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“The Story of a Hour” the Short Story by Kate Chopin

Introduction Kate Chopin was a prolific writer of the 19th century whose short stories usually delved upon the topic of the repression of women’s rights during a male dominated era of mankind. The Story of an Hour was written by her as a way of expressing her sentiments about the...


Affirmative Action in University

The brief background of affirmative action Affirmative action is a result of the civil rights movement of more than three decades ago. The main aim of this movement is to grant equal opportunities for minorities and women in such areas as education and employment. Because of the controversy surrounding its...


World War II: A Good War or a Just War?

Prelude “A just war” seems a contradiction in terms, apparently. A good war seems to be a phrase that is ambiguous; but to decide whether World War II is a ‘good war’ or a ‘just war’ may not be a simple exercise. The general perception is that World War II...


Abortion: Pro-life and Pro-Choice Sides of Debates

Introduction Abortion is the name for a situation in which a pregnancy is terminated before the term has been completed, thus the fetus is terminated whilst it is still inside its mother’s womb. There are two different types of abortion they are natural abortion, this is otherwise known as a...


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD) is a type of anxiety disorder that is characterized by severe emotional wounds after a traumatic experience. Sufferers of PSTD have a recurrence of memories of fear and persistent threat leaving the individual with a feeling of shattered and entirely devastated by events. This condition...

Tech & Engineering

Web and Social Media for Student Learning

Introduction The following is a brief analysis of blogs, wikis, and social networking tools. Through the internet, social networking has become one of the most influential and powerful modes of communication in the twenty-first century. With more than two billion people having access to internet and computers and the increase...

Tech & Engineering

Malicious Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities

One could argue that doing this the other way around – starting with vulnerabilities – would make better sense. Which seems best to you? Explain, and illustrate your reasoning with an example. Many works of literature focusing on risk mitigation and management in information security have been produced (Bertino, 2015)....


The Learner Log Book’s Purpose

 Instructions The purpose of the Learner’s Log Book (LLB) is to document the achievements of the learner in a central repository that will be considered as evidence on the effectiveness of the learning process. It is a ‘monitoring tool’ that e-tutors use to report on individual learners’ progress and it...

Tech & Engineering

Project Management Risks, Structures, Methods

Critically examine the accountability structures designed into your project plan. In particular, you should refer to the roles and responsibilities of the Project Manager and Project Director The project manager and project director’s major role is to ensure that the overall performance of the project is effectively undertaken; they are...


Employers’ Ethical and Criminal Responsibility

Overview In recent times, there has been an increase in scandals within the corporate environment (Friedman, 2007). There has also been a sharp decline in business values especially with regards to the manner in which employees conduct themselves within and outside the workplace. These trends have raised eyebrows as to...

Entertainment & Media

Northern Exposure: TV Genres of Medical Comedy, Drama, Dramedy

Introduction Nowadays, many medical dramas and comedies are typical of American television, and it is important to understand how Northern Exposure (1990-1995), created by Joshua Brand and John Falsey, influenced the development of not only these genres but also ‘dramedy’ in general. Northern Exposure became one of the first medical...


Energy Sources: Types and Development

Describe the major differences between renewable energy sources, fossil fuels, and nuclear power with regards to general comparable energy densities/power output, carbon footprint, and adequacy as energy sources for today’s economy. A renewable energy source is that energy source that comes from natural resources. This source of energy does not...


Marijuana Legalization and Drug Effects

Introduction Substance abuse has been a concern in most countries, especially in the US due to the negative effects of such drugs on the health of the users. Thus the governments in a bid to reduce the social costs that are associated with the use of such drugs usually enforce...


Reading Interest Inventory and Literacy Assessment

Reading Interest Inventory Grades 1–3 Do you like to read? – I like to read. Do you like being read to? – I like when my parents or my teacher read to me. What is your favorite book? – I have two favorite books. They are Tickle Monster and Fox...


“Last Chance for Man’s Best Friends” Organization’s Needs

The Organization and Its Mission The organization “Last Chance for Man’s Best Friends” aims to meet the problems of unwanted old dogs that need homes and that can further provide care to people in nursing homes and those who are hospitalized. Thus, the project will serve both dogs and people...


Learning Assessment Practices in the US

Formative and Summative Assessments In the rapidly changing landscape of educational assessments, teachers are challenged with coming up with new evaluation tools to understand how they should adjust the instruction to cater to students’ needs. Formative assessments are defined as tools teachers in the classroom use for collecting and using...


The Fair Work Australia Decision for Minimum Work Hours

Introduction The decision by Fare Work Australia (FWA) to lower the minimum working shift for school students from 3 hours to 1.5 hours has been met with mixed feelings by the students themselves, the retail industry, and the unions. The research paper is an endeavor to explore why employer associations...


Sex Trafficking and Sexual Slavery Problems

Introduction Sex trafficking is a social problem affecting millions of victims. Every day hundreds of women and children fall victim to sexual exploitation for profit without an adequate response from the international community and legal enforcement of local legislation, thus becoming a problem of international dimension. According to the Victims...


Design-Based Research in Learning Environments

Defining Learning Environments Learning environments are crucial for both students and teachers. The concept of a learning environment comprises different physical locations, cultures, and contexts that determine how the teaching is provided and how students learn. Physical environments include the placement of furniture and equipment in a way that empowers...


Public Relations, Law and Ethics

Introduction The need for professionals to understand both law and ethics cannot be understated. Law is an indicator of belief systems, values and norms. Ethical factors for Public Relations combine the significance of law wielded together with ethics and other important components in an effort to address not only liabilities...


Racism Against Afro and Latino Americans in the US

African Americans Discussing racial questions and the issue of racial discrimination, people are inclined to associate these problems with ‘black’ and ‘white’ races. This association is a result of significant historical and social processes. Thus, African Americans constitute one of the oldest and largest minority groups in the USA. The...


The Issue of Global Poverty

The distribution of resources within the global community is unequal, and this situation causes the development of poverty around the world. Global poverty is the problem that is discussed in relation to the poor categories of people over the world in spite of the country’s status. However, it is important...


Treaty of Waitangi Translation and Effects for Maori

Introduction Fenton and Moon argue that the Maori translation of the Waitangi Treaty by Anglican Missionary, Henry Williams is ambiguous and obscure. The translation was meant to deceive the Maori chiefs into signing the fake document by their colonials, the British Crown. The Maori who are the indigenous people of...


Meanings in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

The Parable of the Cave, which is also known as the Allegory of the Cave, is an allegory used by a Greek philosopher Plato in his work, the Republic. In his work, he illustrates our nature in education where he uses fiction and dialogue of his teacher Socrates and his...


The 10 Principles of Photography

Capture Relative Size Topic The Animal Kingdom – Primates: Smallest Primate How The tiny monkey is demonstrated relative to a human finger, enabling the student to visualize the relative size of the monkey. Why The perspective of the tiny primate’s size is enhanced by the visual comparison of size. The...


Technology and Social Change from Sociological Perspectives

Introduction Technology This refers to all aspects (machines, skills and knowledge) that are used by people to make life easier and better. This means that technology refers to material and non-material aspects that make human life to continue despite the challenges that people face in the society (Jordan, 2014). Social...


Human Rights and Its Meanings

Introduction If you go out to the streets and ask different people what it means to have human rights, you are likely to get a wide range of answers. Human rights are defined as “rights that belong to an individual as a consequence of being human” (“Human Rights”). This concept...