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Tech & Engineering

Interactive Whiteboards in Saudi Primary Schools

Introduction Contemporary school has a task to prepare every student for life in the information society. Consequently, it is a task of a teacher to create a favourable environment and provide opportunities to learn and communicate. Communication is a substantial aspect in individuals’ lives and through it knowledge can be...


Minimalism in Music and Its Development

Minimalism is an American genre of Downtown music which originated approximately in the 1960s and quickly progressed into the most popular experimental music style. La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, and Phillip Glass are considered to be the pioneers of the minimalist music; each of these composers has made...

Tech & Engineering

Telecommunications Management – Network Security

The Need for Network Security Network security is an increasing phenomenon that is used to combat the increasing threat of attacks on the private information being transferred and stored on the internet. The need for network security has increased due to the increase in the traffic on the internet, the...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology and Society

Recently, there are lots of concerns whether technology affects every part of family life. Evidence suggests that it does have a negative impact on our lives. We are spending more time in doors than we are outside. The time spent on the computer, watching TV or playing computer occupies about...


Communication. Frame of Reference.

The frame of reference can be defined basically as the perception or point of view of an individual that functions as a lens through which he or she may analyze and interpret media/information/message. Life experiences have shown to contribute greatly to the frame of inference. These life experiences according to...


Pre-Service Teacher’s Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Mathematics Teaching

Significance of the study Attitudes and beliefs form a very important aspect of teaching and learning mathematics. Uncovering the unknown truths about preservice teacher’s attitudes and beliefs towards mathematics is a major step towards catering to the changing needs of students in mathematics. A number of studies have been carried...


The Special Needs Students: Safe and Supportive Learning Environment

Many nations around the world have dedicated much of their resources into the development of their educational institutions. Every year, schools undergo a series of assessments in order to maintain a standard of quality education with regards to the institution’s curriculum, facilities, student and faculty performance, etc. However, schools that...


American Civil War Historical Overview

American Civil War of 1861-1865, which is often spoken of as a war between the States, is believed to have ruined one America and created another one. The most prominent fact about this event is that it could have been easily avoided since both the parties were against it. President...


Abortion Is Immoral and Unethical

Introduction Abortion refers to the termination of a pregnancy resulting in the removal of fetus, and has been legalized in all the fifty states by the Supreme Court of America in 1973, for medical or social reasons (Roe v. Wade, 1973 and Doe v. Bolton, 1973). Whether morally accepted or...


Erik Erikson’s Theory Analysis

Erik Erikson was a student of the famous ‘father of psychology’ Sigmund Freud. He followed many aspects of Freud’s theory of personalities such as the concepts of the id, ego, and superego and the underpinnings of the oedipal complex. However, Erikson was more culturally and socially oriented. He disagreed with...


Nuclear Power Plants Advantages

Electricity enhances human productivity, maintains comfort and safety, and contributes to development of economy. Every person benefits of electricity everyday. While the majority of people do not think where the electricity comes from, the key source of electricity is nuclear power plant. Nuclear generated electricity is unique because it addresses...


Black Women’s Struggles in the Workplace

Introduction History upholds the story of women fighting their way to make a position in the masculine world of workplace, little is known about African-American women, who had endured the glass ceiling of both sexism and racism. Black women fought to get to the top of the economic ladder. Getting...


“Oedipus the King” by Sophocles

Philosophy and literature have always tried to resolve the age-old conflict between free will. In fact, some philosophers believe that a human being is devoid of such gift as free will; such belief is often called fatalism. Our ability to cope with the overwhelming forces has always been disputed. It...

Politics & Government

Nelson Mandela: The Greatest Leader of Our Time

Thesis statement;- Nelson Mandela was one of the greatest leaders in the entire world. In 1918, a man was born in South Africa, Eastern Cape Town province; the man was to become one of the greatest African leaders. His birth marked the beginning of a new South Africa although it...

