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Politics & Government

Collective Security: Concept and Problems

Introduction In the contemporary world, the challenge of providing security has been heightened by the increased rate of globalization, technological advancements, and the threat of terrorism (Cabrera 2012, p. 12). Over the years, numerous strategies have been developed as a way of providing security and ensuring peace across the world....


Global Warming: Causes and Consequences

Introduction Global warming is widely considered to be the most important environmental issue affecting the world in the 21st century. There is unanimous agreement among scientists that global warming is happening. Reliable evidence supports the notion that global surface temperatures have increased by about 0.6oC over the past century (Degelman,...

Politics & Government

Two-State Solution to Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Introduction The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become one of the most long-term struggles between two nations that started in the middle of the twentieth century. Unfortunately, all efforts aimed at stopping the conflict were overshadowed by the escalating collisions between the opposing sides. The two-state solution has been recognised as one...


Memory and Remembering: Foer, Griffin, and Doyle

In their works, Foer, Griffin, and Doyle chose to explore rather abstract subjects such as memory and remembering that resonate quite strongly in the age of information and the written word the society experiences these days. The three authors preferred different approaches to present their arguments. While Foer’s essay is...

Tech & Engineering

Natural Gas Drilling Project Management

Introduction This Project Report covers vital elements of project management aligned to the PMBoK knowledge areas to demonstrate best practices (Freidi 2014). For this Project Report ‘Our Project’ referred to as Natural Gas Drilling Project will be used to illustrate critical areas of project management. Project Initiation Our Project is...


Early Childhood Education and Skills Development

Introduction Creating the environment, in which young children are enabled to evolve at the required pace and develop the skills that will later help them acquire new knowledge and process information efficiently is, perhaps, the most important step in catering to the needs of a child. The experience gained at...


“Tough on Crime” Approach to Criminal Justice

Introduction According to Goff (2014), the tough on crime approach to criminal justice refers to the use of severe punishment on individuals that commit offenses. The approach emphasizes “punishment as a primary, and often sole, response to crime” (Goff, 2014, p. 15). A majority of people possess beliefs that are...

Tech & Engineering

Customer Service Application: Project Management

Abstract This paper illustrates a project management plan to be adopted in developing a new customer service application. The background explores the basis of developing the new project by identifying the existing market needs. The plan illustrates the various aspects that will be considered in developing the product. The plan...

Politics & Government

Marijuana Legalization on State and Federal Levels

The debate on the legalization of marijuana is still ongoing as millions in the USA use this illicit drug. It has been estimated that the use of this drug increased in 2012 compared to the use in 2007 and the number of people who used marijuana in August, 2012 exceeded...

Tech & Engineering

Quality Costs Reduction in Project Management

A brief overview of quality costs in project management Project Quality Management is a critical process in the life cycle of any project. It helps to show that the project is on the right track as planned. The project team should conduct assessments to relate outcomes with requirements. Any project...


Gun Control in the US: Laws and Public Opinion

Introduction Gun control refers to restrictive efforts to control sales, ownership, distribution and use of guns among Americans. Gun control issue has divided the Americas into three groups with proponents, opponents and neutral people. People who support strict and tough measures on guns claim that the laws would restrict access...

Politics & Government

The Cold War’s Impact on US Diplomacy

Abstract This essay talks about the main aspects of the Cold war and its impacts on the United States’ diplomatic relations. It starts by stating the main parties to the war and the position of the two superpowers at the time, Russia and the United States. In addition, it provides...


Alternative Fuels and the US Nation Development

Environmental concerns have already left the terrain of potential hazards and became exact threats visible to everyone. One of the reasons of deteriorating environment is extensive use of oil in transportation which accounts for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions (Ogden, Williams and Larson 7). People have understood that their ways...


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Obama Care

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Affordable Care Act or ObamaCare) is a health care law signed by President Barrack Obama in 2010 that marked a major turning point on the delivery of health care services in America (Sipes 18). The law was enacted to improve the accessibility...


