💼 Essays on Politics & Government - Page 5

Politics & Government

Home Depot Foundation and Atlanta Government

Executive Summary The Home Depot Foundation, a registered non-profit public charity, is a major national organization that helps seniors, disabled, and homeless veterans across the country obtain affordable houses, repairs, and disaster-related aid. The charity organization funds, assists, and grants the nonprofits nationwide to help these companies fulfill the veteran-...

Politics & Government

Capital Punishment: A Balanced Examination

Introduction Capital punishment is the death penalty, which is a way of punishing criminals by killing them. The essay explores the pros and cons of having capital punishment in the society. The people of United States are still debating about whether the government keep the capital punishment or stop it....

Politics & Government

Democratic and Economic Development in Asian Countries

Democratization in South Korea and Taiwan Taiwan and Korea are among the countries where transition from authoritarianism to democracy occurred through a gradual process. The two countries are claimed to have undergone the process at the same period of time. There are factors that are promoted democracy in the two...

Politics & Government

The Communist Party of China and Its Influences

Introduction There are a lot of different regimes in the modern world which were in the past and which still function in different countries now. Even though modern globalization tends more to the democratization of the whole society, there are different regimes in the world. The history knows such spread...

Politics & Government

World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions

“World politics: Interests, interactions, institutions” Summary In Chapter 11 of their 2014 book World politics: Interests, interactions, institutions, Frieden, Lake and Schultz discuss the influence of international law on the current state of affairs in the arena of international relations, while promoting the Constructivist idea that this law transforms the very...

Politics & Government

International Society, Its Aspects and Components

Introduction An international society can be explained to mean a group of autonomous states that have not only formed a system that ensures that the behaviour of each state is considered by others, but have also established a common dialogical agreement that ensures that the conduct of the members is...

Politics & Government

Inventing the American Presidency

Introduction Each US administration has arguably supported a different type of healthcare system (Davies, 2013). The sitting president, in a bid to ensure that Americans get a comprehensive health care plan, often devises his own system that is supported by the president’s party. For instance, a healthcare system fronted by...

Politics & Government

Punishment and Death Penalty in the Western World

Introduction Nowadays, the discussions on punishment and the death penalty frequently occur due to the inability to create one general opinion on the importance of these two concepts and gain control over crimes that happen in the Western world. In this paper, the attention to the positions of such philosophers...

Politics & Government

Syria’s Regime Change and Its Likely Aftermath

Abstract The Arab spring has toppled many regimes. The revolution has spread throughout most parts of the Middle East and it continues to cause a lot of uncertainty regarding its real aftermath. Syria is now grappling with the possibility of a regime change but there is very little understanding regarding...

Politics & Government

The Institution of the World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an internationally formulated body that aims to encourage free trade through various stipulations. The institution of the WTO is subject to a simmering debate that revolves around the effectiveness of this organization. The WTO came into being in 1995 after lengthy negotiations that culminated...

Politics & Government

US Foreign Policy and Its Impact on the World Economy

Introduction For many decades now, the United States (U.S) has remained a global power center in world politics. Through economic and political means, the U.S has been able to stamp its authority in most global political issues. Through such influences, America has made many allies and enemies in equal measure....

Politics & Government

The World Trade Organization: Its Creation and Purpose

Introduction An environment that favors international trade boosts the economic growth of the individual countries. As such, governments develop policies that support the countries economically through global trade to enhance the social and economic aspects of development. However, the policies may discriminate against other countries about matters of trade, thereby...

Politics & Government

Canadian Political Culture

Why Is It So Difficult For One To Define Politics? Many considerations have to be put in place to study and understand politics in a comprehensive manner. There has been no clear definition of what politics is because of the different perspectives and many ways of approach defining politics. This...

Politics & Government

The UAE’s Homeland Security and Border Control

Abstract Homeland security and efficient border control measures are of extreme significance for the United Arab Emirates. The country experiences economic development while constantly improves the quality of life. At the same time, it is located in a constantly changing region of the world. The strategic location and substantial amounts...

