Free 1000 Words Essay Examples

A 1000-word essay is commonly assigned in middle and high school. A paper of 1000 words is a great way for a student to quickly demonstrate their knowledge of a particular topic. One can be assigned a 1000-word essay on political science, social studies, linguistics. The typical genres are argumentative essay, book review, assessment.

As a rule, you won’t need to conduct an in-depth analysis to write a paper of 1000 words. The keys to success are a solid outline, a clear thesis, conciseness, and originality. Check free 1000-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!

Tech & Engineering

The Use of Tablets in Classroom

Introduction Electronic learning tools have long been included in the educational process. Personal computers are used to perform laboratory and practical work not only in the subjects of the computer science cycle but also in various disciplines in almost all areas of the educational process. Together with modern demonstration tools,...


Human Trafficking in the United States

Human trafficking continues to be a significant issue of concern worldwide. Although constitutions of all countries guarantee citizens freedom, for example, in choosing what to do with their life, thousands of people fail to enjoy that autonomy because of being victims of human trafficking. Indeed, abolition of the slave trade...


Emotional Equality of Men and Women

Introduction The notion of equality between men and women is doubtful due to varied physical and emotional factors. To start with, the definition of equality is treated differently from the different genders’ perspectives. For a woman, equality is respect for her work and personal achievements, the opportunity to receive the...


The Social Movements for Human Rights

Human rights should be protected following the Constitution’s requirements. As a result, they are fundamental privileges for both communities and nations. Individuals with the ability to enjoy their human rights can associate with those of other races, religions, or traditions as long as the Constitution protects them. Human rights encompass...

1000-Word Essay FAQ

A 1000 words essay would typically be about 4 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 1000-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How many paragraphs are there in a 1000 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 10 to 11 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

It usually takes 20 to 34 minutes to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned a 1000 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 1000 words will take about 3 hours 20 minutes.

At a rough estimate, 1000 words would take up about 100 to 105 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 1000-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.


Does “Pride and Prejudice” Reinforce or Erode Sexist Stereotypes of Women?

Introduction Pride can be defined as an unreasonable and excessive estimation of one’s prowess or dominance in aspects such as wealth, talents, and beauty. On the other hand, prejudice, in this context, refers to a nonsensical and unfriendly attitude, hostile judgment, or strong aversion towards a particular gender or ethnic...


Sociology of the Black Lives Matter Movement

Introduction The Black Lives Matter movement erupted as a social movement battling police brutality in relation to innocent African-American citizens of the United States. Over the past decade, protests in multiple countries of the world, including those in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the United States, focused on sharing anti-racist assertions...


Global Health Goals and Health Disparities

Due to its fundamental worldwide tasks of developing, monitoring, and upholding international conventions and regulations, as well as organizing numerous actors toward shared goals, the World Health Organization (WHO) plays a crucial role in the global governance of health and illness. The most widely embraced, all-inclusive, and laser-focused framework for...


Environmental Concerns Regarding Water Pollution

Introduction In today’s contemporary world, environmental changes caused by pollution and human activity affect everyone globally. Climate change is the result of industrialization, technological advancement, increased world population, and the demand for mass production. As its effects become more prominent, more people take notice of the problem and seek to...


A Solution to Remedy Climate Change

Introduction Climate change is the change of climate patterns caused by human activities and greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental pollution and pollutants, also known as anthropogenic, have resulted in a 1-degree Celsius increase in temperature. If human activities persist, the temperature increase will likely increase to more than 1.5 degrees by...


Cognitive Development in Childhood

Introduction The module is devoted to analyzing the theories of cognitive development, the roles of nature and nurture, and the impact of research on education. Children accumulate the necessary for facing their needs knowledge through the process of cognitive development. Thinking is an exceptional mental process because it involves such...


Review of Ludwig Van Beethoven Life

Ludwig Van Beethoven is among the most admired composers of Western music. Beethoven was born in Bonn, and his father has promoted the boy’s musical talent since an early age. He is best known as a classical music composer, working during the Classical and Romantic eras. However, Beethoven was also...

