🧪 Essays on Sciences - Page 6


Liquefied Natural Gas and Its Properties

Natural gas Natural gas provides the primary source of energy in homes and industries due to its availability. Moreover, it is cheap and has high-energy content. Chandra states that natural gas is the “most flexible of all primary fossil fuels because it can be burned directly to generate power and...


Descriptive and Inferential Statistics and Measures

Introduction Statistical methods are tools used by the psychological researcher to summarize and draw conclusions about collected and predict data about population. This research paper discusses the difference between the descriptive statistics and the inferential statistics. It has also described the measurement scales and measures of central tendency. The measures...


Sourcing Plan for Seismic Survey in Onshore Oil Operation

Executive Summary The paper presents an integrated analysis of the procurement and supply policy of ADCO for seismic acquisition survey. The analysis was conducted by decomposing the procurement policy into five different factors. From the analysis of procurement and supply in the management of expenditure, it is concluded that ADCO...


Critical Qualitative Appraisal in Research

Introduction Critical appraisal of qualitative studies determines different aspects that should be observed in carrying out research. It touches on the aims of the research, the appropriateness of the use of qualitative methodology, the research design, the recruitment strategy, and data collection, among other elements as highlighted in this paper....


Mixed Research Methods

Introduction The essay is a critical examination of mixed research methods. To attain this, a description of the contexts when mixed methods researches are appropriate during a dissertation process is discussed. The ultimate goal is to justify when it is appropriate to use qualitative and quantitative research approaches. Additionally, the...


Natural Selection, Mutations, Gene Flows and Drift

The life of all organisms is explained using the evolution theory, which identifies four forces that are responsible for the survival or extinction of organisms. However, it is important to understand the common terms used in the theory of evolution, among them species and population. Species is the term used...


Non-Parametric Procedures in Statistics

Non-parametric procedures Reasons for non-parametric tests There are several reasons why non-parametric tests are preferred to parametric tests. First, the non-parametric tests are used when data does not have clear arithmetical understanding. Thus, these tests are most suitable when assessing ordinal data. The second reason is that non-parametric tests are...


Tensile Stress-Strain Diagrams Interpretation

When we refer to the mechanical properties of materials, whatever crosses the mind is the stress-strain curve. Ideally, both shear stress (σ) and strain (ε) testing are inevitable when it comes to material testing. While shear stress testing correlates the elongation force to the cross-sectional area of a material, tensile...


Farming, Animal Consumption and Environment

Impacts of meat production on the environment Different agricultural methods are used for meat production in different regions of the world. However, all the available methods have a number of negative environmental effects. The most common and adverse impacts include air pollution, land degeneration, and water pollution (Adler & Lawler,...


Fundamental Theorem of Calculus in Physics

Consider a real scenario where the relationship between a car’s velocity and time is given by ν(t) = t+2, for 0 ≤ t ≤ 5. The following can be defined as follows: Dependent variable: In a function, this is the quantity whose value depends on the value chosen for the...


Technology in the Classroom: Mixed-Method Study

Research Questions in a Mixed Methods Study The peculiar feature of the study under analysis is that its authors make a decision to employ mixed methods to investigate the ways of how teachers use technologies in the classroom, evaluate internal and external barriers, and achieve a better understanding of the...


Research Design, Procedures and Steps

Sampling is a significant factor of a scientific approach that determines the validity and reliability of any research. By definition, a sample is a representative group of a population observed to generalize the findings (Ary, Jacobs, Sorencen, & Walker, 2014). The sampling strategy depends on the research design and research...


Public Policy Quantitative v Qualitative Research

Introduction Qualitative and quantitative research designs have traditionally dominated public policy research (Morçöl 192). However, they have some specific applications in research because of their differences in style and technique (Islam 23). Based on these differences, researchers have held contradictory opinions regarding their use in public policy studies (Morçöl 192)....