Politics & Government

Gun Control Policies: Regulation vs. Constitution

Introduction Despite the efforts of legal authorities and law enforcement, the levels of crime have been on the rise over the past few decades. As a result, a range of citizens experiences a lack of safety. Even those that live in comparatively crime-free areas feel that they are open to...

Politics & Government

General Public Policy in the US

Why study public policy? The study of public policy is elementary for several reasons. One of the main reasons for studying public policy is for scientific or academic reasons (Cochran, Meyer, & Cayer, 2006). Scholars and scientists in research institutions and universities study public policy as a means of satisfying...

Politics & Government

Antonio Villaraigosa: Latino Politician in the US

The history of Latinos in the political scene of the United States has remained uncovered for a long time. There has been a continued struggle by the Latinos to gain access and recognition in the political scene of the United States. The Latin politicians have worked out their way. Beginning...

Politics & Government

Smoking in Public Places Has to Be Banned

Smoking in public places ought to be banned as it not only affects the health of smokers but nonsmokers as well. This is because when people smoke in public places, cigarette smoke contaminates the air with its negative impacts affecting all who breathe it. Nevertheless, the number of smokers keeps...

Politics & Government

The Separation of Foreign Policy Powers

Introduction The question of the relevance of the separation of powers and whether it still serves the public interest of the Americans often reflects a misunderstanding of the policy and its initial purposes. While the separation of powers is often identified with the inefficient government, legislative supremacy is associated with...

Politics & Government

American Government, Congress and President’s Power

Leadership positions in Congress Congress is the legislative branch of the United States government comprising of two coequal houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The power vested to the Congress falls under the first article of the United States constitution. Congress is composed of hundred senators and four...

Politics & Government

American Immigration Law Reform and Its Rationale

In performing this research, the proponent of the study uncovered major reasons that compelled policymakers and stakeholders to push for immigration law reforms. There are at least four major reasons that paved the way for reforms. First, more than 11 million unauthorized immigrants require protection from unscrupulous people. Second, children...

Politics & Government

Gun Control for Safety or Rights Violation?

Introduction Gun control is a vital present-day intervention that will provide a safe and peaceful environment for the population. At present, gun possession has become a real issue for much of the world’s population and, as such, gun control demands careful consideration. The solution to gun control problems in the...

Politics & Government

Constitution, Political Parties and Elections in Canada

Constitution Definition of Constitution A constitution can be defined as the collection of the fundamental confines and principles by which an organization or state is governed. These rules are a representation of the definition of the organization or state and represent the written legal status and form of such an...

Politics & Government

Middle Eastern Civil Societies and Government

Introduction Nowadays, civil society plays an important role in the development of democratic relations and transitions which help to unite nations and empower people. Civil society is a response to the role of collection agencies that are used to create dictatorial regimes or as a reflection to revolution (Colás, 2002)....

Politics & Government

Philosophical Views on Punishment and Death Penalty

Introduction There are different approaches to the philosophical understanding of the issues of punishment and such type of it as the death penalty. The main divergence is caused by the perception of what is good and what is bad. The core principle of virtue ethics is to treat others as...

Politics & Government

Social Work Organizations: Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths and Weaknesses the Governmental and Private Social Work Organizations Research has shown that the governmental agencies and the non-governmental organization all have weaknesses and strengths which can be integrated in the provision of social work. The NGOs conducting social work of the not-for business service provision, it is easy...

Politics & Government

Globalization of World Politics and Realism Theory

Introduction The world system has not developed in an ethical and sustainable manner. In my opinion, the key challenge on the way of just development of the world is the politics of domination between the rich and the poor nations. The rich nations have for a long time dominated and...

Politics & Government

People, Politics and Government: Canadian Perspective

Understanding the Legislative Process Compare the functions of legislatures in democratic, authoritarian, and totalitarian regimes. In those regimes that reflect executive dictatorship why is it so important for their leaders to have a legislative assembly approve their initiatives? The legislature is considered one of the fundamental organs of the government...

Politics & Government

Dubai Municipality: Total Quality Management

Total quality management is a collection of principles and methods whose main concern is the continuous improvement of institutions. Its main aim is the sustainable output of a desirable quality. Its implementation in an institution requires complete leadership commitment. The leadership of the Dubai Municipality is aware of this fact...

