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Retail Sectors and Effect Due to Recession

Research Philosophy Business and management studies can be seen founded upon different philosophical positions, understanding of which can be seen essential to the overall quality of the study’s design. The consideration of the research philosophy in a study, not only clarifies its nature and the type of evidence required but...


Classical Era Wine Presses of the Levant and Israel Areas

Introduction The area of the world commonly referred to as the Middle East contains within it areas that have historically been used for the cultivation of vineyards and subsequently wine. Evidence of wine production and the tools utilized within the process has been uncovered at sites stretching back to the...


Women in Chekhov’s “The Lady With the Dog”

Women living in the 21st century can enjoy the liberties which equality with men grants. However, even to date there are places where many women have to prove or struggle for their freedoms. Of course, the beginning of the twentieth century was characterized by the opposite situation when only small...


Why People Choose Teaching Career

The teaching profession is the central agent of implementing the education system. The teaching career is thus a sensitive career since it can break or break the career of many individuals in the education system within any government (Highet, 2008, p12). One of the major roles of teaching is to...


Tennessee Williams play The Glass Menagerie

This paper will study the usage of symbolism and imagery in the play Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams. The pattern of ideas that emerge in the play will be researched and subsequently the symbols and imagery will be discussed in regard to the way in which such a pattern is...

Tech & Engineering

Value Management: What It Is, Differences Between VM and VE

Introduction Every organization that exists in the world today has one single purpose that overshadows all the others: to be successful in what it does. Success is a measure defined by the organization’s attitude as well as the processes that govern the organization’s overall operations. Each process is a set...

Family, Life & Experiences

A Personal Reflection of Sudbury Valley School

Introduction Sudbury Valley School was established in 1968 at a time when freedom was gaining its course in the United States and people were being dissatisfied with the governments’ status quo. The following essay reflects on the concept of Sudbury school. Greenberg was among the founders of Sudbury valley school...


Private Education Advantages over Public Schools

Introduction The study report entitled Are Private High Schools Better Academically Than Public High Schools? States that Think Tank is often regarded as an organization or group of persons that paved the way for innovative findings in various sectors such as political strategy, social policy, science and technology, education, and...


Evaluation of the Effects of the Successmaker Lab on Academic Achievement

Methodology The research will critically evaluate the Effects of the SuccessMaker Lab on Academic Achievement of second grade students. Consequently, the merits of the SuccessMaker program will also be evaluated. Three main research question guided the study; to what extent has the program been implemented as measured by minutes per...

Politics & Government

Kirkuk and the Future of Iraq

Democracy in Babylon The state of democracy in Iraq after the ouster of President Saddam Hussein from power I still filled with confusion despite the many institutional and governance reforms which has been undertaken by the U.S and its allies. A case example is the recent parliamentary elections. Although the...


Marx, Durkheim and Weber Theories on Religion

Introduction Marx, Durkheim, and Weber played vital roles in the fields of sociology, theory of economics, and most of all, social critics, each of them had a duty in their writings to recognize key errors inherent in the system of capitalism that had started to take over the modern industrial...


Blended Language Learning

Background The topic of using the blended learning approach has become increasingly interesting for the scholars in the recent decades. The reasons for such conditions include the lack of research on this topic in previous time periods and the permanently growing role of this blended approach in the education of...


Dominant Arguments and Disagreements About Abortion

The issue of abortion has a lot of controversies. One being that, if there is conflict between two rights then the most fundamental and important one ought to prevail. The right to life may pose as the most important human right. Scientific indications are that every individual life is unique...


Developmental Learning Theory and Types of Learning

Theories of human development have been studied by people for many years. There are a lot of approaches to this problem. Different scholars take different issues as the basis for their studies. There is no common approach to this problem. The development of humanity is one of the most difficult...


The Influence of the Hip Hop Culture on African American Youth.

Introduction While discussing and analyzing the influence of the hip hop music on African American young people, it is necessary to take into consideration the influence of this musical culture on the politics and the internal policies within the United States. It is also important for one to concern the...


Cinema and Narrative: History and Theory

Introduction The history and the theory of cinematography have always been one of the most interesting parts of history, and in spite of its only 100 years history, cinema collected millions of fans throughout the world. As for the plot of any film, it is necessary to admit that it...


The Concept of Evangelism. Christianity.

What is the first actual thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word evangelism? Definition Evangelism is sharing good news/the gospel about salvation which is through Jesus Christ. It is fully obedience to the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8). The great aim of evangelism...