Entertainment & Media

Fake News as a Problem of Modern Society

Thesis Fake news is socially impactful unethical problem because it misleads. Fake news is incorrect or misleading information and is presented as news. Fake news is frequently published with the intent of harming a person’s or entity’s reputation or profiting from advertising income. With the internet and social media, particularly...


Animal and Human Rights Interpersonal Comparison

Many philosophers have disagreed as non-human animal rights are concerned. Some argue that animals have no rights and are generally abused and mistreated, while other environmental ethicist recognizes the need for animal rights. The arguments are based on the fact that these animals can also feel pain just like humans....


Social Use of Music in Contemporary American Society

Music has been part of American society due to its impact on day-to-day life. It has been a tool used to address the social, political, and economic issues in America, linking the poor and the rich. Music in the United States has experienced significant transformation due to the emergence of...


The African-American Struggle for Civil Rights in Texas

Introduction With so many changes taking place over a few decades, both people and the government of Texas were no longer capable of resisting such major societal transformations as urbanization and industrialization. Thus, with the rapid development of urban centers, local activists began advocacy for quality education, temperance, corporate regulation,...

Tech & Engineering

Disparities in Education Regarding the Use of Technology

Research Problem E-government processes refer to the transformation of government processes using interactive communication tools. The Internet is an appropriate way of improving interactive communication processes among people and institutions. Disparities in students’ learning in the New York City public schools have been caused by inequitable access to learning opportunities....


Global Education in Modern Society

Learning Outcomes The workshop will be titled “Global education in modern society”. The primary goal of this program is to draw attention to this approach and explain why it is so necessary and efficient. The most significant aspect that should not be overlooked is that the audience will get a...


Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Fredrick Douglas is one of the most popular abolitionists who lived in the 19th century and is one of the fathers of the abolitionist movement. His biography titled The Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglas is one of the most popular books written by a former slave. Douglas succeeded...


Prevalence of Violence Against Women by an Intimate Partner

Thesis Statement Women have been reported to be disadvantaged in intimate relationships given that their rights are frequently violated as compared to those of men. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to provide a detailed study into the effects of violence emanating from intimate partners, to identify possible mechanisms...


Consequences of Drug Use: Physical, Psychological, Economic

Drug use has a number of negative effects for individuals on a personal level. The most apparent category in this discussion is the physical signs. Most people define and understand the effects of drugs through how they physically manifest. Although different types of drugs can affect the body in their...

Tech & Engineering

Unauthorized Access to Computer and Information

Gary McKinnon, a British citizen, is regarded in the computer software business as a ‘superhacker’. From 2001 up to 2002, Gary is believed to have infiltrated into the computers of the US Army, Air Force, Navy, and NASA. In total, Gary led to a loss that amounted to $ 700,000...


Gay Marriages: Ethical Issues

Amongst all the contentious issues of human affairs, Gay marriages are perhaps the most hotly debated subject the world over. Homosexuality has over the centuries been discriminated against in much of the Judeo-Christian world on the grounds that it is unnatural and against the nature of things as ordained by...


The Concept of Demographic Transition

Definition Demographic transition refers to a hypothesis that explains a population transformation (Long par. 1). Based on the supposition of demographic transition, a swing towards low fertility and mortality is attained in the presence of general modernization emanating from sufficient overall socio-economic progression, women empowerment, improved education, urbanization, and industrialization....


Sustainability Strategies in the UAE

Sustaining the ecosystem has become an increasing call for most countries worldwide and UAE is no exception. This paper explores UAE and how sustainability strategies are being undertaken. More concisely, the paper will explore companies and suppliers embracing sustainability. Besides, the paper will point out government initiatives such as Demand-Side...


Dallal’s “Introduction to Simple Linear Regression”

Abstract The use of linear regression is to predict a trend in data or predict the value of a variable (dependent) from the value of another variable (independent), by fitting a straight line through the data. Dallal (2000), examined how significant the linear regression equation is, how to use it...


Education of Minority Children 0-5 Years

The years before kindergarten are the most important in shaping the foundation of a child for learning purposes (Allen & Smith, 2008). According to Evangelou, Sylva, Kyriacou, Wild, and Glenny (2009), learning in children starts at birth and takes place when they are engaged, nurtured, and/or challenged in quality learning...


