🎨 Essays on Art - Page 2


The Use of Violin in the Baroque Concerto

The concertos for violin have their origins in the Baroque period. Although the concerto grosso was actively performed in the early Baroque period, the 17th century brought significant changes to the traditional vision of the form of a concerto. In 1698, Giuseppe Torelli (1658-1709) performed the first solo concerto in...


Participation in the Body of Work by Olafur Eliasson

Throughout the 20th century, one of the most notable tendencies in art has been the ever-increased abstractisation of the forms of artistic expression – something that can be illustrated in regards to the comparatively recent emergence of a variety of different artistic styles, such as Avant-gardism and Suprematism. After all,...


Benjamin’s “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” Article

Introduction Walter Benjamin’s article, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, was written in the 20th Century. Having been published in 1936, the article documents how economic changes revolutionised the art industry. Although Benjamin’s article is short, the author addresses a variety of issues. The main aim...


Choir Director & Participants in Music Making

New Horizon A research study conducted by Tsugawa investigated various attributes associated with music in regard to 2 senior groups of musicians (Tsugawa 4). The evaluation and data collection involved criticizing two cases by interviewing the members of New Horizons and Orchestra situated in two distinct towns. The observations and...


Debussy’s String Quartet and Influence on Symphonic Music

Debussy’s Method of Composition Identifying Claude Debussy’s compositional methods as characteristic of Impressionism or Symbolism is a difficult task. For this reason, scholars continue to debate “whether Debussy was more influenced by Symbolism, particularly through poetry, or Impressionism, through painting” (Pasler 208). The only clear point is that the composer...


Costume of the Portrait of a Young Woman

Introduction Image: Northern Renaissance Artist: Unknown Crestor: School of Hans Holbein, European; British; English (painter) Title: Portrait of a Young Woman Work Type: Painting Date: about 1540 – 1545 Repository L: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts The purpose of this research paper is to assess the garments worn in the...


The Analysis of the Peculiarities of Paul Gauguin’s Mahana No Atua (The Day of the God)

Post-Impressionism. Paul Gauguin The European art of the nineteenth century developed under the influence of the opposition of Realism and Romanticism’s principles and the new vision of art provided by the followers of Impressionism. Nevertheless, the new reality required new approaches to its understanding and creative realization in the art...


The Fusion of Western and Russian Elements in Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major

While speaking about the musical heritage of the nineteenth century, composers, musicians, researchers, and critics usually refer to the figure of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky as one of the most acknowledged representatives of the Russian music tradition. This prominent person is an author of many remarkable compositions, operas, and symphonies. However,...


Historic Violin Pedagogical Treatises and Teaching

Introduction For violinists, the development of their technique is an important process as it can influence their performance significantly. Constant practice can lead to remarkable results, but violinists need a strong educational foundation to develop their technique in the most appropriate manner and succeed as a performer (Hann 2; Stowell...


Tchaikovsky’s Symphonic Poems and Overtures

The middle part of the nineteenth century was extremely significant for the development of Russian traditions in the sphere of instrumental music because, previously, it was influenced by European musical culture. From this point, it is important to examine and discuss the figure of Pyotr Ilich Tchaikovsky, the famous Russian...


Historic Violin Treatises in Practice and Teaching

Violinists focus on developing their technique because it can influence the quality of performance significantly. To achieve high results, violinists need a strong educational foundation that can be provided concerning historical violin pedagogical treatises that were created by Francesco Geminiani, Leopold Mozart, José Herrando, L’Abbé le Fils, Louis Spohr, and...


French Romanticism Features in Camille Saint-Saens’s Music

Abstract Camille Saint-Saens is one of the most prominent composers and pianists of the Romantic era whose contribution to the field of conducting and teaching is remarkable. Among Saint-Saens’s works, Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso in A minor composed in 1863 for Pablo de Sarasate is recognized as an independent and...


Manifesto: Art School, Creativity, and Development

Introduction The same way as business schools give knowledge and fundamental skills in business or nursing schools teach principles of patient care, art schools are supposed to teach art. However, the significance of art education for a talented person can be overestimated. Many people who find their expression in different...