Environment: Sustainable Development in Abu Dhabi

Introduction Background of Research It has become a great challenge for various governments to have sustainable development within urban areas. Abu Dhabi is the capital city of UAE and is one of the fastest developing cities in the world. Despite the speedy urban growth in Abu Dhabi, the difference in...

Politics & Government

Congress as the Main Legislative Arm of the Government

Introduction According to the Library of Congress (2015), the Constitution of the United States stipulates that Congress is the main legislative arm of the government. The framers of the Constitution wanted the law-making process to be led by a group rather than a single person. In this regard, they named...

Politics & Government

Freedom Significance: Social and Political Aspects

Freedom is a concept that is easily used and misused by several stakeholders, irrespective of the significance it has on our society. The misconceptions that surround the issue of freedom assume different angles, including philosophical and political points of view. The lack of consensus that surrounds the issue of freedom...


Data Collection Methods and Effectiveness

General definition of the types of research methods The Traditional Academic Research method involves elucidating, foretelling and scheming educational experiences (Mills, 2011). There are two methods of data collection that can be used in Action Reaction Research and they are quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative research involves collecting numerical...


Quality Teaching Characteristics

Teachers should know how to make the students participate actively in the classroom during learning. They must know how to build a strong relationship with their students by focusing more on them. The teachers also need to improve their knowledge so that they can cope with the changes that occur...


HealthCare Law’ Repeal: Analysis and Critique

Synopsis The Health Care Law was signed by president Obama on March 23, 2010. The law is aimed at improving the health care system in the country. If the will function as it was planned, the quality of the medical care will be improved and health care insurance will be...

Entertainment & Media

Organisation of the International Geneva Motor Show

Introduction The purpose of this essay will be to critically assess the effectiveness of public relations and relationship marketing strategies in the successful promotion of an international event. Relationship marketing is a form of marketing that is mostly focused on customer retention and satisfaction. Relationship marketing differs from other forms...


Effects of Membrane Thickness on Pervaporation

Abstract The purpose of this analysis and comparison is to determine effects of membrane thickness on pervaporation. It involves a review of five articles about membrane thickness effects on pervaporation. The study established that results were consistent across all the articles, although researchers used materials from different companies and subjected...


The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights

The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights can be viewed as the documents that shaped the political, legal, and even economic history of America. Overall, the analysis of these documents can show that the Founding Fathers developed a set of reliable safeguards that could shield the...


South Korea: Culture, Government and Development

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to present a country analysis that focuses on the suitability of South Korea as an export destination for goods produced in Saudi Arabia. The analysis will highlight the various macro-environmental factors that are likely to affect imports in South Korea. These include the...


Wastewater Treatment Using Membrane Filtration

Introduction One major application of the membrane technology involves treatment of wastewater (Baker, 2004; Bourgeous, Darby and Tchobanoglous, 2001). The practice has become popular over the recent past as new laws and developments in membrane technology continue to set new standards for practising. Specifically, the membrane bioreactor (MBR) approach for...

Entertainment & Media

Social Networking Sites as a Positive Society Force

Computers and the internet have become an essential part of modern living over the course of the last few decades. Software programmers have created numerous applications to increase the usefulness of these two inventions. One group of software applications that have emerged because of the growth of the internet and...


The Intelligence Role in Homeland Security Activities

Background on the Role of Intelligence in Homeland Security Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the need for closer cooperation between various institutions of security increased significantly. In particular, there has been a special focus on how information is collected, analyzed, and distributed in the process of protecting the homeland from...

Entertainment & Media

The Internet and Social Media: the Impacts of Twitter

Introduction Modern technology has made life bearable and transformed the way people manage various issues and. It is necessary to explain that people have invented simple, efficient and faster ways of doing things and this has promoted efficiency at the work place and in various activities (Flynn 2012). The introduction...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media Marketing for Generation Y

Introduction How does the use of social media such as Facebook effectively help in the development and awareness of a commercial ad towards generation Y? Modern businesses intensively integrate social media in their operations, particularly in marketing because of its uncountable benefits. Many brands have grown from a domestic level...