English as a Global Language

There are many countries in the world where English is the mother tongue. But in other countries that have their own regional languages, it is supposed to be an added qualification if a person knows how to read, writes and talk in English. In such countries parents send their children...

Entertainment & Media

The Media Technology Shapes Our Life

In this debate, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to start by disapproving the points made by the previous opponent. First, the speaker attempted to tell us that social media enhances the education system because modern students are finding it easy to access and share knowledge from a wide range...


Do We Really Need Mobile Phones?

Introduction The paper “Debate” dwells upon the benefits of the use of mobile phones. The author stresses that face-to-face communication is sometimes impossible and mobile phones help people communicate irrespective of distances. The writer provides two major arguments in favor of the use of mobile phones. One of the arguments...

Tech & Engineering

Information Systems: Types, Encryption, Intrusion Detection

Introduction Information refers to data that has undergone a series of processing steps and become meaningful facts and conclusions in a given context processed from available data. The system refers to the various groups of interdependent items that interact regularly in performing and accomplishing any given task. A computer-based information...


Criminal Procedure Policy: Due Process of Law and Crime Control Model

Introduction According to Mathewson (2009), the American nation has its foundation rooted in the premise of freedom for all and a justice system that seeks to empower all citizens and safeguard their interests. In addition, it is alleged that the American Constitution applies to every individual within the United States...


Capture of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Carbon dioxide refers to a chemical compound that occurs naturally and which is made up of two atoms of oxygen that are covalently bonded to one carbon atom, thus its chemical formula CO2. At standard pressure and temperature, carbon dioxide exists as a gas whose concentration level in the air...


Overview on Human Body Systems Functions

Cardiovascular system The function of the organ system is to ensure that the body has an effective transport of nutrients, oxygen, hormones, carbon dioxide, blood cells, drug materials, electrolytes, and waste materials from one place to another (Russ, Fagan & Sunthareswaran 2006). The major function is to provide the body...


Strategies for Safeguarding Egypt’s Nile River from Pollution

Description of river Nile River Nile is the largest river in the world. River Nile covers a total distance of 6,625 kilometers and runs through the Sahara desert. Lake Victoria is considered the primary source of River Nile. Other secondary water catchments areas of river Nile include the Ethiopia, Eritrea,...


Various Steps Involved in the Digital Image

Introduction The research paper endeavors to explore the various steps involved in the digital image processing procedure. The first procedure of the digital image processing entails the use of a device to capture the image. Thereafter, the process of acquiring the digital image is executed. The steps of image enhancement,...


Cyber Age, Internet Privacy and Ethics

Introduction In present society, almost every aspect of an individual’s life is tied to or dependent on computer information systems. Day-to-day activities for individuals are contracted with some level of interaction on cyberspace. Such interactions consist and revolve around extracting information and sending information. These activities are sensitive and call...

Tech & Engineering

International Project Management

Introduction Project managers are trained professionals who work in the field of project management. Their main duty is to ensure that the planning, execution, and closing of various projects, thus project managers are very common and often work in fields such as construction industry, engineering, and many other sectors of...


Computer Sciences Technology. Risks to an Organization

Introduction The Federal Security Management Act (FISMA) initiate was aimed at providing detailed machinery and guidelines to be followed to ensure that there was effectiveness in risk management processes through reporting on a security compliance with a set on internal controls. The act contains clauses that seek to protect information,...


O. J. Simpson Murder Case

Forensics scientists are responsible for compiling scientific evidence from a crime scene and present it during a court trial. One of the most convincing evidence in a crime scene is the presence of DNA. DNA can be retrieved from blood, saliva or hair. Perhaps one of the most publicized murder...


Search and Seizure. Legal Justifications

Introduction The constitution of the United States of America protects its citizens against unreasonable raids from the police force or the authorities. Incase a police officer wants to conduct a search he or she must be armed with a search warrant issued by the relevant authorities in this case an...


The Basic Elements of a Contract and the Stages of Negotiations

The importance of a clear understanding of various basic elements of a contract and its acquisition is very critical in the business world. This has been evident in times of dispute in any given contract. The legal of the object to a contract is very crucial. In this case, we...