Politics & Government

Public Administration and Government Efficiency

Public Administration Let us start by separating the two terms in public administration, to construct an overall understanding. The public represents the government, people, and administration are to bring together both monetary and human resources to accomplish a collective goal. Public administration can therefore be interpreted as management of government...

Politics & Government

Iran as a Challenge Security in Middle East

Introduction The question if the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) by the United States, France, the United Kingdom, China, Russia, and German could successfully curb Iran’s direct or covert nuclear bomb development activities still persists. In the past decade, perceptions of a nuclear-armed Iran as an existential threat to...

Politics & Government

North Korea’s Nuclear Program Threating the US

Introduction North Korea’s threat to the national security of the United States is due to its leadership, political dynamics, and military capabilities. The country’s dictatorial regime makes it impossible for many people to be part of national decisions and programs. North Korea has established alliances with countries such as Russia...

Politics & Government

American Government and Politics Today

Congress Congress refers to the arm of the American government that forms the bicameral legislature that consists of the lower and upper houses that host the representatives and senators respectively. Congress has the legislative powers on all issues about the government, citizens, and international relations (Bardes 12). These powers are...

Politics & Government

Immigration, Its Legalization and Responsibilities

The case study mentions that immigration, particularly the aspect of illegal migration, is one of the most controversial and divisive issues of public policy in recent years. It has served as one of the driving factors and the basis of the running platform for the Trump administration. In many of...

Politics & Government

Military Intervention by Government Request

Introduction The military intervention by foreign powers in a country’s internal armed conflict may be necessary based on different factors.1 However, this issue remains controversial because of a number of factors. The principle of self-determination limits any direct or indirect military involvements of foreign troops in internal conflicts. Drawing the...

Politics & Government

Global, International and Regional Organisations

Introduction A sovereign state is an independent territory with its people, land, and a ruling government with the powers to control it. There are 195 known sovereign states defined by their independence and ability to relate without interfering with internal affairs of each other. The presence of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)...

Politics & Government

Lean Thinking in UK Public Sector

Introduction The competitive nature of business environments prompts managers to find new ways of optimizing their internal processes to increase profits and maintain a competitive advantage. The optimization effort is generally aimed at organizing business operations in such a way as to improve the efficiency of internal processes, reduce total...

Politics & Government

US Foreign Policy in the World Economy and Politics

Abstract In the International system, there are weak states and strong states. The weak states exist at the mercy of the most powerful states because they are forced to design domestic and foreign policies that reflect the wishes of the superpower. In the current international system, the United States is...

Politics & Government

Arms Control: Arguments For and Against

Introductory Statement Gun control is a phrase that is used to refer to “the efforts that are being put in place to limit the possession, production, importation, shipment, sale, and use of guns by private citizens” (Kopel, Gallant and Eisen 5). The guns referred to in this case are usually...

Politics & Government

International Relations Theories and Their Variety

Introduction When World War I ended, the primary focus of nations that engaged in the war was to enhance international peace through the establishment of the League of Nations. The principal goal of the organizations was to prevent the emergence of war by enhancing collective security through disarmament and/or settling...

Politics & Government

Libya’s State Failure and Regional Security

Introduction Generally speaking, it is interesting how history keeps repeating itself – although not necessarily in the same manner. When there existed a power gap in Syria early in 2010, the terrorist groups took advantage of the situation. They catalyzed it significantly causing a threat not only to the interest...

Politics & Government

Realism and Neorealism in International Relations

Introduction International politics have changed significantly since the end of the Second World War. After the global upheaval, realism gained much attention from political scientists and scholars. This was after the United States and the Soviet Union began a new journey towards global domination. The next decades ushered in a...

Politics & Government

Death Penalty as Barrier to Fair Punishment

Introduction Capital punishment (also known as the death penalty) remains one of the most contentious issues in many societies. This is the case because the process is cruel, degrading, and inhuman in nature. The contentious issues associated with the death penalty can be used to explain why it is unacceptable....

