Free 1300 Words Essay Examples

Tech & Engineering

Server Operating Systems: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Operating systems for servers have greatly simplified the operations and management computer networks in organizations. They are a combination of arranged components assembled to support and ensure efficient delivery of services in server functions. Over time, companies have designed different types of operating systems for servers according to the...


Saudi Arabia: Gender Roles and Human Rights

Globally, people know Saudi Arabia for its rich oil reserves and its symbolic religious cities (Mecca and Medina) (House 2007, p. 1). Abdulaziz Alsaud founded the modern Saudi Arabian kingdom in 1932. The Kingdom forms the largest country in the Arab peninsula because it covers about 2,149,690 square kilometres (CDSI...


Item Response Theory and Rasch Modelling

Introduction Scientists use the item response theory (IRT) in psychological assessment tests. Researchers define the item response theory as a modern measurement model that evaluates the margin of error (or reliability) of test scores (Bond, 2007). Different types of item response models exist. One type is the Rasch model. The...


“Mrs. Dalloway” by Virginia Woolf: Clarissa Dalloway

Introduction Summarily, Clarissa Dalloway is a character in the novel “Mrs. Dalloway” by Virginia Woolf is portrayed as the main character of the novel. She evidently struggles to constantly balance both her external and internal lives reflected in the novel. Clarissa’s life basically revolves around glittering surfaces like parties, high...

Entertainment & Media

Investing in Corporate Communication

Corporate communication refers to ways and strategies that are employed by organizations in order to spread information within its operations and the environment. Through corporate communication, organizations are able to transform their identities into image (Karaosmanoglu, 2006). An image is an important aspect of organization in respect to commanding customer...


Laws in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Arabian government has always rejected plans to adopt a secular written constitution (Calvert 12). According to the government officials, the country’s legal system has been structured in accordance with the Islamic Shariah laws. In the year 2007, King Abdullah introduced some amendments in the country’s laws. These laws...


Major Disparities in the Transition Plan for Special Education

Abstract The learning process takes place through an interactive process targeting an individual. Therefore, learning is a very complex process. A large body of literature indicates that individuals have different learning styles and preferences. Lifelong learning encompasses the acquisition and updating of all kinds of learning from pre-school years to...


Civil War Significance and Implications in the History of the American People

The purpose of highlighting and discussing the historical aspects of the Civil War in-depth is due to the profound significance and implications it holds in the history of the American people that has led to some unprecedented events that shaped the history in America, especially in the South. Essentially, the...


Application of Rituals in Diverse Contexts

Introduction Schwake (2008) defines rituals as properly organized set of actions that bear symbolic meanings. Different rituals occur within diverse societies. Indicatively, the basic principles behind rituals embed on traditional norms. Several personalities regard communities performing rituals to be archaic. Notably, this is a widely stereotyped perception within the contemporary...


Accelerated Teaching Methods in Higher Education

Introduction Accelerated teaching methods are common in higher education. They are employed in teaching accounting and other business subjects. The central mandate of these accelerated programs is on adult learners requiring specialized education and advanced qualification within a limited duration. Prior education, knowledge, and classroom etiquettes constitute the principal provisions...

Tech & Engineering

Remote-Controlled Vehicle Technology Patent

Introduction Advanced remote-controlled vehicles have been utilized in a variety of military and police operations that would normally expose soldiers and police officers to potentially life-threatening situations. These take the form of bomb diffusing robots, UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), as well as ground-based bomb detection devices utilized in urban conflict...


Stevenson’s “Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” Analysis

Introduction It is often the case that an interpretation of the story “the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” focuses on the nature of good and evil and the ability of a person to be just as evil as they are good; yet, such an examination merely scratches...

Tech & Engineering

Discrete Event Simulation and Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma and Design for Six Sigma defined Lean Six Sigma is a robust, data-driven approach used to improve a process. It also uses a result-oriented strategy. Lean Six Sigma was a methodology that was conceived by companies such as Motorola, Xerox, Caterpillar, and so forth. It always integrates...


Women’s Motivations in the Field of Corrections

Problem Statement There can be no possible doubt that the number of women in the field of corrections has increased considerably, and at present, women are taking places that are typically considered to be the job for men, as Elsner (2006) explains. According to the American Society of Criminologists (2011),...