Ornamentation and Extempore Embellishment Presentation

The music ornaments and embellishments are actively used in order to add to the sounding of a note. Such approach is known as ornamentation, and it allows for ‘decorating’ the melody and accentuating possible improvisation (Nardolillo 75). As a result, a melody becomes diverse and vivid, and its ornamentation usually...


Presentation on Articulation Related to the Violin

Articulation can be discussed as an important component of the sound production. From this point, articulation should be regarded as a range of techniques that are used in order to accentuate the sound of notes with the focus on their length, intensity, beginning, and end (Lawson and Stowell 47). Moreover,...


Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major – A Western Form of the Russian Music

Introduction: Topic and Thesis Statement The proposed topic is “Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major – A Western Form of the Russian Music.” The topic falls within the scope of the 19th Russian music problem and offers numerous prospects for further research. The selected composer is commonly characterized as one...


Performing Forces Related to Violin in the 19th Century

Orchestras of the 19th Century The 19th century played an enormous role in the development of the orchestra and the popularity of the violin. At that time, the number of orchestras increased greatly, they became much larger and added new instruments. While in the 18th century they were tightly connected...


Italian Neo-Realism and French New Wave Movies

Introduction Italian neorealism is a movement in the Italian cinema which was typical for the postwar period in Italy and which took hold in Europe, namely, it affected the movement of the New Wave in the French cinema. The techniques of the Italian neorealism can be traced in the movie...


Human Resource Management in Qatar

Introduction The ability of public organisations to retain employees in rapidly developing countries is an important question for the debate because continuously changing conditions and environments make employers in private, semi-private, and public sectors adapt to new circumstances, as well as to the increased competitiveness in the labour market (Gberevbie...


Lobbying in the International Cinema Industry

Description of project Lobbying involves an attempt to influence some decisions made by organized groups. The purpose of lobbying is to ensure that checks and balances are attained in advocacy for a particular action or proposal. Within the context of the international cinema industry, lobbying practices have been going on...


Jazz History, Complexity of Music, Cultural Factors

Introduction There is no specific definition on the word Jazz. To understand it better, many authors propose the use of broad definitions to incorporate all major definitions of jazz ranging from its origin, composition and its style of performance. The origin of Jazz music can be traced back to the...


Visual Music: The Concept of ‘Visual Music’ and Historical Excurse

Introduction In the public consciousness, the beginning of 20th century is being strongly associated with the emergence of a variety of avant-garde artistic styles, the practitioners of which would often go as far as defying the very soundness of many art-related conventions. It is namely during the course of 20th...


“Hannah Free” – Critical Movie Review

Hannah Free is a film based on writer Claudia Allen’s play of the same name. The plot is centered around two lesbian female protagonists, Hannah and Rachel, who spend a lifetime loving each other, right until their old age, despite their differing circumstances and unavoidable societal taboos. Their collective journey...


History of Community Jazz Bands in Floridoniaville City

Introduction The subject of the historical research is devoted to the study of History of Community Jazz Bands in Floridoniaville city through the examination of the most significant historical moments and stages of jazz bands formation. In order to make a sufficient historical research in jazz music education it is...


Exploring Philosophical Perspectives in Music Education

Introduction Music enriches human lives in many ways. While some people love to perform music, others find pleasure in tasks related to making music; still others enjoy writing about music and most people relish listening to music. Yet, music remains an enigmatic phenomenon; – its nature, function and why it...


Pablo Picasso: Blue Period

Introduction Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in a place called Malaga in the year 1881. At the age of 15, he already had acquired technical skills in the field of painting and drawing. He had a novel style that constantly underwent advancement all through his artist career in his...


Death and the Media: 9-11 Photography: Identity and Otherness

Photography just like any other profession has the ethics that guide photographers in the course of their assignments. Per the moral theory by Kant, a decision or act should have a moral basis of moral imperatives which are not questionable. Those people should be making decisions while considering their duty...


