopted as the official religion in the Roman Empire...


A Comparison of Women’s Lives in the Past and Present

Women are the most resilient and marginalized people in the world. Men have always dominated many industries, and women were subjects to the cult of womanhood where they could be child bearers and home keepers. However, as years went by, women became more accustomed to working than staying at home,...


Is Henrik Ibsen’s Play, “A Doll House” a Feminist Play?

In order to establish whether Henrik Ibsen’s play is feminist, one must first know the definition of feminism. Feminism is defined as wanting liberation from sexist role patterns for all people, whether male or female (The Lancet). The feminist theory seeks to understand inequality propagated against women, focusing on gender...


Aircraft Cyberattacks: Pearson Correlation Analysis

Introduction There is a need to understand how the aviation industry can prevent frequent aircraft cyberattacks by offering training to pilots and crew. A deeper analysis has been conducted on the sample collected from 150 different training centers across Triple E, Colorado. The analysis was performed later using the Pearson...


Character Analysis of “Fences” by August Wilson

Addressing a complex history of racial inequality in the U.S., as well as a conundrum of relationships within a dysfunctional family affected by racial prejudices, August Wilson’s “Fences” incorporates an array of memorable and sympathetic characters. However, the main protagonist, Troy Maxson, clearly represents the core of the play and...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology Security Standards

Privacy issues are acute from the point of view of large companies, which often have a lot of personal data. The relevance of this area and the need for its financing are reinforced by the constant development of various fraudulent schemes that can steal information up to electronic money. An...

Tech & Engineering

The Impact of Technology on Social Change

Abstract Communication plays an important role in almost every aspect of modern society. Technological advancements in the communication sector have changed the way people communicate, search for information, conduct businesses, work, manage their daily lives, and look for government services. As Technology touches on everyday lives, it influences macroeconomic growth,...


Thomas Jefferson and the Challenge of Living in a Slave Society

Introduction Thomas Jefferson holds a prominent position among the outstanding American personalities. His political views were expressed in the Declaration of Independence of 1776. Jefferson sought to build a new republic in America representing a classical democracy in which human rights would be fully respected (Strauch, 2017). Even though he...

Entertainment & Media

Thesis: Do Social Media Algorithms Lead to Harmful Social Polarization?

Abstract Political polarization has recently become a serious issue in many democratic societies. Numerous scholars point to the increasing role of digital platforms as one of the most significant factors standing behind the phenomenon. At the same time, social media are believed to be primarily the tools that should not...


Sex Work and Prostitution Terms

Introduction Prostitution is considered one of the oldest professions in the world but still remains highly stigmatized in modern society. There is no international consensus on what exactly qualifies as prostitution beyond “paid sex,” and it is a regulated industry only in a handful of countries (McMillan et al. 2)....


Black Lives Matter as Controversial Issue

The racial injustice surrounding the African-American population has been a topic of discourse for a significant amount of time. Given the persistence of numerous stereotypes and the lack of equality ingrained into the lives of numerous black populations, social movements to highlight these problems have been created. Black Lives Matter...

Entertainment & Media

The Effects of Social Media on Society

Introduction Social media refers to a collection of online communication platforms focused on community-based input, engagement, content sharing, and cooperation. Social media platforms allow users to communicate with one another and create social connections worldwide (Akram and Kumar 351). Social media outlines how publishers may reach thousands of people with...

Family, Life & Experiences

The TED Talk “Everything Happens for a Reason” by Kate Bowler

The TED Talk is titled “Everything happens for a reason” – and other lies I’ve loved. Kate Bowler gave it on July 2nd, 2019. The presenter discusses the notion of motivation, trying to figure out whether everything that happens in life has a reason. She does not explicitly address the...

Tech & Engineering

The Significance of Smartphone Mobile Applications to Companies

Research Overview Technological advancements in the use of mobile phones have revolutionized information technology. Mobile phones were initially invented for person-to-person communication over a distance. However, none could imagine how much the use of mobile phones could revolve beyond communication between two people. The advent of smartphones was a hallmark...


Executive Order 9066 and Its Effects on Japanese Americans

Executive Order 9066 was a significant event in the history of the US and Japan, causing numerous ramifications for the Japanese immigrants and Japanese Americans in the United States. This order was a direct authority to relocate the populations that could be potentially dangerous to the national security of the...


Racism and Discrimination Issues in the US

Introduction Racism as an ideology or system of views enshrines the division of people into large groups, termed races. They are united by each group’s inherited physical traits, mentality, intellect, morals, and culture. The racism proclaims the inherent superiority of some races against others, or one race above the rest....


Gender: The Social Construction

Introduction Gender is a constructed description of a woman or a man conceptualized on task, functions, and roles attributed to men and women in public or private life within the society. Therefore gender can not be described based on the sex of an individual or based on the biological nature...