Validating the Course Analyzer Tool through Some Educational Pedagogy

Introduction Course analyzer is a significant tool in determining whether a student’s learning style will improve academic performance. Therefore, the analyzing tool evaluates the suitability of the course in relation to a student’s abilities. From this perspective, education instructors modify the course structure in order to achieve the program’s goals....


Assessing Social Workers’ Managerial and Administrative Capabilities

Research Methodology This section will give a precise description of the whole research exercise. The research aims at measuring and testing the social workers’ perceptions of the management and administrative skills. The educational background, age, gender, educational institution and years of experience of each of the social workers are studied...


“Brother I’m Dying” by Edwidge Danticat

Book Summary Brother, I’m Dying is Edwidge Danticat’s memoir about her family’s history in Haiti and the United States. The story revolves around Danticat’s father, her brother and an uncle, Joseph. On one early morning on July 2004, Danticat finds out that she is pregnant, on that same day her...


Application of Special Education

Introductory Section Interview Overview This study is based on the responses that have been obtained by interviewing the head of faculty from Florida School for the Deaf and Blind. The school has a long history because it has provided this program since 1885 and produced eminent personnel. As a result,...


Literature Review of Critical Thinking

Introduction Definition At present, there are many definitions of such a concept as critical thinking; yet, none of them has become generally accepted by scholars. Overall, this notion can be described as the process of analyzing information, assessing its validity and drawing reasonable conclusions (Hommes, 1999, p. 240). However, this...


Measurement and Scaling Concepts

Definition of Measurement From a simplistic perspective, measurement can be defined as the assignment of numbers to the parameters of an occurrence, commodity, or events among other things. On the basis of a critical view, however, measurement cannot be restricted to the assignment of real numbers to an object since...


Theory, Approach, Methods in Qualitative Study

Introduction This paper analyzes the relationship between theory, approach, and methods in qualitative studies. This analysis occurs in the context of a proposed study that aims to investigate how to diversify funds to enhance the financial stability of Clayton County Library. This paper explains the conceptual framework and research approaches...


The Role of Parents in Underage Alcohol Use and Abuse

Introduction Underage drinking and alcohol consumption is increasingly becoming a major problem in today’s society. The number of young and underage alcohol consumers is growing by the day (Pedersen & Soest, 2013). Individuals serving and selling the drinks to young consumers are mainly blamed for this problem. However, it appears...


Learning Style and Learning Strategies

Introduction The history of improving by expanding, enlarging or refining education cannot be detached from the history of college learning instruction (Francis, Taylor, p.9). Cross (1979) makes a possibility or provide opportunity for one of the original historical consultations with a special emphasis still undergoing evolution in the field of...


Hypothetical Research Approaches

Introduction All researchers are aimed at confirming or exploring some important aspects that are associated with topics of interest. Confirmatory or exploratory strategies are based on research approaches, which are characterized by different methods of data collection and analysis (Creswell, 2013; Leedy & Ormrod, 2013). Thus, when a researcher thinks...


Fun in the Workplace: Research Approaches

Hypothetical research approaches The influence of fun in the workplace on employees’ performance, motivation, and cooperation can be examined with the help of different research methodologies. For example, it is possible to choose the qualitative approach. In this case, a researcher should focus on the opinions of respondents such as...


Application of the Behavior Modification Model

Introduction Consulting can be discussed as the series of actions directed to solving the concrete problem. While focusing on the school or day care center environments, it is possible to note that consulting is the approach to working with children based on the principles of assistance and development of the...


Job Analysis and Applicant Selection Protocol

Introduction Job analysis refers to the process of identifying and determining details of job duties and requirements, including their importance to a specific job. Generally, the process involves collecting and analyzing data in order to make informed decisions that conform to specifications of a job. In most cases, a meta-analytic...


Relationship Between Grade Point Average and IQ Scores

Introduction This study investigates the relationship between Grade Point Average (GPA) and IQ scores among ninth graders. A random sample of 40 ninth graders aged 14 years old was selected. An educator administered Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV). WISC-IV includes a Full Scale IQ comprising of verbal comprehension,...