Politics & Government

Marijuana Legalization: It’s Time to Make It

Introduction Just like any other American, the controversy surrounding the use and sale of marijuana has been an interesting subject to me. I have always wondered why a drug that is illegal still remains as one of the fast selling commodities in the market. The fact that nearly all prominent...

Politics & Government

US Military Image After Participation in Wars

Introduction The US military has an impactful history in international affairs owing to its vast experience in the world’s major wars. Importantly, the US military proved its point in influencing international affairs right from the defeat of Spain in 1898, which prepared it to foster world peace, as seen in...

Politics & Government

Balance of the United States Government Power

Introduction The founding fathers created a system of checks and balances that helped to ensure that no individual group was able to control the United States government. This system is often referred to as a separation of powers. The Constitution outlines the roles of three branches of government: executive, legislative,...

Politics & Government

Non-Profit Organizations’ Management Practices

Management Practices in the Varying Types of Non-Profit Organizations Globalization and the advent of modern technologies have led to considerable changes in organizations and organizational management, especially in non-profit establishments. According to Harrison and Wicks (2013), “traditional notions of institutions and how to manage them may have suited more stable...

Politics & Government

Naked Diplomacy in the Digital Age by Tom Fletcher

Introduction Diplomacy is the foundation of growth and development in any country. In his book, Fletcher (2016) argues that diplomacy helps a country to promote and sell its brand in the global arena. At the same time, countries rely on strong international relations to build allies and friendships in the...

Politics & Government

Gun Ownership Debate in the United States

Introduction The yearly death rates contributed by firearms in the United States are about 32,000, and these rates are still rising at an alarming rate. The trend is taking place even though the general rate of crime in the country has reduced by 40 percent from that of the 1980s....

Politics & Government

Community Policing of the U.S.

Introduction The United States experienced tremendous growth in urban areas in the 1960s, and this led to an exponential increase in populations in towns and cities. Consequently, there was an increase in the demand for employment opportunities. Since the supply of labor was more than the available jobs, most of...

Politics & Government

International Human Rights and Environmental Law

International law is a notion which became spread with the development of international relationships and globalization of them. Initially, international law consisted of the norms and rules which regulated relationships between different stated. This law is referred to when the interests of two countries are involved and the legal norms...

Politics & Government

Police Brutality in America

Introduction Legally, police officers have the mandate to use force to maintain law and order. However, the proportion of power used in the execution of their duties is subjective. When law enforcement officers use excessive force, the law does not protect them. Furthermore, it is difficult to justify the actions...

Politics & Government

The United Arab Emirates’ Public Policy

Introduction Every country focuses on the formulation of public policies that lead to the realization of the projected developments. The state takes measures to ensure the achievement of these goals to promote the economy. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an alliance of seven states. A ruler heads each emirate....

Politics & Government

The Current US – Mexican Border Policy Failures

Introduction The war has been lost. Over the past four decades, the issue concerning illegal drug transportation from Mexico to the USA has been brewing, with major political discussions triggered and a series of important strategic steps having been made, only to have the same problem of drug peddling from...

Politics & Government

The WTO and the Regional Trade Agreements

While for the better part of the last century the multilateral trading system was the most dominant, Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) have grown to become an integral feature of the present day’s global trading system. Regionalism is described as the process by which RTAs come about as “actions of governments...

Politics & Government

E-Government for the UAE’s Successful Development

Introduction Living in a new era of information technology implies the necessity to reconsider the existing concepts of economic, political, and social relationships and seeking new ways of improving them with the help of IT tools. Although the ideas of global citizenship, social interactions, and democratic principles as the basis...

Politics & Government

International Crimes and Justice Systems

Introduction The process of globalization has brought many benefits and challenges. An increase in the rate of crime is one of the main challenges brought by the process of globalization (Carter & Pocar, 2013). Criminals are not just becoming advanced, they are also becoming diverse. They regularly engage in systematic...

Politics & Government

Marijuana, Its Medical and Economic Benefits

Currently, many people associate harmful narcotics with harmless stimulants. This also happened in 1920s, most people perceived marijuana as a mind altering drug. They compared it with addictive drugs such as heroin and cocaine. However, marijuana was widely used before that time. It was among the legal drugs in countries...