Marx and Durkheim on Social Feeling of Guilt

Under the private ownership of the economic system, the society categorizes itself into two groups: the properly fewer workers and the property owners. In the display, the workers not only experience disaffection but also suffer impoverishment from the world. This alienation happens because workers transmit the result of their work...


Water Shortage and Contamination in South Florida

Introduction Environmental degradation has been a priority concern for the states over the years. Undeniably, this is causing severe harm to the mankind. The frequent environmental degradation has been a matter of threat to the survival of both mankind and other living organisms. Much logically, the issue of water shortage...

Politics & Government

Realism Overwhelming Validity in International Relations

Outline This essay examines the hypothesis that Realism possesses overwhelming validity in practical application of IR theory for managing state to state relations. The essay first explains the characteristics of Realism in detail outlining Hans Morgenthau’s six principles that form the bedrock of the Realist theory. The essay then explains...


Interactive Whiteboards Implementation Research

Research Tools The study implemented a mixed methods design in order to obtain the advantages of both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Furthermore, the mixed methods design was useful in terms of integration, giving the researcher confidence in the conclusions and results drawn from the study (McKim, 2017). To provide...


American Psychological Association. Peer Review

Introduction The major focus of the present research paper will be peer review process in all its aspects. This paper will also consider the essence of the peer review process, stages of its development and major spheres of its professional use for production of scholarly publications. One more focus of...


Representation and Manipulation of Knowledge

Abstract This report describes cross-cultural research on the relation between how people conceptualize and process the world and how they act in it. Mental models of people differ dramatically among populations living in the same area and engaged in similar activities. This has strong implications for how we make decisions...

Politics & Government

Detrimental Effects of Nuclear Weapons

Outline Many scholars and governments argue that nuclear proliferation is one of the greatest security threats that the international community faces. This paper discusses about nuclear proliferation and how it poses a threat to the entire world of humanity. Introduction Nuclear proliferation can be perceived as the increase of nuclear...


Canada and the First World War

Introduction There are reasons for many countries to go into the First World War; indeed, some of the protagonists were protecting their very existence and as such, did not have a choice but to take up arms. In these countries, an outcome that came as a fall out of the...


“Rope” by Alfred Joseph Hitchcock

Cinema/film industry has become a very conspicuous form of mass entertainment. The extent of cinema’s popularity, influence, and proliferation has been phenomenal. Artistic expression and development via technological expediency has made it an unequaled facet of visual/fine arts since the inception of the 20th century. The immemorial film cadre by...


Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Business Research

Introduction A research design whether quantitative or qualitative is the philosophical or general principle framework that guides the research. Qualitative research aims at exploring behaviors, attitudes, and experiences using research methods, instruments, or tools like questionnaires, interviews, or focus groups (case studies), attempting to get an in-depth participants’ opinion. Examples...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management – A System Approach to Planning

Project management refers to the process of planning, organizing, and managing the resources of an organization to enhance the successful completion of the specific goals and objectives of a project of an organization. The project is referred to as the set of activities that use resources such as money, people,...


“Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin

Introduction James Baldwin spent most of his adult life living in France, but is widely recognized as an essentially American writer. Having been born and raised in New York’s Harlem district, he was intimately familiar with the sights and sounds that appeared in his stories even though he’d put an...

Politics & Government

US Parties: Functions, Organization, Differences

Introduction A first we will discuss the several functions that Political Parties provide for the American Political System. According to the book, “Parties, and Elections in America” there are mainly six functions of the parties: To act as link between the government and the public. To nominate the candidate To...

Tech & Engineering

Computer Crimes and Their Types

In the modern world where advancement in technology was remarkable, especially in computers, the authority had an additional job in solving technology-based crimes. Technologies such as home computers, the Internet, websites, made it possible to have business transactions over the internet. This has been a new dimension that crimes are...


“The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” by Thomas Kuhn

Kuhn’s phases of scientific history are advocated for in his theory that science has a “cycle of revolutions” within which it functions. In this theory, he put forward the scientific history as having five phases namely: Pure paradigm phase (the non-science phase); paradigmatic science (Normal science phase); the crisis phase;...


Communication Technology in Learning Mathematics

Introduction Before any discussion about computer system in schools, an understanding should be made between schools, learning and computer technology. During the introduction of computers to schools, there was a conception that students were supposed to be “taught” by computers. This means that a teacher was to be replaced by...


