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The Plight of Seekers of Greener Pastures

Due to its consistent demand for domestic workers, Canada has opened its doors to foreign migrant workers from all over the world, specifically the Philippines, which supply a steady number of Filipino domestic workers. Based on the research literature, such workers are not given ideal working conditions, but bear such...


Adolescent’s Depression Issue Analysis

Overview You may think adolescents are little adults, in fact, they are adolescents. These adolescents live somewhere between childhood and adulthood with specific needs, however different from the needs of children and adults. They often may look like adults, but their behavior on a other hand is childlike. Some of...


Differences Between the Brazilian and American Cultures

Abstract Every country has its own unique values, beliefs, and ethical principles which vary according to the culture practiced. Cultural practices affect not only the way people live their lives but also how businesses are conducted. This paper aims to examine the culture of Brazil including its values, practices, and...


Research Process: Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Introduction The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the research process that takes place in both a quantitative and a qualitative research study. Two articles, one a quantitative and the other a qualitative, will be examined and reviewed. The quantitative study was conducted by Donlon (2009) to examine...

Tech & Engineering

VoIP Quality of Service Evaluation.

Executive Summary This research paper explores the performance of VoIP, as well as the parameters that affect the quality of service of VoIP. The different communication aspects of VoIP namely; call signaling protocols and networking environments have also been explored, with the latter’s emphasis on LAN and WAN. Performance evaluation...


Substance Abuse and Dependence

Introduction Substance abuse is one of the main problems that affected modern societies. The number of existing and designable potent psychoactive drugs runs to more than a thousand, and the effects at a chemical and cellular level are incomprehensibly complex for all but the specialist neuro-psycho-pharmacologist. Fortunately, for most practical...


American Women in Careers in Films of the 1930s

Essay outline This paper will address how women have been portrayed in film since the nineteen thirties. The focus will be on how films define gender roles. Since films are often a reflection of the attitudes adopted by society, reviewing these films will help to shed light on what the...


Can Reading Fluency Be Achieved through Strategies?

Introduction Education is a very important aspect of one’s life. To this lies the future growth and success of everybody. However, there are various challenges to successful education. One big challenge is the capability of the educators or educational policy makers to motivate the students to learn. To facilitate learning,...


Symbolism in “1984” by Orwell: Social and Political Issues

Outline The novel Nineteen Eighty-Four written by George Orwell is one of the most famous political satires. In the novel, the author mocks the totalitarian government which exists in the place called Oceania, where people’s thoughts, emotions and actions are controlled by the ruler, Brother. The people are physically tortured...


Intercultural Communication Breakdown

Introduction Cultural learning is considered to be an important step in the process of personality moral make-up formation; intercultural awareness can become a significant compass in the way to understanding the foreign atmosphere and cultural development and helping to find a common language with the representatives of other nationalities. In...

Politics & Government

The United States PATRIOT Act

A close examination of the Patriot Act, which this paper achieves more so than members of Congress prior to voting, confirms that those that champion civil liberties as such are justifiably alarmed. It was quickly accepted by Congress just a month and a half following the September 11 attacks. Pressure...


Edgar Allan Poe’s Biography and Writing

Introduction Edgar Allan Poe did not live an easy life while he was growing up. Early in his life, he lost a mother along with a mother figure due to illness. Both of his father figures left him as well, so at the age of 16, he was an orphan...


The Cold War and Its Legacy in the World

Introduction The Cold War was a conflict between the U.S. and its allies against the Soviet Union and its allies which lasted from the end of World War II until 1991. The war was conventional in that it, for the most part, was not fought on the battlefield. It was,...

Politics & Government

Trade Policies in the International Economy

Introduction The trade policy preference of governments is in an environment in which some of the trade subsidy involves the exchange of customized inputs. The best policies is that entail free trade international goods but not in intermediate inputs. The export subsidies provide scope to alleviate the international hold-up problem....


Adult Literacy: Literature Review

Adult literacy is a term used to describe the sector of literacy provision designed for adults. It is relative a new field of education; however, it has already caused an intense debate among educators. Concerns over the level of literacy among adults of western nations did not emerge until the...