Qualitative and Quantitative Researches Methods

Differences between Quantitative and Qualitative Studies Certain differences exist between quantitative and qualitative research methods. Researchers use qualitative methods to collect, interpret, and analyze data. This method is also subjective. A qualitative approach uses various methods to collect data such as in-depth interviews, observations, and focus groups (Christensen, Johnson &...


Quantitative Research Design: Adolescents in School

Introduction I will be focusing on the article which studies child trend in school environment and adolescence well-being written by Marin and Brown (Marin and Brown, 2008). The study employed quantitative research methodology where the researcher went out to collect data from the field. This research focuses on a broader...


Data Collection Methods and Effectiveness

General definition of the types of research methods The Traditional Academic Research method involves elucidating, foretelling and scheming educational experiences (Mills, 2011). There are two methods of data collection that can be used in Action Reaction Research and they are quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative research involves collecting numerical...


Effects of Membrane Thickness on Pervaporation

Abstract The purpose of this analysis and comparison is to determine effects of membrane thickness on pervaporation. It involves a review of five articles about membrane thickness effects on pervaporation. The study established that results were consistent across all the articles, although researchers used materials from different companies and subjected...


South Korea: Culture, Government and Development

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to present a country analysis that focuses on the suitability of South Korea as an export destination for goods produced in Saudi Arabia. The analysis will highlight the various macro-environmental factors that are likely to affect imports in South Korea. These include the...


Is Genetic Engineering the Answer to Ending Global Hunger?

Introduction Food is a basic need for all human beings and all governments endeavor to acquire enough food to feed their citizens. As the world population rises, countries have been forced to increase their food production capacities in order to ensure food security. While developed nations have managed to achieve...


Palestine: Lawful Status and Statehood

Palestine has been grappling with the challenge of gaining considerable acceptance since World War 1. Although some nations assert that Palestine is autonomous and should be given the essential acceptance, some are indisposed and fail to recognize that position. For example, “both the US and Israel do not recognize the...


Economic and Social Development of the UAE

The economy and the demographics of the United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates came into existence in the year 1971. In the same year, it joined the league of Arab states and the United Nations. Since then, it has joined various organizations, which include the Gulf Cooperation Council, and...


The Economics of Corn Production in the US

Introduction Corn, the most widely cultivated crop for animal and human food in the US, is also one of the most important crops that are providing hope in finding alternative sources of energy. Statistics indicate that the crop occupies more than 80 million acres in the US every year, making...


Alternative Energy Sources vs Fossil Fuels

Introduction In recent years, an increasing number of countries have been relying on advances in technology to develop alternative energy sources with the view to reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The drive to develop alternative energy sources has been ignited by the high prices of oil and natural gas (Douglass,...


Environment: Greenhouse Gases and Hydrological Cycles

Greenhouse gases emissions are a variety of gaseous compounds that are air pollutants, which include, but not limited to, carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons. These gases act as a “lid” trapping energy from the sun and, preventing the heat from going back out into space so that the earth can cool....


The Environment Pollution in US

The environment is becoming extremely polluted through the burning of naturally occurring problem. The air pollution is already a problem in many countries, and the US is not an exception. A nation has developed many strategies to help reduce toxic air emissions, and one of them is to promote and...


Environment: Global Warming and Rapidly Rising Sea Levels

Global sea level rise has centrally featured in most debates in recent times, although it is not entirely a new phenomenon. The water level has been rising over the years, but marked changes were witnessed in the twentieth century. “The increase in the sea level in the twentieth century alone...


Organic Food

Introduction Demand for organic food has increased in the last few years. However, very few people fully comprehend what organic food is. Many households have embraced organic food, leading to increased demand. According to Organic Monitor (2010), demand increased before the GFC in 2009. This paper will discuss organic food...


Energy, Technology and Climate Change

Is innovation key to economic progress? I agree that innovation towards alternative energy is a key to economic progress since it would enhance technical performance and demarcation of a product or service while improving technological cost-competitiveness. While sustaining the economy for the long term, innovation would not deplete natural resources...