Studying Music Evolution

Music is an exceptional method of passing information that can alter a person’s emotions, thoughts, and operations. Music involves the mind and sentiments facilitating individual articulation, manifestation, and attitude growth. As a section of tradition, music aids individuals to self-appreciation, mingle with others, and grow their way of life creating...


Satire in Paddy Chefesky’s “The Hospital” and “Network”

Introduction Chayefsky’s unforgettable piece of screenwriting and popular movies of the American golden era has stamped his everlasting fame and name in the field of showbiz and literature. According to Jacqueline Z. Davis, Barbara G., and Lawrence A. Fleischman Executive Director for the Performing Arts, “Paddy Chayefsky was an innovative...


“What the Bleep Do We Know!?” by William Arntz

Introduction How human beings perceive the objective reality, or better to say they think they do, has long been disputed among scholars. The present paper will consider one of the most modern and at the same time controversial theories of world perception which is based upon the theories of quantum...


Cinema and Narrative: History and Theory

Introduction The history and the theory of cinematography have always been one of the most interesting parts of history, and in spite of its only 100 years history, cinema collected millions of fans throughout the world. As for the plot of any film, it is necessary to admit that it...


Photography: Cecil Beaton and Man Ray

London vs. Paris during the post-war period In the 1920s Paris was the nexus of the Jazz Age, a metropolis inhabited by a Lost Generation of expatriates flooding the City of Light in search of freedom, hedonism, and a quest for the avant-garde. The post-war period was a new age...


Cyborg Theory and the Otaku Movement as Depicted in the Arts

Introduction The art world has long provided a venue through which numerous ideas and philosophies could be (relatively) safely explored whether or not the ability to develop such ideas existed. An example of this can be found in Mary Shelley’s popular and thought-provoking novel Frankenstein (Shalley 1993: 5) in which...


Sociology of Music: What Music Means in Our Life

Introduction What you are doing at the moment you are reading this letter? Am I right when I say that you are listening to music? What is it now? Another Hip-Hop CD, or can you impress me with something original you have become interested in? Do not switch your music...


Tradition and Innovation in Chinese Visual Arts

Abstract The dissertation is based on the objective of creating a multimedia art project based on Chinese arts and philosophy by using computer technology. The dissertation contains the description of the entire project as well as the research and literature review conducted around the topic. The project is carried out...


Ethnomusicology in Analyzing Society’ Music

In the study of music, the term ethnomusicology is used. It refers to the educated in traditional, modern, and theoretical aspects of music within a social group or culture. Learning is based on the music’s beginning, dynamics, representations, utility, demographics, and the scientific nature of music art. Music is an...


“The Two Avant-Gardes” by Peter Wollen

The idea of the avant-garde artist has been circulating for centuries, believed to have started with the Salon des Refuses in Paris, which was a collection of artists that had been refused by the art schools of 1863 as existing outside of their predetermined conception of the definition of art....


Folk Music Definition and Development

Introduction This paper aims to discuss the definition and development of such concepts as folk music. This term was first originated by William Thorns at the beginning of the nineteenth century, and since that time it has always been a subject of brisk discussion among musicologists. It can be interpreted...


The Effects of Hip-Hop, Rap Music on Young Women in Academia

Literature Review Introduction Hip hop culture is said to have great influence over Americans, especially youth (Kitwana, 2004). Hip hop ushered the almost invisible American youth into the American cultural arena. This literature review is directed to understanding how hip-hop culture has shaped the youth culture through its different facets...


Minimalism in Music and Its Development

Minimalism is an American genre of Downtown music which originated approximately in the 1960s and quickly progressed into the most popular experimental music style. La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, and Phillip Glass are considered to be the pioneers of the minimalist music; each of these composers has made...


Popular Music in the Modern Culture

Introduction Popular music is a part of modern culture which attracts millions of fans around the world. The philosophy of music states that the best music is music that resists heavy consumption, challenging fan’s expectations and habitual modes of musical perception, thereby helping to resist community’s deeply troubling drift toward...