Sources and Purposes of Criminal Law

Introduction Criminal law defines what actions constitute a crime. It sets the procedures used in the arrest, searches and seizures, and interrogations of persons suspected of criminal commissions and omissions. Sources of criminal law include: Common law: these are laws that are considered judge-formulated laws which originated from England during...


Modern Design of the 20th Century

Introduction The architecture design of the 20th century is characterized by the reflection of art elements peculiar to the Enlightenment of Modernity epochs. The development of design movements in the 20th century was based on the consequences of political and social revolutions. The impact of technological development resulted in the...


Insurance: General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI)

Foundation The General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI) was created in 1969 by the government of Saudi Arabia. The organization is funded through the deduction of wages of Saudi nationals and their expatriates. The charges are broken down as follows; 2% of gross wages for Occupational Hazards and 15% of...

Tech & Engineering

Website Development Plan for Furniture 4 Office Company

Business Analysis As it presently stands, Furniture 4 Offices (F4O) is a small organization with 2 full-time employees and a relatively small base of clientele. However, due to the rapid expansion of the client base, the company needs to come up with ways to improve its effectiveness. This may call...


Authority, Inspiration and Inerrancy of the Bible

Introduction The Bible is a collection of books written by different individuals that were inspired by the Holy Spirit. It offers Christians guidance, support and teaches them how to live righteous lives and avoid temptations. There are various versions of the Bible, but this does not mean that they have...


The Lost Letters of Pergamum by Dr. Bruce Longenecker

Introduction The Lost Letters of Pergamum is a book in the genre of historical fiction penned by the renowned author and professor Dr. Bruce Longenecker. It provides a fictional account of the origins of Christianity in Ancient Rome through a series of letters between Antipus, a Roman civic leader, and...


The Existence of God

The belief in the existence of God and other supernatural beings like spirits continues to evoke endless debates among scholars, critics, and staunch traditionalists. However, people will never get sufficient evidence to justify whether God or the Holy Spirit exists due to differences in human viewpoints and religious beliefs. Rene...


The Cold War: Ideological Division of the USSR and America

The Cold War represents a significant period in the world’s history that lasted for decades and had a substantial impact on the current perception of a global society. The international political arena faced a confrontation of two dominant powers of that time, the USA and the USSR. A prolonged conflict...


Why People Become Religious and Reasons for Conflict Between Religions?

Religion and human society have always been a great part of any country or nation. A person’s belief in something unexplained and higher is inseparable from a human being. One might even argue that the disbelief in any form of Higher Being is also a form of belief; it is...

Politics & Government

State as a Sovereign Lawmaking, Law Enforcement Entity

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the relationship between society and the State, their connection, and to discuss the existence of a community without laws. The government appeared only at a fairly late period of human history, in which, however, people are used to living and therefore perceive...


Fossil Fuel and Hydrogen Fuel

Introduction Hydrogen fuel in the modern days is being used as an alternative source of energy in order to overcome the recent climatic changes and create sustainable sources of energy. People are being encouraged to use more hydrogen energy so as to reduce the use of fossil fuels which cause...

Entertainment & Media

The Force Behind Star Wars: Turning Design Ideas Into Reality

Outline Science fiction is often viewed by those who don’t read it as little more than escapist literature, a means of forgetting about the cares of the real world and inventing a happier place where concerns are at least not immediately pressing on the reader. As some of our greatest...


Extreme Weather Events + Geographies of Globalization

Introduction The world is facing a number of disasters and serious problems. The issue of Climate Change specifically because of Global Warming is considered the most significant global environmental problem currently. It is a major concern and a focus of attention of people, communities, politicians, governments, businesses, scientists, environmentalists, and...


Clarke’s “The Sentinel” vs. “2001: A Space Odyssey” by Kubrick

Introduction Space exploration has provided fascinating and intriguing ideas for films, literary work, and real life. The existence of mysterious and intellectual life forms also intrigues readers and viewers alike. Both Arthur Clarke’s “the Sentinel” and Stanley Kubrick’s film “2001: A Space Odyssey” are also fascinating and intriguing art works....


Renewable vs. Coal or Nuclear-Generated Energy

Introduction The paper discusses the importance of using renewable energy rather than using the conventional methods of power generation. Currently the amount of energy used on average by the house holds constitutes to a very big amount of green house gas emissions. The use of renewable energy can greatly reduce...