Serving as an Agency of Change

The world is currently facing a myriad of challenges in the social, economic and political spheres. Globally, some of the significant problems that have been witnessed include global warming, depletion of natural resources, soaring food prices and dwindling world economy (Wagner & Kegan, 2006). Finding a lasting solution to these...


Transforming Schools: Problem Consideration

Introduction Change is a fundamentally vital aspect that an organization must undertake. Whereas change is inevitable, Wagner & Kegan (2006) reckoned that the process of change must incur resistance from some members of the organization. The two sentiments imply that the agents of change must introduce it in a manner...


Marketing and Human Resources Management in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction There is no doubt that the technological progress made over the past few decades has opened a plethora of opportunities for the UAE companies, in general, and the Dubai organizations, in particular, to explore new opportunities in local and global markets, improve services quality, and attract new customers. The...


The Education System in the United States

Introduction Currently, the education system in the United States is focusing on the need to foster equity in the education system and improve performance level. Consequently, policy makers have reformed many of the policies that shape the education system in the U.S. The new reforms have focused more on the...


Childhood Bullying: Depression and Suicidal Attempts

Introduction Childhood bullying is associated with suicidal attempts later in adulthood as shown in the field of psychology. The risk of committing suicide varies with gender whereby girls show higher tendencies of committing suicide after undergoing bullying in their childhood as compared to boys (Bauman, Toomey, & Walker, 2013). The...


Action Research Process: Literature Review

Introduction The process of Action Research (AR) and the features that distinguish it from other research methods have been described by numerous studies. The literature review provided in this paper focuses on methods and tools of AR as well as the key principles of AR conducting to demonstrate how AR...


Psychiatric and Behavioral Disorders in Children

Introduction The definition, comprehension, and categorization of psychiatric and behavioral disorders have elicited efforts from psychiatrists to facilitate the development of the best treatments in a bid to alleviate such complexities in children. Children that portray mental and behavioral disorders have evoked psychiatrists to examine the protean complexity of their...


Recent Victory of Gay Marriage Proponents

Observation Despite the recent breakthrough in the perception of homosexual people, which the movement for the rights of the specified denizens of the U.S. population had spawned, the process of providing the LGBT community with their irrefutable rights is still hampered by a range of factors from religious ones to...


The Webster School District: Legal Interview

Introduction School district principals and executive legal officers usually need to address a variety of issues associated with violating laws and legal negotiations that require effective decision-making. To propose the appropriate ethical and legal decision-making, the officers responsible for resolving such issues need to refer to the state and federal...


Qualitative Study Conduct: Collecting Data

Introduction When conducting research, it is very important to ensure that the quality of data meets the expectations of the intended audience. According to Merriam and Merriam (2009), the nature of data collected will define the validity and reliability of the findings that will be made by the researcher. Quality...


“Ballad of Mulan” Song & “Lady General Hua Mu-lan” Film

Introduction One of the reasons why the Ballad of Mulan (often translated as the Poem of Mullah) is being commonly referred to, as such, that represents a high literary value, is that the themes and motifs, contained in it, are discursively universal. That is, they are capable of appealing to...


Technology Learning for the Disadvantaged: Literature Review

Introduction In the wake of modern knowledge societies, various studies have revealed that disadvantaged students who receive inadequate education fail to secure competitive jobs as compared to their counterparts who acquire adequate skills from work-based learning. Such students end up in unskilled labor that earns them insufficient remunerations to fund...


Interactive Whiteboards for Improving Diagnostic Assessment Reading

Introduction Lately, teaching has become increasingly cumbersome for instructors, especially in cases where students have learning difficulties. The use of traditional chalkboards (or blackboards) to administer diagnostic tests has failed to improve the performance of students. Individuals have varying learning difficulties in aspects such as comprehension and attention. Others possess...


Sport & Society Studies: Statistical Design

Research structure is significant because it makes it easier for the reader to read and comprehend it. Every peer-reviewed research, qualitative and quantitative, can be divided into three parts, which include the research question, data collection, and data analysis. The paper offers a statistical framework of articles selected from the...

