🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻 Essays on Sociology - Page 10


Global Communication in Modern World

Introduction Global communication refers to the exchange of information across international borders that occurs mainly due to the effects of globalization (Kamalipour, 2006). It deals with different types of communication processes between governments, businesses, and people. Today’s business environment is highly influenced by globalization and technology. Therefore, businesses need to...


Different Vision of the Young and Older Adults

Summary Gina – 24 years old John – 71 years old The young and older adults inherently displayed various perspectives on life-related aspects. Gina demonstrates a more relaxed approach as her family members are all alive and well. She does not give significant meaning to any childhood memories or activities...


Racism in Its Forms and Examples

Introduction Racism is the belief that a certain race is superior or inferior to another, based on ethnicity, color, or national origin. It has existed for many centuries and takes different forms that include discrimination, prejudice, and hatred toward an individual or group of individuals. In many societies, people associate...


Public Relations, Law and Ethics

Introduction The need for professionals to understand both law and ethics cannot be understated. Law is an indicator of belief systems, values and norms. Ethical factors for Public Relations combine the significance of law wielded together with ethics and other important components in an effort to address not only liabilities...


Racism Against Afro and Latino Americans in the US

African Americans Discussing racial questions and the issue of racial discrimination, people are inclined to associate these problems with ‘black’ and ‘white’ races. This association is a result of significant historical and social processes. Thus, African Americans constitute one of the oldest and largest minority groups in the USA. The...


Human Rights in Philosophy and Social Sciences

Introduction The human rights concept is a difficult one to define. Almost all problems attach themselves to the issue of human rights (Clapham, 2007). This research paper investigates the origin and development of modern human rights ideas. It discusses how various definitions of human rights by scholars, philosophers, political figures,...


White Like Me: Race, Racism & White Privilege in America

The documentary studied for the commentary is White Like Me: Race, Racism & White Privilege in America (Wise, Alexander and Ogletree) released in 2013. The documentary’s focus is on the prevalence of racial inequality and bias in the United States. It provides a historical, social, and psychological understanding as to...


Human Rights for Development

Introduction Human rights and a country’s development in the sphere of economics are sometimes claimed to be the two phenomena that can never exist together. Unfortunately, any state’s government has a power to adjust its laws to limit human rights in its territory if it is not beneficial for the...


Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

Introduction The issue regarding marijuana legalization has been subjected to intense public discourse among experts in different fields. Politicians, psychologists, doctors, professors, athletes, and legal experts have repeatedly discussed the topic without consensus for several years. The media and popular culture have been critical components in the raging discussion. For...


Leadership, Conflict and Communication in Groups

Leadership in groups Even though society consists of groups of people, an important part of the qualities are brought in by each separate individual. This is why leadership in groups is extremely important. There are leaders in religious settings, social and professional. Business and work environments are always in extreme...


Exclusion, Inclusion and Segregation in the US

Racial segregation in the United States is the separation of the white population from other ethnic groups (mainly Afro-Americans and Indians). It occurred by means of a variety of social barriers: separate training and education, the distinction between landing zones in public transport, and others. The American society comprised of...


Community Conflict: Women Gender Roles

Introduction A community comprises of families as basic units, which are a group of people living together in organized societies. Individuals in a community have various roles that the society deems suitable for them. Most of the gendered roles are usually unwritten or informal, and thus, their definition hinges on...


The Issue of Global Poverty

The distribution of resources within the global community is unequal, and this situation causes the development of poverty around the world. Global poverty is the problem that is discussed in relation to the poor categories of people over the world in spite of the country’s status. However, it is important...


Women and LGBT Rights Evolution Comparison in the USA

Introduction In the early 20th century, women never had votes. Thus, they never had a political voice. In the same century, police raids in the US targeted gays. Law was clear that gays were not to engage even in uncomplicated activities such as group gatherings. Similar to women, they could...


Social Groups and Their Influence on Society

The complex nature of human interaction is characterized by people’s tendency to associate themselves with a particular social group. The concept of social groups and their role in the life of an individual is explored in the work of sociologist Henri Tajfel, the author of social identity theory (McLeod par....


