Free 7000 Words Essay Examples

A paper of 7000 to 7100 words is not always an essay. Assignments of such a length are typical for graduate-level studies. The structure of a 7000 words essay will largely depend on the institution, the discipline, and your professor’s requirements. The possible topics might be: strategies for reducing nursing burnout, cyberbullying among middle-school students, etc.

You will need to conduct an in-depth analysis in order to write a 7000-word essay. The keys to success are: meaningful research, a correctly formulated thesis, a well-thought-out structure, and an extensive bibliography list. Check free 7000-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!


Resource Availability for Low to Moderate Income Families in New York City

Executive Summary Low-income families living in urban regions have always struggled to maintain their quality of life on a decent level. Often escalated poverty levels have led to higher costs of living and have increased competition for resource availability. Strains on available resources are attributed to overpopulation due to suburban...


Education and Recidivism in the U.S. and Scandinavian Nations

Abstract The United States criminal justice system undergoes sharp criticism for being overly rigid and ineffective in terms of rehabilitation and recidivism. It is reported that the majority of prisoners’ lives are destroyed due to its brutality and extreme sentences, which further force them to return to crime after release...


Possible Use of Alternative Energy Sources

Problem Statement Introduction This dissertation critically investigates the convenience of utilizing alternative energy sources and their feasibility and effectiveness in the economic reality to assess the future prospect of business in the context of the finiteness of existing energy resources. In the modern world, the growing requirement for more energy...

Entertainment & Media

Youth in Media in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom

Abstract Media and young people are closely connected with each other. Young people have been portraying in the media for centuries. Media can influence the generation of its epoch both negatively and positively. It can change youth’s way of life and global problems perception. For a long period youth culture...

7000-Word Essay FAQ

A 7000 words essay would typically be about 28 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 7000-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in a 7000 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 70 to 71 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes 2 hours and a half to 4 hours to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned a 7000 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 7000 words will take about 23 hours 20 minutes.

At a rough estimate, 7000 words would take up about 700 to 705 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 7000-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.


Sustainability & Responsible Tourism in Dubai

Abstract Sustainable tourism has become the latest buzzword in the tourism and hospitality sector with its clearly defined mission to protect sightseeing destinations from the hazardous impact of unconcerned tourists. It’s a form of tourism which appeals to socially and ecologically conscious individuals, the primary aim being to produce low...


Hip Hop and Rap: A Scapegoat for Aggression Among Listeners?

Abstract Much has been said and written about hip hop or rap causing mood alteration, specifically aggression or violence. While mass murderers or terrorists are rarely linked to forms of musical conditioning before historical crime acts, rap and hip hop on the other has attracted much criticism and blame to...


Commonhold: An Improvement to Freehold and Leasehold?

Introduction Since 1925, leasehold and freehold have been the two common ways to own land in England and Wales, statutory provisions for which are covered in the applicable acts- the Law of Property Act 1925, the Leasehold Reform Act 1967, the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 and the Leasehold Reform,...


Church Leadership: The Results of Addressing the Problem

Various cultures and their patterns as an object of cross-cultural research can be both distant in nature and be in direct contact. Evidently, in this case, cross-cultural studies are interested in those changes that occur in different cultures as a result of intercultural contacts. Cultures are not only comparable, but...


Posttraumatic Stress in EMS Personnel

Introduction Emergency medical service (EMS) workers often encounter distressing traumatic events, also known as critical incidents (Mitchell, 1983), due to the nature of their work. This generally involves treating critically injured individuals, acting promptly in critical circumstances, and attending cases where they witness threats to others (Regehr et al., 2003a;...


Understanding Bioenergy and Its Future Perspectives

Introduction The term of Bioenergy could seem like very typical or difficult to understand in the first sight but it is a fact that Bioenergy exists since the time civilization came into being and is with the whole society since that time. Bioenergy is the most important and huge part...

Tech & Engineering

Website for Ben Foods (S) Pty Limited

Abstract The main aim of this project is to develop an online enterprise planning resource (ERP) website that will deal with the sales catalogue and products data for Ben Foods (S) Pty Limited. Throughout this write up, we shall be referring to this firm as Ben Foods Ltd. The purpose...


Protection and Preservation of Aquatic Ecosystem in Saudi Arabia

Introduction There are many conventional, traditional, and customary rules formulated to regulate the utilization of water-related resources of different nations. However, the majority are dictated by people’s perceptions towards the issue of sovereignty of states. Applicability of such laws in Saudi Arabia, therefore, means that acts amounting to aquatic pollution...