Tech & Engineering

Technology and Budgeting Programs in Education

Introduction The emergence of technology has revolutionized many aspects of the day-to-day activities at both personal and institutional levels. Computer technologies have found many applications in the communication sector, financial management, and other complex areas that are important in making processes and activities more effective and efficient. Some the areas...


Professional Sports Activities’ Socioeconomic Impact

Introduction The impact of sports activities is beyond the field. The current paper proposes an approach that can be used to develop a literature review about the socioeconomic impact of professional activities. The process of selecting a research problem is achieved by developing a conceptual framework as discussed in the...


Fiction Aspects in ‘Things Fall Apart’ by Chinua Achebe

Set in a traditional African village, ‘Things Fall Apart’ is a literary fiction that draws its mettle from tradition and traditional African socio-economics. Fiction can be described as an imagined subject that is discussed in context. Chinua Achebe gathered moral evidence of real events that affected the society during that...


Drug Abuse Policy from a Sociological Perspective

The effectiveness of policies that are geared towards addressing the problems of deviant behaviors in society has been put into question because they failed in translating to positive outcomes. The reasons behind these failures are not hard to discern given the fact that some of these policies only proceed to...


Should We Care About Income Inequality?

Introduction Income inequality is defined as the imbalanced distribution of the total economic income among families or persons. Furthermore, they pointed out that some of the factors which cause income inequality are: the differences in ability or skills, the level of education and training for individuals, discrimination in the community,...


What Are the Limitations of Democratic Political Systems?

Introduction Although democracy in general and liberal democracy, in particular, is subjected in the public view as a type of state organization that allows maximum inclusiveness of all people in the political system, there are still some limitations and dilemmas, which can relate both to the specific historical circumstance and...


Law and Morality: Where the Lines Overlap

The question of law and morality are the same thing and where does law meet morality has been plaguing the legal philosophers for quite some time. Trying to resolve the issue of the compatibility of law and morality, one might find oneself adrift among the plethora of arguments – and,...

Tech & Engineering

Using Digital Gaming in Classrooms

Findings The literature review conducted above has outlined some benefits that digital games have on the learners and the learning process. Both the learner and the teacher stand to benefit if this strategy is implemented appropriately. In this section, the researcher will analyze the findings that were made from the...


Urban Decline: Literature Review and Methodology

Literature Review Dimensions of Urban Decline When it comes to the discussion of the dimensions of urban decline, it is important to point out that they are multiple and the major debate concerning them involves the issues of the inclusion of certain dimensions and the exclusion of the others to...


Can the Orton-Gillingham Language Approach Help with Dyslexia?

Introduction Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities of a neurobiological nature. It implies difficulties with spelling and decoding that arise from poor word recognition in the process of reading. The cause of this disorder is a deficit in the phonological constituent of language. As a secondary consequence...


Differentiated Instructions and Principal Walk-Through in Education

Differentiated instruction is both an administrative and teacher skill meant to provide holistic education to students. Differentiated instruction is primarily designed in such a way that it considers dynamic student capabilities and skills in grasping important educational concepts. Differentiated instruction is therefore aimed at meeting the needs of all students...


Psychological Construct and Test

Psychological constructs are abstract variables that can include personality traits, attitudes, and emotional states. Constructs cannot be directly observed as they involve internal processes and tendencies of thought or feelings. These are commonly identifiable phenomena in human nature such as fear, motivation, or extraversion. In psychology, measurements referred to as...


The Position of Women in Society

Introduction Morocco is an Arab Muslim country to the north of Africa where Islam is the dominant religion. Its Legislative laws are closely linked to shari’a law where under such settings women have often been regarded as the weaker sex hence being denied their right to equality. Before the redressing...


Biopsychosocial Assessment: Personal Experience

The process of conducting a biopsychosocial interview can be seen as challenging if an interviewer lacks the required experience in performing such an assessment. Before starting an interview, it is important to determine certain points and features of this assessment to pay attention to, including the declaration of its purpose...


Critique of the Sample Biopsychosocial Interview

A biopsychosocial interview allows a counselor to determine the origin of the observed problems and to clearly identify these problems in order to propose an effective treatment approach. The client who participated in an interview session with a counselor was Jane Roberts, a 28-year-old White female (Perkinson, 2017). The purpose...


