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Tech & Engineering

Survey of Methodology of Data Mining

Today in information technology era, there is ample of information available and a number of users are accessing data daily for their use and requirements. Data mining is a commonly used term in computer field. Data mining is the process of sorting huge amount of data and finding out the...


Reducing Taxation by Recruiting Minor Criminals for the Military

Introduction There are only two certain things in this world: death and taxes (Michiels, 2007). This reality is important that most governments consider in bringing growth and development. Taxes serve as the direct source of government income. Without the taxes, it will be difficult for the government to provide basic...


Prevention and Control of Juvenile Delinquency

Abstract Juvenile delinquency is prevented and controlled effectively to make sure young offenders are free from crimes through advising them and giving them moral support. The entire society participates actively all the time to reduce the rate of crime and report committed crimes to the justice system for disciplinary measures...


Liebeck vs. McDonald’s Case

Stories of frivolous lawsuits have become the most favorite quip of mass media. (Greenlee 1996). Do cases like Liebeck versus McDonald’s $2.9 million coffee spill-over case examples of the legal system run amok? Liebeck’s coffee spill-over case has become the poster child of all frivolous litigations. In this essay, we...


“What the Bleep Do We Know!?” by William Arntz

Introduction How human beings perceive the objective reality, or better to say they think they do, has long been disputed among scholars. The present paper will consider one of the most modern and at the same time controversial theories of world perception which is based upon the theories of quantum...


Psychologists Involved in International Policy

Essay The domain of psychology has witnessed a resurgence of concern and interest in political psychology in the previous fifteen years, leading to the institution of international psychology with primary adherence to politics. (Stevens and Gielen 2007). This discipline of psychology is comparatively new, but is of escalating importance. The...


Guest Satisfaction in American Independent Hotels

Introduction The hotel industry is marked by a high level of competition, and customer satisfaction plays a major role in determining customer loyalty which is the ability to retain the customer by service or brand. Conducting guest experience or charting customer satisfaction levels is very significant to any hotel industry...


The PKC in the Invitro-Matured Oocytes of the Pig

Introduction In-vitro maturation technique or IVM plays an important role in animal biotechnology, as this technique has been established as it is recognized for its crucial role in some important aspects such as the clinical applications in human beings, and in expanding some agriculturally important populations and some endangered species....

Family, Life & Experiences

Pet Loss and Bereavement: Analysis and Questionnaires

Data Management and Analysis Demographic Information The interpretation of demographic information about pet loss and bereavement is so important because it helps the researcher to attain a conclusion. By interpreting the collected data or the filled questionnaires that was circulated among the people, we can see that- out of 40,...


To Be in Love Is a Sexual Instinct

Introduction A neophyte on romantic love would often ask “Why me?” as if on the initial stage, he already becomes a victim of a mystical occurrence. More questions that seem to be very personal and exclusive follow as the intensity of attachment strengthens. Love is one of the more prevailing...


Domestic Violence in America Issue Analysis

Abstract Domestic violence is widely recognized as a serious social problem that jeopardizes the safety of millions of Americans (Lanier et al, 2003). Research studies estimate that a woman is beaten every seven seconds and 4 die each day. The cycle of violence is perpetrated by parental modeling of violence,...


Harassment of Young Adults That Are LGBTQ

The terms lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender are defined by their sexual orientation. Lesbian and gay are the people whose sexual orientations or sexual attractions are towards people of the same sex. The term transgender refers to people whose gender identities are inconsistent with cultural norm in the society. (Suicide...


Criticism of the Poem by I. v. Goethe “Ganymede”

The world has remained engrossed over time by the myths and legends of ancient Greece. It would appear that every ancient civilization has its form of mythology, which loosely resembles one another. This fascination has infiltrated art, music, and literature over the centuries in all European civilizations. In Goethe’s case...

Politics & Government

Theoretical Framework of Military Culture in Single Parents

The United States Air Force is a large organization with many policies that structure the behavior of its members. Due to the length of time that the Air Force has been in existence, it has found ways to balance the needs of the individuals that make up the organization and...