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is one of the recent medical care policies in the United States. PPACA is also popularly referred to as Obamacare. It is one of the most comprehensive health care reforms in the USA. The policy, if enacted fully will see most...


Technology-Based Learning for Adults

Introduction The growth in Internet technologies led to the introduction of technologies in learning, including online learning. Usages of technological platforms have facilitated classroom learning for both young and adult learners. As the number of adults who want education increases, educators have embraced both formal and informal methods to deliver...


Social Psychology in People’s Life

Introduction People may wonder what shape their attitudes or why some individuals emerge as great leaders. On the same note, others may think about prejudice and ways of overcoming it. While these are just few issues, which may drive people to social psychology, there are other fundamental areas, which may...


Jean Piaget – Cognitive Theorist

Introduction Jean Piaget made a significant contribution to education through his theory of cognitive developmental stage. The learner was a critical part of the theory. Piaget noted that cognitive development took place in different stages, but the interaction between biological factors and the environment played a major role in learning...


Contracts and Their Essential Elements

A contract is a binding agreement between two parties. The agreement usually lays down the terms and conditions which must be obeyed by both parties. One could be sued if they fail to observe the terms of a particular contract which they are privy to. For a contract to be...


Middle Childhood and Adolescence Development

Middle childhood and adolescence period comes with a number of changes to teens. This is a transition stage that involves exploration and freedom among teens. It is also a period when teens have to deal with issues of self-consciousness and a search for self-identity. Peer pressure is a significant factor...


Women’s Lives and Their Experiences

Introduction Women are important individuals in our societies since they contribute in promoting the execution of social and economic activities. Their roles cannot be ignored in any setting since their input in various facets of operation is significant towards performance enhancement. Indeed, any nation that aspires to record exemplary performance...

Entertainment & Media

Mapping Digital Media Process in the UAE

Routine operations of commercial terrestrial TV stations pay less attention to public service provisions. Matters on public service provisions are less known and only particular departments are versed on these: news and programming departments. Terrestrial radio and TV focus on providing the media with the best selling story, sometimes without...


Language’s Role in Cognitive Psychology

Introduction Theorists such as Vygotsky and Whorf have tried to explore the effects of language on cognitive psychology. Similarly, they have tried to explore the significance of human thought on language. Consequently, numerous outcomes have been received with ranging views on their interpretation. Notably, most theorists believe that language plays...


Intelligence Theories: Comparison and Critique

 Which theory do you believe is the best for determining intelligence? Why? Intelligence testing is applied to analyze the all-around efficacy of a person’s mental processes, particularly comprehension, reasoning, and the capacity to recall information. There are different tests and theories that are suitable for both youngsters and adults. Even...


United States Nuclear Security

Introduction The existence of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear energy is the real threat to the United States and other actors in the international system. The US has various options regarding mitigating the nuclear energy problem, including equipping the medical personnel with adequate skills and tools to respond to...


Best Generals of the Civil War

Introduction The American Civil War lasted for four years but left on its trail devastating destruction of property and life that will later take decades to rebuild. While there are other reasons for the start of the war, the main reason that led the southern states to call for secession...


Research and Statistics Role in Psychology

Introduction This paper seeks to discuss the role of research and statistics in psychology. It first dwells on important definitions regarding research and provides a detailed explanation of the scientific method. It then seeks to compare and contrast the characteristics of primary and secondary data. The last section brings out...


Is Genetic Engineering the Answer to Ending Global Hunger?

Introduction Food is a basic need for all human beings and all governments endeavor to acquire enough food to feed their citizens. As the world population rises, countries have been forced to increase their food production capacities in order to ensure food security. While developed nations have managed to achieve...


Cognitive Psychology Definition

Cognitive psychology is branch of psychology that specifically studies the way people think, perceive, learn, remember and solve problems. From the definition, it is important to note that cognitive psychology is a very broad discipline that forms the core of cognitive science (Cacioppo, 2002). Information acquisition, processing and storage are...