Illegal Immigration and Schools

Introduction During the 20th century, illegal immigration has been the major social and economic problem of the state. The main problem is that it is difficult to control illegal immigration and flows of foreigners coming each month to Americas. Also, it is difficult to predict economic problems and changes caused...

Politics & Government

Presidential Leadership in Foreign Policy-Making: Obama’s Decisions

Introduction In the area of foreign policy, the US president has always been allowed broad power to protect and project America’s national interests around the world. It is the president who is responsible for setting policies, responding to foreign events, managing conflicts, negotiating international agreements, and governing the military. The...

Tech & Engineering

Allstates Insurance Company’s Data Security and Trend Analysis

Introduction In the world today there is a problem relating to information. This is because most companies have suffered a great deal due to the loss of information. Private and confidential information stored by companies has found themselves in the wrong hands that use them for personal gains. For the...

Politics & Government

Liberalism: War, Peace & World Order

Introduction Any discussion of international peace, world order, conflicts, and wars usually takes place in the context of certain philosophical paradigms and theories. These thoughts and principles influence the public’s approach to organize the order in the world, building peace, and resolving conflicts. Liberalism is one such theory, providing a...


Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Definition

People can exchange different types of information at various levels of understanding. Communication as the process of interaction is not limited to verbal or written messages and implies a wide range of possibilities for transmitting necessary data. Regarding intimate relationships, the level of communication has special features since there is...

Tech & Engineering

Technology in Distributed Project Management Teams

Thesis Statement The rising popularity of distributed teams in project management has generated a need for technological advancement and led to creation of many devices, programs, and applications that allow people to work together regardless of their location. Current themes and issues in virtual teams’ scholarly research include the development...

Politics & Government

Information Technology and E-Government

E- Activism; electronic methods are deployed for raising funds, mobilizing volunteers, disseminating information and going after activities of interest groups that seek to influence public policy. Community Computing movement, the Berkeley’s Community Memory experiment, the Santa Monica Public Electronic Network and the Environmental, anti- globalization activism, are examples. E- Campaigning;...


Morality and Code of Ethics for Engineers

Introduction One of the main conditions of modern society’s successful development is its dependence on the moral principles and canons which are worked out and accepted by society to regulate the character of relations within it. Moral principles belong to the field of ethics which influences all the aspects of...

Politics & Government

The Communist Party of China and Its Influences

Introduction There are a lot of different regimes in the modern world which were in the past and which still function in different countries now. Even though modern globalization tends more to the democratization of the whole society, there are different regimes in the world. The history knows such spread...


Social Media’s Effect on Democracy

Introduction Digital media have become a significant element of the majority of people’s lives. Hardly any individual refrains from checking updates on a variety of social platforms many times during the day. Apart from the social component, such networks also present an opportunity to obtain data, become aware of news...


Positive Psychology and Its Future

Positive psychology is “the study of the conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups, and institutions” (Linley, Joseph, Harrington & Wood, 2006). It focuses on positive individual traits such as the capacity for love, courage, interpersonal skills, perseverance, forgiveness, originality, spirituality, and wisdom...

Politics & Government

World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions

“World politics: Interests, interactions, institutions” Summary In Chapter 11 of their 2014 book World politics: Interests, interactions, institutions, Frieden, Lake and Schultz discuss the influence of international law on the current state of affairs in the arena of international relations, while promoting the Constructivist idea that this law transforms the very...

Tech & Engineering

The iPad 6 as an Educational Tool

Executive Summary The paper primarily delves into the marketing strategy of approaching various private schools in the U.S. in order to market the iPad 6 as an educational tool. With the growing interest in incorporating technology with education, Apple can position itself as a primary supplier of tablets in this...


Foreign Direct Investment Laws in Saudi Arabia

The Background of the Problem and the Research Question In Saudi Arabia, foreign direct investment (FDI) includes financial resources attracted for the development of the country’s oil industry and numerous non-oil markets. According to the data provided at the United Nation Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 2012 and...


Sigmund Freud’s Personality and Psychoanalysis

Introduction Sigmund Freud is widely known as the founder and the proponent of the psychoanalysis theory, which deals with individuals’ personalities. He was born on the sixth of May 1856 in Moravia and later served as an Austrian neurologist in the 19th and the 20th centuries (Friedman & Schustack, 2011)....