American Women in Careers in Films of the 1930s

Essay outline This paper will address how women have been portrayed in film since the nineteen thirties. The focus will be on how films define gender roles. Since films are often a reflection of the attitudes adopted by society, reviewing these films will help to shed light on what the...


Music Industry: The Downfall Caused by Technology

Introduction One of the industries that have had to grapple with the impact of the disruptive technology, thanks to the internet, is the music sector. Digital distribution of music has especially dealt the music industry the heaviest blow ever. For example, RIAA reconfirmed on the 28th of April that in...


“Rope” by Alfred Joseph Hitchcock

Cinema/film industry has become a very conspicuous form of mass entertainment. The extent of cinema’s popularity, influence, and proliferation has been phenomenal. Artistic expression and development via technological expediency has made it an unequaled facet of visual/fine arts since the inception of the 20th century. The immemorial film cadre by...


Bernini, Caravaggio, and Rembrandt Works Comparison

The three artworks discussed – Bernini’s The Ecstasy of St. Theresa, Caravaggio’s The Calling of St. Matthew, and Rembrandt van Rijn’s Resurrection of Christ are now analyzed for their resemblance with the typical artwork of the baroque period in terms of form, content and subject matter. Baroque art of the...


Expressionism and Post-Impressionism in Art

Introduction We hear of an artistic movement that lasted only ten years total and are then told that this single art movement had a profound effect upon the art for the remainder of the century. How can this be so? How can one single approach to art have such wide-ranging...


19th Century Art History

Abstract In the second half of the 19th century, modern art has shaped a new revolutionary development in visual arts and Western painting. It squeezes with an extensive variety of theories, movements, attitudes, and contemporary styles that exist in a common tendency to reject precedent and conventions of old days...


Hip-Hop Culture: What Philosophy to Choose?

Introduction Once in life, a day of great decision comes. One has to firmly define what his or her life principles are and what philosophy he/she has to follow. Hip-hop culture helped me to work out my own credo and to realize the importance of keeping to it every new...


History of Jazz Music

Introduction Jazz has its roots in the African American communities living in United States particularly in the south. Jazz is a musical art that incorporates African (mainly West African) and European styles. Since its inception in the early 20th century, Jazz has transformed due to influence from the popular music...


Expressionism: Term Definition

Expressionism (from expression – expressiveness) – a modernist flow in the West European art, mainly in Germany, the first third of 20th century, prevailing in the specific historical period – into the threshold of the First World War. The ideological basis of expressionism became an individualistic protest against the deformed...


“Boyz n the Hood” by John Singleton

“They want us to kill ourselves… the best way you can destroy a people you take their ability to reproduce themselves.” This reflects the opening lines of the movie Boyz ‘n’ the Hood and the death toll concerning African Americans. “One of out of every twenty-one Black males will be...


The Origins of Hip-Hop Culture

Hip hop dates back to 1970 and is considered to be a cultural movement among Americans and African Americans. Dj Clive ‘Kool Herc’ is considered to be a founder of hip-hop music, he made hip-hop music’s blueprint and culture by building upon the Jamaican tradition of boasting or toasting impromptu...


Dance Style: Capoeira

Introduction Dance is more than entertainment… it is an emblem of our culture, and a spirit of our society. It bestows in us feeling of belongingness with oneself, with our own world and with the world outside. It generates fire of imagination, shows attitude and represents whole essence of our...


Popular Music in America

“Differences and similarities between the use of music in traditional Native American cultures and in contemporary American popular culture” Traditional Americans believed that music emanated from God at the commencement of the universe. Therefore, the creator is the vital source of music since as evident in the creation process (Kuiper...


Hip Hop Music, Culture and Famous Artists

Since the early 20th century, music has undergone considerable transformation. These changes are attributed to the reactions against the impressionist movements of the 19th century. In the mission to develop new lingo and forms, artists have come up with different genres of music. Each genre targets a specific audience. Currently,...