Social Psychology Perspective

Psychology is the study of human behavioral changes that are influenced by societal circumstances (Myers, 1999). A human being behaves and reacts in a particular and specific way due to the environment where he or she lives. This paper will discuss two human behaviors that shape our lives. The two...


Counseling Theories and Individual Psychology

Counseling theories often provide psychologists with various uses. These theories are a foundation for the comprehension of that which the profession wishes to do. Secondly, they provide a framework for psychologists to treat and diagnose their patients. Thirdly, counseling theories can help the psychologist to express the changes that therapy...


School Uniform: Arguments For and Against

Introduction All societies agree that schools are the best institutes for imparting knowledge to students. Policy makers, educators and parents therefore endeavor to ensure that there is a high rate of attendance to schools by the school-aged segment of the population. However, there is a disagreement on the manner of...


Renewable Energy Sources Controversies

Wind Energy The generation of wind power energy has emerged as one of the best options in which clean energy resources can be obtained. It is imperative that most of the developed countries such as the United States and European bloc have established wind energy with the desire for clean...


Palestine: Lawful Status and Statehood

Palestine has been grappling with the challenge of gaining considerable acceptance since World War 1. Although some nations assert that Palestine is autonomous and should be given the essential acceptance, some are indisposed and fail to recognize that position. For example, “both the US and Israel do not recognize the...

Entertainment & Media

The Social Web: Evolution, Power and Challenges

The Emergence of internet revolutionized how people interact. Many people have virtual lives on the internet. The internet came into existence as a medium for sharing information of business and academic value. In time, the internet grew to become a network that fosters all types of human interactions. One aspect...


Legal Aspect of Information Technology Usage

Introduction Information technology has become an integral part of modern society because every activity virtually has a component of information technology. The use of information technology has given way to the emergence of legal and ethical issues that govern its use in various aspects of society. Legal and ethical issues...

Entertainment & Media

Should Phones and Social Media Be Banned in Classrooms?

Introduction Social media refers to web-based, as well as, mobile phone technologies/ applications used to facilitate interactive communication between communities and individuals. Advancements in information and communication technologies have significantly improved access to internet and mobile phones in the last decade. Studies on internet access reveal that nearly 94% of...


Renewable Sources of Energy: Controversies

“What do you think will happen if fossil fuels become exhausted?” Use of renewable sources of energy has gained popularity among many individuals and organizations. Some examples of renewable sources of energy include solar and wind. The emission of greenhouses and the risks associated with global warming have led to...

Tech & Engineering

The Lead Company’s Truforce HRM Software

Due to the ever rising number of employees at the Lead Company, there has been the need to develop a system that can assist the company’s management to effectively monitor the workforce. Fortunately, the human resource department has been able to develop a system that it feels will help the...


Economic and Social Development of the UAE

The economy and the demographics of the United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates came into existence in the year 1971. In the same year, it joined the league of Arab states and the United Nations. Since then, it has joined various organizations, which include the Gulf Cooperation Council, and...


Renewable Energy Sources Financing

Introduction Energy is a very important component of the human environment upon which several processes depend on. If analyzed critically and analytically, it is possible to argue that a number of life processes rely on energy; thus, energy supports life. This research focuses on the need to fund renewable sources...


Transformational Leadership in Higher Education

Introduction A number of factors have come up exacerbating the problems in the academic world, particularly higher education. The educational sector has to introduce changes but at the same time, adjust with the challenges brought about by technology, globalisation, and economic factors. This scenario requires leaders who are not ordinary...


Child Abuse Effects and Neglect on Adult Survivors

Abstract Child abuse refers to actions that lead to a child being neglected, physically hurt or emotionally disturbed. Failure to recognize abusive behaviour towards children exposes them to danger. Some of the factors that make adult survivors be violent include mental illnesses, serious financial problems and ignorance, among others. Child...

Entertainment & Media

Social Media: Marketing, Conflicts and Government

Introduction In an era of increased use of the internet, a relatively high number of people make use of social media for various purposes. Social media refer to the platforms on which people meet and exchange ideas through various networks. For example, Twitter and Facebook are being used by many...