Unbroken – Broken Symmetries in Architecture

Introduction Architecture is the outcome that results from the combination of art and science through planning, design and construction (Booth, 2011). Architecture has been used for years to represent the art and culture of all the civilizations that has been present in the world. Through architecture, societies have been able...

Entertainment & Media

Identification Online: Falsing Issue

Information Technology (IT) is undoubtedly one of the fastest-growing technologies in the 21st century, connecting people who barely know each other from all parts of the world (BGSU pr. 1). Facebook for instance, has become very popular as a social networking site for all ages of people, all over the...


Maritime Law and the Lay Time

Background Worldwide, maritime transportation is the single most popular medium of movement that is commonly used in international trade; in fact, it is estimated to account for as much as 85% of all trade that takes place globally as far as international trade is concerned (Christiansen, Fagerholt, Nygreen and Ronen,...


The Structure of Inherited Cardiomyopathy

Structure and function of bulk proteins of myocardial microfilaments The cellular units of cardiac muscle fibers, myocytes (10-20 µm diameters and 50-100 µm length) are connected end-to-end in series by a network of interdigitating cell membrane called intercalated discs, comprising two units, the desmosomes and gap junctions. These intervening structures...


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Stress Reduction

Introduction Caregivers of children suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) usually experience elevated levels of stress and poor physical health. Parents of such children, in most instances, experience such mental health issues as general distress, psychopathology, and stress (Cachia et al., 2016). Young patients with ASD exhibit restricted, repetitive behaviors,...


The Legal Protection of Human Rights in Saudi Arabia

Abstract Legal protection of human rights during the pre-trial criminal proceedings in Saudi Arabia has gained relevance in the recent past1. The need to protect the accused person during the pretrial proceedings is an essential aspect of the protection of human rights. This is because the law of this country...


The Effect of Creating a College-Going Environment

Abstract The US education system is in crisis with declining graduation rates for numerous reasons – whilst the recent economic downturn has made the crisis more serious, the universities increased their tuition fees four to five times above the regular cost. Due to diminishing public funding in the universities and...

Politics & Government

Jamaica’s Crime Problem and National Development Plan

Introduction This essay critically examines crime problems in Jamaica and the prognosis for Vision 2030 Jamaica and the proposed reforms to the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) concerning a detailed review of the text Understanding Crime in Jamaica: New Challenges for Public Policy by Anthony Harriott. Harriott wrote this text a...

Politics & Government

Exploring the Concept of E-Government

Literature Review Introduction Since the last decade, e government has assumed an important consideration in IS field research. But even more significant, the domain of e government has attracted increased prominence and attention over the last few years as governments worldwide eagerly anticipate a digital future, with the proliferation of...


Evaluating the Effectiveness of E-training Programs Using Kirkpatrick’s Model

Introduction One of the most significant functions of a manager is to offer training to employees. This is important in order to provide employees with the knowledge to keep up with changing technology and social-economic set up in the globe (Koontz & Weihrich, 2006). It is essential to acknowledge the...


Historic Violin Pedagogical Treatises and Teaching

Introduction For violinists, the development of their technique is an important process as it can influence their performance significantly. Constant practice can lead to remarkable results, but violinists need a strong educational foundation to develop their technique in the most appropriate manner and succeed as a performer (Hann 2; Stowell...

Entertainment & Media

Chinese and British TV Advertisements: Differences in Humour Elements

Introduction Advertising is a type of marketing communications millions of people are involved in intentionally or unintentionally. It is a very useful tool for the development of new brand campaigns and the improvement of the already existing projects (Kelley, Sheehan, & Jugenheimer, 2015). Managers and advertisers have to increase such...


Social Research: Qualitative Methodology

Introduction Qualitative research method is a method used to research different ways of handling a research problem. Though the method has faced criticism from those who vouch for the objectivity in quantitative methods, qualitative research has revolutionized the research world by providing a better way of handling issues in social...


German Travelers in Oman, the History of Oman’s Exploration

Introduction Throughout the course of history, Oman has been traditionally looked upon as a strategically important part of the Arabian Peninsula. In its turn, this can be partially explained by the particulars of the country’s geographical location – while occupying the peninsula’s Southeast, Oman never ceased taking advantage of laying...


Addressing an Anger Issue with Phenomenological Method

Introduction The concept of reflective practice has increasingly become popular in various professional practices and in the field of education. Its meaning may vary from one discipline to another, but its fundamental principles remain unchanged. According to Moran (2000, p. 56) reflective practice involves giving attention to theories and practical...