“Hills Like White Elephants” by Hemingway

“Hills like white elephants” is a story that shows the lives of many couples during pregnancy. The author shows the challenges many women face during the process of bringing up babies; where in this case there are a number of challenges that may lead to the couple deciding to carry...


Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication in Effective Cross-Cultural Communication

Introduction Cross cultural communication (also known as intercultural communication) as a discipline attempts to describe how people coming from different cultures across the world communicate with each other (Ferraro 2010, p.103). It studies the various media and forms with which people communicate and describes how effectiveness is achieved in their...


Essential Elements of Ethnography

Ethnography is one of the frequently used research methods in different fields, including education, medicine, health care, and management. Its distinctive feature is the possibility to learn the world from the point of view of direct participants and social relationships that they can develop. In this paper, an article written...


Langston Hughes and Tennessee Williams: Comparison

Introduction James Mercer Langston Hughes (February 1, 1902- May 22, 1967) was an American poet, columnist, novelist and short story writer and was one of the earliest innovators of an art form known as jazz poetry. He was a prolific writer and devoted his life to writing and lecturing, he...


Teaching Adaptive Skills

Developing adaptive behavioral skills (ABS) in students with intellectual disabilities is the urgent task of the modern medical community since the number of stakeholders is significant. According to Singer, Agran, and Spooner (2017), evidence-based practice steps described in academic literature make it possible to find and study appropriate intervention strategies...


Self Assessment on Qualitative Research

Qualitative data may be in form of photos, patterns of computer materials, video tapes and objects. Analysis of these data may take place in different stages of the research study, including: concept making stage, data collection stage, interpretation stage and writing stage. The basis upon which the data is analyzed...


Through the Eyes of the Homeless’ by SImply Phillip Brown

Introduction First of all, it is essential to restate the immense importance of the homeless vulnerable population’s problems. One can hardly doubt that the amount of these issues is considerably vast, and their nature is not limited by health disparities. From the previous papers on the topic, it is evident...


Importance of Language in Society

Introduction Scholars and analysts in the linguistics field have for the longest time admitted that language is a social construct in society (Creese et al, 2011). However, it is not yet clear what constitutes any given language, given the fact that several variables overlap to this end. Communities use language...


Move: What 1,000 Churches Reveal About Spiritual Growth: Book Critique

Reasons to become followers of Christ can be different, but religious leaders and researchers agree that the church plays a key role in helping a person become a believer and a Christ-centered individual. In their work Move: What 1,000 Churches Reveal about Spiritual Growth, Hawkins and Parkinson focused on the...


“When Altruism Isn’t Moral” by Sally Satel: Article Analysis

Introduction Main Issues of the Article Some people cannot help but continue believing in the power of altruism and human intentions to help each other and involve their unselfish behavior (What is altruism, n.d.). Some researchers and philosophers put the idea of altruism under a question and prove that altruism...


Overview of Typical Test Result Sets: AUDIT, CAGE Questionnaire and DAST

Report on Sample One Results The abuse of drugs and other substances, as well as alcohol, is usually measured with the help of certain screening tools. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), the CAGE questionnaire, and the Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) are typically applied for detecting individuals’ risky...


Gene Mapping: Types and Significance

Introduction Gene mapping is an investigation method that allows determining genes’ loci on chromosomes and distances between them. As a result, a full genome map or a map of a particular chromosome can be obtained. Gene mapping started to develop at the beginning of the 20th century (Nimbalkar et al....


Criminal Justice: American Landmark Cases Analysis

In Miranda v. Arizona, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the evidence collected by officers during a custodial interrogation is permissible in the court and is considered a valid proof of guilt only if the accused person was given the Miranda warnings and if there was no waiver (1966). Based...


Flipped Classroom for Gifted Students of Arabic

Research Background It has been widely stated that the current educational models have stopped bringing fruitful results and that there is a need for facilitating change to bring the process of learning to a new and refreshed level. According to Robinson, the modern educational sphere needs “more students with the...