Teaching Strategies for Reading and Writing

In elementary education, content in language teaching is the basis for learning. It is the duty of the teacher to select the appropriate strategies based on abilities, interests and needs of the students. Students should not be required to demonstrate all of the content to show a positive outcome. This...

Tech & Engineering

Information Technology Role in E-learning Systems Success

Introduction E-learning is a systematic mode of studying where students learn by interacting with various tools for information and communication technology (ICT). Interactive technologies provide support for various capabilities. As technological changes continue to occur, more platforms of sharing information and learning materials among students and tutors also emerge. Hence,...

Tech & Engineering

Communication Technology Impacts

Introduction The world is changing due to the changes brought about by the emerging technologies. According to Chandra (2003), communication technology is one of the main aspects of emerging technologies that has affected many sectors of the economy in various ways. As the world gets increasingly globalized, the need to...


The Economics of Corn Production in the US

Introduction Corn, the most widely cultivated crop for animal and human food in the US, is also one of the most important crops that are providing hope in finding alternative sources of energy. Statistics indicate that the crop occupies more than 80 million acres in the US every year, making...


Renewable Energy Development

Introduction Renewable energy may be described as the energy that comes naturally and cannot be exhausted (Goeppert et al., 2012). Examples include wind energy, solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, waves and rain. This energy may be used in place of the conventional fuels in various ways. They...


American Racial Prejudice and Racism

Introduction Racial discrimination has remained a controversial issue throughout the evolution of America’s history. Inequality, prejudice, and racial disparities have developed across a number of areas such as family formation, employment levels, ethnic violence, housing, health, schooling, judicial rulings, and incarceration rates. The United States is a nation of immigrants....


Biological and Humanistic Approaches to Personality

Introduction The purpose of this project is to analyze the biological and humanistic approaches to personality. Personality reflects elements of relatively enduring traits of individuals (Feist & Feist, 2009). It defines the behaviors of people. Both biological and humanistic approaches can be applied to explain personality. The humanistic approach stresses...


The Global Climate Change as a Manmade Disaster

Introduction Climate has been and continues to be an important aspect of the human survival, and therefore, the condition of the atmosphere and the status of the sea are major concerns for every human (Weissbecker 9). The status of climate has always been a global focus of almost every nation...


Psychology: “How Children Succeed?” by Paul Tough

Introduction Education is meant to enhance one’s chances of succeeding in life by laying down the foundations based on the acquired skills. However, the experiences gained can be either beneficial or detrimental to school-going children and young adults. In this regard, an analysis of the factors that account for failure...


Global Warming: Human vs. Natural Causes

Introduction The term “global warming” refers to the increase in the world temperatures. The effects of the increasing temperatures are felt at the surface of the Earth and in the atmosphere. Global warming is attributed to greenhouse gases, which are present in the atmosphere. These gases form a blocking layer...


Formation of Contracts: Offer and Acceptance

An offer is largely a promise that is conditional in nature. However, it is vital to mention that an offer is not mandatory because the participating party on the other side may either accept or reject it. In addition, an offer reveals or shows that the concerned party is willing...


Excess Weight Fees in Airplanes: Pros and Cons

The debate concerning the fairness of the fees for the overweight passengers using the services of airlines has been going on for years. Ever since this practiced was first introduced by the Samoa Airlines, the society has been divided into two groups: the individuals who agreed that the excess weight...


Heritage and Culture in African American Literature

Introduction The introduction of African American heritage and cultural studies in the curriculums has had a lot of support as well as disapprovals regarding the content coverage. This paper forms an analysis of the challenges and the right Trans or multi-disciplinary approaches required to contribute to growth and development of...


Gun Control: Issue, Viewpoints and Possible Solutions

Background and the Context of the US The laws that control civilian gun ownership vary in different countries, and the history of such legislation is most often connected to notorious tragedies that involve weapons. For example, the modern Canadian gun laws are the result of the massacre at the Montreal...


