How is Bridget Jones’s Diary Connected to Pride and Prejudice?

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Pages: 1
Words: 266
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Bridget Jones’s Diary is thought to be a modern version of Pride and Prejudice. Set in a different era, a 1996 novel about Bridget Jones develops similar topics as the original in some ways.

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Bridget Jones’s Diary, a 1996 novel by Helen Fielding, is a modern adaptation of a classic plot. It is a story about 30-year old Bridget Jones and her attempts to find love. The story has much in common with Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice. It includes multiple references to the original text and its characters. The plot of Bridget Jones’ Diary mirrors the original story. They are both love stories of young women who deal with the necessity of finding a partner. Even though the books describe different epochs, both girls feel the social pressure to find a husband. Both novels dwell on such issues as family, biases, and personal reform.

Both Bridget Jones and Elizabeth fall in love with a man called Darcy, a wealthy prideful gentleman. Daniel Cleaver reminds readers of Mr. Wickham from the original book. And Bridget’s mother mimics Mrs. Bennet in her wish to marry off her daughter. Finally, there is the movie adaptation of the book starring Renee Zellweger, Hugh Grant, and Colin Firth. The latter is famous for playing Mr. Darcy in the adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel. This way, the creators have emphasized the bond between the two books. They both entered the BBC list of 100 novels that shaped the world.