Politics & Government

The Civil Rights Movement

The Declaration of Independence was initially prepared by Thomas Jefferson and formally accepted on July 4, 1976. The concern at hand was the aspiration of the American colonies to attain sovereignty from British Rule. Even though in the Declaration of Independence, the thirteen colonies recognized the requirements of equality, existence,...


Stopping Illegal Immigration to the United States

Illegal immigration is a hot issue in the United States. There are approximately 12 million illegal aliens in the country, and their number is growing. Illegal immigration is a problem; therefore, it has to be solved. Some policymakers advocate a mass amnesty and support of legal immigration, others stress the...


Living in a Wheelchair and Loving it

Most people think living in a wheelchair is a terrible thing.  They don’t talk about someone being wheelchair mobile, but instead it is ‘wheelchair bound’. People are confined by their wheelchairs, not liberated.  I think this should change.  This type of language doesn’t acknowledge where these people would be without...


Short Stories by Flannery O’Connor

When one thinks of the American literature of the 20th century, the name of Flannery O’Connor is one among the first to come to his or her mind. Flannery O’Connor (1925-64) is now recognized as one of the greatest American writers of the period. Though the author’s hereditary disease prevented...


Standardized Test: A Measure of Students Intelligence or Ability to Pursue College

Introduction A standardized test (SAT) requires answering the questions or a set of questions from a common group in the same manner and is scored in a coherent “standard” manner. These tests might facilitate equity by contributing to the admissions of students due to their cognitive skills and personal achievements....


“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Ambrose Bierce

Introduction Ambrose Bierce was an American journalist and author. He participated in the Civil War, serving in the Ninth Indiana Infantry.1 During this period, Bierce published various articles and essays. Afterwards, he started a new career as a journalist. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is Bierce’s most famous story....


Folklore Genres and Analysis

Introduction Throughout this course, I have learned many things that I was not aware of hitherto concerning traditions and especially folklores. Folklore, which is also popularly known as ‘lore’, includes oral history, music, jokes, proverbs, legends, fairy tales, tall tales, as well as traditional customs of different cultures or groups....


Environmental Security: Global Warming and Pollution

Introduction Although climate changes, natural or caused by human activities, occur relatively slowly, they cover huge regions and therefore can be a serious problem for humanity. Significant changes are fraught with a shift in climatic zones, which may force people to rebuild their economic activities completely or partially. The issue...


Biological, Cognitive, Socioemotional Development

Introduction Psychology is a profession that explains scientific changes that occur in human beings during their development stages. Some people claim that a person’s personality is inherited while others claim that the environment in which a person lives determines his/her personality. As believed by most scientists, psychological and characteristic behaviors...

Politics & Government

The Major Foreign Policy Challenge of the USA

The United States of America is one of the world states with a multi-vector policy and an extensive network of international interactions. Being a key player in the global politics of states, it faces many challenges and problems as other countries require its reaction and comments on resolving any issues....


Stress Factors and Effects on Person and Family

Effects of Unmanaged Stress Stress is a common phenomenon, and it is an element of every individual’s vital functions despite his/her gender, age, or social, and cultural backgrounds. Traditionally, psychologists divide stress into positive and negative types. While a small amount of negative stress may provoke the development of protective...


UK Man-Made Laws Abolition and Consequences

Introduction By definition, man-made laws are laws made by people, which usually stand in opposition to the concept of natural or divine law. Natural or divine law was part of the dominant legal paradigm in Ancient Greece and Europe during the Middle Ages. According to the apologists of natural law,...


Global Warming: A Real Danger or a Hoax?

Introduction Global warming and climate change are among the most discussed environmental issues in recent decades. Usually, these global changes in the environment are treated as consequences of human activity (McMichael, A.J., 2013). On the one hand, harmful human activity is evident. Greenhouse effect as a results of human-produced gases...


Climate Change Causes: Position and Strategies

Introduction Today, more than ever before, the reality of climate change and its harmful effects to Mother Nature has finally dawned on civilizations across the world. It is now official that climate change is a major environmental predicament facing the world (Davidson, 2006; Stern, 2007). According to the authors, the...