Fossil Fuel Consumption and Ways of Reduction

Introduction Over the years, reliance on fossil fuel has continued to rise throughout the world. While it does provide an alternative to energy production, it also poses a serious danger to the environment we live in. Drawing from a study by Frost, fossil fuel accounts for close to 85 per...


The United States Foreign Policy

The results of the World War II and the termination of the Cold War made the United States of America the world’s superpower. Foreign policy played a crucial role in gaining the stable leading position in the world and establishing the dominance in many areas. Post World War II Presidents...


The Science of Global Warming and Its Effects

Introduction Many environmentalists, scientists and researchers have been concerned about the overall changes of the earth’s climate. Many people believe that the current changes in the global climate are a result of global warming. Specifically, the planet is getting warm at a dramatic rate. Clime change is essentially the long-term...


The Early Abuse’ Impacts on Teenagers Emotional Development

Introduction The topic of the effects of early abuse on emotional development of teenagers has attracted heated debate from those who support and oppose this act. Reflectively, early abuse involves applying physical or psychological pain on a child as a disciplinary action to correct or deter a minor from engaging...

Politics & Government

Applying Utilitarian Theory to the Death Penalty

Introduction The death penalty is the harshest and most contentious punishment that can be legally meted out against criminal offenders. Due to its severity and perceived cruel nature, the death penalty is a contentious issue in modern society and people hold polarized positions on the issue. While most countries in...


Changing Ecosystems: Effects of Global Warming

Introduction Global warming has contributed significantly to increasing the earth’s overall temperatures. It has become a major problem in modern society. Over the years, innovations and technology have created convenience for humans, while at the same time posing a threat to global warming due to the emission of greenhouse gases....


Hub-and-Spoke Concept Benefits in the Transportation Sector

In recent years, the hub-and-spoke concept has found wide usage in the various modes of transportation, which operate in increasingly competitive and market-oriented environments (Hsu & Hsieh, n.d.). The hub-and-spoke concept basically denotes a system of connections and interconnections set in the same manner as the chariot wheel, whereby all...


Intermodal Transportation and Innovations

Introduction The transportation system is a crucial contributor to the economy of any country. This sector is managed privately, or the government is involved. It is argued that the transportation industry in a free market economy does little in encouraging innovations that contribute to the growth of the nation (Konings,...


The Role of Intermodal Transport in International Logistics

Introduction The world economy has expanded exponentially in the last few decades because sea transport has led to the remarkable growth of the international business. Sea transport is vital in intercontinental trade because it facilitates the movement of large volumes of goods and services. According to economists, the significance of...


Electric Cars in Short and Long-Term Perspective

In the present time, gasoline cars are cost-efficient vehicles. A petrol-fueled vehicle is a more practical solution to the immense transportation needs of the 21st century. The cost of conversion from a gasoline engine to an electric engine is high. This is the reason for the delay in adopting electric...


Intermodal Transportation: Baltimore and Philadelphia Ports

Introduction Based on research findings, the rate of population growth globally has been pushing policy makers to rethink the way services are delivered. Arguably, this has led to an increase in cargo flows throughout different ports in the world (Konings, Priemus & Nijkamp, 2008). It is for this reason that...


American Revolution History: the Boston Tea Party

Introduction The Boston Tea Party refers to a political protest organized to oppose the Tea Act that had been ratified in 1773 and that imposed what people referred to as unfair taxes on colonists in Massachusetts (Carp 34). The protest involved Sons of Liberty, an organization that had been founded...


The Cyclical Nature of the Transport Industry

Corporations that rely on the cost-effective and rapid distribution of commodities from the industries to the customers and vendors of products face capacity shortages present in the transport industry. The shortages accrue due the prevailing financial depression that forces companies to develop strategies that would ensure that they generate the...


Schools Should Teach Morals

The controversy on whether moral education should be taught in schools has escalated for years and stirred numerous debates. In support of moral education, Judd (par. 2) reasons from the context that it would enable learners to take personal responsibility for their actions and self-discipline. As students grow up, they...