Politics & Government

Press and 2008 Presidential Campaign in the US

Surname It is clear that when the press covers presidential campaigns, it concentrates on strategic games which are played by candidates in their pursuit of presidency instead of putting emphasis on the issues regarding national policy and leadership. Journalists seem to find news in the activities taken by the candidates...


White Collar Crime in Corporate World

White Collar Crimes: An Introduction “Fraud—the art of deliberate deception for unlawful gain—is as old as history; the term “white-collar crime” was reportedly coined in 1939 by Professor Edwin Sutherland and has since become synonymous with the full range of frauds committed by business and government professionals.” (White collar crimes)....


Why Young Minorities Engage in Risky Sexual Behavior

Introduction Adolescence is often described as the period in a person’s life where one is no longer a child, yet still not an adult. This period is often seen as exciting, yet also full of confusion, making it a problematic period in one’s life, especially if things are not handled...


Drug Use in America Over the Past 150 Years

Abstract For the last 150 years, the consumption of drugs in America has undergone dramatic changes. The society initially felt no problem in the use of drugs like alcohol because they even had medicinal value attached to them. Other drugs like cocaine and marijuana were also discovered and taken as...


Adult Learning Theory: Experiential Learning

Introduction Experiential learning is regarded as a fundamental “principle” necessary in understanding the learning style of adults. Accordingly, it has become a leading concept in both the continuing as well as adult education. Furthermore, experiential learning symbolizes one amongst a small number of ideas which offers a hopeful foundation for...

Tech & Engineering

Local Area Networks: Elements, Servers, and Layers

What are the elements of a network? There are usually three basic elements of a computer network: software, hardware, and protocols. A combination of these three elements forms a network. When we assume that a computer network is like a rail or road where vehicles pass through, then the “traffic...


The Nature of God and the Day of Atonement

Theology/Religious Studies – Biblical studies In each and every society, religion is an integral part of the complex whole, and it helps to explain what human beings cannot explain as well as enforcing social order in the society. Religion is made up of belief systems that can be described as...


Social Theory. Symbolic Interactionism

Introduction Symbolic Interaction – while focussing upon the human behaviour is a triangle of meaning, language and thoughts. That indicates that only through interpretation, definition, and meaning attachment it is possible to manipulate symbols, irrespective of an individual being ‘creative’ or ‘narrow-minded’ (Clarke, 1997). Humans build up their personalities in...

Tech & Engineering

Foundation Concepts, Hardware and Protocols

Who creates Ethernet standards? What is the difference between Baseband and Broadband transmission? Which physical standard should be used for a web hosting company? Why? Ethernet standards Ethernet is a dominant LAN technology, developed at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center by Metcalfe and Boggs. After the initial development, Ethernet was...


USA & Sharing Intelligence

Introduction The importance of security to any country can’t be underestimated and the issue of making one’s homeland secure is complex and it doesn’t work in isolation with any one unit alone but requires cooperation and effort from different agencies and bodies of the country (DHS, 2006). Security can’t be...


Drugs, Values, and Society

Executive summary Illicit drug trafficking and abuse have been a debilitating problem not only for the United States but for many countries the world over. While a specific reason or a set of reasons cannot be set forth to cause drug addiction, since a plethora of factors, direct or indirect,...


Student Affairs and LGBT Community

When one thinks about the various social stigmas attached to the acceptance of individuals who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT), one would discover that the prevalent notions are based on stereotypes. It is quite common for people to say that gay individuals are frivolous and lack the dependability...


Theology of the New Testament.

Summary Traditionally, the Christians regard the New Testament as the fulfillment of the promises of the Old Testament. The New Testament narrates tale of the life of Jesus and interprets their theological significance for the early church, concentrating specifically on the new Covenant between God and the Disciples of Christ....


Cultural Foundations of Depth Psychology

Introduction The depth psychology approach investigates what is below the psychic demonstrations like behavior, relationships, and dreams. It deals with deep fantasy. This fantasy represents an imaging system, which has been subdued and whose manifestations have been limited with culture and consciousness. Depth psychology enlightens the psychology of culture. It...


