Comprehensive Vocabulary Instruction and Activity

Subject: Linguistics
Pages: 2
Words: 345
Reading time:
2 min
Study level: College

An adequate vocabulary program instruction should allow students to learn by motivating them to read widely and provide a guideline to specific words. Encouraging word consciousness and giving instruction to word-learning strategies independent is how the program should encourage students to learn. One of the components of a vocabulary activity is wide reading. Students will come across new words either by reading them or being read to by someone. When students read widely, they increase the knowledge of vocabularies and complex terms (Cecil et al., 2017). The reading culture is attributed to one of the components of vocabulary instruction that provides frequent, rich, and varied language experiences.

Students are encouraged to read at a variety of levels to get the most of their reading. Students should embrace word learning strategies while reading as it helps them be more attentive to specific word instruction. The strategy helps students read more complex words with less frustration (Cecil et al., 2017). By reading simple texts, students can improve their fluency, which allows them to enjoy while reading. Wide reading fosters word consciousness, a component of vocabulary instruction. A variety of books are made available to students, and ample time is created for reading purposes. The efforts are made for students to develop a culture and focus on specific words which help them gain more knowledge (Cecil et al., 2017). Word consciousness is encouraged through word diction, wordplay, and research on the specific words’ origin.

Lastly, wide reading will encourage the teaching of individual words. The words will include vocabularies that students might have once come across or never (Cecil et al., 2017). The aim of acquiring vocabulary knowledge is not to master it but rather to expand and deepen it over a lifetime. It can be intentionally through specific word strategies or word-learning strategies. Teaching individual words is one of the components of vocabulary that is commonly used. It helps expand word knowledge through independent reading. Through the provision of specific word instructions, it helps widen texts’ comprehensiveness. It also motivates learners to read more through wordplay activities.


Cecil, N. L., Gipe, J. P., & Merrill, M. (2017). Vocabulary instruction. Literacy in Grades 4–8, 91-130. Web.