The US Airline Industry’ Labour Relations

Abstract Labor unions play a critical role in the US airline industry given that relatively all the workers are either unionized or covered by collective bargaining agreements. The American Airlines Allied Pilots Association (ALPA) has recently rejected a concessionary contract offered by the management. The association rejected a pay rise...


Organisational Development Interventions in the Schools

The article “The Organisational Development (OD) Interventions that Influence Organizational Culture in order To Improve Performance of the Schools in the Warren Park-Malbereign District Region, Zimbabwe” presents the findings of a study conducted to evaluate the Organizational Development (OD) interventions that affect organizational culture and their influence on improving the...


Culture, Cultural Identity and Related Phenomena

Processes That Originate, Maintain and Reinforced Cultural Identity Reflecting upon one’s culture is essential for creating a proper understanding of their environment and exploring the characteristics of their cultural identity. The surrounding cultural and ideological context has a significant impact on a growing individual’s vision of themselves, their traits, and...


Integrated Sustainable Water Resource Management Plan

Introduction The completed chapters have revealed that water is a natural resource that human beings and governments should use efficiently and sustainably. It is a critical driver of social and economic development in every part of the world. Water is also one of the resources that maintain the integrity of...


Teaching Methods Usage in the Classroom

Introduction The introduction of the Façade Technology Checklist in the learning curriculums in the majority of academic institutions has significantly influenced the roles of students and teachers. It has been observed that teachers who incorporate technology façade checklists in their schemes of work record better result than those teachers who...


Communication Skills for Early Childhood Educators

Introduction Being an early childhood educator is not an easy task. In their early childhood years, children are most susceptible to the influence of their environment and, therefore, need a teacher that can address their needs and shape their communication skills so that the students could learn to communicate their...


Do Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems?

Introduction Since the 1999 merciless shooting of students in Colorado High School by their fellow students, a lot of questions have arisen on the effect of violent video games on people’s overall behavior. This is because, as per investigations, the two used to play numerous violent games such as Wolfenstein...


Autism: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatments

Introduction Autism refers to a psychiatric disorder characterized by an individual having abnormal absorption with their inner self and lacking interest in relating with others. The syndrome is common among children and it is often marked by communication disorders, short attention spans, as well as the inability to treat others...


Job Stress and Counterproductive Work Behavior

Counterproductive work behavior Every company has goals and behavioral practices that are unique to it. Employees are therefore required to live up to the expectations and character requirements of the organization. Counterproductive work behavior, also known as CWB, refers to behaviors that contravene an organization’s policies. Employees can exhibit behaviors...


The Nayar Native Group of India

Introduction The Nayar of India comprises an Indian native group, living in the Kerala region. The group has an elaborate cultural and traditional practice. The Nayar also follows a matrilineal revolution. The culture of the Nayar’s enables them to practice polygyny. The Nayar people are involved in agriculture, which is...


Language Environment and Understanding of English

Introduction There is little doubt that one’s first language interferes with how they learn a second or foreign language. People whose intention is to acquire reading, writing, and comprehension skills know well that English is indeed an imprecise language that takes a lot of practice before one can master it....


Tragic Terrorist Events of September 11, 2001

The subject of the case study and its importance The subject of the case study is the tragic terrorist events of September 11, 2001. This case study is important because it examines one of the unforgettable disasters in America’s history. The attacks “targeted some of the nation’s symbolic landmarks such...

Family, Life & Experiences

Family as a Social Institution

What does family mean to me? I come from a predominantly (INSERT ETHNICITY HERE) family that has been a part of (PLACE NAME OF HOME CITY HERE) for generations. In fact, due to the sheer length of time that our family has been in this particular region, there is a...


Terrorism in Palestine: Opposing Viewpoints

Suicide attacks carried out by Palestinian militant groups had already killed many Israeli soldiers and civilians. This is an act of war. Those who masterminded the attacks said that their actions are justified. They will continue to fight using unconventional methods until they can uproot Israel from Palestine. There are...