Fasting in Christianity and Islam

For an episode of time, humans have been engaged in a religious, as well as, traditional practice in which, food, drinks, etc. have been abstained willingly by them, and have been referred to by the term ‘fasting’. In this regard, a number of variations in fasting have been observed throughout...


Integration of Technology Into Middle School Language Arts Class

Introduction The present paper aims to investigate middle school teacher’s use of technology in the classroom. In particular, the concern of the paper is to look for the use of technology in the English language arts classes and that how teachers use technology for different pedagogic purposes like lesson planning,...


“The Two Avant-Gardes” by Peter Wollen

The idea of the avant-garde artist has been circulating for centuries, believed to have started with the Salon des Refuses in Paris, which was a collection of artists that had been refused by the art schools of 1863 as existing outside of their predetermined conception of the definition of art....


“New Testament Theology” by Howard Marshall.

Introduction There are numerous books presenting as many different theologies regarding the New Testament on the market today. Choosing one can often be confusing. However, one author continues to appear on the shelves with approachable concepts and conversational language making these ideas easily accessible and understandable. With 20 books now...


Affirmative Action in Student Admissions

Introduction To most Americans, Affirmative Action (AA) is a very familiar though scarcely understood term that denotes various strategies that have been designed to improve educational, employment, and business opportunities for ethnic or racial minority groups and women. However, the mode of implementation of these strategies, the actions required for...


The Problem and Reasons of Widowhood

Context of Widowhood in Kenya In terms of the contemporary instability in the world it is hard to realize the scopes of mortality within people living in different places of it. In this respect people are trying to make their lives comfortable and protected from the negative factors of life....


Constructing a Social System Theory

This essay presents and critiques the social system theories presented in the “Sane Society” by Fromm and the “Ethics for the New Millennium” by the Dalai Lama. Both Fromm (1990, p.3) and Dalai Lama (1999, p. 2) indicate dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in society. Having indicated what is...


How the New Testament Used Prophecy of the Old Testament

Introduction There is a widely held opinion among many theologians and literary critics that there is virtually no connection between the Old and the New Testaments, and that there is no reason to view them as the two parts of the whole. They support their argument in the following way,...


The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolaño Review

Thesis The novel of one of the greatest Latin American writers “The Savage Detectives” displays a level of intertextual play, formal self-consciousness and standpoint diversity rivaling that of the most admired postmodern American writers, all while proficiently avoiding the stiff and ostentatious academicism to which John Barth and his gangs...


Primo Levi: Holocaust Writing

Introduction Most scholars define the Holocaust as the genocide of about 6 million Jews in various parts of Europe during World War II as key plank of the Nazi (Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party) under Hitler. Actually, the Nazis also persecuted and killed Soviet citizens, ethnic Poles, people with disabilities,...

Tech & Engineering

Local Area Network: Foundation Concepts, Hardware and Protocols

BOTS and Hacking BOTS are simple DDOS exploitation programs that attack in a unique manner. These programs when remotely installed are able to send commands and execute accordingly by the hacker. The attacks represent the mainstream of DDOS and work through the centralized control of distributed zombies or bots. The...


School Mentoring Program for Afro-American Males

Introduction The problem that is being addressed in this paper is that a program of mentoring has been conducted in the Xyz school for the African American male students of Grades 1 to 5 for one and a half years and yet no attempt has been made to evaluate the...

Tech & Engineering

Debate on Wi-Fi Networks

Introduction Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance for certified products based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. It is also called Wireless LAN (WLAN) or Wi-Fi. It is supported by most computer systems be it be laptops or personal computers. Most of the operating systems like Linux or...


Symbolism in “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding

Introduction There can be little doubt as to the fact that the theme of civilization vs. savagery defines the overall semantic meaning of William Golding’s novel “Lord of the Flies. In it, the author strived for nothing less than exposing the actual mechanics of the process of civilized young boys...


How Video Games Affect Children

Introduction Violence plays a major role in popular video games and movies. It encourages adolescents to mimic the violence displayed and portrayed on the screen, and it may have played a major part in influencing violence and aggression in teenagers. Research has shown that playing violent video games such as...