Weaknesses in the US Current Criminal Justice System and Possible Recommendations

Introduction Criminal justice in society entails institutions and practices that work towards reducing and eliminating crimes, maintaining a peaceful society, punishing convicted criminals, and providing rehabilitation to those who can change into good people. The US Criminal Justice system is considered among the strongest globally (Spade, 2020, May 18, para...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Networks and Their Benefits

Introduction In the present realities of the information age, social media networks have become essential to online communication and business purposes. Namely, they unite people globally, make information accessible, offer education opportunities, and create a healthy environment for business ideas. These benefits are vital to the development in most areas...


A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Good Country People by O’Connor

Introduction Flannery O’Connor’s proficiency in novel and story writing emerged explicitly in her characterization of the stories A Good Man is Hard to Find and Good Country People. In writing the stories mentioned above, O’Connor succinctly depicts various characters, including the grandmother and the Misfit in A Good Man is...


Louis Armstrong’s Cultural Contribution

Introduction The study of the humanities is of interest for research as it can provide a relatively large amount of information about previous eras and their representatives. Consequently, this work aims to study the work and evaluate the contribution of such a distinguished musician as Louis Armstrong, who had a...


Global Economic and Political Causes of Human Trafficking

Introduction There are many social issues that affect different countries around the world, forming a different set of everyday freedoms challenges. Weak people are in danger anytime there is deprivation, struggle, an absence of instruction, or political instability. Illegal exploitation is the quickest developing criminal area on earth. Most of...


Women’s Freedom in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Introduction Pride and Prejudice is one of the most famous novels by Jane Austen. The female author dedicated many years to writing this work, and it became an excellent masterpiece in the literary scope. Many critics appreciate the novel for its style, language, and form, and the book had significant...


Current Chemical Use and Addiction Trends in the US

Trends in LSD use among US adults: 2015–2018 The purpose of conducting the research was to perform a deep, comprehensive, and thorough study of the current trend of LSD use among the United States adult population over the past decade. Research questions are “what is the prevalence of the tendency...

Family, Life & Experiences

Personal Prejudice Is Not Justified by the Environment

“You mustn’t write anything that is inaccrochable.” – Ernest Hemingway Introduction The cultural environment in which a person interacts with other people is considered one of the strongest drivers influencing behavior and general worldview. Various sociological theories and concepts are based on the assessment of the social environment as a...


Human Nature in Philosophy of Locke and Hobbes

The philosophy of the New Age after the Renaissance and the Dark Middle Ages brings an entirely new look at the man and his meaning of being on Earth. Philosophers of the new time rationalized man ruined the dualism of the divine and the human, and passed to the duality...

Family, Life & Experiences

Innate Talent Is Not a Gift but a Stimulus

“His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a butterfly’s wings.” – Ernest Hemingway Introduction People who are born talented often become world-famous for their skills. At the same time, the concept of talent is vague and cannot be considered a constant and...


Ageism, Financial Insecurity and Older People’s Rights

Ageism is one of the most significant social challenges affecting older people’s rights. Ageism in healthcare is a widespread issue with negative health repercussions for elderly individuals (Nemiroff, 2022). While accessing services from numerous amenities, senior citizens are usually treated with contempt and prejudice. Ageism takes many forms, ranging from...


Native American Women in the Suffrage Movement

Introduction The suffrage movement in the United States may be defined as a decades-long struggle for women’s civil rights and for the right to vote in particular. During the country’s early history, White women were regarded as socially inferior in comparison to White male citizens, and multiple basic rights were...


Religious Affiliation and Sexuality

Introduction The notions of religion and sexuality continue to be some of the most sensitive topics for discussion in modern society. According to the researchers, “religion and religiosity play an important role in the sexual behaviors of young people” (Somefun, 2019, p. 1). Indeed, the stigma that surrounds the interrelationship...


The Criminal Justice System Reforms in Texas

The Criminal Justice System in Texas The American justice structure is complicated, with state courts, local courts, federal courts, judges, and jails. For reduction of incarceration rates, this complex network must be decrypted. If you are a regular American citizen, you have probably had to deal with the courts (Eisen,...


Marijuana: Benefits of Decriminalization

The historical view surrounding marijuana is based on the various culture of the indigenous people of America. Marijuana was used to treat multiple ailments such as headache, insomnia, rheumatic pain, and headache. Its beneficial outcome made it listed among the licit drugs in 1850 by Pharmacopoeia of the United States...

Tech & Engineering

Network Security and Its Important Issues

Introduction Cyberattacks, data breaches, and intrusions are becoming more prevalent as technology advances. Notably, more than twice as many data leaks compromised confidential information between 2015 and 2017 (Key et al., 2020). Network security is a matter of the highest relevance, particularly for existing and aspiring qualified IT experts, due...


