Reading Interest Inventory and Literacy Assessment

Subject: Education
Pages: 4
Words: 1026
Reading time:
4 min
Study level: College

Reading Interest Inventory

Grades 1–3

  • Do you like to read?
    • – I like to read.
  • Do you like being read to?
    • – I like when my parents or my teacher read to me.
  • What is your favorite book?
    • – I have two favorite books. They are Tickle Monster and Fox at School.
  • What type of books do you like better: books that are about real things or books about pretending things?
    • – I like fairy tales. I prefer books about pretend things and funny stories.
  • Do you have books of your own?
    • – I usually read books which are my own.
  • Do you have newspapers or magazines at your house?
    • – My parents have a lot of newspapers and magazines, and I have a few.
  • What type of magazines do you like?
    • – I do not like magazines. I prefer to read books.
  • Do you read things from the Internet?
    • – I read some funny stories from the Internet sometimes, but I do not like to read from the Internet.
  • Do you like to read poetry?
    • – I like when poems are read to me.
  • Do you have a library card? How often do you use it to check out books?
    • – I have a library card, and I use it each week.
  • Do you check out books from the school library?
    • – I like to check out books from the school library to read something during the weekends.

A 2. Reading Passage Teacher Form (attached)

A 3. Informal Reading Inventory Teacher Form (attached)

A 4. Reading Running Record Assessment (attached)

Reading Summary Report

Reading Interest Inventory Summary

The student likes to read and prefers to read books instead of magazines. The interest in reading is supported by the fact of attending the school library regularly. The student focuses on reading fairy tales, funny stories, and stories about pretend things. That is why it is possible to choose the genre of fantasy or funny books in which some pretend things or characters are described in order to attract the student’s attention and encourage reading. It is important to choose narratives because the student does not like to read poetry by themselves.

Informal Reading Inventory Summary

To determine the level from which it is necessary to start the IRI, the student was proposed to read the words from the level lists. The student recognized the words from the list for Level One with no miscues and with one miscue from the list for Level Two. Three mistakes were made while reading the words from the list for Level Three, and four miscues made while reading the words from Level Four Word List.

The student read the words from Level Five Word List with five miscues. Thus, it was necessary to start reading passages from the first level. The student’s independent level of reading is correlated with Level Two. The instructional level is Level Three, and the frustration level is Level Four (8 mistakes and 2 hesitation pauses).

Reading Running Record Assessment Summary

The student read the passage (102 words) from the fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk chosen according to the student’s interests determined with the help of the Reading Interest Inventory (Jack and the Beanstalk, 2012). The student has made 8 errors, and 4 self-corrections, 2 semantic errors were observed. According to the results of the Reading Running Record Assessment, the student’s error rate is 1:13 (102/8=12.75), self-correction rate is 1:3 (8+4/4=3), accuracy is 92%, and this number is correlated with the instructional level of reading. The typical errors made by the student are omissions, substitution, and the inability to recognize the word.

Reading Fluency Summary

The student’s pace in reading is average, and it is correlated with the standards (72 words for the middle of the second grade). The prosody is studied in relation to the student’s independent level of reading. Thus, the student is able to place vocal emphasis on appropriate words, change the tone to make it rise and fall at appropriate points, to pay attention to punctuation (however, there are some errors in making the necessary changes in tone while observing punctuation marks), and to divide the text into phrases appropriately. The student experiences some difficulties in using the emotional tone. According to the fluency score, the student can be discussed as a fluent reader.

Reading Strengths

The student reads the unfamiliar text at the instructional level (according to the accuracy rate), and the pace of reading in combination with the prosody results allows speaking about the student as a fluent reader. While making an error, the student is inclined to correct oneself. Thus, the student has developed the literacy competencies associated with the second grade appropriately to the level.

Reading Needs

The student makes such reading errors as omissions and substitution. Moreover, the student asks for a word when experiences difficulties with recognizing some words. It is necessary to draw the reader’s attention to the definite words and word combinations to avoid omitting some words and develop the student’s vocabulary.

Instructional Recommendations

The objective to increase the student’s skill level in relation to Reading Interest Inventory is to provide the students with opportunities to read the books within the sphere of interest.

Instructional activities: encourage the student’s attendance of a library by providing the tasks to learn more about some objects or things with the help of reading this or that text; to retell the information learned on the subject of interest (answering guided questions).

The objective to increase the student’s skill level in relation to IRI is to improve the student’s word recognition and vocabulary.

Instructional activities: to work with typical word combinations presented on cards to avoid omissions; to work with pairs of words which can sound or look similarly presented on cards to avoid substitution (Gunning, 2010).

The objective to increase the student’s skill level in relation to Reading Running Record and Fluency is to improve prosody skills.

Instructional activities: to read passages with different types of punctuation, paying attention to the changes in tone and pauses; to read passages which are different in the emotional tone to practice the accurate demonstration of emotions reflected in the text.


Gunning, T. (2010). Creating literacy instruction for all students. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon/Pearson Education.

Jack and the Beanstalk. (2012). Web.