Antisocial Personality Disorder: Deagnosis and Treatment

Abstract This paper is designed to provide a comprehensive knowledge about a particular field of study in personality psychology. Here, the introduction of the general features of personality and personality psychology will be given to facilitate the understanding of the further selected topic. The area of personality psychology that will...


Music Industry: The Downfall Caused by Technology

Introduction One of the industries that have had to grapple with the impact of the disruptive technology, thanks to the internet, is the music sector. Digital distribution of music has especially dealt the music industry the heaviest blow ever. For example, RIAA reconfirmed on the 28th of April that in...

Tech & Engineering

Contemporary Information Systems and Approaches in IT

Introduction When we talk about contemporary Information Systems, we no longer mean to discuss traditional IT strategies and there is a reason to it. Traditional IT applications have commonly focused on internal efficiencies and have therefore been evaluated using traditional ROI criteria. Traditional IS applications tends to focus more towards...


19th Century Art History

Abstract In the second half of the 19th century, modern art has shaped a new revolutionary development in visual arts and Western painting. It squeezes with an extensive variety of theories, movements, attitudes, and contemporary styles that exist in a common tendency to reject precedent and conventions of old days...


Psychological Effects of a Divorce on Children

Abstract There comes a time when a marriage cannot be salvaged and the parents have to go through a divorce or a separation. This is because the parents cannot tolerate each other and the situation becomes irreconcilable. Although the parents suffer a lot during this situation, the children are also...

Politics & Government

International Relations in a Liberalists’ View

Introduction International Relations refers to the process of examining foreign affairs of a country both within and outside the country in regard to the global view. This takes account of the work performed by other countries, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs), and also Multinational Corporations (MNCs). It may turn...


Politics of South Asia. India and British Rule

Introduction The British colonial Empire was the largest in the world and involved one forth of the global population. The aim of the British colonization was to explore new lands and use natural resources of low developed countries. The British East India Company was chartered in 1600 as nothing more...


Global Warming: Evidence ‘Pros’ and ‘Cons’

Introduction There are different views and understandings of the problem of global warming, its significance, and its threat to the population. Global warming in turn is causing climate change, which is manifested in rising sea levels, droughts and floods, damage to agriculture, and harm to natural ecosystems and species. The...


“The World is Flat” the Book by Thomas L. Friedman

Introduction In his 2005 book, “The World is Flat – A Brief History of 21st Century”, Thomas L. Friedman has come with the theory, which was known to all of us for some time now, though without realizing it. Friedman is of the view that since the fall of Berlin...


Deviant Social Behavior Analysis

Introduction Deviant social behavior refers to an action that violates both cultural norms and the rules that are enacted formally. According to the structural-functionalism perspective, deviations emerge from the formation of values and norms which institutions enforce. Deviations result when institutions institute proscriptions or prescriptions. Therefore a deviation is whatever...


Analysis on Climate Change and Global Impact

Executive Summary Climate change has a great impact on trade and hospitality since most of the environmental resources are the main areas that boost tourism i.e. they are foundation of tourism and hospitality. Many tourist attraction centers are contributed by the environmental appearance such as species of animals and plants...


Gun Control: Term Definition

Introduction Robert Hass, former senior vice president for marketing and sales for Smith & Wesson asserts that “the company and the industry as a whole are fully aware of the extent of the criminal misuse of handguns… In spite of their knowledge, however, the industry’s position has consistently been to...


Dance Style: Capoeira

Introduction Dance is more than entertainment… it is an emblem of our culture, and a spirit of our society. It bestows in us feeling of belongingness with oneself, with our own world and with the world outside. It generates fire of imagination, shows attitude and represents whole essence of our...


Crime and Its Victims: Victim Precipitation

Introduction A crime is an act forbidden by the law of the land (Darrow 2004). Such actions usually carry stiff penalties set out by the penal code governing the area. Crimes not only have an effect on an individual alone but also the society at large. High crime rates will...