Politics & Government

The Issue of Gun Control

Introduction The act of political courage that will be examined in this paper was done by President Barack Obama when he addressed the issue of gun control after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that left 20 children and 6 adults dead as a direct result of automatic weapons...

Politics & Government

How the North American Free Trade Agreement Works?

Executive summary This white paper entails an analysis of NAFTA, which is a well-established trading bloc in North America. The trading bloc is comprised of three countries, which include the US, Mexico, and Canada. The organization was established in 1994. The decision to establish NAFTA was informed by the need...

Politics & Government

US-Mexican Border and Drug Problem

Introduction The American and Mexican drug trafficking problem is complex and multifaceted. Statistics show that drug cartels in Mexico account for more than 10,000 deaths, annually (Caulkins, 2012). Some of these drug cartels are sophisticated and manage complex trade networks in the US and Mexico. The complex drug problem has...

Politics & Government

Collective Security: Concept and Problems

Introduction In the contemporary world, the challenge of providing security has been heightened by the increased rate of globalization, technological advancements, and the threat of terrorism (Cabrera 2012, p. 12). Over the years, numerous strategies have been developed as a way of providing security and ensuring peace across the world....

Politics & Government

Two-State Solution to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Introduction The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become one of the most long-term struggles between two nations that started in the middle of the twentieth century. Unfortunately, all efforts aimed at stopping the conflict were overshadowed by the escalating collisions between the opposing sides. The two-state solution has been recognised as one...

Politics & Government

Marijuana Legalization on State and Federal Levels

The debate on the legalization of marijuana is still ongoing as millions in the USA use this illicit drug. It has been estimated that the use of this drug increased in 2012 compared to the use in 2007 and the number of people who used marijuana in August, 2012 exceeded...

Politics & Government

The Cold War’s Impact on US Diplomacy

Abstract This essay talks about the main aspects of the Cold war and its impacts on the United States’ diplomatic relations. It starts by stating the main parties to the war and the position of the two superpowers at the time, Russia and the United States. In addition, it provides...

Politics & Government

Congress as the Main Legislative Arm of the Government

Introduction According to the Library of Congress (2015), the Constitution of the United States stipulates that Congress is the main legislative arm of the government. The framers of the Constitution wanted the law-making process to be led by a group rather than a single person. In this regard, they named...

Politics & Government

Freedom Significance: Social and Political Aspects

Freedom is a concept that is easily used and misused by several stakeholders, irrespective of the significance it has on our society. The misconceptions that surround the issue of freedom assume different angles, including philosophical and political points of view. The lack of consensus that surrounds the issue of freedom...

Politics & Government

Applying Utilitarian Theory to the Death Penalty

Introduction The death penalty is the harshest and most contentious punishment that can be legally meted out against criminal offenders. Due to its severity and perceived cruel nature, the death penalty is a contentious issue in modern society and people hold polarized positions on the issue. While most countries in...

Politics & Government

The Right of Gun Control

The right for private citizens to bear arms and be able to use them whenever it is necessary is a constitutional right in many western countries. This right, however, is no longer guaranteed in some countries, considering the nature of the current world where misuse of guns has become prevalent....

Politics & Government

Al-Qaeda as the Brightest Example of Terrorism

One of the crucial points in the idea of terrorism is the way of how terrorists move and raise their money to promote their activities and achieve desirable results. Al-Qaeda, a famous Islamist military organization, has a number of funding methods such as hawala, financial institutions, and cash couriers. Hawala...

Politics & Government

Post-Cold War Conflict

Introduction The Cold War ended, but the problem of the global security environment acquired a new meaning. Moreover, the issue also needed some new approaches to its solving because of great political and economic changes in the world. The end of the Cold War could not be considered as the...

Politics & Government

Democracy Threats

Introduction The purpose of voting is to elect political leaders through the democratic process. All citizens in the United States and democracies in the world have the right to vote. Voting is the only way through citizens exercises power on who to represent them and determine how to be represented....