Model Business Corporation Act

Issue Under the United States Constitution, five main businesses can be legally registered and allowed to operate in the country. The five businesses are sole proprietorship, limited liability company, cooperative, corporation, and partnership (American Bar Association of Corporate Laws 2008). Indeed, each of these businesses has its merits and demerits....


Immigration Benefits for American Economy

Introduction It is imperative to mention that the impact of immigration on the economy is a topic that has been actively discussed by scholars over the last few years, and has led to numerous disagreements. Economists still have not reached consensus and have various perspectives on this subject. Therefore, peer-reviewed...

Politics & Government

Philosophical Views on Punishment and Death Penalty

Introduction There are different approaches to the philosophical understanding of the issues of punishment and such type of it as the death penalty. The main divergence is caused by the perception of what is good and what is bad. The core principle of virtue ethics is to treat others as...


Moral and Personality Development

Introduction Psychologists have elucidated how moral and personality development occur throughout one’s lifespan. Lawrence Kohlberg and Erik Erickson are such psychologists who have contributed to the development of psychological theories that explicate moral and personality development respectively. In moral development theory, Lawrence Kohlberg asserts that, moral development occurs sequentially across...


Behavior Change in Learning Processes

Introduction Learning is an uninterrupted process that is influenced by changing behavior throughout the life of an individual. In 1938, BF Skinner suggested that the primary changers of behavior included the environment, reinforcement, and punishment. This essay provides an overview of various theories that lead to a change in behavior...


Classroom Management in the Learning Process

Core Beliefs and Assumptions Role of a Teacher On the surface, the responsibilities of a teacher in class might seem to be restricted to explaining, giving assignments, and checking students’ answers, yet this assumption is quite far from the truth. Due to the need to control a vast array of...


Attack on Pearl Harbor: Effects of Foreign Policy Biases

Introduction In order to comprehensively review the research framework within the past researches on the topic of effects of foreign policy biases, this part of the research project will concentrate on the past journal, books, and reports discussing the biases in foreign policy decision making and biases that may arise...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networking Sites as a Positive Society Force

Computers and the internet have become an essential part of modern living over the course of the last few decades. Software programmers have created numerous applications to increase the usefulness of these two inventions. One group of software applications that have emerged because of the growth of the internet and...

Entertainment & Media

Mapping Digital Media Process in the UAE

Routine operations of commercial terrestrial TV stations pay less attention to public service provisions. Matters on public service provisions are less known and only particular departments are versed on these: news and programming departments. Terrestrial radio and TV focus on providing the media with the best selling story, sometimes without...


Legal Aspect of Information Technology Usage

Introduction Information technology has become an integral part of modern society because every activity virtually has a component of information technology. The use of information technology has given way to the emergence of legal and ethical issues that govern its use in various aspects of society. Legal and ethical issues...


Renewable Energy Sources Financing

Introduction Energy is a very important component of the human environment upon which several processes depend on. If analyzed critically and analytically, it is possible to argue that a number of life processes rely on energy; thus, energy supports life. This research focuses on the need to fund renewable sources...


Changing Ecosystems: Effects of Global Warming

Introduction Global warming has contributed significantly to increasing the earth’s overall temperatures. It has become a major problem in modern society. Over the years, innovations and technology have created convenience for humans, while at the same time posing a threat to global warming due to the emission of greenhouse gases....


Abraham Lincoln’s Leadership During the Civil War

Introduction When Abraham Lincoln ran for the position of the President of the United States (in 1860), the time of his election was one of the most consequential periods in American history. After his election, the Southern states did not agree with the choice of the President, thinking that he...


Women’s Role in the Victorian Society

Introduction The Victorian era refers to a period in Great Britain under the rule of Queen Victoria. This period was between 1837 and 1901. There are endless debates regarding the place of women in this society (Broadview Press 96; Thomas 1-3). These debates not only outline the origin of discussions...


Fresh Food for Low Income Families and Individuals

Executive Summary In the recent past, food shortage has become a major problem in the world. The problem is brought about by, among others, droughts, wars, and climate change. Most of the persons affected by food shortage rely on donations to survive. In this paper, the author examined the problem...


English East India Company and the Great Rebellion of 1857

Introduction Civilization mission is one of the major factors used to justify colonization. It involves the spread of western culture to indigenous communities. Its pedigree can be traced to the middle ages in the Christian tradition. At the time, the European colonial powers saw people from other nations as inferior...