Business Organization Forms Definition

Introduction There are many types of business organizations. Some of these are the sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, S Corporation, C Corporation, and Limited Liability Company. They have different characteristics. These characteristics will be an advantage or a disadvantage when compared with another type of business organization. The following...

Tech & Engineering

Transfer Protocols Technologies Comparison

File Transfer Protocol Introduction FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and is one of the easiest and securest methods through which files may be exchanged over the Internet. When a file is being downloaded from the Internet, it means that it is actually being transferred from another computer over the...


Women’s History and the American Experience

Feminism can be defined as a way of thinking in terms of power ownership; that is who has power, how power is used or misused by the ones who hold it in relation to gender. It looks into the way power relations are considering the chances that are available for...


Human Rights That Need to Be Promoted

Kinds of rights There are different kinds of rights that may be enjoyed or not by the residents and aliens of any country. These rights could be seen in terms of basic, private, social, economic, political, public, and procedural rights. It is necessary to go into the details of each...


United Nations During and After Cold War.

Introduction This paper strives to present the significance of operations performed by United Nations to provide international security and maintain peace throughout the world. The reasons and consequences of Cold War have been probed and the effectiveness of United Nations Security Council both during Cold War and in the post-Cold...


Human Relationship in Society.

Abstract Behaviour and interpersonal communication are mutually interrelated. People generally maintain a social bond among each other by one and other type of personal interactions. That is why they are called social animals. The paper tries to analyze my relationship with my best friend, the conflicts in the interpersonal relationship...


Effective Parent and Teacher Communication.

When teaching and nurturing children in school or at home, there are particular activities that need to be shared between parent and teacher, communication is one of those significant activities. In order to assist children to do well in school, parents and teachers will need to maintain good contacts throughout...


Childhood and Optimal Development Analysis

Middle childhood, from 6 to 12 years of age, is the crucial time when children try to find their path amidst paths set by society, developing their self-image and setting their goals for the future. The ability to forge a positive pathway at this juncture in life can have major...


Affirmative Action in the 21st Century

Affirmative action was introduced 46 years ago by President Kennedy, who sought to set equality not just as the right or the theory, but as the fact. In its long history, affirmative action has been both complimented and pilloried. Recent research indicates that affirmative action has failed and does not...

Politics & Government

Public Policy Process Analysis

Introduction According to the specialist analysis, the meaning of policy according to Thomas Dye is “Public policy is no matter which governments come to a decision to do or not to do. Governments do plenty of things. They manage conflict inside civilization; they put in arrange society to take on...


Chinese vs. American Education System

Introduction There is no doubt that the Chinese education system after confronting challenges and critics from international educationists and scholars has today been able to solve the issues that remain unresolved even for decades. Today the two major paramount issues that were faced by Chinese educators in this century are...


Inner City Education and the Rest of the Nation

Education – Introduction By Education is meant that unique process by which people attain knowledge, skill, and moral values. An ideal education develops an acknowledgement of cultural heritage in people so that they might lead happier lives and also helps make them become productive citizens as well as members of...


Childhood Sexual Abuse and Adolescents’ Self-Esteem

Introduction Child sexual abuse can be defined as an action where an adult takes advantage of their dominant position to use a child to attain sexual pleasure, arousal, or satisfaction (Sánchez-Meca, Rosa-Alcázar, & López-Soler, 2011). Such actions may also be considered abuse when there are imbalanced circumstances between the injured...


Drugs, Crime, and Criminal Activities

According to Glen R Hanson and Peter J Venturelli, “There is a long-established close association between drug abuse and criminality.” There are two contrasting views in this approach. The first one is that criminal behavior develops to support a drug addiction, and the second one is that criminality is inherently...


Ethics in Sports Industry and Engineering

Conflict of Interest A conflict of interest may arise when the primary interest is influence by the secondary interest that can have an adverse influence on one’s professional judgment and objectives. A potential conflict of interest can occur in this topic because of my work in the field of engineering...

Politics & Government

W. R. Mead: American Foreign Policy Is Hamiltonian

Walter Russell Mead argues that one of the four basic paradigms of American foreign policy has been Hamiltonian. History shows that the Federalists, the post- 1812 National Republicans, the Whigs, and the Republican Party have all been guided by Hamiltonian principles in foreign policy for most of their history. Hamiltonian...