Haitian-hood: Past and Modernist Experience

Introduction The present literature review aims to reveal the essence of Haitian nationalism, ethics and self-care, and the anthropology of trauma. Through the interweaving of these topics, one may understand the history, religion, and culture of Haitian people, their complicated past and present, and may see the development of Haitian-hood...


Research About Human Trafficking

Outline Human trafficking is one of the most despicable crimes being committed against millions of people all over the world. It constitutes the worst form of modern day slavery. Introduction The U.S Trafficking and Violence Protection Act 2000 {TVPA} has defined human trafficking as comprising severe crimes: sex trafficking and...

Politics & Government

Diversity and Inclusion Strategy of Serviceontario

Overview of the Service Ontario The ServiceOntario, a public service ministry in Ontario, has an estimated 2, 400 employees. The leadership of ServiceOntario is under 150 managers who manage front line support staff and oversee management of the ministry. The diversity and inclusion strategy of ServiceOntario is run by two...


African American Female Principals’ Challenges

Introduction The Supreme Court of the United Stated made a landmark ruling in 1954, in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. This decision sought to declare school segregation as unconstitutional. This decision was expected to change the racial tint of school facilities over the next four...


Shifting Morality in Race and Education

Introduction Nowadays it is very difficult to find a country, which would be completely homogeneous in its ethical, cultural, religious, and language structure. Speaking about the racial and inter-ethnic relationship and the positions of the national groups, it would be appropriate to pay attention to the United States of America....


Hotel Website: Eliminating the Middleman and Selling of Services Online

Introduction The advancement in information technology has transformed many industries around the globe. The hotel and tourism industry is one such industry. The internet has brought about a new quality of service. The ability of the end users to book and make reservations online has become extensively appreciated among the...


How People Deal With Being Threatened and Scared

Introduction Everyone dreams of blissful existence. One where peace and calmness prevail and troubles are manageable. In reality, man is barraged with conflicts and problems. Every day, life’s complexities pose challenges to a person’s coping and survival skills. A person comes up with several responses when faced with an adverse...


Modernist and Symbolic Interpretivism in Organizational Perspectives

Modernists believe there exist boundaries that separate organizations and environment while symbolic-interpretivist believe group members use symbols and define how the symbol affects their individualism, rationale and collective processes and outcomes. They also explain process by which these groups and group dynamics apply the symbolic activities. In studies of organizational...


Therapists’ Personal and Professional Development

Abstract This paper examines the personal and professional development of therapists. Its aim is to provide students of graduate program and therapists-in-training with valuable information which they can use for their growth. Its objective stems from the realization that graduate programs do not equip students with all the necessary information...


Procedural Justice and State Courts in the US

Introduction This literature review aims to throw more light on the knowledge pertaining to the effects of race on the perceptions displayed in regard to the confidence and fairness in the state courts. The previous research available in this context has primarily focused on such perceptions in relation to the...


Elementary Education in Northern Taiwan

Introduction Under the chapter of this research, the profile of the study shall be explored, with the intention of shedding light on what the chapter entails. This will then pave way for an exploration of the research findings, followed by a discussion of the same, and ultimately, allow for a...

Tech & Engineering

The Role of Social Communication Tools in Education

Introduction and Theoretical Framework The present research aims at analyzing the perceptions of Saudi students toward the use of social media in their education as a means of supporting the learning process. Investigating students’ understanding of social media is crucial since it is closely associated with contemporary educational methods. Acquiring...


Technology Integration in Special Needs Education

Introduction Technology in education has changed the trend of teaching as well as learning. In this context as observed by Russell and Haney (1997) with the increase in the number of students in schools and colleges working with spreadsheets and word processors the traditional methods of evaluating their work using...


Social Entrepreneurship in Chautauqua County

Abstract This paper begins with a review of social development projects by tracking their revolution from the traditional forms of funding of 1983 through the 2006 notion of collaborations, mergers, partnerships, and fundraising. Each of these reviews offers extensive insights into social development projects in Chautauqua County that fully captures...

Tech & Engineering

Fire Service Risk Management Plan in the UK and Iran

Abstract This paper compares risk management planning in the fire service in the UK and Iran. According to Rasbash (2004, p. 12), a risk management plan is described as a document prepared to predict hazards, evaluate impacts, and explain responses to concerns. In addition, it also covers risk management matrix....


Shinto Religion and Japanese Nationalism

Abstract Nationalism refers to the sense of togetherness whereby certain people feel that they belong to a certain group. This sense of togetherness is usually developed over years, with the help of other factors. In Japan, nationalism has been developed for years to an extent that many Japanese feel that...