Liability for Workplace Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious issue that can have a significant adverse impact on performance and well-being of the company’s employees. As such, it has been recognized as a potential cause for employer liability, as pertaining to the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964....

Entertainment & Media

The Media Influence on the Consciousness of Women

Background The modern beauty industry of the Western world exploits the particular image of a woman to promote its service. Slim and fit bodies of the models are presented in the magazines, on the TV screens, commercials, and anywhere the targeted audience is or can be present. Modern women are...


Leonardo Da Vinci: Biography, Style and Work

Introduction Leonardo da Vinci is one of the best-known artists of all time. Perhaps the most famous Renaissance figure, possessed of a broad variety of interests, he left a lasting impact on both science and art. This essay aims to highlight his most celebrated works, describe his aesthetic and explain...


Social Imagination and Same-Sex Marriage

As the Australian public has decided in favor of same-sex marriage in a nationwide survey, the deep divide in society as to the question persists. The subject, thus, is seen both as one of the “public issues of social structure,” and presenting key troubles for certain individuals, as their well-being...


Lean Game and Bullwhip Game

Lean Game Introduction The lean manufacturing process is generally defined as the business performance strategy that regulates the manufacturing stage by reducing the manufacturing wastes and improving the manufacturing process. The key problems and risks that are considered in this game are over-production, waiting time, transportation, processing, inventory, motion and...


Nontraditional Trio Student Support Services Students

History TRIO programs refer to various federal government initiatives that are created to improve the post-high school educational attainment, and, fulfillment of the economically and physically disadvantaged students. These are usually students who are not in a position to follow the rather traditional approach of joining institutions of higher learning...


“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” by Blake Edwards

Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a movie that was made in America in the year 1961. It is based on the highly popular narrative written by Truman Capote that has a similar title. Under movie director Blake Edwards, the movie was categorized under classic romantic comedy genre pooled with drama. The...


Mental Competency: Insanity in Criminal Court Cases

Generally, mental competency may refer to the capacity to comprehend the nature as well as the activity in which a person is involved. Contrarily, incompetency may refer to the loss of this capacity to make and as well act as a person, basing these on your personal decisions. The elementary...


Ethical Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists

Ethical conflicts have significantly emerged as important concerns in the process of legal dispensation particularly when it comes to the involvement of forensic psychologists. Mental health professionals as well as other psychologists have often been grossly blamed for influencing lawyers’ decisions on serious legal matters. The magnitude of politics is...


Multiculturalism in Forensic Psychology Practice

Generally, the concept of multiculturalism has always been defined based on the context of the discussion. Despite this, the influence of multiculturalism in the practice of forensic psychology can never be assumed. In the context of the US, multiculturalism remains largely as a socio-political operation or revolution that stipulates the...


The Civil Rights Movement in the United Stated of America

Introduction Bayard Rustin was one of the dissenters among African-Americans who fought roughly for the civil rights of African-Americans in the twentieth century. It is his book called ‘Down The Line: The Collected Writings Of Bayard Rustin’ that makes people understand that there were other leaders lesser-known than Martin Luther...


Doctoral Degree in Education

Factors that influence pursuing, a doctorate in education Pursuing a doctorate program in education is not an everyday effort for everyone. Only notable individuals with a desire for education do pursue this course. In this regard, an unfulfilled desire for education is a major factor that influences individuals to pursue...


Qualitative Research: Career Uncertainty in the UAE

Introduction The question of finding a job and building a career bothers millions of people worldwide (Lin, Wu & Chen 2015). Adult workers want to change their lives and observe new occupational opportunities. Still, they are challenged by a number of new ideas and develop some kind of fear of...

Politics & Government

Fraternal Social Contract

Introduction Various theories have been advanced by political scientists in their attempts to describe the best forms of governance. A number of philosophers have therefore been fore front in advocating for a number of theories through which the state can function in the governing of people. Chief among these have...


Communication Process in Conflict Management

Abstract Extensive researches and studies have been conducted on the methods, strategies, and techniques of managing conflicts in life. Some writers opt to refer to it as conflict resolution, while others call it Conflict Management. Actually there is a very thin line between these concepts. The two have quite often...