Tech & Engineering

Concrete Masonry Corporation’s Project Processes

Introduction The project to move some of Concrete Masonry Corporation’s production capabilities into Eastern Europe is currently in the early planning stage. As such, the detailed plan has not emerged yet, and the manager, Kevin Lewis, does not know which specific activities he will have to carry out to complete...


Key Developments in Special Education

Introduction Inclusion in education is an essential subject that must be addressed by the government to ensure the equality of opportunities for all people. Individuals with disabilities face unique challenges in education since it may be difficult for them to achieve the same level of academic performance as other students....


How Slavery Has Shaped the Lives of African Americans?

Introduction One of our country’s bleak moments in history is the slavery incident that continues to haunt the nations almost two centuries after the slavery institution was officially abolished by the Lincoln administration. Slavery was crucial to the economic well-being of the colonies in North American, whose plantation heavily relied...

Entertainment & Media

International Advertisement Regulations

Advertising regulation is a corporate concept that is gaining momentum in the international realm. The diversified forms of marketing that inculcate various forms of advertisements have risen significantly. This aspect has made it a necessity to have a regulatory framework to guide the whole practice. Essentially, advertising means making a...


The Emancipation Proclamation Origin

The Origin of the Emancipation Proclamation and the start of the Civil War The origin of the Emancipation Proclamation was based on the progressive movement in the North (Eddlem 34). It began as a social movement within various local areas, which slowly progressed towards the national level. It attempted to...

Entertainment & Media

Women’s Media Image and Urge for Cosmetic Surgery

The increased access to information through various modern and traditional media platforms has its upsides, but there have emerged many downsides to the constant access to media over the past. One of the downsides includes the pressure on women applied to them by the image that the media has promoted...


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression in Adults

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective tool in the treatment of depression in adults. This therapy considers depression as a consequence of negative thoughts, which primarily reflect violations in the perception and assessment of events. The essence of CBT lies in the thorough study of negative thoughts, the detection...


Water Pollution in China

China is on the verge of experiencing water crisis. Bao et al. argue, “The country’s per capita water supply is significantly lower than the global average, but its demand for water is astronomical” (103). In China, agriculture and industry require a lot of water and contribute to water pollution. For...

Politics & Government

Home Depot Foundation and Atlanta Government

Executive Summary The Home Depot Foundation, a registered non-profit public charity, is a major national organization that helps seniors, disabled, and homeless veterans across the country obtain affordable houses, repairs, and disaster-related aid. The charity organization funds, assists, and grants the nonprofits nationwide to help these companies fulfill the veteran-...


Feminist Ethics, Theories, and Arguments

Introduction Feminist ethics is a new concept aimed at redefining and redesigning conventional and traditional experiences associated with women’s moral experiences from medieval times. Feminist ethics is therefore development and a new concept developed to remedy the inadequacies created by traditional western ethics which have consistently overlooked female contributions to...


Legal Agreement With an Independent Contractor

Independent Contractor Agreement This Agreement is made and entered into this ————- day of ————- 2013 Between [Insert company name] (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) of [insert company’s registered business address] [Insert service provider’s name] (hereinafter referred to as “the Contractor”) of [insert Company’s registered business address]. Independent Contractor Subject to...

Politics & Government

International Society, Its Aspects and Components

Introduction An international society can be explained to mean a group of autonomous states that have not only formed a system that ensures that the behaviour of each state is considered by others, but have also established a common dialogical agreement that ensures that the conduct of the members is...


Gulf Oil Spill: Facts, Causes, Response, Effects

Introduction Oil spills are generally common in world history, due to accidents, which occur beyond human control or as a result of errors and ignorance. Oil companies are expected to have machineries aimed at preventing such occurrences or strategies from mitigating the negative effects of oil spills, from avoiding excess...

Entertainment & Media

Video Games Addiction and Its Effects on People

Introduction Video games are a form of entertainment whereby players or participants interact with the objects displayed on a digital interface or a screen. Personal computers, arcade machines, and consoles are usually used to run video games for entertainment. In most cases, video games are popular amongst children who find...