Focus Group Research Method

Description The Focus group research method has been widely perceived as a qualitative research methodology that seeks to address questions or collect information that necessitates deep understanding and those that other qualitative methods cannot achieve. As Glitz (1997) suggests, the method involves asking a group of people about their feelings,...


Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping: Leaders of China

Introduction China owes its present existence and well-being to the actions of some of its past great leaders. Arguably the two most significant leaders in China’s history are Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. These two played monumental roles in shaping China between 1949 and 1997. Through their respective rules, Mao...


Chi-Square Using SPSS Analysis

Introduction This document is an essay that captures the solutions to the assignment given on nonparametric tests and chi-square with SPSS. In this assignment, there are seven tasks to be accomplished. The first task is to state the statistical assumptions that underlie a chi-square test. The second task is to...


Gertrude and Ophelia in Shakespeare’s Hamlet Play

William Shakespeare presents to us two female characters that are quite weak and dependent throughout the text. Gertrude the queen of Denmark, and Ophelia the girl with whom Hamlet, the prince of Denmark has fallen in love are portrayed as to belittle the feminine gender in William Shakespeare’s text Hamlet....


Math Requirements in Fashion Merchandising New Study

Introduction To conduct this research I will use a between-subjects design. In this method, I will divide the sample into two groups. One of the groups will be a control group. The control group will not be allowed to use calculators while working on mathematical problems. The use of between...


Research Methods and Its Evaluation

Introduction Project appraisal is a logical technique for gathering, investigating, and applying the data to respond to problems about task strategies and agendas chiefly regarding their efficacy and competence. In civic segment, stakeholders will fancy being acquainted with whether the programs they are backing or executing have consequences. A valuation...


The Impact of High Fidelity Simulation and Role Modeling

Introduction Brown, S. (2008). The impact of high fidelity simulation and role modeling in the acquisition of critical thinking skills and self-efficacy: An experimental study. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Northern Colorado, United States — Colorado. (Publication No. AAT 3348784). Retrieved May 12, 2011, from ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source....


Concepts of Tourism in UAE

Introduction The UAE is a free and liberal country that is made up of seven independent emirates that is ruled by the Sheik. The emirates or sub-countries that makes up the United Arab Emirates includes:- Abu Dhabi; Ajman; Dubai; Fujairah; Ras al-Khaimah; Sharjah and Umm al-Qaiwain, others are large while...


Intra-Personal Communication Definition

Introduction Intra-personal communication can be defined as a form of inner monologue. The inner monologue concerning the role of communicative skills in various spheres of life and the ways for enhancing one’s competence is crucial for every person. In that regard, the book People skills: How to assert yourself, listen...


“The Sociology of Culture” by Reynolds Williams

Introduction Williams explores the concept of cultural analysis based on three definitions of culture. The ideal definition considers culture as “…a state or a process of human perfection in terms of certain absolute or universal values” (Williams 60). It can also be looked up in terms of social aspects. From...

Entertainment & Media

Advertising in Ramadan Analysis

Introduction Internationally, the Ramadan marks a month of reflection and austerity for the Muslim community1. Observant Muslims abstain from food from sunrise to sunset and gather after sunset to break their fast. Many people stay awake chatting and shopping, particularly online. Consequently, Muslim countries encounter an explosive rise in both...


Causes of Poverty in Africa: Research Designs

Quantitative Research Design Quantitative research designs pose various advantages and disadvantages to a researcher. More importantly, the quantitative research design poses several advantages and disadvantages to the analysis of how poverty can be reduced in Africa. Quantitative designs are categorized in various groups including experimental designs, longitudinal designs, cross-sectional designs,...


Phenomenological Research Methods

Introduction Phenomenology is a philosophy as well as a research method through which a researcher seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the lived experiences of the subjects of the investigation (Grbich, 2007). It is a type of qualitative researcher method which is interested mainly in describing, reflecting, interpreting, and...


Reflection: Is Sufism a Cult?

Sufism originated from the Islamic faith and the followers of Sufism are called Sufis. They believe in turning away from worldly things and focussing on God only. To them, poverty is a sign that they are not associated with worldly things. In a real sense, poverty is what everyone is...