Motivation of High School Students to Complete Their Classes Successfully

Introduction Motivation can be described as a form of altering human behavior, so as to improve the attainment of set goals or the attainment of the desired character. There are two types of motivation; intrinsic and extrinsic; where intrinsic motivation is initiated by the person while extrinsic is from outside....


Psychological Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Psychological trauma affects the brain and causes irregularities in the nervous system. Psychological Trauma can be caused by accidents, natural disasters such as floods, or hearing about sudden death. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an emotional trauma as a result of an unexpected incident and nothing can be done to...


Renewable Fuels as the Best Alternative Shift

Introduction The past few decades have witnessed an interesting and consistent global encouragement for the alternative usage of bio fuels over cracked or refined petroleum. Day by day, the call for use of bio fuels in homes, automobiles, airlines as well as industries is heard louder. Government of countries investing...


Has Race Relations Improved Since the Civil War

Patterns of racial relations in American history have been punctuated with extreme racial segregation. Such relationship depicted in the manner by which the white community controls policymaking in successive administrations, the existence of deliberate formal and informal rules that discriminate against nonwhites in good-paying and prestigious occupations, the existence of...


E-Education in Multicultural Setting: The Success of Mobile Learning

Introduction The proponents of the study were able to provide a strong basis for the experiment. The research team wanted to address a sustainability issue. They highlighted the fact that mobile learning can have an impact on distance education, especially in a multicultural environment. The research question was clearly articulated...


On the Spot: Using Mobile Devices for Listening and Speaking Practice

Introduction The proponents of the study were able to provide the rationale for the experiment. They wanted to find out the experience of the students when it comes to the use of mobile devices in the context of listening and speaking the French language. They also wanted to find out...


The Impact of Mobile Learning on Student’s Learning

Introduction The introduction provided a strong underlying principle of why the experiment was initiated by the proponent of the study. It was lamented that Chinese classrooms could not create an interactive learning environment. They clarified this even further when it was reported that the lack of interactivity was a “long-standing...


The Last Truly Admired President: John F. Kennedy

The White House Author – This is a section of the White House Web site dedicated to all forty-four presidents of the Union. Objective versus Subjective Slant – As the nerve center of the Executive is the only remaining superpower, the White House has to maintain credibility. Hence, this single...


Education Case Study and Qualitative Research

Introduction Qualitative research has an important role in understanding various disciplines of this world and how they complement other forms of knowledge. The core Qualitative research methods can be described as ways to comprehend in-depth interviews of individuals and small groups, systematic field observation of their behavior and analysis of...

Entertainment & Media

The Role of Advertisement in Our Life

Introduction A memoir about the role of advertisement in our life. You know, we live in a world where we take much of the things of our daily life for granted. I include myself here until I made “a discovery” one day a couple of years ago. It was just...


Comparison of Weber’s and Marx’s Perspective on the “Conflict Theory”

Introduction A conflict theory is a theory describing the role exercised by a person or group of people to influence and control others in producing social order. Otomar and Paul (2002) say that a society functions so that each of the social individuals or groups struggle to maximize their benefits...

Tech & Engineering

Information and Security in Organizations

Before the advent of the internet, networking occurs in a closed system that exists within a particular organization (Computer Security, 2009). Under this system, a network administrator creates the username and password for the users (Computer Security, 2009). The internet, which is an open system, allows access to information even...


Families in Early Childhood Education

Open Communication Strategy is an efficient method to develop the relationship between Child’s parents and child educators. Effective early childhood education for young children is very important and it is an essential factor for both educational and social development of future generations. This method provides better opportunities for parents to...


Role of Interpersonal Communication

Introduction and Objectives The MSc dissertation is a substantial piece of original research. The length of the dissertation should be 22,000 words. The objectives of the dissertation: Enabled students to apply the knowledge and experience gained in the taught component of their MSc Programme to a topic or dissertation within...


David Hume Dialogues and Natural History of Religion

Introduction David Hume born in Edinburgh in 1711 is a philosopher of the period known as British Empiricism. He attended the University of Edinburgh and was an intellectual associate of philosophers John Locke and George Berkeley although he did not graduate. A prolific writer, Hume dealt with many areas of...