Intermodalism as a Transportation Method

Intermodalism is a transportation method that is rapidly rising to become a vital component of the oceanic trade, making the role of ports within the intermodal transportation extremely significant. Even though, as a major link in the intermodal chain, ports face countless challenges, measures are in place to come up...


Intermodal Transport Definition and Conceptualization

Since its inception into mainstream logistical discourse, there have been several attempts to define and conceptualize the term intermodal transport. As a result, it has been variously used to refer to a gamut of activities involving the transportation of people or cargo (Dewitt & Clinger, 2000). In this paper, the...


Changes in East Asia after World War II

Introduction The Second World War was the most devastating and extensive war ever carried out by mankind. This war, which took place from 1939 to 1945, involved almost all nations in the world, and it led to the loss of millions of civilian and troop lives. The major outcome of...


Chinese Communist Party

Introduction Historians regard 1949 as the most significant year in Modern Chinese history. In this year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was able to defeat the ruling Kuomintang (KMT) and successfully establish the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under Chairman Mao. This victory had resounding repercussions on the lives of...


Police Brutality Debate

Some analysts observe that black Americans have never enjoyed their rights and freedoms in the United States because they have been historically experienced unprecedented police brutally, which takes the form of harassment, unwarranted arrest, incarceration, and convictions that raises their death rates. The brutality is perhaps systematic and intentional on...


Alternative Energy Sources vs Fossil Fuels

Introduction In recent years, an increasing number of countries have been relying on advances in technology to develop alternative energy sources with the view to reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The drive to develop alternative energy sources has been ignited by the high prices of oil and natural gas (Douglass,...


Legal Market for Transplant Organs

Introduction Organ transplantation is one of the most groundbreaking medical procedures available today. Through this technology, patients who in the past would have died from diseased organs are given a new lease of life by having healthy organs transplanted into their bodies. Due to the effectiveness of transplantations in restoring...

Tech & Engineering

The Apple iPhone Contribution in Cloud Computing

Abstract Innovation is essential to counter the current wave of change. Most companies are working very hard to minimise the operation cost by outsourcing cloud services. The need to reduce the cost of transaction is the reason why iPhone 6 Apple Pay is becoming more and more popular among businesses...


Building New Airports: Reasons and Aspects

Since the invention of the airplane, airports have become an integral part of modern life. Airports comprise a significant constituent of the transportation infrastructure. There are different types of airports that serve various needs on the local and international levels. The future of airport development is predetermined by the freight...


Corporal Punishment and Its Effects on Children

Punishment is discussed by psychologists and educators as one of approaches to discipline children through ceasing or preventing the undesired behaviors or through the use of negative reinforcers. In spite of the fact that different types of punishment are applied in education, corporal punishment is one of the most debatable...


Commercial Aviation and Economic Bubble

Does the article appear to be making a clear point, expecting the reader to draw a particular conclusion? If so, what is that thesis or main conclusion? The article by Thompson (2011) appears to make a valid argument on why there is no bubble in the aviation industry globally. There...


Commercial Aviation Aspects and Contributions

One of the major roles of commercial aviation is to link different people and help them reach different areas. This aspect also affects the US as well as global economy (Wensveen, 2011). As far as the US economy is concerned, people can cover significant distances within hours, which facilitates their...


Air Transportation Industry Management in the US

The economic downturn in the United States over the past few years has influenced all spheres of everyday life of the society. Most industries have experienced changes in their financial strength during the recent decade. Air transportation industry has gone under significant changes based on the outcomes of the economic...


Abraham Lincoln’s Leadership During the Civil War

Introduction When Abraham Lincoln ran for the position of the President of the United States (in 1860), the time of his election was one of the most consequential periods in American history. After his election, the Southern states did not agree with the choice of the President, thinking that he...


Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants, Its Pros and Cons

Illegal immigration is considered to be a serious problem in many countries. Recently, there has been a wave of immigration to Europe from the countries of Middle East affected by war. In the United States, a large number of unauthorized immigrants resulted in building a fence on the border with...