Heterosexuality and Sexual Contract in The Proud Family

The chosen TV series is “The Proud Family – Louder and Prouder” Season 1, Episode 4. These TV series explore gender concepts in family relations and the community. The show is exciting, as it is a perfect method for people, especially teenagers, to eliminate established stereotypes about sexuality and gender....


Banning Guns in the United States

Introduction The United States is the leading country in the industrialized world in violence caused by handguns, like suicides, homicides, and unintentional deaths. There is a lot of violence in the US that entails handguns. Firearms can be easily hidden, are designed for maximum lethality, and are relatively cheap and...


Discussion of Women’s Reproductive Rights

US law and politics have long ignored women’s demand for autonomy as citizens with equal rights to men. Women were not full rights-bearing citizens From Revolutionary-era republicanism to 19th-century democracy. A dispute in the Supreme Court, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, continued over a century after the 19th Amendment...


Discussion of Piaget and Vygotsky Theories

Children’s cognitive growth helps them analyze their experiences and settings as they become more conscious. Margaret Mead, an American cultural anthropologist, believes children from the moment they are conceived until they become independent individuals, need to be taught how to think and not what to think. Cognitive development theories are...


Muslim Brotherhood in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction The threat of the Muslim Brotherhood and the associated extremism in developing ideologies that enhance violence and adversity on the government of UAE is asymmetrical. Since the establishment of Al Islah in the United Arab Emirates in 1974, Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum has supported the Muslim Brotherhood’s...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media: The Content Regulation

Introduction The Cambridge Analytica scandal captivated the interests and resentment of the global media, consumers, legislators, and authorities in 2018. It indicated that individuals are concerned about invasions of privacy and corporate abuses of power. The controversy is one among many showing that social media privacy consistently concerns people’s dignity,...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networking and Online Identities

Introduction Social media use has evolved to include different aims and objectives. In recent years social media gas been used to promote social activism such as through the #MeToo movement (Mendes et al. 2018). Social media platforms such as social networking sites and blogs demand users to develop virtual representations...


World War II: Nazi and His Propaganda

The devastating consequences of World War II seem even more paramount in comparison with the first war. The selfish interests and desires of politicians and world leaders led to many deaths and considerable damage to countries. Hitler’s focus on political world domination pushed the German nation to fight and die...


Emily Dickinson’s Poem “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”

Introduction Dickinson uniquely approaches Death, personifying it to demonstrate that he is not afraid of Death. The author depicts eternity as timeless and examines the moral experience through the lens of immortality. Dickinson combines immortality and Death in a carriage supposed to pick her up. This fusion brings out the...

Tech & Engineering

Hybrid Cars and Green Technologies

Introduction With the shift of the contemporary economies to green technologies and the reduction of conventional fuel use in transportation, the search for alternative energy has become a priority. In the context of vehicles used for domestic purposes, the transition to hybrid cars, which incorporate at least two energy sources...


The Affordable Healthcare Act: Pros and Cons

The US healthcare problem has long been known, and people have been trying to improve it for years. The most significant disadvantage is the high cost of health insurance. Americans spend a lot of money on things that may not happen, such as a severe illness. In fact, there are...


Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin: A Story Analysis

Introduction Sonny’s Blues is a tale about a Harlem family penned by James Baldwin. The narrative follows the adventures of two brothers, specifically the younger of them, Sonny, who becomes hooked on heroin and ends up in prison (Baldwin 4). The narrative is told from the perspective of the elder...


Immigration and Citizenship in the United States

Introduction This presentation aims to discuss immigration and citizenship and explain why people migrate to the United States. In addition, it discusses various immigration laws that exist in the country. Both the positive and negative impacts of immigration are also highlighted and show why it has remained a contentious subject....

Entertainment & Media

Ethical Advertising and Marketing Strategies

Introduction Advertisement is the promotion of products, brands, or services to viewers or interested parties to attract their further interest, engagement, and sales. Advertisement is slightly different from other marketing strategies since it is paid for. The content’s creator has total control over the entire advertisement. Advertisements are guaranteed to...


History of the Fall of the Roman Empire

Introduction One of the most influential and renowned periods of history was that of the Roman empire, as it was home to famous names, including that of Jesus Christ. For the longest time, Rome displayed itself as an unstoppable empire. The empire had a vast territory stretching from the Middle...


Analysis of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” is one of the most influential stories created in American culture and literature. The story is a narration of a village that holds an annual lottery. The fate of the lottery winner is dark and cruel. When readers are introduced to the story, they may think...


Federal Drug Law Enforcement and Legalization

In the article, Cannabis Overview, the author provides an overview of the status of marijuana legalization across different states in America as well as a history of legalization of the drug. As of July 2021, about 15 states had legalized marijuana for medicinal and adult use only. Examples of such...