Diversity of Education

The first proficiency looks at the educators’ approaches to learning and performance. The educators understand and identify different approaches in developing proficiencies in learning and performances among students. Approaches included different learning styles and performance modes. These approaches facilitated learning instructions to help learners improve their performance strengths as a...


Personal Values Overview and Analysis

Personal values and the ethical, theoretical frameworks A value can be defined as a philosophy, belief, principle, or mission that is significant to an individual, group of people, or organization. It is what we regard as significant beneficial or worthy which is to be esteemed highly (Quatro and Sims, 2008,...


Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law’ by Adrienne Rich

The beginning of the third millennium can be characterized by strengthening of the position of women in the society. Nowadays females play important roles on every level of the contemporary life. However, no more than 50 years ago women only started acknowledging that they could be something more than housekeepers....


Studies in Boys Schools

Many educators have argued for the inclusion of media texts in boys’ classrooms (Newkirk, 2002; Goodman, 2003; Dyson, 2003). By including popular culture in the classroom, students access the familiar toys of their media lifeworlds to become critically literate. These researches are very valuable since they prove the necessity of...

Tech & Engineering

The Concept of Project Management

The concept of project management revolves around a case study, a company’s project or operation – but as a whole, it involves management and how to be able to successfully carry out a task up to the end of its schedule set up by the project manager or the customer....


Educational Leadership: Change and Learning

Leadership- definition and description The concept of leadership is a multi-dimensional one as it embodies several aspects. Leadership can thus be defined from different perspectives. Leadership can be enumerated as a process of social influence and in this influence an individual can enroll the help and subsidiary support of other...


Communication in Wittenberg University’s Department of Education

Introduction Conducting research has the main purpose in producing knowledge, even if such purpose is not apparent at the first sight. Accordingly, the methods of the research can be considered as the tools that will help to reach such knowledge, through presenting ways to leading from the stated problem to...


Teacher’s Literacy Instruction with English Language Learners by Lee

The role of teachers in student educational processes is great and crucial indeed: people of this profession encourage, promote, and explain the significance of education to students, help everyone to realize the place of education in this world, and learn new material that is significant for this life and students’...


Personal and Privacy Information Protection

Problem Statement The research problem of the paper is closely associated with the necessity to discuss the issues of personal information privacy, and evaluate the means of information protection. Originally, the means and tools of information protection entail various aspects of privacy and protection in general, consequently, none of them...

Politics & Government

Indiana Department of Health Effectiveness Strategy

Problem Statement The major problem brought out in the Indiana State Department of Health is that of increased bureaucracy within the organization. It is this bureaucracy that had resulted in poor decision-making processes within the organization and that had resulted in poor measures being taken to deal with the various...


Sociolinguistics. Online Activities and Thinking

Introduction In order to improve the skills in learning, majority of people have opted to use online learning. This is a journey to discover oneself and it assist to test the capacity of an individual to learn. It requires the individual to have inner motivation because one can become discouraged...


World Population Growth and Control

Introduction The world population has grown at a very drastic rate for the last two thousand years. It is estimated that the current population is approximately six and a half billion people. It is projected that by the year 2050, the world population will be approximately nine and a half...


The Animal Rights Movement

Introduction The Animal Rights Movement has shown few signs of weakening over the years after three decades of activism and management. This has been influenced by public awareness of animal rights policies, increased legal action, and budget building. The movement covers many organizations which advocate for animal rights which take...


Gender School Culture: Why Boys Outperform Girls

Key Stage 2 examinations are done by pupils who are about to complete their primary education. These exams are used to evaluate the progress of the students, to categorize the primary schools according to their performance, and to provide secondary schools with a picture of pupils’ academic capabilities as they...


Growing-up Family Experience and the Interpretive Style in Childhood Social Anxiety

The connection between parents’ experience in upbringing and child’s social anxiety is huge, to say more, this connection is indirect, the higher parents’ experience in the children’s upbringing, the lower child’s social anxiety. The relation may be easily explained, as when parents are with the experience, and this experience is...


Christian Political Engagement

Introduction The process of interaction between the religion and politics takes place in every society, however the degree to which theses phenomena influence each other are differed. In the context of the interaction of religion and politics the US is a unique country. No place in the world has the...