Communication in Everyday Life and Organizations

Introduction Communication is the cornerstone of everyday life. No individual can think of a moment without communication. Communication has been in existence, though informal from time immemorial. It started perhaps even before man knows how to write and read the word “communication”. The development of communication through the ages has...


Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2

Introduction Minnesota Multiphasic Personality inventory-2 is a revised second edition psychological assessment instrument scored and interpreted by the examiner and completed by the person who is being examined. It involves examining the personal characteristics of the person taking the test. In this situation, the examiner compares the answers given by...


Gender Inequality in the Workplace and Career

Introduction Working women are usually faced with a multitude of challenges. On top of balancing their duties and responsibilities as members of their families, they need to be efficient workers and competitive in their chosen professions. One main challenge is the issue of proving themselves as worthy employees to gain...


State Of The World And Third World Countries

Many non-communist countries are poor, but so are most of the communist countries. Thus, if poverty and economic backwardness are to define the third world, much of the second word would have to be included. International analysts are inconsistent in their use of the term third world. For most business...


The Revolutionary War (The American War of Independence)

The revolutionary war was also referred to as the American war of independence. This war took place between 1775 and 1783 and it was a culmination of the conflict between the colonies of Great Britain in North America and their mother country. France was a participant in the war as...


Interactive Instructional Approach in Adult Education

Introduction Literature in adult education advocates the view that the process of teaching adults is distinct from the teaching of children and although most of the teaching approaches do apply to all age groups, the age and experiences of adults necessitate different approaches among them as compared to children. Adults...


Autism as the Most Prevalent Developmental Mental Disorder

Introduction Autism is the most prevalent developmental disorder affecting one in every 166 children (“How Common?”, 2006). Symptoms of the disorder can be generally described as the incapability to adequately interact socially along with a disinterested demeanor. It is an abnormality in the structure of the brain caused by genetic...


Interpretations of Gun Control Legislation

Introduction The reasons guns have not been outlawed are many. This action would violate the Constitution, impair hunter’s rights and take away the right to protect one’s family, property or self. The topic of Gun Control is controversial and the debate surrounding it often emotional usually centering on differing interpretations...


Social Development and Poverty Reduction

Introduction Poverty is a complex fact. One of the majority serious troubles faced by the rising countries and transitory economies is to determine and put into live out the reforms which reduce the poverty and go faster the development. It is commonly conventional that more liberalization and globalization within the...


Doping Issue in Sports Analysis

Introduction The term “doping” commonly refers to the practice of using prohibited drugs or methods in sports to gain an unfair athletic advantage. Since earliest times drugs of one sort or another have been used, and abused, to enhance performance. The word dope itself is likely derived from the Dutch...


Greek Mythology – A Revelation

Greek Mythology, on the whole, consists of stories of gods and goddesses who purportedly dwelt on Mt Olympus. But it is not an account of the Greek religion. The modern idea of a real myth is that it constitutes an explanation of something in nature; for example, how and everything...

Politics & Government

Military Intervention for Humanitarian Aid

Introduction Once considered a violation of international relations, military interventions of humanitarian concerns are now seen as a compelling policy issue that its widely debated. It involves the discussion on how and when should military force be used and thus represents a significant challenge not only to the way that...


Gender Inequality in the Study of the Family

When it comes to the analysis of a typical American family, ‘Gender Inequality is incomplete without the issue of ‘domesticity.’ The reason for the significance of ‘Domesticity’ in American gender inequality highlights the need for understanding the cause behind perceiving and having ‘domestic roles’ like an American woman is expected...


Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Justice System

Abstract The paper considers the acute issue of racial inequality and prejudice in the field of criminal justice, in particular, juvenile justice. The author provides a brief historical analysis of racial discrimination history in the USA and investigates recent cases and events of racial prejudice in the criminal justice system,...


Assessment in Early Childhood: Special Education

Introduction Assessments may occur for different objectives and their attributes depend on the planned intention. In the United States, assessment in early childhood settings is described as the practice of collecting information systematically and evaluating it to establish whether anything requires being done in a different way (Reichow, Boyd, Barton,...