The Ethical Philosophy of Utilitarianism

Introduction An ethical problem has been faced by philosophers throughout the history of normative ethics when it comes to making a decision on what is morally proper or bad. Morality is grounded on human reason and universal moral rule in deontology. Traditional utilitarianism, on the other hand, stresses that deeds,...

Tech & Engineering

The Negative Impact of Technology on Children

Introduction Technology has a significant impact on the growth and development of children, given the interaction they have with tech tools. Parenting has been an issue due to technological advancement over the years as children become engaged with technology. Technology has an immense reach in people’s and children’s lives. In...

Tech & Engineering

The DevOps Project Management Plan

Purpose of Document Planning makes it possible to ensure a high probability and a high level of achievement of goals based on the systematic preparation of solutions. Thus, it acts as a prerequisite for the effective implementation of the project. In this case, this document aims to demonstrate the implementation...

Tech & Engineering

Biometric Authentication: Advanced Networking and Applications

Personal identification has always been at the core of data security and access control. Before the technological era, physical identification documents were used extensively in security controls. With the rise in technological innovation and complexities within human-computer interaction, biometric identification was born to alleviate the challenges associated with physical identification...


Brady v. United States (397 U.S. 742): Facts, Issue, and Reasoning

Case: Brady v. the United States was a case that was decided on May 4, 1970, by the United States Supreme Court. Facts: Robert M. Brady was convicted in 1959 of abducting and failing to free a hostage unharmed in contravention of 18 U.S.C.S. § 1201(a), which imposes a maximum penalty of...


Review of “The Cask of Amontillado” by Allan Poe

Introduction Literature plays a vital role in using narratology to communicate social issues through different lenses and thematic concerns. The Cask of Amontillado by Allan Poe shows how the author’s choice of characters and circumstances have more profound implications than the literal meanings. The interaction between Montresor and Fortunato during...


Black Lives Matter vs. Blues Lives Matter

The question of defunding and abolishing police forces has always been common for citizens of the United States. People evaluate the work of police from different perspectives, and actions produced by officers might express both positive and negative emotions from civilians. The idea of police defunding had appeared recently when...


Gender Role Stereotypes and Child Aggression

Introduction Gender roles refer to the societal perception of how people should function and conduct themselves based on their sex as either male or female. Gender roles stereotypes are strong beliefs about these specified gender roles (Shin et al., 2018). The stereotypes differ based on cultural settings and change over...


Theory of Domestic Violence and Its Impact

Summary Domestic violence can be characterized as a series of actions in any relationship to gain or retain dominance and influence over a current or former partner. Forms of violence can be categorized into four broad categories: physical, sexual, financial, and psychological abuse. Domestic violence includes all actions that create...


Social Issue of International Drug Trafficking

Introduction In the era of globalization, social problems have traversed national boundaries, posing severe challenges to the international community. Drug trafficking, terrorism, and corruption are some of society’s critical challenges that have necessitated collaborative solutions on a global scale. Notably, weak border control policies, increased substance abuse, and a lack...


Dangerous Knowledge in “Frankenstein” by Shelley

Introduction By nature of reasoning, knowledge is a form of conviction that differs from opinion or conjecture. A person’s or something’s awareness or knowledge, such as information, abilities, or things, contributes to one’s comprehension. At the same time, maladaptive pursuit of knowledge can generate adverse effects due to the presence...


War’s Negative Impacts on Family Life and Children

Introduction There are many negative effects of war: human sacrifice and destruction of the economic system, but one of the most powerful influences with a delayed effect is the psychological impact on families, and especially on children. Children in war zones are physically and mentally damaged by war experiences. Direct...


Morality of Animal Testing: the Ethical Issues of Animal Testing

Introduction Testing of drugs and cosmetics on animals has been a relevant social and political issue for the longest time, with little progress on the problem. However, at present, there are various social movements and federal acts that protect animal rights and strive to improve the ecological situation. For instance,...


The American Civil Rights Movement (CRM) Of the 1960s and Its Influence

Introduction The American Civil Rights Movement (CRM) of the 1960s was a demonstration against the oppression African Americans and other people of color have faced historically. After the Civil War, the Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln gave Americans of color hope for freedom. However, various legislations, including the Jim Crow...


Mexican-American War From Mexican Perspective

Introduction Mexican-American War (1846-1848) was a battle between the United States and Mexico and originated from the United States’ annexation of the Republic of Texas in 1845 (Swanlund, 2018). Texas had been part of Mexico until it declared independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836 (Flomen, 2021). From 1836 to...


Perspectives and Implications of the Social Disability Model

The medical model of disability is a conceptual approach that relates the diagnosis of disability to a person’s physical body. The main goal of this model is to correct a disability through medical intervention. This approach focuses on treatment and assumes that a “compassionate” society should invest resources in health...