Themes in Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave”

Introduction Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” is one of the most well-known philosophical passages. In this excerpt from The Republic, the philosopher raises several serious questions and offers their analysis in the form of a dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon (Plato, 1961). Such aspects of people’s lives as ignorance...

Politics & Government

US-Mexican Border and Drug Problem

Introduction The American and Mexican drug trafficking problem is complex and multifaceted. Statistics show that drug cartels in Mexico account for more than 10,000 deaths, annually (Caulkins, 2012). Some of these drug cartels are sophisticated and manage complex trade networks in the US and Mexico. The complex drug problem has...


Alternative Fuels and the US Nation Development

Environmental concerns have already left the terrain of potential hazards and became exact threats visible to everyone. One of the reasons of deteriorating environment is extensive use of oil in transportation which accounts for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions (Ogden, Williams and Larson 7). People have understood that their ways...


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is one of the recent medical care policies in the United States. PPACA is also popularly referred to as Obamacare. It is one of the most comprehensive health care reforms in the USA. The policy, if enacted fully will see most...

Entertainment & Media

Should Phones and Social Media Be Banned in Classrooms?

Introduction Social media refers to web-based, as well as, mobile phone technologies/ applications used to facilitate interactive communication between communities and individuals. Advancements in information and communication technologies have significantly improved access to internet and mobile phones in the last decade. Studies on internet access reveal that nearly 94% of...


American Racial Prejudice and Racism

Introduction Racial discrimination has remained a controversial issue throughout the evolution of America’s history. Inequality, prejudice, and racial disparities have developed across a number of areas such as family formation, employment levels, ethnic violence, housing, health, schooling, judicial rulings, and incarceration rates. The United States is a nation of immigrants....


Formation of Contracts: Offer and Acceptance

An offer is largely a promise that is conditional in nature. However, it is vital to mention that an offer is not mandatory because the participating party on the other side may either accept or reject it. In addition, an offer reveals or shows that the concerned party is willing...


Heritage and Culture in African American Literature

Introduction The introduction of African American heritage and cultural studies in the curriculums has had a lot of support as well as disapprovals regarding the content coverage. This paper forms an analysis of the challenges and the right Trans or multi-disciplinary approaches required to contribute to growth and development of...


The Early Abuse’ Impacts on Teenagers Emotional Development

Introduction The topic of the effects of early abuse on emotional development of teenagers has attracted heated debate from those who support and oppose this act. Reflectively, early abuse involves applying physical or psychological pain on a child as a disciplinary action to correct or deter a minor from engaging...

Entertainment & Media

Convergence Implications in Canada Communication Policy

Introduction Canada is one of the major global broadband markets (Wu 79). Previous years have seen telecommunication operators and broadcasters as separate entities. The incessant growth in this particular field has necessitated the concerned authorities to adopt certain policies that might simplify the working conditions of these two groups. Even...


The Real Effects of Greenhouse Gases

Introduction Studies have established that one of the greatest challenges in contemporary society is the issue of greenhouse gases. Experts have noted that the world continues to experience the effects of climate change due to increased human activity. Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming by reflecting radiation from the earth’s...


Conflict, Its Classification and Management

Definition of conflict The term conflict refers to the disagreements, misunderstandings, or differences which arise between different individuals. In day-to-day activities, for instance, in places of work, schools, churches, or at home, people encounter different types of conflicts. In most cases, conflicts emerge as a result of differences in beliefs,...


Chinese Americans: History and Discrimination

The Chinese have been living in USA since the eighteenth century, though some claim that they have been living there from as early as the seventeenth century. In the middle of the nineteenth century, there was great migration of the Chinese due to abundance of gold in California, while others...


Single-Sex Education

Introduction The issue of whether boys and girls should learn together or separately is very controversial. There is a heated debate on whether single-sex or mixed-sex schools are better. Parents are in a dilemma about the type of school to take their children to. This has been brought about by...


Discrimination in the United States of America

The United States of America has experienced an impressive change from the discrimination which was common in the country up to the 20th century. Various personalities like Martin Luther King Junior died while fighting discrimination in society. The society was suffering from the chronic disease of social discrimination that was...