Digital Citizenship: Learning and Teaching Activities

Nowadays rapidly changing world sets new opportunities and challenges in the field of technology-rich teaching and learning. The inclusion of digital technology in the educational process allows the teacher to organize different forms of teaching and learning activities in the classroom to make it active and purposeful. In its turn,...


Risk Factors for Deliberate Self-Harm

Introduction Self-harm can be conceptualized as the act of direct destruction or alteration of body tissue by an individual (Gratz, 2006). It is important to note that there is a difference between self-harm and suicide. This is given the fact that the individual inflicting destruction and alteration to their body...


Effective Team Management: Everest’ Case

Introduction The following is a report on a four-member team that was assigned the task of getting to the peak of Mount Everest safely while trying to get the least trouble possible. The structure of this report is founded on Christopher Johns’ four-step model of guided reflection. Our team was...


Bullying in Schools and the Work Place

Introduction In the recent past there have been talk shows on different radio stations discussing bullying in schools and the work place. For instance, on the 18th of February this year, there was a lengthy discussion on bullying on ABC radio. The discussion was in response to a recent survey...


The Civil War: Causes and Effects

Introduction Many political events characterized the crisis that precipitated the Civil War (1861-1865). In the early 1850s, the Kansas-Nebraska Act was enacted giving the former colony sovereign power to decide on whether to abolish or allow African slavery (Kelly 91). This single event turned Kansas into a battlefield pitting the...

Tech & Engineering

Cyber Security for Management Information Systems

Abstract Management Information Systems (MIS) help managers integrate data, communicate, and receive relevant information for better decision-making. Ensuring cyber security of such systems is crucial; however, many possible threats are recognized, including accidental failures and intentional attacks. To improve cyber security for their MIS, organizations should classify threats, manage risks,...


Intelligence Community History in the USA

Introduction The United States Intelligence Community, commonly referred to as IC, refers to a joint association of seventeen distinguished United States administration outfits that operate independently and jointly to carry out intelligence operations. These operations are essential for the performance of overseas affairs and the safeguard of the state-run safety...


Intercultural and Nonverbal Communication Challenges

Executive summary Cross-cultural communication is an aspect that has increasingly developed with the rising activities that are conducted across different cultures. It is a form of communication that involves people from different cultural backgrounds. This report centres on a critical incident that involved a host of others from a different...


Saudi Arabia Oil Industry

Background Saudi Arabia is categorized as the world’s most important oil producer accounting to almost 13 per cent of total world oil production (U.S. Library Congress 1). As the domestic market and consumption of oil has recently come to dominate the oil policy of the country, what remains as concrete...


How Autistic Children Develop and Learn?

Abstract The research that will be done will focus on children and autism. It seeks to study how autism affects children’s development and how children affected by this syndrome can be assisted to learn. To successfully do this, it will deal with questions like; how is autism related to the...


Liability of US and UAE Directors for Fraud

Introduction After the global financial crisis, there has been a growing need for companies in the US and UAE to develop stringent corporate regulations to ensure transparency and accountability. Many companies have adopted new corporate governance that ensures that directors and management perform their duties according to laid down rules...

Tech & Engineering

Scientific Innovations

Scientific innovations and inventions have created new business environments; a number of software accustomed to a certain organization or purposes in an organization are continually being developed. On the other hand, organizations are facing dynamic business environment; characterized by information sharing, knowledge management, process automation, shortening product life cycle, and...


Decolonization of British and French West Africa

Introduction and background History records that European interests and contacts with West Africa started as early as the fifteenth century (Johnston 2011, p.98). Okoth (2006, p.210) points out that European contacts with West Africa can be traced back to this period when traders from Portugal started linking with people of...


Foreign-Born Chinese in the United States

Introduction Analyzing various social and economic indicators of a community in a given population is vital. The analysis provides necessary information that can be used to describe the population in turns of the population distribution, income, marital status,age, employment, housing and medical insurance coverage. Besides, such analysis provides the state...