Domestic Violence Services Funding Decrease

Introduction Domestic violence is one of the most prevalent crimes in the USA. Yearly FBI analyses indicate an incidence of 900,000 to 3,000,000 domestic violence crimes being reported to the police (Garcia-Moreno et al. 1686). At the same time, the number of underreported crimes is much larger. Some sources indicate...


Systems Thinking and Mental Models

Systems thinking for the enterprise: new and emerging perspectives Key Points The key points in this article include addressing the term enterprise. The author says that in the context of the paper, it refers to a unit comprising of interdependent resources. These include people, funding, technology, organizations, and processes. However,...


Second Language Teacher Development

Introduction The second language can be termed as another language apart from your native language. According to LLAS (2012), learning a second language is highly systematic and variable. It is highly systematic because students who learn the second language go through some steps in attainment of the language; it is...

Politics & Government

Democratic and Economic Development in Asian Countries

Democratization in South Korea and Taiwan Taiwan and Korea are among the countries where transition from authoritarianism to democracy occurred through a gradual process. The two countries are claimed to have undergone the process at the same period of time. There are factors that are promoted democracy in the two...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Role in Promoting Social Change

Introduction Communication through social media has the power to construct ideas, beliefs, and opinion. Rhetoric through social media such as newspaper, magazine, television, social networking website, blog, etc. can paint the desired picture of a social issue and navigate the change to a chosen direction. Human interaction and communication through...


Legal Aspects of Healthcare Management in the USA

Introduction Current investigations show that the United States is one of the countries that are ready to spend much money on health care in comparison to other countries in the whole world (Hammaker, 2011). However, the intentions of the government to improve the conditions of health care cannot be defined...


Human Trafficking: Causes, Effects, Control

Introduction Human trafficking is a form of organized crime that involves trade in human beings for purposes that include forced labor, sexual exploitation, forced marriage and organ harvesting (Aronowitz, 2009). Internationally, trafficking is recognized as a crime because of the severe violation of human rights experienced by victims. Women and...


Dubai Municipal Solid Waste Management

Introduction Municipals are bestowed with the power to deal with solid waste management. Although a minimal amount of waste is burnt, the municipality is increasingly engaging in waste recycling (Roscoe, 2015). Owing to the economic and environmental challenges that Dubai’s municipal solid waste management is facing, the respective refuse management...

Politics & Government

General Public Policy in the US

Why study public policy? The study of public policy is elementary for several reasons. One of the main reasons for studying public policy is for scientific or academic reasons (Cochran, Meyer, & Cayer, 2006). Scholars and scientists in research institutions and universities study public policy as a means of satisfying...

Entertainment & Media

Facebook as a Platform for Social Justice

Introduction People frequently feel the need to defend their rights, and one of the most common ways of doing so is the initiation of social movements. In such campaigns, activists announce their desire to reach equity and thus be released from oppression. While social movements have a rich history, differences...

Politics & Government

Middle Eastern Civil Societies and Government

Introduction Nowadays, civil society plays an important role in the development of democratic relations and transitions which help to unite nations and empower people. Civil society is a response to the role of collection agencies that are used to create dictatorial regimes or as a reflection to revolution (Colás, 2002)....


Los Angeles Regional Collaborative for Climate Action

Executive Summary The subject of the study is the Los Angeles Regional Collaborative for Climate Action and Sustainability (LARC). As additional sources of information, scientific and peer-reviewed articles were used, as well as images and information from the official website of LARC. The purpose of this collaborative is to reduce...


University Plan in Attracting International Students

Executive Summary The study demonstrates the potential of the University in attracting and retaining the best international students. According to findings, the University has not involved all its resources in attracting and retaining international students. Therefore, the University must incorporate study results to implement the needs of different international higher...


Gun Control for Decreasing Crime Rate

Abstract Gun control is among the most debated and divisive issues in the modern society. It refers to the activities that are aimed at controlling the number of guns owned by individuals. Some people have argued that increased gun control can effectively address the issue of increased violent crimes and...


Capellaville Early Childhood Family Education

Executive Summary The proposed evaluation project is for the Capellaville Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) program. ECFE aims to provide high-quality education to parents whose children are from 0 to 5 years of age. The program offers classes for children and parents, as well as combined classes where parents and...