Environmental Ethics: the Case for Animal Rights

Animals The evolution of the society is partly reflected in the transformation of people’s attitudes toward animals. Modern philosophers and thinkers continuously raise questions about the ethical obligations of a person towards different biological species. Thus, it is vital to assess the models developed by different researchers and animal rights...


Family Violence Effects on Family Members

Statement of the Problem Despite the fact that domestic or family violence has always been a prevalent issue in patriarchal societies, the topic has been widely marginalized and perceived as unimportant by the public. However, the development of feminism and other human rights movements gave the opportunity for the victims...


Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants, Its Pros and Cons

Illegal immigration is considered to be a serious problem in many countries. Recently, there has been a wave of immigration to Europe from the countries of Middle East affected by war. In the United States, a large number of unauthorized immigrants resulted in building a fence on the border with...


Conflict, Its Classification and Management

Definition of conflict The term conflict refers to the disagreements, misunderstandings, or differences which arise between different individuals. In day-to-day activities, for instance, in places of work, schools, churches, or at home, people encounter different types of conflicts. In most cases, conflicts emerge as a result of differences in beliefs,...


Sex and Gender in “Sociology” by Macionis and Gerber

Introduction Various social aspects define individuals. The gender and age discipline is the defining unit among age sets within the community. However, gender roles are key aspects of a traditional society, with women accorded the lowest positions within the societal task completion. In the book, there is a depiction of...


Fresh Food for Low Income Families and Individuals

Executive Summary In the recent past, food shortage has become a major problem in the world. The problem is brought about by, among others, droughts, wars, and climate change. Most of the persons affected by food shortage rely on donations to survive. In this paper, the author examined the problem...


Technology and Social Change from Sociological Perspectives

Introduction Technology This refers to all aspects (machines, skills and knowledge) that are used by people to make life easier and better. This means that technology refers to material and non-material aspects that make human life to continue despite the challenges that people face in the society (Jordan, 2014). Social...


Queer Activism: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender

Literature Review Research shows that the involvement of the LGBT in activism influences their social development significantly (Bilodeau 29, Komives et al. 593). Active involvement influences their lives, career aspirations, and social justice perspectives. Additionally, LGBTs who openly engage in activism related to their identity often reinforce their involvement in...


Marx’s and King’s Notions of Alienation Differences

Karl Marx developed the Theory of Alienation to explain the relationship between capitalism and its effect on the wellbeing of workers. According to the theory, workers lose control of their lives after securing employment and as such become alienated from their families, communities, and society. Marx maintained that workers lack...


Social Issues: Abortion in US

According to Weitz (2010, p. 161), “abortion occurs when a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy”. This practice makes sure the pregnancy does not result in a child. Many individuals use prescription drugs or surgeries to terminate their pregnancies. These methods depend on the stage of the pregnancy. Abortion has...


Social Issues: The Uses of Global Poverty

Poverty refers to a situation of server deprivation of basic human wants. With the help of eleven functions of global poverty, readers can understand why poverty exists in today’s society. Poverty has influenced the price of commodities, making products affordable for wealthy nations. Developing countries provide ground for the manufacture...


Psychological Issues: Freedom of Choice

As modernization continues, people become more obsessed with the desire to enjoy certain rights. Most of the freedoms that people have increasingly gained access to can be summarised into one – the freedom of choice (Hazel & Barry, 2010). People enjoy the freedom of choice when they are allowed to...


American Culture Reflection in Sport

Culture is what unites people and forms nations. It is also based on four pillars: norms, values, ideas, and symbols. Of course, sport is one of the most significant parts of US culture, as lots of people are involved in this sphere. Sport is now one of the most significant...


Sociology: Personal Relationship and Practical Abilities

Opening Statement Practical abilities of an individual are vital in defining one’s future, and his or her ability to transform society. Life is based on what an individual can do to transform it to be a better place for all humanity. We all agree with the fact that interpersonal relationship...


Does Money Determine Success?

I do not agree with the notion peddled around that only individuals who get more money are successful. More money does not determine success in life. It is obvious that money accords comfort since one can get anything needed at any time. Nevertheless, I disagree that it implies one is...