Media Art: “Beyond” Virtual Reality by Zoe Beloff

Zoe Beloff’s “Beyond” can be considered one of the most famous virtual realities created in the twentieth century. In my essay, I will be exploring the main specifics and themes of “Beyond” and reveal that this virtual reality has the distinguishing qualities of digital media that contribute to its impressiveness....


E-Concert Report: Pieces by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Introduction Among the universal geniuses of Romantic music, one of the most prominent personalities is the Russian composer of the late nineteenth century, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840–1893). The uniqueness of his composing talent revealed itself in a multitude of works in different genres which combine in themselves both a high...


The Film “Tucker – the Man and His Dream”

There is so much to learn about successful entrepreneurship from the “Tucker – the Man and His Dream”. This movie is about the most important characteristics of a successful business. Every successful entity starts with a man or woman with a great vision, an incredible dream. The successful venture is...


The 10 Principles of Photography

Capture Relative Size Topic The Animal Kingdom – Primates: Smallest Primate How The tiny monkey is demonstrated relative to a human finger, enabling the student to visualize the relative size of the monkey. Why The perspective of the tiny primate’s size is enhanced by the visual comparison of size. The...


“Luncheon of the Boating Party” by Pierre Auguste Renoir

Introduction The work of art I have selected for this critique is the oil on canvas painting titled Luncheon of the Boating Party by Pierre Augusta Renoir of France. The artwork is currently hosted at the Phillips Collection in Washington DC, as part of its resident collections. The painting was...


The Artist Georgia O’Keeffe: Motivation and Inspiration

“A person in my life who has motivated me and continues to do so” Georgia O’Keeffe Numerous personalities have motivated me and continue to do so. In this context, Georgia O’Keeffe has been my inspirational pillar due to her artistic values, determination in life, and transformational leadership. Born in1887, O’Keeffe grew...


Sound Analysis and Aural Experiences from Music

Luc Ferrari – Presque Rien No.1 Luc Ferraris’s works transcend the mid and late 19th century ushering in the 20th century. The 1970 piece it is regarded as a piece in its own rating that invites the listener to a slow but solid environment of the activity that filters into...


African Music’s Contribution to Contemporary Genres

Introduction While only a century ago, music was one of the most culturally specific aspects of artistic activity, nowadays, it is perceived as a multicultural language that can be understood by everyone as it bears the influence of several different nations’ values, beliefs, and interpretations of beauty, creativity, and perfection....


The Effect of Music on Culture

Introduction The influence of music on individuals and their lives is unquestionable. Many studies confirm that music regardless of its genre, pace or origin affects human experiences in different ways (Ramadani 248). While listening to a song, a person can undergo a change of mood or find the energy to...


Movie Synthesis: The Big Sick

Introduction “Can you imagine a world in which we end up together?” – Emily. The Big Sick is an independent film in the romantic comedy genre that is loosely based on autobiographical events of the Pakistani-American comedian Kumail Nanjiani and his wife, Emily Gordon. It describes their encounter and courtship...


The Social Network: Film Analysis

The synopsis of the movie Synopsys – Settings In 2003, Mark Zuckerberg (who back then was a student at Harvard) comes up with the idea of creating a website, where students would be able to rate each other’s photos. To have this idea actualized, Mark hacks into the campus database...


Heavy Metal Music Gender Trends

Methodology Every research project must have a clear method that defines the approach that is taken in the collection of any data, analysis of the collected data, and the presentation of the analyzed data in the form of the texts and figures. According to Kothari (2005)1, conducting research is a...


Fashion Trends During 2014-2015 Years

The abundance of products makes producers add you create products with added value (it is often associated with the concept of fashion). It is clear that customers are not ready to spend their money on some goods, but they are now looking for fashionable things. It is possible to identify...


Humanism and Renaissance Period

The aim of this essay is to comprehend the influences prompted by both south and north renaissance. The affected humanity studies such influences in terms of arts, sciences, mathematics, and church. Also, it looks at how their works of art influenced humanity and the world (D’Elia, 2009). These works include...