Australia’s Human Rights and Civil Liberties

Human rights in theory Human beings are entitled to inalienable fundamental rights. Gavrielatos (2011, p. 24) defines human rights as the indivisible, interdependent and interrelated civil liberties. Human rights are normally guaranteed in the existing laws. These laws can be in form of international laws, general principles, customary international law...


Time Management Skills

Introduction Time management is one of the most important elements that one should focus on his or her quest to achieve personal and career development goals. Various factors highlight the need to manage time effectively. According to De Janasz et al. (2006), individuals face varying demand for time in order...


Human Rights for Development

Introduction Human rights and a country’s development in the sphere of economics are sometimes claimed to be the two phenomena that can never exist together. Unfortunately, any state’s government has a power to adjust its laws to limit human rights in its territory if it is not beneficial for the...


Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Primary Schools

Research indicates that teacher effectiveness has a direct impact on learning efficiency. This has triggered the debate over what constitutes effective teaching and learning in mathematics. The increased focus on developing teacher’s abilities to deliver high-quality outcomes suggests that attention must be devoted to the issue of what constitutes effective...

Politics & Government

The United Arab Emirates’ Public Policy

Introduction Every country focuses on the formulation of public policies that lead to the realization of the projected developments. The state takes measures to ensure the achievement of these goals to promote the economy. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an alliance of seven states. A ruler heads each emirate....

Politics & Government

The WTO and the Regional Trade Agreements

While for the better part of the last century the multilateral trading system was the most dominant, Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) have grown to become an integral feature of the present day’s global trading system. Regionalism is described as the process by which RTAs come about as “actions of governments...


Hospitality Management: Rostoring Highlands Restaurant

Executive Summary Ryan runs Highlands Restaurant alone and works for 70 hours a week. The total labor costs operate at 35%. Ryan feels that developing a roster will help reduce his working hours and improve the productivity of the restaurant staff. The main objectives of the restring are to reduce...


Is Religion Compatible with Secularism?

Model Case – Yes, Religion is compatible with Secularism The line separating secularism and religion is becoming thinner and thinner each day. Justin wondered whether secularism would at one time become a religion or if religions have any meaning in today’s secular life. In a conversation with his friend, Kelly,...


Modernity Impact on Islamic Geometry and Architecture

Introduction The issue of traditional Islamic motifs and designs and the impact of modernity in these elements are not extensively studied by researchers. Researchers examined other areas and criticism by influential traditionalists that original concepts and tenets of Islam would be disrupted by modernity, acted as a barrier for a...

Tech & Engineering

Customer Service Application: Project Management

Abstract This paper illustrates a project management plan to be adopted in developing a new customer service application. The background explores the basis of developing the new project by identifying the existing market needs. The plan illustrates the various aspects that will be considered in developing the product. The plan...


Environment: Sustainable Development in Abu Dhabi

Introduction Background of Research It has become a great challenge for various governments to have sustainable development within urban areas. Abu Dhabi is the capital city of UAE and is one of the fastest developing cities in the world. Despite the speedy urban growth in Abu Dhabi, the difference in...


Renewable Energy Sources Controversies

Wind Energy The generation of wind power energy has emerged as one of the best options in which clean energy resources can be obtained. It is imperative that most of the developed countries such as the United States and European bloc have established wind energy with the desire for clean...


Palestine: Lawful Status and Statehood

Palestine has been grappling with the challenge of gaining considerable acceptance since World War 1. Although some nations assert that Palestine is autonomous and should be given the essential acceptance, some are indisposed and fail to recognize that position. For example, “both the US and Israel do not recognize the...

Entertainment & Media

Communication Strategies: Conflict Resolution Practices

Introduction Conflicts are a part of human life and in both professional and personal settings, conflicts are bound to arise. People are certain to have differing opinions at one point or the other. They are also bound to misunderstand each other as they interact and this can lead to conflicts....

Tech & Engineering

The HRIS Implementation Project

The development of a project management plan relies on several issues. One of these elements is the development of an accurate objective, or set of objectives in the project. Usually, the preparatory phase of any project determines its potential for success. In the case of GenRays, the interviews with various...