Children Play: Ingredient Needed in Children’s Learning

Introduction This literature review is to discuss the essential ingredients needed in children’s play which involves people, space, time, and resources/materials. All these stakeholders’ or ingredients plays a crucial role in molding children’s social, cognitive and language learning competence throughout their development into adults (Fromberg, 2002) People Several people are...


Legalization of Gay Marriage

Introduction Marriage is a very powerful bonding not just because it is covered by law, but also because of the very concept or institution it conveys to people (Kotulski, 2). Not just a mere ceremony, marriage is considered a right that all people including homosexuals should be given. Gay marriage...


Child Sexual Abuse in the United States

Introduction Child sexual abuse is a treacherous epidemic that eats through the layers of American society. In the United States, the number of children who get abused increases every year. Sexual abuse can have serious negative consequences on children. It can disrupt their mental peace and inflict traumas on their...


“Cathedral” the Story by Raymond Carver

Introduction Short stories have the ability to convey a great deal of information in a short space of time through careful use of literary tools such as imagery, narration and contrast. By using these tools to deliver a consistent message, writers are able to question many of our assumed knowledge...


History, Archaeology, and Bible

Introduction The account of how and why the Bible was created – and how it fits the unusual history of the people of Israel – is intimately associated with a fascinating account of modern detection. The search has focused on a tiny land, edged in on two sides by wasteland...


Symptomes, Causes and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a disease that causes psychological problems. It causes mood swings in the person who is affected. These are the common symptoms. Sometimes the person is so much depressed that he or she can not function normally, some other times he is so happy or elated that...


`The Cask of Amontillado` by Edgar Allen Poe

The Cask of Amontillado, by Edgar Allen Poe, is a story of revenge by aristocratic Montressor who decides to kill Fortunato in a deceitful cruel way to punish him for an insult. Poe weaves a mood of gloom, despondency, and grotesque into this story, by using the literary elements of...

Politics & Government

The Electoral College Should Be Abolished

Introduction In U.S. presidential elections, close races occasionally occur. The Electoral College is a mechanism, by which ties are nearly impossible, which if that should happen, the nation would have found itself in a predicament and heated controversy. This appears to be a complex solution to a simple problem, a...


US Constitution and Legal System in Business Regulation

The fundamental authority for federal regulation of business is the Constitution of the United States and most of the economic powers exercised by the federal government are contained in the commerce clause, Article I. Section 8. The clause is aimed at preventing states from establishing laws and regulations that would...


Decriminalization of Marijuana

Decriminalization of marijuana is legalizing the use of marijuana by the governing authority within stipulated laws. Legalizing Marijuana has many advantages to a State or Nation as long as it is done in a controlled manner. When backed up with relevant campaigns spelling out the short-term and long-term effects on...

Tech & Engineering

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

There is absolutely no doubt that this article forces the reader to think about the time he spends browsing endlessly through websites after websites. Throughout the article, the author shares his experiences, regarding the effects of Internet usage on his mind, with the reader. Reading through the whole material, it...


Ethics and Ethic Awareness Inventory

What Is/ Are Ethics? Ethics relates to a term that encompasses all the values and norms that demonstrate the appropriate attitude. It also focuses on the attitude that should be adopted towards people that shows respect for them. Ethics need to be adopted so as to eliminate the bad aspects...


The Effects of Child Abuse

Introduction Child abuse is the deliberate negative treatment of children; physically, psychologically or sexually. Most cases of child abuse are evident in homes while rare cases are in schools and in the society surrounding the. Child abuse is divided into three major categories that is, physical, psychological/ emotional and sexual...


Articles of Confederation 1777 and the U.S. Constitution 1787: Objective Comparison

Introduction Articles of confederation were authored by the continental congress on 15th November 1777 and ratified on March 1, 1781, with the basic purpose of giving a documented Constitution to the then United States of America. The original five paged articles of confederation consisted of detailed thirteen articles, a section...


Violence Against Native American Women

Native American women living on reservations are forced to deal with unique challenges. There is a limited number of police officers to respond to calls; jurisdictional issues are unresolved; there are no jails; the national law is not enforced. As the result, Native American women are left alone to cope...